Racism: The Last Refuge of Us All?

Slavery was probably the worst idea ever, because now we're stuck with these people.


So slavery was a "bad idea" - not because it was an injustice of epic proportions that treated hundreds of thousands of human beings as animals, but because now you're stuck having to coexist alongside black people.


Slavery was clearly greed motivated, you don't bring Blacks in your backyard, and even have children with them as slaves as a "Racist" but rather as a "Greedy Capitalist"

No it wasnt, it was no different then say owining a iPhone today, everyone had one it made life easier.


More like having a Black slave was akin to having a Mexican illegal working for you, both are for cheap labor.
But you don't have to BUY HOUSE FEED AND CLOTHE a Mexican! Slavery just ruined blacks from becoming useful members of society rather than perpetual leeches!
Slavery was probably the worst idea ever, because now we're stuck with these people.
Ahh..but America would still be a
backward developing nation without the wealth generated by slavery.

My goodness, how did Germany, and Japan become wealthy technological super-powers without being involved in the Atlantic Slave Trade?
Neither are as wealthy and as much a super power as the United States.... no other place on earth is!
Slavery was probably the worst idea ever, because now we're stuck with these people.


So slavery was a "bad idea" - not because it was an injustice of epic proportions that treated hundreds of thousands of human beings as animals, but because now you're stuck having to coexist alongside black people.


Slavery was clearly greed motivated, you don't bring Blacks in your backyard, and even have children with them as slaves as a "Racist" but rather as a "Greedy Capitalist"

No it wasnt, it was no different then say owining a iPhone today, everyone had one it made life easier.


More like having a Black slave was akin to having a Mexican illegal working for you, both are for cheap labor.
But you don't have to BUY HOUSE FEED AND CLOTHE a Mexican! Slavery just ruined blacks from becoming useful members of society rather than perpetual leeches!
Leeches are supposed to suck things dry...Blacks are being sucked dry so they can't be leeches. You've sucked away their dignity, their ancient histories, the wealth generated by their labor and their autonomy as a people. Yet they rise!
Slavery was probably the worst idea ever, because now we're stuck with these people.
Ahh..but America would still be a
backward developing nation without the wealth generated by slavery.

The Industrial Revolution generated modern wealth, rather than Slavery, as production increased, wealth was amassed, which lead to increasing wages to lure in skilled workers, and in return limited the need for slavery.

Now prove that Britain at the time of the Industrial Revolution had depended on Slavery to produce such a feat?

This would be a hard task to prove, because the data supports that Britain only had a tiny fraction of it's economy dependent on slavery at the time of the Industrial Revolution.
No nation on earth has as much wealth as the United States... not even Britain . Slavery is still the core origin of that wealth...
Slavery was probably the worst idea ever, because now we're stuck with these people.
Worse is that they are stuck with people like YOU. That is really a nightmare... you could be their doctor, their lawyer or maybe the guy preparing their food in a restaurant... the horror is knowing millions of people like you are out there just waiting to strike when you think no one is watching!
Racism: The Last Refuge of Us All?

We’ve all heard Samuel Johnson’s famous adage about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel, but I’ve always believed it’s racism that’s the last refuge of a scoundrel. Race is what you cling to when you have no meaningful achievements of your own to display. It’s a safe space for the unaccomplished. That’s why there’s been such an explosion of racism on the left, especially among some of its less successful demographic groups. When you have nothing to offer, or when you just don’t want to make the effort to be successful or productive, well…at least you have your skin. And the left has proved to be expert at making everything about skin. With so many layabouts, welfare cases, entitlement whores, and blame shifters among the masses, leftist intellectuals in politics, the media, and academia gain lots of traction by continually reassuring certain constituencies, “Hey, man, your skin color makes you special! Your skin color makes you deserving!”


The new racism of the left is an alarming development, but in hindsight, it was inevitable that the Democrat Party's politics of division would lead to this.

There is really nothing new about it. Racism is the foundation of the democratic party. Andrew Jackson along with Aaron Burr (Convicted traitor) founded the democratic party. The main plank for Jackson was the eradication of Indians. Burr sought that as well, along with his plan to overthrow the government and establish a dictatorship. Honestly, Burr had identical goals to the democrats today.

Later the democrats started a civil war so that the could continue to keep people as slaves based on the color of their skin.

Literally the ONLY thing that has changed with the democrats is that they now hate people with white skin, instead of people with black skin. The democrats themselves are no different at all., still racist traitors who seek to crush the constitutional republic in favor of a totalitarian dictatorship.

