President Trump hits back at China with tariffs

Our economy and cost of living is not a true comparison.........We are losing industries and the jobs with it............

Those industries produced good paying jobs for America.........It is sooooo funny that you now argue against what Trade UNIONS have been saying for a long time..............And I'm not a big supporter of Unions...................What I do support is the UNITED STATES.........NOT CHINA.
Dude you actually ARE a big supporter of unions now. Well, unions in the U.S. industries that Trump hasn't gone to war with like tech and manufacturing.
Baloney....................just because I agree with them on the abuses of UNFAIR TRADE with China doesn't mean we are going to be partying......

Trade wars against 3rd world countries are not in our best interest. When was the last time you walked into a Wal Mart and started demanding that they raise their prices?
/——/ Now that the tariffs have been announced, the United States should work with other nations to develop coordinated responses to unfair trade in these products. Trump has only begun to fight back. Obozo never did.
"Unfair trade" = we profit too much off of this communist country's cheap shit

We are at full employment, and our average household earns $70,000 more than a Chinese household does. So you decide to raise the cost of living here with liberal tariffs, in the hopes of bridging the income gap between us and China? Are you lost on how stupid that sounds?
We are losing our employment in decent paying jobs...........Sorry we don't build the Middle Class back up here working at McDonalds............
McDonald's is not a middle class job anymore because of how we've advanced technologically and economically. If Trump piles on more liberal economic policy, it might be again. At the cost of killing production and innovation in this country. Is that acceptable to you?
What is NOT ACCEPTABLE is allowing a foreign power to screw us................

To wipe our industries off the map....................while they grow economically and militarily ..............They are not our friends why would I want them to Grow and thrive when they are possibly a threat to us one day.......

They are already a threat to their neighboring countries.................

They ARE CONDUCTING TRADE ABUSES.........I have even put the dang Congressional Report on it................

Are you obsessed with their CHEAP products that you would screw us in the process.
I do not want us to emulate China. It's shocking that despite hating them so much, you want to.

If China ever passes us it will be because they have 700 million more people than we do, and they started dropping the trade practices they're using. Until then, don't screw American workers because you want to bring back jobs that were made obsolete here decades ago.
Oh so suddenly all our LABOR laws WOULD DIE....................You need a grip on reality.........

That is are losing the argument and providing no dang evidence......................

It is UNFAIR trade with China................and we as a NATION have every right to fight back.
This is Hilarious............arguing with the left over trying to save jobs that there own side in the Unions agrees with......

He would allow China to have exponential growth at our expense...........He ignores that the rest of the world is challenging them also.........I posted examples from many countries.........

LOL.............boogles the mind.

Amazing isn't it?
Our economy and cost of living is not a true comparison.........We are losing industries and the jobs with it............

Those industries produced good paying jobs for America.........It is sooooo funny that you now argue against what Trade UNIONS have been saying for a long time..............And I'm not a big supporter of Unions...................What I do support is the UNITED STATES.........NOT CHINA.
Dude you actually ARE a big supporter of unions now. Well, unions in the U.S. industries that Trump hasn't gone to war with like tech and manufacturing.
Baloney....................just because I agree with them on the abuses of UNFAIR TRADE with China doesn't mean we are going to be partying......

Trade wars against 3rd world countries are not in our best interest. When was the last time you walked into a Wal Mart and started demanding that they raise their prices?
Coming from a person who wants MORE TAXATION................LOL

Who wants more REGULATIONS..............which the companies add too the cost of their products................

Your side drives prices so dang high in places like California that you NEED ILLEGALS to replace the people there HAULING avoid the bloated costs of living there...................

Your side is so good................that you freaking destroyed places like Detroit.........that's not good enough lets finish off other cities and let CHINA ABUSE THE SYSTEM.
Morons unite. The dear leader leads his lemmings over the cliff. The only question is how many hundreds of thousands of American jobs will be lost.

They're gone already. How about trying something to bring them back. Will it work? Maybe/maybe not. But if you follow blindly what's been done before then you lose LONG TERM!!!

Now if you have something to actually add rather than ridiculous nonsense then do so.

Point 1: what HAS occurred has failed American jobs. Refute that at your leisure.

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Morons unite. The dear leader leads his lemmings over the cliff. The only question is how many hundreds of thousands of American jobs will be lost.

