POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

Will Trump tone down the rhetoric now?

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BIPAT QUOTE ( The purpose of rallies is to win elections) & then you insult me, did he not win his election? thought he was the president, is he running for some thing else? king maybe?
Holy shit

Do you know there is an election this November? Moron

Do you know Trump is not an elected king? Moron.

Do you know how this country works? Moron.
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I dare the sissy so called journalists to tone down their lies and farts and reduce their continuing circus antics. "I believe Dr. Ford" "Don't you believe?" Believe a scam?
Tone it down?

Did you see him last night his rally
President Trump hugged a pastor and a rabbi and gave one of the best speeches condemning anti semitism from any President and so his tone was just perfect!
Yeah his tone is perfect reading from a script written for him BUT sooner or later he opens his GD yapper and his unity bullshit goes out the window
For instance?
WTF does he bash after calling for unity?? The media ? The leaders of the Dem party? Does the pos bash the gun lobby Did the garbage have the decency ANY OTHER leader of our country would have, to call on those who bombs were delivered to and wish them and their families safety
Tone it down?

Did you see him last night his rally
President Trump hugged a pastor and a rabbi and gave one of the best speeches condemning anti semitism from any President and so his tone was just perfect!
Yeah his tone is perfect reading from a script written for him BUT sooner or later he opens his GD yapper and his unity bullshit goes out the window
For instance?
WTF does he bash after calling for unity?? The media ? The leaders of the Dem party? Does the pos bash the gun lobby Did the garbage have the decency ANY OTHER leader of our country would have, to call on those who bombs were delivered to and wish them and their families safety
Nothing happened to them, moron.

Did you know that the post office stopped some bombs from being delivered to your house? No? You didn’t know that? Why not?
Tone it down?

Did you see him last night his rally
President Trump hugged a pastor and a rabbi and gave one of the best speeches condemning anti semitism from any President and so his tone was just perfect!
Yeah his tone is perfect reading from a script written for him BUT sooner or later he opens his GD yapper and his unity bullshit goes out the window
For instance?
WTF does he bash after calling for unity?? The media ? The leaders of the Dem party? Does the pos bash the gun lobby Did the garbage have the decency ANY OTHER leader of our country would have, to call on those who bombs were delivered to and wish them and their families safety
Nothing happened to them, moron.

Did you know that the post office stopped some bombs from being delivered to your house? No? You didn’t know that? Why not?
No matter what Trump does, the snowflakes will claim there is something he didn't do that he should have done.
Tone it down?

Did you see him last night his rally
President Trump hugged a pastor and a rabbi and gave one of the best speeches condemning anti semitism from any President and so his tone was just perfect!
Yeah his tone is perfect reading from a script written for him BUT sooner or later he opens his GD yapper and his unity bullshit goes out the window
For instance?
WTF does he bash after calling for unity?? The media ? The leaders of the Dem party? Does the pos bash the gun lobby Did the garbage have the decency ANY OTHER leader of our country would have, to call on those who bombs were delivered to and wish them and their families safety
The gun lobby had nothing to do with those fake bombs.
lets all agree to disagree and lets all tone it down
AZ I agree full well in what you say but when the person in the WH tones it up calling everyone but the kitchen sink liars it's not easy ,,hard to have that %$#$%$# just get away with it
lets all agree to disagree and lets all tone it down
AZ I agree full well in what you say but when the person in the WH tones it up calling everyone but the kitchen sink liars it's not easy ,,hard to have that %$#$%$# just get away with it[/Q
lets all agree to disagree and lets all tone it down
AZ I agree full well in what you say but when the person in the WH tones it up calling everyone but the kitchen sink liars it's not easy ,,hard to have that %$#$%$# just get away with it
Marcy Pittman
You can't list anything, obviously.
Correct. Nothing that you could fathom. You said it yourself.

We're in complete agreement.
Hmmmm, wrong, you really mean just plain nothing. You're running away from the question. Who do you think you're fooling?
No one. I'm agreeing with you.

If agreeing with you is foolish, so be it.
You're weaseling, just like a typical leftwinger.
I've never had a person get so pissy with me for agreeing with them.

Okay, thanks.

