President Trump hits back at China with tariffs

/——/ We dropped our pants for China for decades, it’s about time we had a president who stood up for America
Yeah. Those fuckers better raise their prices and start charging us more, or we'll FORCE them to! :mad:
/——-/ We sell very few cars to the Chinks because they add a $35,000 tariff to each one. And you’re ok with one sided deals as long as it hurts America.
Yeah we need big gubmint to punish us the way China punishes their citizens so we can't afford nice things! Go MAGA!!!
China is the fastest growing economy in the world............they still have that growth at nearly 7% while we struggle for 3%...........They have ABUSED the rest of the world for their gains since joining the WTO...............They are a STATE RUN ECONOMY........and SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ALLOWED INTO THE WTO.

There is a laundry list of abuses....

China is NOT OUR FRIEND.........they threaten their Islands in what is known as International waters........and you would give them even more advantages because you HATE TRUMP.

Our Gov't, BOTH PARTIES, have allowed the American people to get screwed since 2001 on this issue. And it's way past time we fought back. While the media and shrill posters yell DAMN YOU TRUMP...........other Nations in the world are fighting back with similar messages and anti dumping measures..............I don't hear you saying squat about them.....................

China threatens its neighbors? Lol many countries we have invaded , how many regimes we toppled ?

Apart from Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, none. Mainly because Venezuela was a failure and in Syria they didn't try that hard......
"We are not in a trade war with China, that war was lost many years ago by the foolish, or incompetent, people who represented the U.S. Now we have a Trade Deficit of $500 Billion a year, with Intellectual Property Theft of another $300 Billion. We cannot let this continue!" - President Trump

And with this trade deficit what? Is the US getting poorer because of it?

Right now in China people are getting richer and richer by the day. Companies that are exposing their trademarks to the new rich there, are companies that could be making a killing in the next fifty years.

If American companies aren't there, other companies will be there.

China will be changing. Right now it's a manufacturing country. In 20 years time wages will be too high to make it profitable, and China will be doing what the US has been doing, using the US as a source of cheap labor.

Awesome Hit Back China Make the Trump Gimp Farm States squeal with Pain...stoock Market in Melt down mode ...nice work Orange Idiot

China Hits Back on Tariffs
April 4, 2018
“China said it would levy an additional 25 percent tariff on imports of 106 U.S. products including soybeans, automobiles, chemicals and aircraft, in response to proposed American duties on its high-tech goods,” Bloomberg reports.

“Matching the scale of proposed U.S. tariffs announced the previous day, the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing said the charges will apply to around $50 billion of U.S. imports. Officials signaled that the implementation of the proposed measures will depend on when the U.S. applies its own after a period of public consultation.”

Playbook: “This could completely dwarf the good news Republicans have celebrated from tax reform and screw up their strategy to use it as the GOP’s main selling point in the midterms.”

CNBC: Stock futures plunged “as concerns over a potential trade war between the U.S. and China intensified.”
"US stock and crop futures tumble after China's announcement of tariffs in response to Trump administration's newly imposed duties on imports of aluminum and steel"

Awesome Hit Back China Make the Trump Gimp Farm States squeal with Pain...stoock Market in Melt down mode ...nice work Orange Idiot

China Hits Back on Tariffs
April 4, 2018
“China said it would levy an additional 25 percent tariff on imports of 106 U.S. products including soybeans, automobiles, chemicals and aircraft, in response to proposed American duties on its high-tech goods,” Bloomberg reports.

“Matching the scale of proposed U.S. tariffs announced the previous day, the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing said the charges will apply to around $50 billion of U.S. imports. Officials signaled that the implementation of the proposed measures will depend on when the U.S. applies its own after a period of public consultation.”

Playbook: “This could completely dwarf the good news Republicans have celebrated from tax reform and screw up their strategy to use it as the GOP’s main selling point in the midterms.”

CNBC: Stock futures plunged “as concerns over a potential trade war between the U.S. and China intensified.”

