Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation

Obviously he misspoke and meant most everywhere but here. Trump did this almost every time he opened his mouth. Remember Trump's false or misleading claims totaling 30573 over 4 years

"Look, the point is this: Under my plan for the economy, we’ve made extraordinary progress. And we put America in a position to tackle the wor- — worldwide problem that’s worse everywhere but here: inflation. It’s sapping the strength of a lot of families."
Remember how inflation was nonexistent under Trump and the country was so prosperous? I do. The lies? You mean the Steel Dossier that Hillary's war room pushed on a gullible Democrat Party that hadn't a word of truth in it but pushed a billion dollar pair of impeachments against President Trump? I do.
The country did rather well under Trump and Trump did not create COVID-19. He however developed 3 vaccines for COVID at warp speed.

This nation might not survive Joe Biden. Everything this fool touches turns to shit as he has the reverse Midas touch. Biden will likely get us into a nuclear war with Russia and NOBODY wins an all out nuclear war.

He did no such fuckin' thing. He simply told drug companies to do it. And immediately afterward he set about to deny Covid's seriousness, The CDC's efficacy, encourage others not to get the vaccine etc. He belittled everyone around him for wearing masks, held numerous rallies with no mask mandate. Typical of what a fuckin' mad man would do. Made his famous press conference with Dr Brex in attendance and went on a rant about bleach, disinfectants in the lungs, UV light inside the body etc. The good Dr did everything in her power not to bust out laughing. Face it! He's a fuckin' moron and the clown of all clowns.
He did no such fuckin' thing. He simply told drug companies to do it. And immediately afterward he set about to deny Covid's seriousness, The CDC's efficacy, encourage others not to get the vaccine etc. He belittled everyone around him for wearing masks, held numerous rallies with no mask mandate. Typical of what a fuckin' mad man would do. Made his famous press conference with Dr Brex in attendance and went on a rant about bleach, disinfectants in the lungs, UV light inside the body etc. The good Dr did everything in her power not to bust out laughing. Face it! He's a fuckin' moron and the clown of all clowns.
You still believe mask work..............lmao

You are a complete idiot.