Hey Mac,
Just curious, in your socialism by degrees, when does the government ever say we have enough power and it is time to stop? Also, I know you hate any right leaning media, but do you believe the democrat argument than any disagreement with CNN or MSNBC is an act of violence? I guess I'm just a winger for believing it is okay to call out democrats.
So we have the MAGA Bomber attacking two former Presidents, a former Vice President, a former Secretary of State, A media outlet, and various other prominant Americans that Trump has called out as enemies

We have the Kroger shooter ...a white right wing racist executing elderly black folks

And Bowers killing 11 people in a house of worship and shooting 4 law enforcement officers...

And Trump says a few kind words..and ratchets UP the rhetoric blaming all of this on Democrats.

People we need to vote out the enablers of this.

We need to make a change
So we have the MAGA Bomber attacking two former Presidents, a former Vice President, a former Secretary of State, A media outlet, and various other prominant Americans that Trump has called out as enemies

We have the Kroger shooter ...a white right wing racist executing elderly black folks

And Bowers killing 11 people in a house of worship and shooting 4 law enforcement officers...

And Trump says a few kind words..and ratchets UP the rhetoric blaming all of this on Democrats.

People we need to vote out the enablers of this.

We need to make a change

That is, by far, one of the most twisted comments I have ever read - even from a clearly butthurt Snowflake.
You think just like him, my country but none of my business what my president does. interesting mind set.
What did Trump do that deserves to be condemned? Nothing that I can fathom.
I know.
You can't list anything, obviously.
Correct. Nothing that you could fathom. You said it yourself.

We're in complete agreement.
Mac hates the way he breathes ... In and out and in and out and in and out and....

Funny, I could have said that about you talk radio righties and Obama.
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Correct. Nothing that you could fathom. You said it yourself.

We're in complete agreement.
Hmmmm, wrong, you really mean just plain nothing. You're running away from the question. Who do you think you're fooling?
No one. I'm agreeing with you.

If agreeing with you is foolish, so be it.
You're weaseling, just like a typical leftwinger.
I've never had a person get so pissy with me for agreeing with them.

Okay, thanks.

Hey Mac,
Just curious, in your socialism by degrees, when does the government ever say we have enough power and it is time to stop? Also, I know you hate any right leaning media, but do you believe the democrat argument than any disagreement with CNN or MSNBC is an act of violence? I guess I'm just a winger for believing it is okay to call out democrats.
Government says "we have enough power and it is time to stop" when those who have won elections - elected officials - say it. So that is entirely up to us. If the government is continuing to get too big - "socialism by degrees" - that's only because that's what the electorate wants. If the Right really wants less government, I can only say that running around screaming SOCIALISM is no longer going to work. The word no longer scares people. You'll need to do better and come up with a more thoughtful approach.

I don't "hate" anyone. But to your question, the notion that "any disagreement with CNN or MSNBC is an act of violence" would be another example of the ridiculous hyperbole that is ruining our political discourse - which includes calling any criticism "hate", by the way. By both ends. I haven't seen that said, but given where things are now, it wouldn't surprise me.

And calling out Democrats is perfectly fine. The question is how it is done. There's more than one way to do it, but since Trump and his supporters appear to think that behaving like petulant 12-year old boys is proper, and that there's just no other way to do it, that's up to them. It really is possible to say intelligent, tactical, effective things in a more dignified manner, but it's clear Trump just doesn't have that capacity.
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What did Trump do that deserves to be condemned? Nothing that I can fathom.
I know.
You can't list anything, obviously.
Correct. Nothing that you could fathom. You said it yourself.

We're in complete agreement.
Mac hates the way he breathes ... In and out and in and out and in and out and....

Funny, I could have said that about you talk radio righties and Obama.
You have...
Obama and the Democrats finally came out of the closet to show their disdain for the Average American voter.

Barack Obama said on April 6, 2008, “They get bitter, and they cling to guns or religion.”

Michelle said this on February 18, 2008; “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country.”

Remember Gruber repeatedly stating how they thought the average voter is STUPID and how they count on their stupidity to get away with what they do?!

And of course from the queen of hate, the empress of divisiveness, Hillary Clinton, on September 9, 2016, we got this: "You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables."

Maxine Waters openly called for an end to civility and respect and called instead for hostile harassment of opposing politicians.

Hillary openly publicly called for an end to civility, for an increase in violent intolerance, and an increase in violence ... AFTER such violent partisan rhetoric inspired the attempted assassination of GOP politicians resulting in R-Scalise being shot.

Continuing to wallow in denial and pointing fingers will only continue to ensure the lack of civility and increase in violence that have called for.
Hmmmm, wrong, you really mean just plain nothing. You're running away from the question. Who do you think you're fooling?
No one. I'm agreeing with you.

