Russia Threatens Military Response For NATO Inviting Montenegro

Obama is trying (in his cowardly way) to provoke Putin. A strong president like Trump or Cruz will get respect from Russia and elsewhere. You can't really blame our adversaries for exploiting Obama's weakness and lack of character. He's a faggy wimp and the world knows it. I just shudder to think of all the ground we're losing while our inept president fucks around trying to curry favor with Islam. January, 2017 can't come soon enough.
What should cowardly Obama do...invade Russia?
Maybe he should help Georgia take back South Ossetia that was annexed by Russia under the noses of the brave and strong Bush administration?
I'd like to make your post complete.

1. Collapse of the USSR, encouraged and blessed by US, was also annexation of historical Russian lands.
Putin: I see the collapse of the Soviet Union as a great tragedy of the 20th century. Do you know why? First of all, because 25 million of Russian people suddenly turned out to be outside the borders of the Russian Federation. They used to live in one state; the Soviet Union has traditionally been called Russia, the Soviet Russia, and it was the 'greater Russia'. Then the Soviet Union suddenly fell apart, in fact, overnight, and it turned out that in the former Soviet Union republics there were 25 million Russians. They used to live in one country and suddenly found themselves abroad. Can you imagine how many problems came out?

First, there were everyday issues,the separation of families, the economic and social problems. The list is endless. Do you think it is normal that 25 million people, Russian people, suddenly found themselves abroad?The Russians have turned out to be the largest divided nation in the world nowadays.
Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie Rose: What CBS left out --

2. Breaking Yugoslavia (which Montenegro used to be part of) into several different countries and later annexation of Kosovo from Serbia was also encouraged and blessed by US.

Next time before blaming Russia look into the mirror.
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Obama is trying (in his cowardly way) to provoke Putin. A strong president like Trump or Cruz will get respect from Russia and elsewhere. You can't really blame our adversaries for exploiting Obama's weakness and lack of character. He's a faggy wimp and the world knows it. I just shudder to think of all the ground we're losing while our inept president fucks around trying to curry favor with Islam. January, 2017 can't come soon enough.
What should cowardly Obama do...invade Russia?
Maybe he should help Georgia take back South Ossetia that was annexed by Russia under the noses of the brave and strong Bush administration?
I'd like to make your post complete.

1. Collapse of the USSR, blessed by US, was also annexation of historical Russian lands and made Russian nation be the most separated nation in the world (over 20 millions of ethnic Russians have to live abroad because of that).
2. Breaking Yugoslavia into several different countries and later annexation of Kosovo from Serbia was also blessed by US.

Would you like to blame Russia for that too, ha???
I suspect you have little clue of history or the meaning of annexation. Kazakhstan, Lithuania,and the Ukraine for example are not historical Russian lands any more than Brest is historically Belorussian.
Here are some historical facts for you, Meathead, an "expert" in Russian history:

1. Eastern part of Ukraine (half of the country) as well as Belarus were parts of Russia for centuries, many centuries before the world even heard about the USA existence. Russia was called “Kiev Russia” and Kiev was called ”the mother of Russian cities”. In 988 Prince Vladimir has started baptizing the people of Russia in the river Dnepr, city of Kiev.
This mass baptism became the iconic inaugural event in the Christianization of the state of Kievan Rus'.
Christianization of Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, for Russia Ukraine basically is the same people, for half of a country Russian is still the first language (in spite of a forced total ukrainization of Russian speaking population, which started as soon as Ukraine became “independent”) . The history of Western Ukraine is different.

2. In 1922 after the October revolution Lenin “gave“ (or "annexed", as you people love to say) a part of Russia (which is now Eastern Ukraine) to Ukrainian republic ( to raise the percentage of proletariat in Ukrainian republic), however it was within the same country of the USSR. Later in 1954 Khrushchev “gave”/"annexed" Crimean peninsula to Ukrainian republic.
1954 transfer of Crimea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. In 1992 three drunks (Yeltsyn, Kravchuk, Shushkevitch) with Washington’s blessing have separated Ukraine and Belarus’ from Russia and declared them separate countries. So, they have been called separate countries for 24 years (can 24 years be compared to centuries?). The people living in Eastern Ukraine (including myself) felt like their Motherland has been stolen from them and found themselves living in a foreign and not friendly country of Ukraine. However Western Ukrainians were happy. (And since then what makes Western Ukrainians happy is bad for Eastern Ukrainians and vise verse).