Read More
Jan. 20, 2021 DOI issues Secretarial Order No. 3395, announcing that the agency is temporarily suspending its authority to issue any onshore or offshore fossil fuel authorizations, including new lease sales, for 60 days.
Jan. 20, 2021 In Executive Order 13990, President Biden revokes the Trump Executive Order 13783 titled “Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth.” EO 13783 directed federal agencies to streamline the oil and gas leasing process and suspend, revise, or rescind regulations that burdened the development of domestic energy resources.
Jan. 27, 2021 President Biden signs Executive Order 14008, which pauses all new federal offshore and onshore oil and gas leasing pending a comprehensive review of the leasing and permitting program. The order also revokes Trump’s EO 13795.
Jan. 27, 2022 Western Energy Alliance petitions the District of Wyoming to review President Biden’s suspension of the oil and gas leasing program. Western Energy Alliance v. Biden, No. 0:21-cv-00013 (D. Wyo.).
March 15, 2021 The Biden administration asks the Ninth Circuit to dismiss the case reviewing President Obama’s withdrawing certain Arctic and Atlantic coastal areas from oil and gas leasing in light of President Biden revoking President Trump’s EO 13795 (the EO challenged in this case). The Biden administration asks the court to vacate the lower court ruling and remand with instructions to dismiss the case. League of Conservation Voters v. Trump, No. 19-35460 (9th Cir.).
March 24, 2021 Louisiana and twelve other states file a lawsuit challenging President Biden’s pause on new federal oil and gas lease sales arguing that the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) and the current 5-year Leasing Program prohibit the moratorium. Louisiana v. Biden, Docket No. 2:21-CV-00778 (W.D. La.).
April 13, 2021 The Ninth Circuit dismisses the appeal of the March 29, 2019 decision by a federal judge to reinstate President Obama’s withdrawals of Arctic and Atlantic areas from oil and gas leasing because President Biden’s Executive Order 13990 revoking Trump’s EO 13795 rendered the appeal moot. League of Conservation Voters v. Trump, No. 19-35460 (9th Cir.).
June 15, 2021 A federal judge in the Western District of Louisiana issues a preliminary injunction blocking President Biden’s pause on oil and gas lease sales. The court holds that the leasing moratorium violates statutory authority given to DOI, the Bureau of Land Management, and BOEM under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act and the current 5-year leasing program. The judge further holds that the immediate impact of the pause renders the preliminary injunction an appropriate remedy and that the DOI may not continue to pause upcoming Lease Sales 257 or 258. Louisiana v. Biden, Docket No. 2:21-CV-00778 (W.D. La.).
Aug. 9, 2021 Plaintiff states file a motion asking the court to order Lease Sale 257 and asking the federal government to show why its failure to make the sale does not put it in contempt of the preliminary injunction. Louisiana v. Biden, Docket No. 2:21-CV-00778 (W.D. La.).
Aug. 16, 2021 The Biden administration appeals the preliminary injunction that blocked the moratorium on new federal oil and gas leasing. Louisiana v. Biden, Docket No. 2:21-CV-00778 (W.D. La.).
Aug. 24, 2021 DOI announces that it will continue to prepare lease sales during the appeal process.
Aug. 24, 2021 The Department of Justice (DOJ) files a memorandum in response to the plaintiff states’ August 9 motion. DOJ argues that DOI had restarted the leasing program and was therefore complying with the preliminary injunction. DOJ further argues that the preliminary injunction did not require the Lease Sale to occur on any timeline, and the government was therefore entitled to complete a new environmental review. Louisiana v. Biden, Docket No. 2:21-CV-00778 (W.D. La.).
Aug. 31, 2021 Environmental groups file a lawsuit challenging DOI’s decision to hold Lease Sale 257 in the Gulf of Mexico, seeking vacatur and injunction of the sale. The groups argue that the sale of Lease 257 violates the NEPA and the APA and estimate that the sale “will result in the production of up to 1.12 billion barrels and 4.4 trillion cubic feet of fossil fuels over the next 50 years.” Friends of the Earth, et al. v. Haaland, et al., Docket No. 1:21-cv-02317 (D.D.C.).
Sept. 17, 2021 Plaintiff states withdraw their motion to compel Lease Sale 257. Louisiana v. Biden, Docket No. 2:21-CV-00778 (W.D. La.).
Oct. 4, 2021 BOEM publishes a notice in the federal register that it will open and publicly announce bids received for oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico Outercontinental Gas Lease Sale 257 on Nov. 17, 2021.
Oct. 29, 2021 BOEM publishes a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for Lease Sale 258, which would offer leasing for oil and gas in Cook Inlet in the Gulf of Alaska. BOEM also announces a 45-day public comment period on the DEIS.
Nov. 17, 2021 BOEM holds its largest sale ever, the Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 257 for 308 tracts, covering 1.07 million acres of federal waters in the Gulf. In approving the sale, the DOI claimed it was acting “consistent with a U.S. District Court’s preliminary injunction.” However, environmental groups argue that this sale was not required by the June 15 preliminary injunction. These groups contend that by not conducting a new environmental review like the DOJ memo suggested was allowed, the federal government sped up the lease sale and worked against its decarbonization goals.
Nov. 26, 2021 DOI issues a report reviewing the federal oil and gas leasing process and making recommendations for reform. The report finds, among other things, that the current system does not give taxpayers fair returns and does not fully account for environmental harm, and that the current system encourages speculation by and decreases competition among oil companies. The report outlines recommendations to fix these problems and concludes that DOI is deciding how it will act on these recommendations and encourages Congress to pass reforms to the oil and gas leasing process.
Dec. 3, 2021 Democratic members of the House Committee on Natural Resources file an amicus brief in support of environmental groups challenging the Gulf of Mexico lease sale, arguing that the administration’s environmental review “substantially underestimates” the environmental harms of the lease sale. The brief also argues that the nationwide injunction issued by the District Court for the Western District of Louisiana “in no way excused” DOI’s obligations under NEPA and the APA. Friends of the Earth, et al., v. Haaland, et al., No. 21-cv-02317-RC (D.D.C.).
Jan. 19, 2022 Over 360 environmental groups sent a legal petition to the Biden administration to reduce oil and gas drilling to 98% lower than current levels by 2035. The petition explains that, without action, it will be difficult for the United States to keep its pledge to keep global temperatures from rising beyond 1.5℃.