LOL- another Contard who is saying that the party of all races is racist- and the party of white people is lily white pure of racism.

Another Contard saying that these are all the racists

But these people can't be racists


So slavery was a "bad idea" - not because it was an injustice of epic proportions that treated hundreds of thousands of human beings as animals, but because now you're stuck having to coexist alongside black people.


Slavery was clearly greed motivated, you don't bring Blacks in your backyard, and even have children with them as slaves as a "Racist" but rather as a "Greedy Capitalist"

No it wasnt, it was no different then say owining a iPhone today, everyone had one it made life easier.


More like having a Black slave was akin to having a Mexican illegal working for you, both are for cheap labor.
But you don't have to BUY HOUSE FEED AND CLOTHE a Mexican! Slavery just ruined blacks from becoming useful members of society rather than perpetual leeches!
Leeches are supposed to suck things dry...Blacks are being sucked dry so they can't be leeches. You've sucked away their dignity, their ancient histories, the wealth generated by their labor and their autonomy as a people. Yet they rise!
Yes, blacks have had their honor stolen. They can only earn back their honor though hard work and self-reliance. Therefore we should eliminate all forms of govt aide not tied to temporary layoffs or disability or old age retirement.
Slavery was clearly greed motivated, you don't bring Blacks in your backyard, and even have children with them as slaves as a "Racist" but rather as a "Greedy Capitalist"

No it wasnt, it was no different then say owining a iPhone today, everyone had one it made life easier.


More like having a Black slave was akin to having a Mexican illegal working for you, both are for cheap labor.
But you don't have to BUY HOUSE FEED AND CLOTHE a Mexican! Slavery just ruined blacks from becoming useful members of society rather than perpetual leeches!
Leeches are supposed to suck things dry...Blacks are being sucked dry so they can't be leeches. You've sucked away their dignity, their ancient histories, the wealth generated by their labor and their autonomy as a people. Yet they rise!
Yes, blacks have had their honor stolen. They can only earn back their honor though hard work and self-reliance. Therefore we should eliminate all forms of govt aide not tied to temporary layoffs or disability or old age retirement.
You are ignorant on two fronts. First 75% of Blacks live above the poverty level and most work for a living. Second: You'd better ask your white grand paps and grand ma if its ok to fuck around with their government benefits. Poor and aged Blacks are a rather small minority of users.... THINK!
No it wasnt, it was no different then say owining a iPhone today, everyone had one it made life easier.


More like having a Black slave was akin to having a Mexican illegal working for you, both are for cheap labor.
But you don't have to BUY HOUSE FEED AND CLOTHE a Mexican! Slavery just ruined blacks from becoming useful members of society rather than perpetual leeches!
Leeches are supposed to suck things dry...Blacks are being sucked dry so they can't be leeches. You've sucked away their dignity, their ancient histories, the wealth generated by their labor and their autonomy as a people. Yet they rise!
Yes, blacks have had their honor stolen. They can only earn back their honor though hard work and self-reliance. Therefore we should eliminate all forms of govt aide not tied to temporary layoffs or disability or old age retirement.
You are ignorant on two fronts. First 75% of Blacks live above the poverty level and most work for a living. Second: You'd better ask your white grand paps and grand ma if its ok to fuck around with their government benefits. Poor and aged Blacks are a rather small minority of users.... THINK!
Praise Jesus, they've recovered their honor. Now if all the rest of the freeloaders would
Racism: The Last Refuge of Us All?

We’ve all heard Samuel Johnson’s famous adage about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel, but I’ve always believed it’s racism that’s the last refuge of a scoundrel. Race is what you cling to when you have no meaningful achievements of your own to display. It’s a safe space for the unaccomplished. That’s why there’s been such an explosion of racism on the left, especially among some of its less successful demographic groups. When you have nothing to offer, or when you just don’t want to make the effort to be successful or productive, well…at least you have your skin. And the left has proved to be expert at making everything about skin. With so many layabouts, welfare cases, entitlement whores, and blame shifters among the masses, leftist intellectuals in politics, the media, and academia gain lots of traction by continually reassuring certain constituencies, “Hey, man, your skin color makes you special! Your skin color makes you deserving!”


The new racism of the left is an alarming development, but in hindsight, it was inevitable that the Democrat Party's politics of division would lead to this.