P.S. The country of Georgia was part of the Russian Empire between 1801 and 1918. [And after that it stayed within the USSR till it collapsed.] For centuries, the Muslim Ottoman and Persian empires had fought over various fragmented Georgian kingdoms and principalities but by the 18th century, a third imperial power, Russia, had emerged in the region. Since Russia was a Orthodox Christian state like Georgia, the Georgians increasingly sought Russian help.
Georgia within the Russian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Here are some historical facts for you, Meathead, an "expert" in Russian history:

1. Eastern part of Ukraine (half of the country) as well as Belarus were parts of Russia for centuries, many centuries before the world even heard about the USA existence. Russia was called “Kiev Russia” and Kiev was called ”the mother of Russian cities”. In 988 Prince Vladimir has started baptizing the people of Russia in the river Dnepr, city of Kiev.
This mass baptism became the iconic inaugural event in the Christianization of the state of Kievan Rus'.
Christianization of Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, for Russia Ukraine basically is the same people, for half of a country Russian is still the first language (in spite of a forced total ukrainization of Russian speaking population, which started as soon as Ukraine became “independent”) . The history of Western Ukraine is different.

2. In 1922 after the October revolution Lenin “gave“ a part of Russia (which is now Eastern Ukraine) to Ukrainian republic ( to raise the percentage of proletariat in Ukrainian republic), however it was within the same country of the USSR. Later in 1954 Khrushchev “gave” Crimean peninsula to Ukrainian republic.

3. In 1992 three drunks (Yeltsyn, Kravchuk, Shushkevitch) with Washington’s blessing have separated Ukraine and Belarus’ from Russia and declared them separate countries. So, they have been called separate countries for 24 years (can 24 years be compared to centuries?). The people living in Eastern Ukraine (including myself) felt like treir Motherland has been stolen from them and found themselves living in a foreign and not friendly country of Ukraine. However Western Ukrainians were happy. (And since then what makes Western Ukrainians happy is bad for Eastern Ukrainians and vise verse).
I know all that, but Kievan Russia does not mean the Ukraine is Russian. The Ukrainian should have self-determination, and your idea of irredentinism is obviously not going to be taken lightly by those countries who lands Russians populated, especially under the guise of the workers paradise which was the Soviet Union. And remember, it was the Soviets' demand that republics like Belarus and the Ukraine be recognized as independent states by the United Nations.

Forget that victimization card you're trying to play. Russian support for the Soviet Union has left a deep scar in this part of the world, and while the Soviets are long gone, the Russians are still here.

As concerns Yugoslavia, it was a given that once Tito died, the country would fall apart. When the USSR collapsed and the Russians could not prop up the Serbs, the inevitable happened.

Finally, Putin has skillfully taken advantage of a very weak American president, but that, like Yugoslavia, is not going to last forever.
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So, for Russia Ukraine basically is the same people, for half of a country Russian is still the first language (in spite of a forced total ukrainization of Russian speaking population, which started as soon as Ukraine became “independent”) . The history of Western Ukraine is different.

Do you have any information about languages spoken by the people who lived in the areas of Russian Empire which comprise the contemporary Ukraine? As of the beginning of the 20-th century, for example.
Stratford, of course, is a Russian homer.

All of his talk of Mother Russia, Holy Kiev, and so forth, does not stand up to geo-political realities.

Russia was happy to keep annexing Poland, but the Poles, ungrateful shrugs that they were, would always revolt when they had a chance. The final time when the USSR attacked Poland early after WWI, the Poles kicked Russian ass.
Stratford, of course, is a Russian homer.

All of his talk of Mother Russia, Holy Kiev, and so forth, does not stand up to geo-political realities.

Russia was happy to keep annexing Poland, but the Poles, ungrateful shrugs that they were, would always revolt when they had a chance. The final time when the USSR attacked Poland early after WWI, the Poles kicked Russian ass.
No, the Russians attacked Poland in concert with the Germans in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact as WWII began. Stalin's stupidity cost millions of Russian lives. After the war, Russian appropriated the east of what was Poland and gave it to Belarus while giving the Poles a hunk of what was Germany including Wraclav, know a Breslau in German.