Jan. 20, 2022 Over 80 environmental organizations sign and send a letter to the Biden administration, which urges the Department of the Interior to write a new 5-year Offshore Lease Program that bans lease sales starting in 2022. The letter also calls on Secretary Haaland to repudiate Lease Sale 257.
Jan. 27, 2022 The District Court for the District of Columbia blocks Lease Sale 257 in the Gulf of Mexico because the Department of the Interior failed to take a “hard look” at the environmental impact of the project or to account for the effect of overseas fossil fuel use when calculating climate impacts, which violated the National Environmental Policy Act. Friends of the Earth, et al., v. Haaland, et al., No. 21-cv-02317-RC (D.D.C.). For more background on the ruling, see EELP’s overview of the NEPA Review Process or visit our NEPA Tracker Page for the most up to date review requirements.
Feb. 1, 2022 The Department of the Interior mistakenly posted language on its oil and gas webpage that indicated royalty fees for leases would increase to 18.75%. The Department later removed the language, and a spokesperson for the Department said the decision to increase royalty rates was not yet final.
Feb. 8, 2022 310 environmental groups file a petition asking the Department of the Interior to immediately stop new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
Feb. 8, 2022 Intervenor defendant, the American Petroleum Institute files a notice of appeal with the D.C. Circuit, challenging the D.C District Court’s decision to block Lease Sale 257 in the Gulf of Mexico. Friends of the Earth, et al. v. Haaland, et al., Docket No. 1:21-cv-02317 (D.D.C.).
Feb. 14, 2022 Louisiana, another intervenor defendant, files a notice of appeal in the D.C. Circuit case that blocked Lease Sale 257. Friends of the Earth, et al. v. Haaland, et al., Docket No. 22-05037 (D.C. Cir).
Feb. 14, 2022 The Biden administration asks the 5th Circuit to reverse the Western District of Louisiana’s decision that blocked the Biden administration’s moratorium on new oil and gas drilling on federal lands and waters. Among other issues, the Biden administration argues that Biden’s Executive Order 14008 is both lawful and unreviewable and that the plaintiffs relied on erroneous interpretations of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act and the Mineral Leasing Act. Louisiana v. Biden, Docket No. 21-30505 (5th Cir.)
Feb. 18, 2022 Environmental groups file a motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction in the D.C. Circuit case that blocked Lease Sale 257. Friends of the Earth, et al. v. Haaland, et al., Docket No. 22-05037 (D.C. Cir).
Feb. 22, 2022 A federal judge in the Western District of Louisiana blocks the Biden administration’s application of an interim social cost of carbon metric., Louisiana v. Biden, No. 21-cv-01074 (W.D. La.). For updates on the metric and this litigation, see our Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases tracker page. In light of this decision, the Biden administration announces that it will delay decisions on new oil and gas drilling on federal lands.
Feb. 28, 2022 The Biden administration announces that it will not appeal the District Court’s decision that canceled Lease Sale 257 in the Gulf of Mexico. Friends of the Earth, et al. v. Haaland, et al., Docket No. 1:21-cv-02317 (D.D.C.).
Mar. 8, 2022 The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denies an emergency motion by American Petroleum Institute to expedite the appeal of the District Court decision that canceled Lease Sale 257. Friends of the Earth, et al. v. Haaland, et al., Docket No. 22-05037 (D.C. Cir).
Apr. 15, 2022 To comply with the preliminary injunction issued by the court in Louisiana v. Biden, the DOI announces that the BLM will issue notices for lease sales that will increase in royalty rates from 12.5% to 18.75% and limit the acreage available for leasing. Though this round of lease sales will move forward, the Biden administration continues its appeal of that injunction. Louisiana et al v Biden et al, Docket No. 2:21-cv-00778 (W.D. La.).
April 18, 2022: The BLM publishes final environmental assessments and sale notices for June 2022 lease sales. The final sale notices reduces the acreage of land available for leasing on public lands by 80% and increased royalty rates. For offshore leases, the current 5-year program is scheduled to end on June 30, 2022.
Apr. 19, 2022: The plaintiffs in Western Energy Alliance v. Biden assert that the notice put forward by the Bureau of Land Management still violates the Mineral Leasing Act because BLM did not establish a reliable and predictable leasing system in the future. A hearing in that case is scheduled for May 13. Western Energy Alliance v. Biden, No. 0:21-cv-00013 (D. Wyo.).
Apr. 29, 2022 Republican states attorneys general ask the Western District of Louisiana to grant summary judgment in the case challenging leasing pause. The states also challenge the cancellation of lease sales, including the cancellation of Lease Sale 257. Louisiana v. Biden, Docket No. 2:21-cv-00778 (W.D. La).
May 10, 2022 The Fifth Circuit hears oral arguments on the preliminary injunction that halted the Biden administration’s leasing pause. Louisiana v. Biden, Docket No. 21-30505 (5th Cir.).
May 12, 2022 BOEM cancels upcoming offshore Lease Sales 258, 259, and 261, citing “lack of industry interest” and “conflicting court rulings” as reasons for the cancellations.
May 19, 2022 During a hearing in front of the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee, Secretary Haaland says the DOI will propose a new 5-year offshore leasing plan by June 30, 2022, when the current 5-year plan is set to expire.
May 19, 2022 The states in Louisiana v. Biden write a letter to the Fifth Circuit to inform the court about the three cancelled lease sales. No. 21-30505 (5th Cir.).
May 24, 2022 BOEM writes a letter to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals explaining its decision not to hold the upcoming lease sales. No. 21-30505 (5th Cir.).
They tend to ignore that the dot com bubble burst on Clinton as he was headed out the door. Leaving Bush to be hit with the brunt of it.
Yeah, and what did Bush do to recover? Started wars on the credit card and gave cuts to the rich. Lied us into IRAQ even though all the evidence pointed to Saudi Arabia as the Terrorists in 9/11. That cost our economy and cost over a million lives. Half of them children.
Yeah, and what did Bush do to recover? Started wars on the credit card and gave cuts to the rich. Lied us into IRAQ even though all the evidence pointed to Saudi Arabia as the Terrorists in 9/11. That cost our economy and cost over a million lives. Half of them children.
Look at this troll going down the list of bullet points from the Democratic Underground.