There is really nothing new about it. Racism is the foundation of the democratic party. Andrew Jackson along with Aaron Burr (Convicted traitor) founded the democratic party. The main plank for Jackson was the eradication of Indians. Burr sought that as well, along with his plan to overthrow the government and establish a dictatorship. Honestly, Burr had identical goals to the democrats today.

Later the democrats started a civil war so that the could continue to keep people as slaves based on the color of their skin.

Literally the ONLY thing that has changed with the democrats is that they now hate people with white skin, instead of people with black skin. The democrats themselves are no different at all., still racist traitors who seek to crush the constitutional republic in favor of a totalitarian dictatorship.

LOL- another Contard who is saying that the party of all races is racist- and the party of white people is lily white pure of racism.

Another Contard saying that these are all the racists
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But these people can't be racists

View attachment 127607

Say, aren't you fascists the ones who tried to put Nation of Islam racist Keith Ellison in as chairman?

Ellison supports racist cop killers, hates Israel, and has a past with a hate group that believes white people are “devils” who are the spawn of a mad scientist’s experiment and will be wiped out by UFOs.

If that won’t win over white voters, what will?

But the white man is the devil isn’t just the creed of the Nation of Islam. It’s also the core belief of the progressive left. They might be snarkier at it than Farrakhan, but it all comes down to the same thing.}

Stop Hating White People and Maybe They’ll Vote for You

{On Wednesday’s “CNN Newsroom,” CNN Political Commentator and former National Press Secretary to Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Symone Sanders argued, “we don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party right now. The Democratic Party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in our leadership,” }

CNN's Sanders: 'We Don't Need White People Leading the Democratic Party Right Now' - Breitbart

“It makes me sad that we’re even having that conversation and that tells me that white leaders in our party have failed,” Brown said. “I’m a white woman, I don’t get it. … My job is to listen and be a voice and shut other white people down when they want to interrupt.”

“This is life and death” she emphasized. “I am a human being trying to do good work and I can’t do it without y’all. So please, please, please, get ahold of me. Sally at we-the-dnc.org. I need schooling so I can go school the other white people.”}

DNC Chair Candidates Bash White People in Racially-Charged Forum

Yeah, you fascist democrats aren't racist gutter scum, or anything... :eusa_whistle:
Racism: The Last Refuge of Us All?

We’ve all heard Samuel Johnson’s famous adage about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel, but I’ve always believed it’s racism that’s the last refuge of a scoundrel. Race is what you cling to when you have no meaningful achievements of your own to display. It’s a safe space for the unaccomplished. That’s why there’s been such an explosion of racism on the left, especially among some of its less successful demographic groups. When you have nothing to offer, or when you just don’t want to make the effort to be successful or productive, well…at least you have your skin. And the left has proved to be expert at making everything about skin. With so many layabouts, welfare cases, entitlement whores, and blame shifters among the masses, leftist intellectuals in politics, the media, and academia gain lots of traction by continually reassuring certain constituencies, “Hey, man, your skin color makes you special! Your skin color makes you deserving!”


The new racism of the left is an alarming development, but in hindsight, it was inevitable that the Democrat Party's politics of division would lead to this.

There is really nothing new about it. Racism is the foundation of the democratic party. Andrew Jackson along with Aaron Burr (Convicted traitor) founded the democratic party. The main plank for Jackson was the eradication of Indians. Burr sought that as well, along with his plan to overthrow the government and establish a dictatorship. Honestly, Burr had identical goals to the democrats today.

Later the democrats started a civil war so that the could continue to keep people as slaves based on the color of their skin.

Literally the ONLY thing that has changed with the democrats is that they now hate people with white skin, instead of people with black skin. The democrats themselves are no different at all., still racist traitors who seek to crush the constitutional republic in favor of a totalitarian dictatorship.

LOL- another Contard who is saying that the party of all races is racist- and the party of white people is lily white pure of racism.

Another Contard saying that these are all the racists
View attachment 127606

But these people can't be racists

View attachment 127607

Say, aren't you fascists t

Say, aren't you fascists the ones that David Duke endorsed?


