Russia Threatens Military Response For NATO Inviting Montenegro

In a case like this, what is and isn't a dialect of what is a chicken and egg proposition.

It is true, but you seem not to communicate enough with Russian “patriots”. They sincerely believe that they are the only descendants of Old Rusichs and Russia the only country which can derive its history directly from Kievan Rus, for example. Even though the foundation and expanding of Grand Duchy of Moscow happened centuries later of Kiev’s establishment.
Rural dialect of russian?

Very interesting. I seem to understand what this means. So, I understand you correctly that the Contemporary Russian language was a mother tongue of East Slavic tribes and the other tongues of Eastern Slavs – Ukrainian and Belorussian – are just dialects of contemporary Russian? Well, maybe it is true in a Russian parallel reality.
In a case like this, what is and isn't a dialect of what is a chicken and egg proposition.
By now slavic orthodox churches use old language, constructed by Cyril and Methodius. And this language is still common. Catholic slavs do not use it, because they are not in old slavic culture and are more western people, than slavic by spirit.

And ukraine, the former region of russia, made its choice, betrayed its culture and traditions and is becoming polish.
Meanwhile there is a big shift coming up on the world political arena:

NATO's chief says he wants to use a special council which includes Russia as a "tool for political engagement" amid heightened tensions on a variety of fronts.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier favors reviving the council. He credited Russia's "constructive role" in trying to end the Syria conflict.
NATO to Explore Reviving Talks With Russia Through Council

And if that happens, it will mean a lot of good things for the world. And one of them hopefully will be:

Bye, bye, miss Ukrainian pie…

Poroshenko already has been ignored (32 seconds cool video):
In a case like this, what is and isn't a dialect of what is a chicken and egg proposition.

It is true, but you seem not to communicate enough with Russian “patriots”. They sincerely believe that they are the only descendants of Old Rusichs and Russia the only country which can derive its history directly from Kievan Rus, for example. Even though the foundation and expanding of Grand Duchy of Moscow happened centuries later of Kiev’s establishment.
yes, russia is a fully descendant of Rus, and Moscow is only one of its cities. There were and are a lot of cities and villages in russian territory, which are older than moscow, but ukranians do not know about it. And Kiev is in the same situation like Istanbul. If Turkey decide to claim that they are the descendants of Byzantine Empire cause they captured its capital, you should laugh and nothing more.
Of course, every old world language is only a simple dialect of modern russian language in form, which is now exists. I mean last 10-15 ears, when Putin rules.

Old languages and 10-15 years of Putin’s rule? Dude, I don’t want to upset you, but the history of mankind is a little older than Putin’s rule. I understand it is not the thing taught in your schools, but it is true, just believe me.
By now slavic orthodox churches use old language, constructed by Cyril and Methodius. And this language is still common. Catholic slavs do not use it, because they are not in old slavic culture and are more western people, than slavic by spirit.

And ukraine, the former region of russia, made its choice, betrayed its culture and traditions and is becoming polish.
Don't be silly. Cyril and Methodious did not construct a language. they simply adapted the Byzantine alphabet so it could be spelled and thus recorded and read.
yes, russia is a fully descendant of Rus, and Moscow is only one of its cities. There were and are a lot of cities and villages in russian territory, which are older than moscow, but ukranians do not know about it. And Kiev is in the same situation like Istanbul. If Turkey decide to claim that they are the descendants of Byzantine Empire cause they captured its capital, you should laugh and nothing more.

Dude, how many East Slavic tribes do you know?

There were and are a lot of cities and villages in russian territory, which are older than moscow, but ukranians do not know about it.

Yeah. The fact that I live in a city which almost 5 centuries older than Moscow is says nothing.
Of course, every old world language is only a simple dialect of modern russian language in form, which is now exists. I mean last 10-15 ears, when Putin rules.

Old languages and 10-15 years of Putin’s rule? Dude, I don’t want to upset you, but the history of mankind is a little older than Putin’s rule. I understand it is not the thing taught in your schools, but it is true, just believe me.
No, no, Putin lived, lives and will live. You just do not have all the information. Watch Recommend!
[. The collapse and weakening of Russia and Yougoslavia has its origins in atheism which is very close to pegan religion, spreading in the west now..

What an idiotic comment.

Yugoslavia had multiple ethnic communities strongly tied to 3 religions- Catholicism, Orthodox and Islam.

Those religious differences were part of the conflict between the people of Yugoslavia- forced together by the atheist strongman Tito- that fell apart eventually after Tito was no longer there to force them to stay together.
it is a secret.

What a pity! But you are right – not to share information about your parallel reality, because some evil people can use it against you.

And Kiev is in the same situation like Istanbul. If Turkey decide to claim that they are the descendants of Byzantine Empire cause they captured its capital, you should laugh and nothing more.

Exactly! And if Moscow thinks that if it once captured Kiev that automatically means it is the only descendant of Kievan Rus – this causes only a laugh and nothing more.
Exactly! And if Moscow thinks that if it once captured Kiev that automatically means it is the only descendant of Kievan Rus – this causes only a laugh and nothing more.
Do not know about Moscow. There are a lot of cities in Russia, which think, that Kiev is an orthodox russian city, not catholical nazi ukranian. It will be again, even if catholics and seсtarian "ukrainian church" are against it, cause russians always win.
it is a secret.

What a pity! But you are right – not to share information about your parallel reality, because some evil people can use it against you.

And Kiev is in the same situation like Istanbul. If Turkey decide to claim that they are the descendants of Byzantine Empire cause they captured its capital, you should laugh and nothing more.

Exactly! And if Moscow thinks that if it once captured Kiev that automatically means it is the only descendant of Kievan Rus – this causes only a laugh and nothing more.
Guy, I remember, that recently you were saying that there should be a monument to Dzerzhinky in the center of Moscow, and that this decision was made definetly. Where is this monument? I can't see it. Maybe ukranian partners lied again like they usually do, did not they?
There are a lot of cities in Russia, which think, that Kiev is an orthodox russian city, not catholical nazi ukranian.

Kiev is steel an Orthodox russian city (though, it depends on what “russian” means in your sentence).

Guy, I remember, that recently you were saying that there should be a monument to Dzerzhinky in the center of Moscow, and that this decision was made definetly. Where is this monument? I can't see it.

Yeah, I have to admit that there is no monument. Not yet, at least.

Maybe ukranian partners lied again like they usually do, did not they?

Who prevents you from finding new partners?
If I remember correctly, you once found a new partner in transporting gas to Europe – more reliable and more honest than Ukraine. It is Turkey, I mean. But suddenly it came out that this partner is financing terrorism and can “put the knife in your beck”. An excellent example in finding partners, isn’t it? Maybe the main issue is not in partners?

cause russians always win

Yeah, it is an excellent example of the pure truth, I suppose.
Kiev is steel an Orthodox russian city (though, it depends on what “russian” means in your sentence).
and "orthodox" too, I guess :eusa_drool:

If I remember correctly, you once found a new partner in transporting gas to Europe – more reliable and more honest than Ukraine. It is Turkey, I mean
No, you are wrong as usual. It is Germany, not Turkey. And they receive russian gas and plan to widen capabilities.

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