Hey troll.............Your party OWNS THIS..........and unless you find a way to cheat you are going to get slaughtered in November. You deserve it. No amount of pointing fingers at everyone else is going to save you.
Believe it or not Carter, Clinton and Obama cut taxes. The latter two on workers.
Carter gave away America's investment in Panama, which was sold for a profit to politicians in Panama who sold it to China, who later on sold it to Russia., you know the Russia that is now run by Putin who is threatening nuclear annihilation on anyone who helps the Ukrainian people out. Oh yes, THAT Carter.
Bill and Hill Clinton turned over all our scientific space secrets to China, and now China has built and owns the Eye in the Sky with the capability of destroying the United States that impinges on keeping sovereignity for China's neighbors. They used to just take our money for cheapie products. Now they're pissed off if we trade with anybody but the jobs Clinton gave away that reduced American manufacturing and gave those jobs to anybody they liked who puffed up the Clinton Library that Hillary used for personal gains.
Obama? Isn't he the one that sashayed with Putin a lot by forking over 3 oil-rich Aleutian Islands without so much as telling the government of the State of Alaska that he was giving away their oil reserve islands? And his Secretary of State Hillary did her best to please Putin by forking over 20% of American weaponized uranium? Oh, yeah, that Obama, and that Clinton who went on to create a fantasy to punish the Republican Party with in the form of the Steele Dossier that included a salacious lie that her Rival who defeated her in the election for President had colluded with Russia, when in fact, she colluded with Russia under the cloak of omeurta that has been discovered in the last few years, but for which she has not been tried in a court of law for such an egregious crime as trying to destroy a President Trump and encouraging Nasty Nancy into 4 years of lies impinging Trump to death with impeachment lies welling up all over the Democrat Party's Soros handing over fortunes of money for every lying, cheating, biased press person for all saying the same lies on the same days to destroy poor little Hillary's rival. Oh, yes, that Obama/Clinton match made in Hell of false narratives and false witness. I remember them.
Carter gave away America's investment in Panama, which was sold for a profit to politicians in Panama who sold it to China, who later on sold it to Russia., you know the Russia that is now run by Putin who is threatening nuclear annihilation on anyone who helps the Ukrainian people out. Oh yes, THAT Carter.
Bill and Hill Clinton turned over all our scientific space secrets to China, and now China has built and owns the Eye in the Sky with the capability of destroying the United States that impinges on keeping sovereignity for China's neighbors. They used to just take our money for cheapie products. Now they're pissed off if we trade with anybody but the jobs Clinton gave away that reduced American manufacturing and gave those jobs to anybody they liked who puffed up the Clinton Library that Hillary used for personal gains.
Obama? Isn't he the one that sashayed with Putin a lot by forking over 3 oil-rich Aleutian Islands without so much as telling the government of the State of Alaska that he was giving away their oil reserve islands? And his Secretary of State Hillary did her best to please Putin by forking over 20% of American weaponized uranium? Oh, yeah, that Obama, and that Clinton who went on to create a fantasy to punish the Republican Party with in the form of the Steele Dossier that included a salacious lie that her Rival who defeated her in the election for President had colluded with Russia, when in fact, she colluded with Russia under the cloak of omeurta that has been discovered in the last few years, but for which she has not been tried in a court of law for such an egregious crime as trying to destroy a President Trump and encouraging Nasty Nancy into 4 years of lies impinging Trump to death with impeachment lies welling up all over the Democrat Party's Soros handing over fortunes of money for every lying, cheating, biased press person for all saying the same lies on the same days to destroy poor little Hillary's rival. Oh, yes, that Obama/Clinton match made in Hell of false narratives and false witness. I remember them.
They are evil scumbags. Self serving and have screwed this nation. Zero respect for them whatsoever now.
Obviously he misspoke and meant most everywhere but here. Trump did this almost every time he opened his mouth. Remember Trump's false or misleading claims totaling 30573 over 4 years

