Zone1 Protestants who have been to Catholic churches - Catholics who have been to Protestant churches

I am .....

  • a Protestant who has been to Catholic churches

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • a Catholic who has been to Protestant churches

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • neither

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Gold Member
May 29, 2023
@ Protestants who have been to Catholic churches - Catholics who have been to Protestant churches

How did you feel there?
I'm a Protestant who's been to a Catholic church. All that stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel, sit down, kneel, stand up was tiring.

But their fish fries and spaghetti dinners are pretty awesome, and they do take an active stand against abortion.

I am a Catholic who has been to Protestant churches​

It was OK - but i missed the colourful decorations a bit
@ Protestants who have been to Catholic churches - Catholics who have been to Protestant churches

How did you feel there?
I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are not an offshoot of the Catholic Church as Protestants are. We are a restored Church of Jesus Christ's church in the days he was on the earth up until the transliteration of John the Revelator who is still tarrying today. I spent 16 years teaching at a Catholic high school and attended many masses. The people were always great people. Some of their messages in their sermons were very good advice as well. However, the ordinances they performed with the sacraments I felt no evidence of the Holy Ghost in the church. Raising their voices and ringing bells at certain times took away the spirit as well as the ordinance prayers as well. But, the experience that the kids had is good for them anyways. Developing any level of faith in Jesus Christ is important.
I've also been to many protestant churches as well. Pretty much the same feelings as at a Catholic mass. However, from different protestant churches, their messages were quite different from church to church. All over the place.
@ Protestants who have been to Catholic churches - Catholics who have been to Protestant churches

How did you feel there?

My in-laws are Catholic. I always feel welcome until it comes time for Communion. I am a born again Christian who claim Christ as my Savior. Jesus accepts me, but the Catholic Church does not, at their table. I find that strange and off-putting, but am respectful about it when I go.
Jesus accepts me, but the Catholic Church does not, at their table. I find that strange and off-putting, but am respectful about it when I go.
As a Catholic, I say: I really regret that the Catholic Church is so strict in this point.
I have been to the Holy Communion, as we say, in Anglican churches, where everybody is welcome to it, who has been baptized - or christened.

I think the Catholic Church should go about it in the same way.
As a Catholic, I say: I really regret that the Catholic Church is so strict in this point.
I have been to the Holy Communion, as we say, in Anglican churches, where everybody is welcome to it, who has been baptized - or christened.

I think the Catholic Church should go about it in the same way.
I saw non-Catholics allowed to take their sacraments during the 16 years I taught at a Catholic high school.
In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Sacrament is for renewal of our baptismal covenant remembering Christ’s atonement. So, it’s really for members. But, we don’t stop anyone from taking it. Won’t do much for them until they are baptized. If it helps them come to baptism then great. Much like we have our children take the sacrament even though they aren’t baptized until the age of accountability at age 8.
I used to be Catholic and only had one experience being at a Protestant service. It was when my cousin got married. I thought it was odd that the minister was a woman. I was still relatively young (late teens) and hadn't realized that this was common in Protestant churches. I thought the mass was kind of...sterile. Catholic churches and masses are filled with art (statues and stained glass) and rituals. The Protestant mass was bland in comparison.
I used to be Catholic and only had one experience being at a Protestant service. It was when my cousin got married. I thought it was odd that the minister was a woman. I was still relatively young (late teens) and hadn't realized that this was common in Protestant churches. I thought the mass was kind of...sterile. Catholic churches and masses are filled with art (statues and stained glass) and rituals. The Protestant mass was bland in comparison.
I hear this a lot in our Church too (LDS). However, I’ve not missed Sunday Sacrament Meetings and other meetings we have each week except for illness for 46 years. I came from Judaism which has lots of entertainment in their Sabbath meetings too. Here is why I’m still active with Church:
1. Entertainment emotion is not Spiritual emotion. It’s the counterfeit to the Spirit of God.
2. The more I go, the more of the big picture I see and understand.
3. I tend to forget things as time goes on. Each Sunday, I’m reminded and re-learning important information.
4. I get to renew my Baptismal and Temple covenants every week with the Sacrament.
5. I get to give thanks for Jesus Christ’s atonement which is the reason for Sunday meetings.
6. I let my children and grandchildren know it’s important and be a good example that I know Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.
7. I get to assist others by working my lay work.
8. I get to help build the Kingdom of God on the earth and in heaven with Family History and Temple work.

That’s a start. It’s not about you being entertained and bored. If you are bored, you need to change our stinkin thinkin.
Jesus accepts me, but the Catholic Church does not, at their table.
Do you believe the Holy Eucharist is the actual body and blood of Christ? By receiving communion in the Catholic faith, you would be saying, "I believe this is the actual body and blood of Christ." People who do not hold this belief are equally as welcome to come forward to receive a blessing.

It's not that the Catholic Church does not accept you at our is that you don't accept what is on our table as the actual body and blood of Christ.