They've targeted the goods Trump supporters make too...
The Dow is down 500 points in reaction to China's retaliation to Trump's tariffs.

"Trade wars are easy to win."

What a rube.


China swiftly retaliated against to the Trump administration’s latest proposed penalties on Chinese goods, announcing 25% tariffs on critical American exports, including soybeans, airplanes and autos.

China’s cabinet, the State Council, said Wednesday that the tariffs will cover 106 categories of products and affect $50 billion of Chinese imports of U.S. products. The tariff rate and the sum of goods targeted match the proposal unveiled by the Trump administration Tuesday to punish Beijing for what it says are unfair practices to acquire American technology.​

China Threatens U.S. Cars, Planes and Soy in Response to Trump
/——— / Progs bash Trump for standing up to the Chinkes but never offer an alternative to protecting US interest.

Don’t elect a “fucking moron” who thinks “trade wars are easy” is a start.
The Dow is down 500 points in reaction to China's retaliation to Trump's tariffs.

"Trade wars are easy to win."

What a rube.


China swiftly retaliated against to the Trump administration’s latest proposed penalties on Chinese goods, announcing 25% tariffs on critical American exports, including soybeans, airplanes and autos.

China’s cabinet, the State Council, said Wednesday that the tariffs will cover 106 categories of products and affect $50 billion of Chinese imports of U.S. products. The tariff rate and the sum of goods targeted match the proposal unveiled by the Trump administration Tuesday to punish Beijing for what it says are unfair practices to acquire American technology.​

China Threatens U.S. Cars, Planes and Soy in Response to Trump
/——— / Progs bash Trump for standing up to the Chinkes but never offer an alternative to protecting US interest.

Don’t elect a “fucking moron” who thinks “trade wars are easy” is a start.
Donna Brazille just hit the nail on the head. "We have to get our ducks in line" response to question from Bartiromo concerning the China trade war hysteria. What more needs to be said?
The Dow is down 500 points in reaction to China's retaliation to Trump's tariffs.

"Trade wars are easy to win."

What a rube.


China swiftly retaliated against to the Trump administration’s latest proposed penalties on Chinese goods, announcing 25% tariffs on critical American exports, including soybeans, airplanes and autos.

China’s cabinet, the State Council, said Wednesday that the tariffs will cover 106 categories of products and affect $50 billion of Chinese imports of U.S. products. The tariff rate and the sum of goods targeted match the proposal unveiled by the Trump administration Tuesday to punish Beijing for what it says are unfair practices to acquire American technology.​

China Threatens U.S. Cars, Planes and Soy in Response to Trump
/——— / Progs bash Trump for standing up to the Chinkes but never offer an alternative to protecting US interest.

"protecting US interest"?

We are this month tied for the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country, we have near record low unemployment, we HAD record highs in all the financial markets, wages are (were) growing the fastest since the recession....

What the hell do we need protection from? Clearly something was working pretty damn well.
The Dow is down 500 points in reaction to China's retaliation to Trump's tariffs.

"Trade wars are easy to win."

What a rube.


China swiftly retaliated against to the Trump administration’s latest proposed penalties on Chinese goods, announcing 25% tariffs on critical American exports, including soybeans, airplanes and autos.

China’s cabinet, the State Council, said Wednesday that the tariffs will cover 106 categories of products and affect $50 billion of Chinese imports of U.S. products. The tariff rate and the sum of goods targeted match the proposal unveiled by the Trump administration Tuesday to punish Beijing for what it says are unfair practices to acquire American technology.​

China Threatens U.S. Cars, Planes and Soy in Response to Trump
/——— / Progs bash Trump for standing up to the Chinkes but never offer an alternative to protecting US interest.

Don’t elect a “fucking moron” who thinks “trade wars are easy” is a start.
The Dimensions of the Disaster that Putin has visited on us with his Orange Pet are just now becoming clear....
The Dow is down 500 points in reaction to China's retaliation to Trump's tariffs.

"Trade wars are easy to win."