"Look, the point is this: Under my plan for the economy, we’ve made extraordinary progress. And we put America in a position to tackle the wor- — worldwide problem that’s worse everywhere but here: inflation. It’s sapping the strength of a lot of families."
"Misspoke" my ass!! The sonofabitch was lying to cover up his incompetence. The dipshit doesn't know what he is talking about most of the time and he should have just kept his mouth shut but instead he spouted a lie.

Does he have any idea what a disaster for this country he is? He has really fucked this country with inflation and he doesn't have a clue what to do about it. Just like Jimmy Carter but only worse. It will take getting rid of these destructive Democrats to fix the problem.
Look at this troll going down the list of bullet points from the Democratic Underground.

Hey troll.............Your party OWNS THIS..........and unless you find a way to cheat you are going to get slaughtered in November. You deserve it. No amount of pointing fingers at everyone else is going to save you.
Underground? Gee! Is that like the "Deep State?" OOOOH!! LOL Save me? From what? Bad government? Corruption and grift? That's what your GOP brings. You're more pigeon than Eagle. Just another naive cult moron.
He did no such fuckin' thing. He simply told drug companies to do it. And immediately afterward he set about to deny Covid's seriousness, The CDC's efficacy, encourage others not to get the vaccine etc. He belittled everyone around him for wearing masks, held numerous rallies with no mask mandate. Typical of what a fuckin' mad man would do. Made his famous press conference with Dr Brex in attendance and went on a rant about bleach, disinfectants in the lungs, UV light inside the body etc. The good Dr did everything in her power not to bust out laughing. Face it! He's a fuckin' moron and the clown of all clowns.
Your opinion, but considering you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, your option is strongly biased.


In sum, judged by its own benchmarks — regulatory approval and vaccinations by the end of 2020 and the accelerated delivery of 300 million doses — OWS is a rare private-public partnership that has met its performance benchmarks.

The heavy lifting of ushering vaccines through clinical-trials, scaling-up mass production, and initiating the complicated process of distribution to the states were well on their way as the Biden administration took office.

It should be emphasized that OWS was launched to almost universal skepticism and even scorn. At the time of OWS’s launch in Spring 2020, a strong consensus prevailed among media, public-health experts, consultants, and betting markets that regulatory approval by the end of 2020 and the accelerated delivery of 300 million doses were unrealistic goals. Consider some typical examples:

The June 6, 2020 issue of the medical journal Lancetopined that “on average, it takes 10 years to develop a vaccine. With the COVID-19 crisis looming, everyone is hoping that this time will be different. Although many infectious disease experts argue … even 18 months for a first vaccine is an incredibly aggressive schedule.”
Your opinion, but considering you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, your option is strongly biased.


