President Trump hits back at China with tariffs

Their domestic consumption and middle class wages have not reached a point where they can rely on national consumption to keep their economy afloat. They began the transition about 5 years ago as direct government investment began to taper and manufacturing aimed at domestic consumption throttled up. The numbers are steadily climbing and it won't be long. When that time comes the rest of the planet better watch out.
No country is an island but they see the US of the 50s and 60s and want that level of independence created via domestic consumption and manufacture. In the interim, they need trade and they need our dollars to continue their ~6% growth/yr.
Look for them to come to the table with some real solutions. They need our fat Walmart shoppers just as bad as we need their cheap plastic shit.
As with Trump...this is but a blip on the radar...big change is coming.
Chinese steel is so cheap that products have been sold below their cost of production.
So you want the U.S. to start selling at a loss like China? :cuckoo:
/——-/ Uh no. Slap tariffs on Chink steel to give US steel makers a fighting chance.
We buy a negligible amount of steel from China. Trump exempted all of our biggest steel competitors from tariffs.
/——-/ Another Know Nothing Libtard.
China is selling a lot of steel to third countries, which then process the steel into products sold into the United States.
These countries then export products made with Chinese steel, at unfair prices, to the United States.
Tariffs on steel, aluminum are long overdue
And Trump exempted them. NEXT
Chinese steel is so cheap that products have been sold below their cost of production.
So you want the U.S. to start selling at a loss like China? :cuckoo:

So you love MONOPOLY..................They become the only producer as they WIPE out all COMPETITION.........and then bend your ass over for letting them do it.

Tell me how allowing Monopolies is Free Market Capitalism.................Tell me how banning beef sales there is Free Trade..............

I guess you love cheap products so much that you would finish off the American jobs to buy cheap Chinese crap.
China is not the only producer of anything. They are not a monopoly on anything. They are not a country to envy, and you are wrong to try turning us into them.
So they are the fastest growing economy in the world because of PIXIE DUST.....

Not that they are abusing the WTO and Trade principles......................LOL

You would screw the rest of the American workers for your you liked the TPP you could screw even more.
Chinese steel is so cheap that products have been sold below their cost of production.
So you want the U.S. to start selling at a loss like China? :cuckoo:
/——-/ Uh no. Slap tariffs on Chink steel to give US steel makers a fighting chance.
We buy a negligible amount of steel from China. Trump exempted all of our biggest steel competitors from tariffs.
/——-/ Another Know Nothing Libtard.
China is selling a lot of steel to third countries, which then process the steel into products sold into the United States.
These countries then export products made with Chinese steel, at unfair prices, to the United States.
Tariffs on steel, aluminum are long overdue
And Trump exempted them. NEXT
/——/ Now that the tariffs have been announced, the United States should work with other nations to develop coordinated responses to unfair trade in these products. Trump has only begun to fight back. Obozo never did.
Charted: How China turned the global steel industry upside down in just 15 years

Chinese steel is so cheap that products have been sold below their cost of production. Steel prices plummeted, dropping 39% in the US in the fourth quarter alone.

Even amid concerns about overcapacity and falling prices, China’s steel production hit a record high in March.

Meanwhile, factories in the UK and in Mexico laid off thousands and half of the steel workers in Germany marched to protest China’s dumping. US Steel is firing 25% of its salaried employees.

/——/ Liberals love it when the ChiComs hurt the US market. Liberals love their slavery labor too.

Is there anyone more pathetic than the one supporting the government controlling the economy calling someone else a liberal?