If agreeing with you is foolish, so be it.
You're weaseling, just like a typical leftwinger.
I've never had a person get so pissy with me for agreeing with them.

Okay, thanks.

Hey Mac,
Just curious, in your socialism by degrees, when does the government ever say we have enough power and it is time to stop? Also, I know you hate any right leaning media, but do you believe the democrat argument than any disagreement with CNN or MSNBC is an act of violence? I guess I'm just a winger for believing it is okay to call out democrats.
Government says "we have enough power and it is time to stop" when those who have won elections - elected officials - say it. So that is entirely up to us. If the government is continuing to get too big - "socialism by degrees" - that's only because that's what the electorate wants. If the Right really wants less government, I can only say that running around screaming SOCIALISM is no longer going to work. The word no longer scares people. You'll need to do better and come up with a more thoughtful approach.

I don't "hate" anyone. But to your question, the notion that "any disagreement with CNN or MSNBC is an act of violence" would be another example of the ridiculous hyperbole that is ruining our political discourse - which includes calling any criticism "hate", by the way. By both ends. I haven't seen that said, but given where things are now, it wouldn't surprise me.

And calling out Democrats is perfectly fine. The question is how it is done. There's more than one way to do it, but since Trump and his supporters appear to think that behaving like petulant 12-year old boys is proper, and that there's just no other way to do it, that's up to them. It really is possible to say intelligent, tactical, effective things in a more dignified manner, but it's clear Trump just doesn't have that capacity.

That is a horrifying view of government expansion. The government can offer perks for power and expand to the nth degree. It is already happening, and this is not a thoughtful and beneficial expansion. As for being nice and dignified, why should he handle the people who have been out to destroy him at a 90% negative rate with kid gloves? Especially with all of the anonymous sources and outright lies, and the attacks on his wife and young son. Being tough with a vicious opponent in no way justifies the acts of lunacy and anything it takes to win mentality by the left and their elected officials. As many have pointed out, Trump is one of the few who dared disagree with the mainstream media, and they have been trying unsuccessfully to destroy him from the beginning.
No one. I'm agreeing with you.

If agreeing with you is foolish, so be it.
You're weaseling, just like a typical leftwinger.
I've never had a person get so pissy with me for agreeing with them.

Okay, thanks.

Hey Mac,
Just curious, in your socialism by degrees, when does the government ever say we have enough power and it is time to stop? Also, I know you hate any right leaning media, but do you believe the democrat argument than any disagreement with CNN or MSNBC is an act of violence? I guess I'm just a winger for believing it is okay to call out democrats.
Government says "we have enough power and it is time to stop" when those who have won elections - elected officials - say it. So that is entirely up to us. If the government is continuing to get too big - "socialism by degrees" - that's only because that's what the electorate wants. If the Right really wants less government, I can only say that running around screaming SOCIALISM is no longer going to work. The word no longer scares people. You'll need to do better and come up with a more thoughtful approach.

I don't "hate" anyone. But to your question, the notion that "any disagreement with CNN or MSNBC is an act of violence" would be another example of the ridiculous hyperbole that is ruining our political discourse - which includes calling any criticism "hate", by the way. By both ends. I haven't seen that said, but given where things are now, it wouldn't surprise me.

And calling out Democrats is perfectly fine. The question is how it is done. There's more than one way to do it, but since Trump and his supporters appear to think that behaving like petulant 12-year old boys is proper, and that there's just no other way to do it, that's up to them. It really is possible to say intelligent, tactical, effective things in a more dignified manner, but it's clear Trump just doesn't have that capacity.

That is a horrifying view of government expansion. The government can offer perks for power and expand to the nth degree. It is already happening, and this is not a thoughtful and beneficial expansion. As for being nice and dignified, why should he handle the people who have been out to destroy him at a 90% negative rate with kid gloves? Especially with all of the anonymous sources and outright lies, and the attacks on his wife and young son. Being tough with a vicious opponent in no way justifies the acts of lunacy and anything it takes to win mentality by the left and their elected officials. As many have pointed out, Trump is one of the few who dared disagree with the mainstream media, and they have been trying unsuccessfully to destroy him from the beginning.
As I said, how you approach it is up to you. If you think Trump's approach is the only way, great.

But if you're horrified, then it's up to you and the Right to effectively communicate your opinions and change minds. That's what elections are for.

My two cents: Screaming SOCIALISM, attacking people, insulting people, mocking people - probably not the best idea. That's just me.

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