They're gone already. How about trying something to bring them back. Will it work? Maybe/maybe not. But if you follow blindly what's been done before then you lose LONG TERM!!!Now do you have something to actually add rather than ridiculous nonsense then do so.
Point 1: what HAS occurred has failed American jobs. Refute that at your leisure.Greg

Morons unite. The dear leader leads his lemmings over the cliff. The only question is how many hundreds of thousands of American jobs will be lost.

They're gone already. How about trying something to bring them back. Will it work? Maybe/maybe not. But if you follow blindly what's been done before then you lose LONG TERM!!!Now do you have something to actually add rather than ridiculous nonsense then do so.
Point 1: what HAS occurred has failed American jobs. Refute that at your leisure.Greg

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It ain't made of rock. lol. You can use the one from Paris.


Morons unite. The dear leader leads his lemmings over the cliff. The only question is how many hundreds of thousands of American jobs will be lost.
/——/ We dropped our pants for China for decades, it’s about time we had a president who stood up for America
Yeah. Those fuckers better raise their prices and start charging us more, or we'll FORCE them to! :mad:
/——-/ We sell very few cars to the Chinks because they add a $35,000 tariff to each one. And you’re ok with one sided deals as long as it hurts America.
Yeah we need big gubmint to punish us the way China punishes their citizens so we can't afford nice things! Go MAGA!!!
China is the fastest growing economy in the world............they still have that growth at nearly 7% while we struggle for 3%...........They have ABUSED the rest of the world for their gains since joining the WTO...............They are a STATE RUN ECONOMY........and SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ALLOWED INTO THE WTO.

There is a laundry list of abuses....

China is NOT OUR FRIEND.........they threaten their Islands in what is known as International waters........and you would give them even more advantages because you HATE TRUMP.

Our Gov't, BOTH PARTIES, have allowed the American people to get screwed since 2001 on this issue. And it's way past time we fought back. While the media and shrill posters yell DAMN YOU TRUMP...........other Nations in the world are fighting back with similar messages and anti dumping measures..............I don't hear you saying squat about them.....................

China threatens its neighbors? Lol many countries we have invaded , how many regimes we toppled ?
The Dow is down 500 points in reaction to China's retaliation to Trump's tariffs.

"Trade wars are easy to win."

What a rube.


China swiftly retaliated against to the Trump administration’s latest proposed penalties on Chinese goods, announcing 25% tariffs on critical American exports, including soybeans, airplanes and autos.

China’s cabinet, the State Council, said Wednesday that the tariffs will cover 106 categories of products and affect $50 billion of Chinese imports of U.S. products. The tariff rate and the sum of goods targeted match the proposal unveiled by the Trump administration Tuesday to punish Beijing for what it says are unfair practices to acquire American technology.​

China Threatens U.S. Cars, Planes and Soy in Response to Trump
Those industries produced good paying jobs for America.........It is sooooo funny that you now argue against what Trade UNIONS have been saying for a long time..............And I'm not a big supporter of Unions...................What I do support is the UNITED STATES.........NOT CHINA.

And it's funny that so many so-called "conservatives" today are now arguing for higher taxes (tariffs) and restriction of commerce, capitalism and freedom (trade wars, tariffs) that conservatives used to condemn and the left and unions advocated for decades.
The Dow is down 500 points in reaction to China's retaliation to Trump's tariffs.

"Trade wars are easy to win."

What a rube.


China swiftly retaliated against to the Trump administration’s latest proposed penalties on Chinese goods, announcing 25% tariffs on critical American exports, including soybeans, airplanes and autos.

China’s cabinet, the State Council, said Wednesday that the tariffs will cover 106 categories of products and affect $50 billion of Chinese imports of U.S. products. The tariff rate and the sum of goods targeted match the proposal unveiled by the Trump administration Tuesday to punish Beijing for what it says are unfair practices to acquire American technology.​

China Threatens U.S. Cars, Planes and Soy in Response to Trump
/——— / Progs bash Trump for standing up to the Chinkes but never offer an alternative to protecting US interest.
"We are not in a trade war with China, that war was lost many years ago by the foolish, or incompetent, people who represented the U.S. Now we have a Trade Deficit of $500 Billion a year, with Intellectual Property Theft of another $300 Billion. We cannot let this continue!" - President Trump
"We are not in a trade war with China, that war was lost many years ago by the foolish, or incompetent, people who represented the U.S. Now we have a Trade Deficit of $500 Billion a year, with Intellectual Property Theft of another $300 Billion. We cannot let this continue!" - President Trump
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: China tariffs amount to 0.3% of US GDP. Sorry libtards, the Chinks retaliation ain’t no big thang.

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