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So you want the U.S. to start selling at a loss like China? :cuckoo:
/——-/ Uh no. Slap tariffs on Chink steel to give US steel makers a fighting chance.
We buy a negligible amount of steel from China. Trump exempted all of our biggest steel competitors from tariffs.
/——-/ Another Know Nothing Libtard.
China is selling a lot of steel to third countries, which then process the steel into products sold into the United States.
These countries then export products made with Chinese steel, at unfair prices, to the United States.
Tariffs on steel, aluminum are long overdue
And Trump exempted them. NEXT
/——/ Now that the tariffs have been announced, the United States should work with other nations to develop coordinated responses to unfair trade in these products. Trump has only begun to fight back. Obozo never did.
"Unfair trade" = we profit too much off of this communist country's cheap shit

We are at full employment, and our average household earns $70,000 more than a Chinese household does. So you decide to raise the cost of living here with liberal tariffs, in the hopes of bridging the income gap between us and China? Are you lost on how stupid that sounds?
So they are the fastest growing economy in the world because of PIXIE DUST.....
They are the fastest growing economy in the world because they abuse their people with massive liberal interventions in the market.
So we should allow the rest of our businesses and jobs to get screwed because they abuse their people............That's just PLAIN STUPID.

Which part of they have been screwing us for the last 15 years don't you get.

Which part of the rest of the world is fighting them also don't you get.

If you are so in LOVE with the CHINESE people then MOVE THERE. And SAVE THE DAY......Our responsibility is to OUR PEOPLE not the Chinese......
/——-/ Uh no. Slap tariffs on Chink steel to give US steel makers a fighting chance.
We buy a negligible amount of steel from China. Trump exempted all of our biggest steel competitors from tariffs.
/——-/ Another Know Nothing Libtard.
China is selling a lot of steel to third countries, which then process the steel into products sold into the United States.
These countries then export products made with Chinese steel, at unfair prices, to the United States.
Tariffs on steel, aluminum are long overdue
And Trump exempted them. NEXT
/——/ Now that the tariffs have been announced, the United States should work with other nations to develop coordinated responses to unfair trade in these products. Trump has only begun to fight back. Obozo never did.
"Unfair trade" = we profit too much off of this communist country's cheap shit

We are at full employment, and our average household earns $70,000 more than a Chinese household does. So you decide to raise the cost of living here with liberal tariffs, in the hopes of bridging the income gap between us and China? Are you lost on how stupid that sounds?
We are losing our employment in decent paying jobs...........Sorry we don't build the Middle Class back up here working at McDonalds............
So they are the fastest growing economy in the world because of PIXIE DUST.....
They are the fastest growing economy in the world because they abuse their people with massive liberal interventions in the market.
So we should allow the rest of our businesses and jobs to get screwed because they abuse their people............That's just PLAIN STUPID.

Which part of they have been screwing us for the last 15 years don't you get.

Which part of the rest of the world is fighting them also don't you get.

If you are so in LOVE with the CHINESE people then MOVE THERE. And SAVE THE DAY......Our responsibility is to OUR PEOPLE not the Chinese......
Our businesses and jobs are thriving! Look at the market before Trump decided to enact communist trade policies! We are at full employment! Our people make waaaaaaay more than the poor schlubs in China! So you decide now's the time to enact liberal trade policy?! After all the years it took to recover the economy?!
So they are the fastest growing economy in the world because of PIXIE DUST.....
They are the fastest growing economy in the world because they abuse their people with massive liberal interventions in the market.
So we should allow the rest of our businesses and jobs to get screwed because they abuse their people............That's just PLAIN STUPID.

Which part of they have been screwing us for the last 15 years don't you get.

Which part of the rest of the world is fighting them also don't you get.

If you are so in LOVE with the CHINESE people then MOVE THERE. And SAVE THE DAY......Our responsibility is to OUR PEOPLE not the Chinese......
Our businesses and jobs are thriving! Look at the market before Trump decided to enact communist trade policies! We are at full employment! Our people make waaaaaaay more than the poor schlubs in China! So you decide now's the time to enact liberal trade policy?! After all the years it took to recover the economy?!
Our economy and cost of living is not a true comparison.........We are losing industries and the jobs with it............

