REPUBLICANS: Why wasn't the wall taken care of in Trump's first two years?

This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?


John McShitstain, Jeff Flake and the other nutless pieces of shits who make the sub Party of RINO’s.
No we don't agree because the BLAME was never the question.

Your foolish assertion that a proposal by the Democrats that is tantamount to "We'll agree to allow you to commit political suicide" falls anywhere near REASONABLE was the point of contention.

If you want to talk about BLAME then it's clear that Trump is the one that's painted himself into a corner and created this impasse.
No we don't agree because the BLAME was never the question.

Your foolish assertion that a proposal by the Democrats that is tantamount to "We'll agree to allow you to commit political suicide" falls anywhere near REASONABLE was the point of contention.

If you want to talk about BLAME then it's clear that Trump is the one that's painted himself into a corner and created this impasse.
If you want to talk about BLAME then it's clear that Trump is the one that's painted himself into a corner and created this impasse.

So yes, we do agree then?

The Dems are neither responsible for putting him in or getting him out of that position.

Unfortunately your attempts to deflect away from the original point of contention are no less transparent now than they were several posts ago, one might suggest that acknowledging your mistake before attempting to solicit agreement on a completely separate point might be a more effective strategy.

Unless of course your objective is to demonstrate your competence as one among the legions of partisan parrots that think they can "win" by changing the subject, in which case, congratulations! you're succeeding.

So we don't agree then? :uhoh3:
The seems to be about the sum of it.

It's just one of those unfortunate situations on the Internet where one party is intellectually honest and one is not, happens all the time, the cause remains a mystery.

I quoted you agreeing with me.

K, thanks, glad I could make your month.:rolleyes:

Seems like immigrants bring in quite few funds to certain states.

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

“We swear to God....WE DO NOT SUPPORT AN OPEN BORDER....but, but, but LOOK at this bullshit wetback run website that says they’re fiscally good for Americans....FUCK MOLLIE TIBBETTS we need that revenue.”

The link says what the link says, I don't see anyone who is supporting or promoting illegal immigration even if some of the content debunks the racist crap people like you keep shouting about.
Seems like immigrants bring in quite few funds to certain states.

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

“We swear to God....WE DO NOT SUPPORT AN OPEN BORDER....but, but, but LOOK at this bullshit wetback run website that says they’re fiscally good for Americans....FUCK MOLLIE TIBBETTS we need that revenue.”

The link says what the link says, I don't see anyone who is supporting or promoting illegal immigration even if some of the content debunks the racist crap people like you keep shouting about.

How about we do this...let’s look at the REAL data...
Let's analyze the 3.1 million illegals of the bullshit estimation of 11 million paid an average of $349 per month toward social security and Medicare according to those figures....right?
So let's look at what they steal from American taxpayers shall we?
In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers... Under current law, all unlawful immigrant households together have an aggregate annual deficit of around $54.5 billion.

Busted you filthy lying bastards again...huh?
This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?

Let me answer this question... Trump didn't wait for anything. He was trying to negotiate with an obstinate Republican congress. He made made a proposal to Democrats to grant amnesty to millions of illegals already in the country in exchange for a wall. He did his part, congress is always the hold up. Always pining for their base instead of the greater good of their nation.

In short, lets just say that nobody gives a damn about our border security. Not Republicans, not Democrats. I'm quite convinced of that now.
In short, lets just say that nobody gives a damn about our border security. Not Republicans, not Democrats. I'm quite convinced of that now.
When I see both parties demanding that existing immigration & employment laws are enforced, I'll start taking all this screaming a little more seriously.
Good analysis, although I think there's a possible alternative to "the narrative that paints the Democrats as the weak-on-national-security villains" that would end this stand-off.

He just redefines the meaning of "the wall" to something that's already within his grasp, declare victory and depart the field, after all, hasn't he already been on that path for a while now? He's great at watering down the promise until he can claim he's fulfilled it and then spinning a yarn around how he managed to do it and his base has shown that it will pretty much swallow and defend anything he puts out.

As I said, predicting what Trump will do the next day is about as valid as is predicting the very minute of the start of rain five weeks out, and that is so because he himself doesn't know where he stands tomorrow, much less the day after. So, on two out of three days he may lean towards the strategy you outlined. But... But, it would seem - and I never guessed this would happen - he has lost control of the narrative on the wall, with Limbaugh, Coulter, and the alt-right hordes breathing down his neck. The "base" might let him get away with a fake victory lap (see his incredible success with Kim for a clue), but the two aforementioned worthies seemingly won't, and the "base" will follow.

It's always the greatest danger an authoritarian leader is facing: Once his "base" concludes he's weak, in their view he's turned out to be a McGovern-clone, and then he's done. They may stick with him despite minor failures (i.e. replace the ACA), but weakness and failure on an issue so central to the xenophobic mouth-breathers, like the wall, they won't forgive him. At least I, for one, can't imagine they will.
Because the Republicans needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass thanks to Dems filibusters if there was any wall funding.
If he couldn't get it done for two years with the GOP in control of both chambers, this seems like a pretty bizarre gambit.