I am a Catholic who has been to Protestant churches​

It was OK - but i missed the colourful decorations a bit
and the Real Presence... which you may not have been consciously aware of but was there (I'm sure) just the same

Jesus did not abandon His ... what looks like His Church.. it's just that the Vatican is not Catholic, hasn't been since 1958.. but maybe you've read my threads/posts and so.... whatever
I hear this a lot in our Church too (LDS). However, I’ve not missed Sunday Sacrament Meetings and other meetings we have each week except for illness for 46 years. I came from Judaism which has lots of entertainment in their Sabbath meetings too. Here is why I’m still active with Church:
1. Entertainment emotion is not Spiritual emotion. It’s the counterfeit to the Spirit of God.
2. The more I go, the more of the big picture I see and understand.
3. I tend to forget things as time goes on. Each Sunday, I’m reminded and re-learning important information.
4. I get to renew my Baptismal and Temple covenants every week with the Sacrament.
5. I get to give thanks for Jesus Christ’s atonement which is the reason for Sunday meetings.
6. I let my children and grandchildren know it’s important and be a good example that I know Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.
7. I get to assist others by working my lay work.
8. I get to help build the Kingdom of God on the earth and in heaven with Family History and Temple work.

That’s a start. It’s not about you being entertained and bored. If you are bored, you need to change our stinkin thinkin.
I'm an atheist now so I guess it's a moot point. I value the good, the beautiful, and the true. I did back then too, though I didn't think of it in those terms. These things have value and psychological benefits. The current cultural degradation hits all three of these things and I don't think it's an accident.
I'm an atheist now so I guess it's a moot point. I value the good, the beautiful, and the true. I did back then too, though I didn't think of it in those terms. These things have value and psychological benefits. The current cultural degradation hits all three of these things and I don't think it's an accident.
Why is it a moot point? We can feed the Spirit or feed the Belly. Atheists are only feeding the Belly so they loose connection with the Spirit. To change that, feed the Spirit by the eight things I listed more than feeding the Belly.
Why is it a moot point? We can feed the Spirit or feed the Belly. Atheists are only feeding the Belly so they loose connection with the Spirit. To change that, feed the Spirit by the eight things I listed more than feeding the Belly.
Jesus never existed so your points don't matter.
I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are not an offshoot of the Catholic Church as Protestants are. We are a restored Church of Jesus Christ's church in the days he was on the earth up until the transliteration of John the Revelator who is still tarrying today. I spent 16 years teaching at a Catholic high school and attended many masses. The people were always great people. Some of their messages in their sermons were very good advice as well. However, the ordinances they performed with the sacraments I felt no evidence of the Holy Ghost in the church. Raising their voices and ringing bells at certain times took away the spirit as well as the ordinance prayers as well. But, the experience that the kids had is good for them anyways. Developing any level of faith in Jesus Christ is important.
I've also been to many protestant churches as well. Pretty much the same feelings as at a Catholic mass. However, from different protestant churches, their messages were quite different from church to church. All over the place.
LDS church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Mormonism Articles please read those articles. Youre in a cult. Your soul depends on getting right with God.
Do you believe the Holy Eucharist is the actual body and blood of Christ? By receiving communion in the Catholic faith, you would be saying, "I believe this is the actual body and blood of Christ." People who do not hold this belief are equally as welcome to come forward to receive a blessing.

It's not that the Catholic Church does not accept you at our is that you don't accept what is on our table as the actual body and blood of Christ.
According to Canon Law, Catholics are supposed to worship the Eucharist with "supreme adoration. Yes, The Eucharist? The Roman Catholic church teaches the bread and wine at the last supper are actually Jesus’ body and blood for the forgiveness of sin before he went to the cross in Jn.6; or Mt.26. If this is true then there would have need no need for Jesus to actually be crucified. Which is really the point of Biblical communion, to remind us of what HE did ON the cross that actually saved us who believe (not a ceremony the church institutes).

They instead make this ceremony far more than to remember Jesus’ crucifixion. They claim (based on what Jesus did) the bread and wine really becomes Jesus by the priests blessing, it is his body and blood that they hold in their hands. Yet the blood is not in the body as it was in the real Jesus, which was the whole point of Him truly being human being.

"I myself Am the Living Bread come down from Heaven" (Jn 6:35).
Jn.6 is not the Passover. Jesus said when He was present among man that He is the living bread (referring to the Word of God in Deut. 8:3 that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD.(mt.4:4)

The Catholic Church reverses it, the bread is now Jesus come from heaven.

So they have continual incarnations of Christ all over the world in a piece of bread! Let’s pause and think this through. Catholics want us to believe Jesus is incarnating all over the world everyday in bread and juice. Where did Jesus say he would return in bread or juice, He was the one who broke the bread and handed to the others. Did they really think it was His body they ate and drank?

The Roman Eucharist is not only a Sacrament, but a SACRIFICE accomplished in the Mass. It is considered act of religious worship that we can perform. They believe Christ has left this treasure to his Church, yet it is produced in bakery’s. The very act is rendered by the priest so the mass continues the sacrifice of the Cross, which the Bible says is finished, it was once for all.

How repulsive is this act? After pronouncing the words of Consecration, the Priest elevates and adores the wafer. Even claiming the Elevation reminds us of Christ's being raised up on the Cross. After the Elevation, the Priest, extends his hands, says a number of prayers in silence and makes the sign of the cross. The priest offers the Eucharistic Prayer in the first person plural, for example, "Therefore, O Lord, we humbly implore you…"
On the wafer is the cross, do they believe Jesus allows men to mark on his body?
Thomas asked to see the scars, this cannot be proven from the Bible to be Jesus body

This is the epitome of idolatry. This is an antichrist teaching, because it denies the incarnation taking place ONCE, And Jesus comes back in the same body He resurrected in, not in between as a billion wafers.

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