Starkey, you have to clean your act up before you get to be a pedant like me.
2. Breaking Yugoslavia (which Montenegro used to be part of) into several different countries and later annexation of Kosovo from Serbia was also encouraged and blessed by US.

Yugoslavia was several different republics and provinces even when it was Yugoslavia- and pretty much the only thing that held it together was Tito.

I spent time there after Tito's death, and before the break up- and the break up hardly surprised me- each groups really hated the others- the Slovenians despised every group South of them- Serbs despised Croats- everyone hated Macedonians.

This was a cobbled together country with 2 different scripts, 3 different religions, various ethnicities and around 5 different languages- the civil war was brutal- but it didn't have to happen- Slovenia walked away peacefully- but Serbia wasn't going to let the rest of them go peacefully.
Starkey, you have to clean your act up before you get to be a pedant like me.
Meathead, you are a never failing font of silliness. Go back and read what I posted, then open and read the following. You missed entirely what I was posting. You are a never-ending self evident self embarrassment.

  • Polish– Soviet War in 1920 - Wikipedia, the free...

    The PolishSoviet war erupted in 1920 in the aftermath of World War I. The root causes were twofold: a territorial dispute dating back to Polish-Russian wars in the ...

  2. Polish– Soviet War - Wikipedia, the free...
    Soviet War; Part of the Russian Civil War: Top left: Polish Renault FT tanks of thePolish 1st Tank Regiment during the Battle of Dyneburg, January 1920.

  3. Polish Russian War 1920 - Video Results
PS----I am glad I am not president too. I get the sense that poor Obama
is eagerly looking forward to the end of his term-------poor guy
"I am glad I am not president too"
Yeah, this being president thing would be really
Very sad suggestion. The author of the article above discussing her own death so calmly. I hope it will not happen.
So, for Russia Ukraine basically is the same people, for half of a country Russian is still the first language (in spite of a forced total ukrainization of Russian speaking population, which started as soon as Ukraine became “independent”) . The history of Western Ukraine is different.

Do you have any information about languages spoken by the people who lived in the areas of Russian Empire which comprise the contemporary Ukraine? As of the beginning of the 20-th century, for example.
German? Polish? Rural dialect of russian?
Finally, Putin has skillfully taken advantage of a very weak American president, but that, like Yugoslavia, is not going to last forever.
How do you know that? The strength of country is determined by its moral rules, so now we can see that the west is becoming more tolerant and barbaric. Such pegan nations often even don't have own countries and if they do are being conquering by christians or others, which are not so primitive. The collapse and weakening of Russia and Yougoslavia has its origins in atheism which is very close to pegan religion, spreading in the west now.

And, by the way,Ukraine, which not far ago was an atheistic, now tends to be with its western brothers instead of returning to its russian orthodox traditions. So, that is the reason of conflict with Russia – betrayal.
Rural dialect of russian?

Very interesting. I seem to understand what this means. So, I understand you correctly that the Contemporary Russian language was a mother tongue of East Slavic tribes and the other tongues of Eastern Slavs – Ukrainian and Belorussian – are just dialects of contemporary Russian? Well, maybe it is true in a Russian parallel reality.
Rural dialect of russian?

Very interesting. I seem to understand what this means. So, I understand you correctly that the Contemporary Russian language was a mother tongue of East Slavic tribes and the other tongues of Eastern Slavs – Ukrainian and Belorussian – are just dialects of contemporary Russian? Well, maybe it is true in a Russian parallel reality.
In a case like this, what is and isn't a dialect of what is a chicken and egg proposition.
Rural dialect of russian?

Very interesting. I seem to understand what this means. So, I understand you correctly that the Contemporary Russian language was a mother tongue of East Slavic tribes and the other tongues of Eastern Slavs – Ukrainian and Belorussian – are just dialects of contemporary Russian? Well, maybe it is true in a Russian parallel reality.
Yes, I think this language was invented by kremlin agents, which were secretly operating in Ukrainian territory cultivating it. Their area of interests spreaded not only on eastern europe (where Ukraine played leading role, unless nothern tribes come), but on the whole world. I mean that whole world which is by now supporting this center of power - Ukraine.

Of course, every old world language is only a simple dialect of modern russian language in form, which is now exists. I mean last 10-15 years, when Putin rules.
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