What a rube.


China swiftly retaliated against to the Trump administration’s latest proposed penalties on Chinese goods, announcing 25% tariffs on critical American exports, including soybeans, airplanes and autos.

China’s cabinet, the State Council, said Wednesday that the tariffs will cover 106 categories of products and affect $50 billion of Chinese imports of U.S. products. The tariff rate and the sum of goods targeted match the proposal unveiled by the Trump administration Tuesday to punish Beijing for what it says are unfair practices to acquire American technology.​

China Threatens U.S. Cars, Planes and Soy in Response to Trump
/——— / Progs bash Trump for standing up to the Chinkes but never offer an alternative to protecting US interest.

Don’t elect a “fucking moron” who thinks “trade wars are easy” is a start.
The Dimensions of the Disaster that Putin has visited on us with his Orange Pet are just now becoming clear....
/———-/ Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha pooooooor buttsore. Ask mommy to change your stinky diaper Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
The Dow is down 500 points in reaction to China's retaliation to Trump's tariffs.

"Trade wars are easy to win."

What a rube.


China swiftly retaliated against to the Trump administration’s latest proposed penalties on Chinese goods, announcing 25% tariffs on critical American exports, including soybeans, airplanes and autos.

China’s cabinet, the State Council, said Wednesday that the tariffs will cover 106 categories of products and affect $50 billion of Chinese imports of U.S. products. The tariff rate and the sum of goods targeted match the proposal unveiled by the Trump administration Tuesday to punish Beijing for what it says are unfair practices to acquire American technology.​

China Threatens U.S. Cars, Planes and Soy in Response to Trump
/——— / Progs bash Trump for standing up to the Chinkes but never offer an alternative to protecting US interest.

Don’t elect a “fucking moron” who thinks “trade wars are easy” is a start.
The Dimensions of the Disaster that Putin has visited on us with his Orange Pet are just now becoming clear....
/———-/ Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha pooooooor buttsore. Ask mommy to change your stinky diaper Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Source: The Mercury News

FlashBack: March 8, 2018 at 11:46 am

"Will Trump’s tariffs launch a trade war?"

The Dow is down 500 points in reaction to China's retaliation to Trump's tariffs.

"Trade wars are easy to win."

What a rube.


China swiftly retaliated against to the Trump administration’s latest proposed penalties on Chinese goods, announcing 25% tariffs on critical American exports, including soybeans, airplanes and autos.

China’s cabinet, the State Council, said Wednesday that the tariffs will cover 106 categories of products and affect $50 billion of Chinese imports of U.S. products. The tariff rate and the sum of goods targeted match the proposal unveiled by the Trump administration Tuesday to punish Beijing for what it says are unfair practices to acquire American technology.​

China Threatens U.S. Cars, Planes and Soy in Response to Trump
/——— / Progs bash Trump for standing up to the Chinkes but never offer an alternative to protecting US interest.

Don’t elect a “fucking moron” who thinks “trade wars are easy” is a start.
The Dimensions of the Disaster that Putin has visited on us with his Orange Pet are just now becoming clear....
/———-/ Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha pooooooor buttsore. Ask mommy to change your stinky diaper Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Source: The Mercury News

FlashBack: March 8, 2018 at 11:46 am

"Will Trump’s tariffs launch a trade war?"

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: China tariffs amount to 0.3% of US GDP. A nothing burger
/——— / Progs bash Trump for standing up to the Chinkes but never offer an alternative to protecting US interest.

Don’t elect a “fucking moron” who thinks “trade wars are easy” is a start.
The Dimensions of the Disaster that Putin has visited on us with his Orange Pet are just now becoming clear....
/———-/ Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha pooooooor buttsore. Ask mommy to change your stinky diaper Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Source: The Mercury News

FlashBack: March 8, 2018 at 11:46 am

"Will Trump’s tariffs launch a trade war?"

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: China tariffs amount to 0.3% of US GDP. A nothing burger

You keep posting that like it has some significance.

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