In sum, judged by its own benchmarks — regulatory approval and vaccinations by the end of 2020 and the accelerated delivery of 300 million doses — OWS is a rare private-public partnership that has met its performance benchmarks.

The heavy lifting of ushering vaccines through clinical-trials, scaling-up mass production, and initiating the complicated process of distribution to the states were well on their way as the Biden administration took office.

It should be emphasized that OWS was launched to almost universal skepticism and even scorn. At the time of OWS’s launch in Spring 2020, a strong consensus prevailed among media, public-health experts, consultants, and betting markets that regulatory approval by the end of 2020 and the accelerated delivery of 300 million doses were unrealistic goals. Consider some typical examples:

The June 6, 2020 issue of the medical journal Lancetopined that “on average, it takes 10 years to develop a vaccine. With the COVID-19 crisis looming, everyone is hoping that this time will be different. Although many infectious disease experts argue … even 18 months for a first vaccine is an incredibly aggressive schedule.”
The whole country has suffered from Trump's Derangement! And we are still feeling the effects of having a madman at the helm. You're a prime example of how we have been damaged. He has people actually believing what he says or has said. He has struck people blind and deaf to his madness even to the point that they defend and excuse his orchestrating of an insurrection. We will heal, but it's gonna take a long dose of normalcy for that to be complete.
Carter gave away America's investment in Panama, which was sold for a profit to politicians in Panama who sold it to China, who later on sold it to Russia., you know the Russia that is now run by Putin who is threatening nuclear annihilation on anyone who helps the Ukrainian people out. Oh yes, THAT Carter.
Bill and Hill Clinton turned over all our scientific space secrets to China, and now China has built and owns the Eye in the Sky with the capability of destroying the United States that impinges on keeping sovereignity for China's neighbors. They used to just take our money for cheapie products. Now they're pissed off if we trade with anybody but the jobs Clinton gave away that reduced American manufacturing and gave those jobs to anybody they liked who puffed up the Clinton Library that Hillary used for personal gains.
Obama? Isn't he the one that sashayed with Putin a lot by forking over 3 oil-rich Aleutian Islands without so much as telling the government of the State of Alaska that he was giving away their oil reserve islands? And his Secretary of State Hillary did her best to please Putin by forking over 20% of American weaponized uranium? Oh, yeah, that Obama, and that Clinton who went on to create a fantasy to punish the Republican Party with in the form of the Steele Dossier that included a salacious lie that her Rival who defeated her in the election for President had colluded with Russia, when in fact, she colluded with Russia under the cloak of omeurta that has been discovered in the last few years, but for which she has not been tried in a court of law for such an egregious crime as trying to destroy a President Trump and encouraging Nasty Nancy into 4 years of lies impinging Trump to death with impeachment lies welling up all over the Democrat Party's Soros handing over fortunes of money for every lying, cheating, biased press person for all saying the same lies on the same days to destroy poor little Hillary's rival. Oh, yes, that Obama/Clinton match made in Hell of false narratives and false witness. I remember them.
Shit on Carter all you want but he had the courage to resist what Reagan was selling. Reagan's answer was to flip economics on its ear. The birth of Supply-side econ. In other words, give all of the tax advantages and change the rules to heavily favor Corporations over people. And don't worry because it will "Trickle Down" eventually. And as expected, as years went by, that idea took hold and the playing field so tilted away from the working man that we now need 2-3 incomes for a family to keep its head above water. We have more billionaires and millionaires than at any time in history but we also have more families struggling and more people living in poverty. The income gap is yawning wider than ever before and the middle class is being eaten up. When Reagan was running in the primaries against George H.W. Bush, Bush told the world that what Reagan was espousing was "VooDoo Economics!" He was right, of course. But the die had been cast and we are now reaping the fruits of that poison tree. Clinton, for a brief time showed that taxing the rich was not only good for leveling the playing field but also for the economy as a whole. Then comes Bush JR. and once again the advantages are shifted back to the supply side. Massive tax cuts to the wealthy and a war on entitlements and social programs and we're back on the path of the division of the classes.
The whole country has suffered from Trump's Derangement! And we are still feeling the effects of having a madman at the helm. You're a prime example of how we have been damaged. He has people actually believing what he says or has said. He has struck people blind and deaf to his madness even to the point that they defend and excuse his orchestrating of an insurrection. We will heal, but it's gonna take a long dose of normalcy for that to be complete.
Shit on Carter all you want but he had the courage to resist what Reagan was selling. Reagan's answer was to flip economics on its ear. The birth of Supply-side econ. In other words, give all of the tax advantages and change the rules to heavily favor Corporations over people. And don't worry because it will "Trickle Down" eventually. And as expected, as years went by, that idea took hold and the playing field so tilted away from the working man that we now need 2-3 incomes for a family to keep its head above water. We have more billionaires and millionaires than at any time in history but we also have more families struggling and more people living in poverty. The income gap is yawning wider than ever before and the middle class is being eaten up. When Reagan was running in the primaries against George H.W. Bush, Bush told the world that what Reagan was espousing was "VooDoo Economics!" He was right, of course. But the die had been cast and we are now reaping the fruits of that poison tree. Clinton, for a brief time showed that taxing the rich was not only good for leveling the playing field but also for the economy as a whole. Then comes Bush JR. and once again the advantages are shifted back to the supply side. Massive tax cuts to the wealthy and a war on entitlements and social programs and we're back on the path of the division of the classes.
Let me educate you on the Reagan economic record.....