It's not a "bizarre gambit" at all, He's getting tons of mileage out of the issue and his intransigence on it with his base. He has to be seen as having fought "the good fight" with his supporters before he capitulates and moves on to other things, I suspect the issue will come back to the forefront when election time comes around.

If he REALLY wanted the $5 billion to begin the construction of this wall/curtain/whatever the fuck he's calling it now, he could have used executive transfer authority to get it (instead of just making veiled threats to use it) but that wouldn't have given him a political issue to rile up his base with. :dunno:

It is amazing, how do you see right through him like that, lol?

Been following his career for over 3 decades, this is all perfectly inline with his modus operandi.

He's starts with a vague, grandiose promise then via a constant barrage of long & winding rants creates a completely new narrative that gets his audience to forgot whatever it was that he said in the first place, he's an absolute MASTER at creating new illusions to replace old ones that no longer fit current realities.

The funny thing is, his political opponents haven't caught on to his tactics and figured out how to counter them, the Democrats et. al. keep reacting the same way, MAYBE this time they'll actually stick to their guns and calmly just call bullshit instead of throwing hissy fits.

"Yeah, everything that guy just said is bullshit, Thank You" -- Vincent Gambini, My Cousin Vinny

Oh I get it if was sarcasm. I have seen his act for years as well and I totally get it! If the man ever told the truth I am sure his head would just explode!
Seems like immigrants bring in quite few funds to certain states.

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

“We swear to God....WE DO NOT SUPPORT AN OPEN BORDER....but, but, but LOOK at this bullshit wetback run website that says they’re fiscally good for Americans....FUCK MOLLIE TIBBETTS we need that revenue.”

The link says what the link says, I don't see anyone who is supporting or promoting illegal immigration even if some of the content debunks the racist crap people like you keep shouting about.

How about we do this...let’s look at the REAL data...
Let's analyze the 3.1 million illegals of the bullshit estimation of 11 million paid an average of $349 per month toward social security and Medicare according to those figures....right?
So let's look at what they steal from American taxpayers shall we?
In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers... Under current law, all unlawful immigrant households together have an aggregate annual deficit of around $54.5 billion.

Busted you filthy lying bastards again...huh?

It's odd because nobody said illegal immigration didn't have a cost. What you didn't do is debunk anything from the previous link. Trump claimed illegal immigration cost us $200 billion.

But, next time if you're going to pretend to provide a full answer then at least include all taxes immigrants pay like sales tax, income and property taxes. How does the next generation of immigrants fare?
This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?


Trump campaigned on a promise to "build the wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it"

Well, Trump, as USUAL, lied.

Trump voters drank the TrumpKoolAide & fell for Trump's bullshit lies.

They are the smartest peeps.
This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?


Trump campaigned on a promise to "build the wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it"

Well, Trump, as USUAL, lied.

Trump voters drank the TrumpKoolAide & fell for Trump's bullshit lies.

They are the smartest peeps.
Trump supporters wanted a wall....period.
They really don't care who pays for it, true story.

Trump has TOLD SO MANY LIES about 'the wall' and the bullshit lie about the USMCA paying for 'the wall' is YET ANOTHER LIE from Trump concerning 'the wall.'

Trumpettes none the less just eat this shit up, like it's candy.

Next thing you know Trump will be telling the Trumpettes that space aliens are gonna pay for 'the wall' and they will be throwing ca$h from their UFOs to pay for it.

The Trumpettes will believe that too.
Seems like immigrants bring in quite few funds to certain states.

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

“We swear to God....WE DO NOT SUPPORT AN OPEN BORDER....but, but, but LOOK at this bullshit wetback run website that says they’re fiscally good for Americans....FUCK MOLLIE TIBBETTS we need that revenue.”

The link says what the link says, I don't see anyone who is supporting or promoting illegal immigration even if some of the content debunks the racist crap people like you keep shouting about.

How about we do this...let’s look at the REAL data...
Let's analyze the 3.1 million illegals of the bullshit estimation of 11 million paid an average of $349 per month toward social security and Medicare according to those figures....right?
So let's look at what they steal from American taxpayers shall we?
In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers... Under current law, all unlawful immigrant households together have an aggregate annual deficit of around $54.5 billion.

Busted you filthy lying bastards again...huh?

It's odd because nobody said illegal immigration didn't have a cost. What you didn't do is debunk anything from the previous link. Trump claimed illegal immigration cost us $200 billion.

But, next time if you're going to pretend to provide a full answer then at least include all taxes immigrants pay like sales tax, income and property taxes. How does the next generation of immigrants fare?
I'm confused....are you talking legal immigration, or illegal immigration?

Trump has TOLD SO MANY LIES about 'the wall' and the bullshit lie about the USMCA paying for 'the wall' is YET ANOTHER LIE from Trump concerning 'the wall.'

Trumpettes none the less just eat this shit up, like it's candy.

Next thing you know Trump will be telling the Trumpettes that space aliens are gonna pay for 'the wall' and they will be throwing ca$h from their UFOs to pay for it.

The Trumpettes will believe that too.
While you talk about the lies, Trump supporters are giving him kudos for
what he has accomplished in a short amount of time.

We have something like 4.4 trillion in spending for 2019. 5 billion is a drop in the bucket.
Yes, the USA can afford to spend 5 billion on a wall.

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