Those industries produced good paying jobs for America.........It is sooooo funny that you now argue against what Trade UNIONS have been saying for a long time..............And I'm not a big supporter of Unions...................What I do support is the UNITED STATES.........NOT CHINA.
We buy a negligible amount of steel from China. Trump exempted all of our biggest steel competitors from tariffs.
/——-/ Another Know Nothing Libtard.
China is selling a lot of steel to third countries, which then process the steel into products sold into the United States.
These countries then export products made with Chinese steel, at unfair prices, to the United States.
Tariffs on steel, aluminum are long overdue
And Trump exempted them. NEXT
/——/ Now that the tariffs have been announced, the United States should work with other nations to develop coordinated responses to unfair trade in these products. Trump has only begun to fight back. Obozo never did.
"Unfair trade" = we profit too much off of this communist country's cheap shit

We are at full employment, and our average household earns $70,000 more than a Chinese household does. So you decide to raise the cost of living here with liberal tariffs, in the hopes of bridging the income gap between us and China? Are you lost on how stupid that sounds?
We are losing our employment in decent paying jobs...........Sorry we don't build the Middle Class back up here working at McDonalds............
McDonald's is not a middle class job anymore because of how we've advanced technologically and economically. If Trump piles on more liberal economic policy, it might be again. At the cost of killing production and innovation in this country. Is that acceptable to you?
So they are the fastest growing economy in the world because of PIXIE DUST.....
They are the fastest growing economy in the world because they abuse their people with massive liberal interventions in the market.
So we should allow the rest of our businesses and jobs to get screwed because they abuse their people............That's just PLAIN STUPID.

Which part of they have been screwing us for the last 15 years don't you get.

Which part of the rest of the world is fighting them also don't you get.

If you are so in LOVE with the CHINESE people then MOVE THERE. And SAVE THE DAY......Our responsibility is to OUR PEOPLE not the Chinese......
Our businesses and jobs are thriving! Look at the market before Trump decided to enact communist trade policies! We are at full employment! Our people make waaaaaaay more than the poor schlubs in China! So you decide now's the time to enact liberal trade policy?! After all the years it took to recover the economy?!
Our economy and cost of living is not a true comparison.........We are losing industries and the jobs with it............

Those industries produced good paying jobs for America.........It is sooooo funny that you now argue against what Trade UNIONS have been saying for a long time..............And I'm not a big supporter of Unions...................What I do support is the UNITED STATES.........NOT CHINA.

the jobs are going because American businesses off-shored so they could pay people 10 cents an hour instead of real wages. they are also gone because of automation. nothing is going to bring back the jobs that were automated. and idiot orange boy starting a trade war is only going to make our goods more expensive and STILL won't bring jobs to the US

perhaps trump ijits should listen to the people who actually know what they're talking about instead of a moron who filed bankruptcy repeatedly
Our economy and cost of living is not a true comparison.........We are losing industries and the jobs with it............

Those industries produced good paying jobs for America.........It is sooooo funny that you now argue against what Trade UNIONS have been saying for a long time..............And I'm not a big supporter of Unions...................What I do support is the UNITED STATES.........NOT CHINA.
Dude you actually ARE a big supporter of unions now. Well, unions in the U.S. industries that Trump hasn't gone to war with like tech and manufacturing.
/——-/ Another Know Nothing Libtard.
China is selling a lot of steel to third countries, which then process the steel into products sold into the United States.
These countries then export products made with Chinese steel, at unfair prices, to the United States.
Tariffs on steel, aluminum are long overdue
And Trump exempted them. NEXT
/——/ Now that the tariffs have been announced, the United States should work with other nations to develop coordinated responses to unfair trade in these products. Trump has only begun to fight back. Obozo never did.
"Unfair trade" = we profit too much off of this communist country's cheap shit

We are at full employment, and our average household earns $70,000 more than a Chinese household does. So you decide to raise the cost of living here with liberal tariffs, in the hopes of bridging the income gap between us and China? Are you lost on how stupid that sounds?
We are losing our employment in decent paying jobs...........Sorry we don't build the Middle Class back up here working at McDonalds............
McDonald's is not a middle class job anymore because of how we've advanced technologically and economically. If Trump piles on more liberal economic policy, it might be again. At the cost of killing production and innovation in this country. Is that acceptable to you?
What is NOT ACCEPTABLE is allowing a foreign power to screw us................

