Republicans Need to Learn Their Real History on Race.

We're in the 21st century and at least 1/3 of all whites are still racists.
And they vote Demofascist.....Why else does BLM/ANTIFA go into the inner cities and burn minority businesses? The Southern White Democrats of the KKK could never achieve what the new thug arm of the Democrats are doing today.
Malcolm X

“And when I speak, I don't speak as a Democrat. Or a Republican. Nor an American. I speak as a victim of America's so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy - all we've seen is hypocrisy. When we open our eyes today and look around America, we see America not through the eyes of someone who has enjoyed the fruits of Americanism. We see America through the eyes of someone who has been the victim of Americanism. We don't see any American dream. We've experienced only the American nightmare.”​

― Malcolm X

This is 2023, not 1963 and you are a racist and a Republican.

You are carrying water for the democrat Party who has given you: the worst schools in the country, fatherless households, crime and poverty.

Can you imagine if Republicans ran the Naziesque Tuskegee Experiments? When Hoover Admin ran them, the patients were TREATED at the end; FDR Admin wanted to see how blacks die from syphilis ...and you still carry their water
Some of the Republicans here are clearly ignorant of their record on race.

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Slavery had been in this country since at least 1619. Slavery existed for 209 years before the democratic party existed. Republicans today love telling blacks how the Democratic Party was pro-slavery and how it was the Republican Party that freed the slaves. There is a lot modern republicans choose not to tell blacks as they try luring blacks into supporting a move back into Jim Crow. First, not all Republicans were for racial equality. The Party had several factions in the beginning. One was the Radical Republicans. The Radical Republicans were for the eradication of slavery. They were not conservatives. Frederick Douglass was a Radical Republican. Lincoln was moderate politically. He opposed the expansion of slavery but did not believe in racial equality.

“I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black ... I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Those who have studied Lincoln claim that his views evolved. Did they? The Second Confiscation Act in 1862 had provisions for the colonization of blacks who chose to leave. Both Dr. Henry Louis Gates and the 1619 Project have written about a meeting between blacks and Lincoln whereby he made insulting comments to them, blamed blacks for the Civil War, and demanded they accept his plan to resettle blacks outside of America. According to both sources, on Aug. 14, 1862, Lincoln met with black representatives at the White House to try getting blacks to accept getting shipped out of the country. They refused.

Arthur Zilversmit, Lincoln and the Problem of Race: A Decade of Interpretations, Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1980, pp. 22-45, U-M Library Digital Collections j/jala/2629860.0002.104?view=text;rgn=main

Henry Louis Gates Jr., Did Lincoln Want to Ship Black People Back to Africa? people-back-to-africa-1790858389

End of Pt.1
In 1860 the Bad Guys were the Republicans. In 2023 the Bay Guys are the Democrats.
Got to whine about history because your own party is STILL racist as shit and you are a fucking SLAVE to it.
You ignorant CHUMP.
If that was true, then there wouldnt of been a civil war and the black would still be slaves..
That hasn't got a thing to do with it TBH.

Most of the abolitionists believed in the new theory of "darwinsm," and eugenics. Most of them honestly believed, that the European ethnicity was superior to all other ethnic populations on the planet. . . like Margaret Sanger. They subscribed to the philosophy of the New English ruling classes.

However, they also believed in humanitarianism, and taking care of the other, "lesser," ethnic races and classes upon the planet. None of them really believed in equality at the time though. In the army of the North, blacks were either in segregated regiments, or played support roles in the war.

Sure looks like the racists on THIS thread are all Republicans

Odd huh?
And you think he’s racist?

Oh you mean he has issues with how blacks have been treated?

Newsflash. That’s not racist.
Yeah, it has nothing to do with his general views on white people :rofl:
Nothing at all.
And you think he’s racist?

Oh you mean he has issues with how blacks have been treated?

Newsflash. That’s not racist.
Hell, make sure your contribution to retributions is sent out right away.

No, it's true. Look at you. You're here defending a guy in a KKK uniform, who would have gladly hung you from a tree, because he's in the same political party you're in. That's slavery, bro, and you're the one wearing the chains.
No, it's true. Look at you. You're here defending a guy in a KKK uniform, who would have gladly hung you from a tree, because he's in the same political party you're in. That's slavery, bro, and you're the one wearing the chains.
What guy in a KKK uniform might you be exerting to?

There has been polling done whereby 22-31 percent of whites polled held racist views. A more recent poll was done whereby between 40-50 percent of whites polled said America will be weaker with a white minority. I'll look this last one up and post it later as I have some work to do right now.
So are you, hypocrite.
No, I'm not but whites who are racists conflate opposing whites who are racist with all white people. All white people aren't the problem. Whites such as yourself are.

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