And lets not forget you fascists with your Confederate flag

More like having a Black slave was akin to having a Mexican illegal working for you, both are for cheap labor.
But you don't have to BUY HOUSE FEED AND CLOTHE a Mexican! Slavery just ruined blacks from becoming useful members of society rather than perpetual leeches!
Leeches are supposed to suck things dry...Blacks are being sucked dry so they can't be leeches. You've sucked away their dignity, their ancient histories, the wealth generated by their labor and their autonomy as a people. Yet they rise!
Yes, blacks have had their honor stolen. They can only earn back their honor though hard work and self-reliance. Therefore we should eliminate all forms of govt aide not tied to temporary layoffs or disability or old age retirement.
You are ignorant on two fronts. First 75% of Blacks live above the poverty level and most work for a living. Second: You'd better ask your white grand paps and grand ma if its ok to fuck around with their government benefits. Poor and aged Blacks are a rather small minority of users.... THINK!
Praise Jesus, they've recovered their honor. Now if all the rest of the freeloaders would
Who? The baby boomers? They'll all be gone in 25 years.
Slavery was probably the worst idea ever, because now we're stuck with these people.


So slavery was a "bad idea" - not because it was an injustice of epic proportions that treated hundreds of thousands of human beings as animals, but because now you're stuck having to coexist alongside black people.


The population of Black slaves in the U.S.A actually grew faster than that of all of Europe, including industrial age Britain, which really puts into question how poorly they truly had it.

I'd argue that many European peasants had it worse, they had to fend for themselves, and many starved to death, as opposed to Black slaves who were kept fed.
Well done.....pointing out that slaves really didn't have it all that bad. Next up: "They should have been grateful".

I'm sure many starving Irish during the Irish Potato Famine were envious of fed Black slaves.

Actually many Irish even chose temporary slavery over famine, and became Indentured Servants by their own choice.
The population of Black slaves in the U.S.A actually grew faster than that of all of Europe, including industrial age Britain, which really puts into question how poorly they truly had it.


Children of slaves were property too. Bought and sold. So nothing could be further from the truth.

You seem to be looking at Slavery from today's perspective, while fact is many European peasants were nearly starving, while Black slaves were fed, to be supported to reproduce as part of their property like Livestock.

It's like saying Cows would be better off not as Livestock, but rather in the wild.... Not necessarily true... Then the wild Cows wouldn't be readily fed, and would have to fend for themselves.

While at times Cows might be mistreated as livestock, in the wild they would also be mistreated at times by nature.

It's really Apples, and Oranges.
Slavery was probably the worst idea ever, because now we're stuck with these people.
Ahh..but America would still be a
backward developing nation without the wealth generated by slavery.

My goodness, how did Germany, and Japan become wealthy technological super-powers without being involved in the Atlantic Slave Trade?
Neither are as wealthy and as much a super power as the United States.... no other place on earth is!

The U.S.A wasn't ahead of much of Europe until the World wars hit...

Switzerland, and Ireland 2 nations which were basically not involved in the Atlantic Slave Trade much at all, do in fact surpass the U.S.A today in per capitai ncome GDP.
Racism: The Last Refuge of Us All?

We’ve all heard Samuel Johnson’s famous adage about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel, but I’ve always believed it’s racism that’s the last refuge of a scoundrel. Race is what you cling to when you have no meaningful achievements of your own to display. It’s a safe space for the unaccomplished. That’s why there’s been such an explosion of racism on the left, especially among some of its less successful demographic groups. When you have nothing to offer, or when you just don’t want to make the effort to be successful or productive, well…at least you have your skin. And the left has proved to be expert at making everything about skin. With so many layabouts, welfare cases, entitlement whores, and blame shifters among the masses, leftist intellectuals in politics, the media, and academia gain lots of traction by continually reassuring certain constituencies, “Hey, man, your skin color makes you special! Your skin color makes you deserving!”


The new racism of the left is an alarming development, but in hindsight, it was inevitable that the Democrat Party's politics of division would lead to this.

There is really nothing new about it. Racism is the foundation of the democratic party. Andrew Jackson along with Aaron Burr (Convicted traitor) founded the democratic party. The main plank for Jackson was the eradication of Indians. Burr sought that as well, along with his plan to overthrow the government and establish a dictatorship. Honestly, Burr had identical goals to the democrats today.

Later the democrats started a civil war so that the could continue to keep people as slaves based on the color of their skin.

Literally the ONLY thing that has changed with the democrats is that they now hate people with white skin, instead of people with black skin. The democrats themselves are no different at all., still racist traitors who seek to crush the constitutional republic in favor of a totalitarian dictatorship.

LOL- another Contard who is saying that the party of all races is racist- and the party of white people is lily white pure of racism.

Another Contard saying that these are all the racists
View attachment 127606

But these people can't be racists

View attachment 127607

As you were saying shit for brains?

Black Southerners With Flag.jpg

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