To wipe our industries off the map....................while they grow economically and militarily ..............They are not our friends why would I want them to Grow and thrive when they are possibly a threat to us one day.......

They are already a threat to their neighboring countries.................

They ARE CONDUCTING TRADE ABUSES.........I have even put the dang Congressional Report on it................

Are you obsessed with their CHEAP products that you would screw us in the process.
So they are the fastest growing economy in the world because of PIXIE DUST.....
They are the fastest growing economy in the world because they abuse their people with massive liberal interventions in the market.
So we should allow the rest of our businesses and jobs to get screwed because they abuse their people............That's just PLAIN STUPID.

Which part of they have been screwing us for the last 15 years don't you get.

Which part of the rest of the world is fighting them also don't you get.

If you are so in LOVE with the CHINESE people then MOVE THERE. And SAVE THE DAY......Our responsibility is to OUR PEOPLE not the Chinese......
Our businesses and jobs are thriving! Look at the market before Trump decided to enact communist trade policies! We are at full employment! Our people make waaaaaaay more than the poor schlubs in China! So you decide now's the time to enact liberal trade policy?! After all the years it took to recover the economy?!
Our economy and cost of living is not a true comparison.........We are losing industries and the jobs with it............

Those industries produced good paying jobs for America.........It is sooooo funny that you now argue against what Trade UNIONS have been saying for a long time..............And I'm not a big supporter of Unions...................What I do support is the UNITED STATES.........NOT CHINA.

the jobs are going because American businesses off-shored so they could pay people 10 cents an hour instead of real wages. they are also gone because of automation. nothing is going to bring back the jobs that were automated.
Not with that attitude. Once we're selling steel dirt cheap with sweatshop style labor, then we'll REALLY be winning!
Our economy and cost of living is not a true comparison.........We are losing industries and the jobs with it............

Those industries produced good paying jobs for America.........It is sooooo funny that you now argue against what Trade UNIONS have been saying for a long time..............And I'm not a big supporter of Unions...................What I do support is the UNITED STATES.........NOT CHINA.
Dude you actually ARE a big supporter of unions now. Well, unions in the U.S. industries that Trump hasn't gone to war with like tech and manufacturing.
Baloney....................just because I agree with them on the abuses of UNFAIR TRADE with China doesn't mean we are going to be partying......

And Trump exempted them. NEXT
/——/ Now that the tariffs have been announced, the United States should work with other nations to develop coordinated responses to unfair trade in these products. Trump has only begun to fight back. Obozo never did.
"Unfair trade" = we profit too much off of this communist country's cheap shit

We are at full employment, and our average household earns $70,000 more than a Chinese household does. So you decide to raise the cost of living here with liberal tariffs, in the hopes of bridging the income gap between us and China? Are you lost on how stupid that sounds?
We are losing our employment in decent paying jobs...........Sorry we don't build the Middle Class back up here working at McDonalds............
McDonald's is not a middle class job anymore because of how we've advanced technologically and economically. If Trump piles on more liberal economic policy, it might be again. At the cost of killing production and innovation in this country. Is that acceptable to you?
What is NOT ACCEPTABLE is allowing a foreign power to screw us................

To wipe our industries off the map....................while they grow economically and militarily ..............They are not our friends why would I want them to Grow and thrive when they are possibly a threat to us one day.......

They are already a threat to their neighboring countries.................

They ARE CONDUCTING TRADE ABUSES.........I have even put the dang Congressional Report on it................

Are you obsessed with their CHEAP products that you would screw us in the process.
I do not want us to emulate China. It's shocking that despite hating them so much, you want to.

If China ever passes us it will be because they have 700 million more people than we do, and they started dropping the trade practices they're using. Until then, don't screw American workers because you want to bring back jobs that were made obsolete here decades ago.
This is Hilarious............arguing with the left over trying to save jobs that there own side in the Unions agrees with......

He would allow China to have exponential growth at our expense...........He ignores that the rest of the world is challenging them also.........I posted examples from many countries.........

LOL.............boogles the mind.

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