(your typical Dimwinger single digit IQ move here is to attack the source. Feel free to do so while bringing credible links disputing ANY of the numbers in the link)


Many critics of reducing taxes claim that the Reagan tax cuts drained the U.S. Treasury. The reality is that federal revenues increased significantly between 1980 and 1990:
  • Total federal revenues doubled from just over $517 billion in 1980 to more than $1 trillion in 1990. In constant inflation-adjusted dollars, this was a 28 percent increase in revenue.3
  • As a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP), federal revenues declined only slightly from 18.9 percent in 1980 to 18 percent in 1990.4
  • Revenues from individual income taxes climbed from just over $244 billion in 1980 to nearly $467 billion in 1990.5 In inflation-adjusted dollars, this amounts to a 25 percent increase.


Although critics continue to focus on President Reagan's budget "cuts," federal spending rose significantly during the 1980s:
  • Federal spending more than doubled, growing from almost $591 billion in 1980 to $1.25 trillion in 1990. In constant inflation-adjusted dollars, this was an increase of 35.8 percent.6
  • As a percentage of GDP, federal expenditures grew slightly from 21.6 percent in 1980 to 21.8 percent in 1990.7
  • Contrary to popular myth, while inflation-adjusted defense spending increased by 50 percent between 1980 and 1989, it was curtailed when the Cold War ended and fell by 15 percent between 1989 and 1993. However, means-tested entitlements, which do not include Social Security or Medicare, rose by over 102 percent between 1980 and 1993, and they have continued climbing ever since.8
  • Total spending on all national security programs never equaled domestic spending, even when Social Security, Medicare, and net interest are excluded from domestic totals. In addition, national security spending fell during the Administration of the senior President Bush, while domestic spending increased in both mandatory and discretionary accounts.9 (See Chart 1.)


Despite the steep recession in 1982--brought on by tight money policies that were instituted to squeeze out the historic inflation level of the late 1970s--by 1983, the Reagan policies of reducing taxes, spending, regulation, and inflation were in place. The result was unprecedented economic growth:
  • This economic boom lasted 92 months without a recession, from November 1982 to July 1990, the longest period of sustained growth during peacetime and the second-longest period of sustained growth in U.S. history. The growth in the economy lasted more than twice as long as the average period of expansions since World War II.10
  • The American economy grew by about one-third in real inflation-adjusted terms. This was the equivalent of adding the entire economy of East and West Germany or two-thirds of Japan's economy to the U.S. economy.11
  • From 1950 to 1973, real economic growth in the U.S. economy averaged 3.6 percent per year. From 1973 to 1982, it averaged only 1.6 percent. The Reagan economic boom restored the more usual growth rate as the economy averaged 3.5 percent in real growth from the beginning of 1983 to the end of 1990.12


Perhaps the greatest myth concerning the 1980s is that Ronald Reagan slashed taxes so dramatically for the rich that they no longer have paid their fair share. The flaw in this myth is that it mixes tax rates with taxes actually paid and ignores the real trend of taxation:
  • In 1991, after the Reagan rate cuts were well in place, the top 1 percent of taxpayers in income paid 25 percent of all income taxes; the top 5 percent paid 43 percent; and the bottom 50 percent paid only 5 percent.13 To suggest that this distribution is unfair because it is too easy on upper-income groups is nothing less than absurd.
  • The proportion of total income taxes paid by the top 1 percent rose sharply under President Reagan, from 18 percent in 1981 to 28 percent in 1988.14
  • Average effective income tax rates were cut even more for lower-income groups than for higher-income groups. While the average effective tax rate for the top 1 percent fell by 30 percent between 1980 and 1992, and by 35 percent for the top 20 percent of income earners, it fell by 44 percent for the second-highest quintile, 46 percent for the middle quintile, 64 percent for the second-lowest quintile, and 263 percent for the bottom quintile.15
  • These reductions for the lowest-income groups were so large because President Reagan doubled the personal exemption, increased the standard deduction, and tripled the earned income tax credit (EITC), which provides net cash for single-parent families with children at the lowest income levels. These changes eliminated income tax liability altogether for over 4 million lower-income families.16
Critics often add in the Social Security payroll tax and argue that the total federal tax burden shifted more to lower-income groups and away from upper-income groups; but President Reagan's changes were in the income tax, not in the Social Security payroll tax. The payroll tax was imposed by proponents of big government over the past 50 years, and it is they, not Ronald Reagan, who should be held accountable for its distributional effects.

Nevertheless, even if one counts the Social Security payroll tax, the share of total federal taxes increased between 1980 and 1989 for the following groups:
  • For the top 1 percent of taxpayers, from 12.9 percent in 1980 to 15.4 percent in 1989;
  • For the top 5 percent of taxpayers, from 27.3 percent in 1980 to 30.4 percent in 1989; and
  • For the top 20 percent of taxpayers, from 56.1 percent in 1980 to 58.6 percent in 1989.
On the other hand, the share of total federal taxes, if one includes the Social Security payroll tax, declined for four groups:
  • For the second-highest 20 percent of taxpayers, from 22.2 percent in 1980 to 20.8 percent in 1989;
  • For the middle 20 percent of taxpayers, from 13.2 percent in 1980 to 12.5 percent in 1989;
  • For the second-lowest 20 percent of taxpayers, from 6.9 percent in 1980 to 6.4 percent in 1989; and
  • For the lowest 20 percent of taxpayers, from 1.6 percent in 1980 to 1.5 percent in 1989.17


No matter how advocates of big government try to rewrite history, Ronald Reagan's record of fiscal responsibility continues to stand as the most successful economic policy of the 20th century. His tax reforms triggered an economic expansion that continues to this day. His investments in national security ended the Cold War and made possible the subsequent defense spending reductions that are largely responsible for the current federal surpluses. His efforts to restrain the expansion of federal government helped to limit the growth of domestic spending.

If Reagan's critics had been willing to work with him to limit domestic spending even further and to control the growth of entitlements, the budget would have been balanced five to ten years sooner and without the massive tax increase imposed in 1993. Today, Members of Congress from across the political spectrum should stand on the evidence and defend the Reagan record.

To the extent that President Bush's proposals mirror those of Ronald Reagan, his plan should be a welcome strategy to lower the tax burden on Americans and to make the system more responsible. If the advocates of big government in Congress cooperate with President Bush rather than merely continuing to fund obsolete, wasteful, and redundant programs, there is no limit to the prosperity that Americans can generate.

Peter Sperry is the Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation.

Underground? Gee! Is that like the "Deep State?" OOOOH!! LOL Save me? From what? Bad government? Corruption and grift? That's what your GOP brings. You're more pigeon than Eagle. Just another naive cult moron.
Pot paints kettle black. You are the party of Perverts. Tyrants on Covid........and the worst inflation of my lifetime.

You will be utterly destroyed in the next election. You deserve it...........and you are a cancer on this country.

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