Russia Threatens Military Response For NATO Inviting Montenegro

No, you are wrong as usual. It is Germany, not Turkey. And they receive russian gas and plan to widen capabilities.

Really? So, the Turkish stream is only my imagination?
Your imagination is that Turkey is a new partner. Interesting, how often you are trying to lie about my words and events in Russia. Reading your ukranian news i thought that people simly can't be so stupid to believe in it, but now i see that most of them really are. Lying, full of hatred and trying blame russians for what they even do not imagine to be.

Good bye, i'm a bit tired of ukranians now.
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Your imagination is that Turkey is a new partner. Interesting, how often you are trying to lie about my words and events in Russia. Reading your ukranian news i thought that people simly can't be so stupid to believe in it, but now i see that most of them really are. Lying, full of hatred and trying blame russians for what they even do not imagine to be.

Good buy, i'm a bit tired of ukranians now.

Dude, if two men meet each other and they decide to organize a joint venture then they are called partners. This is the case in Ukraine and I dare to assume that in some other countries too. Maybe things are different in a Russian parallel reality, I don’t know.

So, some time ago Russia decided to build with the Turks the Turkish stream in order to bypass Ukraine in transporting gas to Europe, because in Russia Ukraine is thought as utterly unreliable partner. But after the shoot-down of Russian military jet, the Russian rulers suddenly saw the light and said: “What the fuck? This country is supporting terrorism and buying oil from ISIS. They put the knife in our back!” And that despite the fact that the Syrian civil war is ongoing more than 4 years and the ISIS came to the scene almost 1.5 years ago.

Obviously, you need to be brainwashed by Western (or in my case Ukrainian) media, be full of lies and hatred to Russia and so on in order to see that something is wrong with Russia’s foreign policy.
Obama is trying (in his cowardly way) to provoke Putin. A strong president like Trump or Cruz will get respect from Russia and elsewhere. You can't really blame our adversaries for exploiting Obama's weakness and lack of character. He's a faggy wimp and the world knows it. I just shudder to think of all the ground we're losing while our inept president fucks around trying to curry favor with Islam. January, 2017 can't come soon enough.
What should cowardly Obama do...invade Russia?
Maybe he should help Georgia take back South Ossetia that was annexed by Russia under the noses of the brave and strong Bush administration?
I'd like to make your post complete.

1. Collapse of the USSR, blessed by US, was also annexation of historical Russian lands and made Russian nation be the most separated nation in the world (over 20 millions of ethnic Russians have to live abroad because of that).
2. Breaking Yugoslavia into several different countries and later annexation of Kosovo from Serbia was also blessed by US.

Would you like to blame Russia for that too, ha???
I suspect you have little clue of history or the meaning of annexation. Kazakhstan, Lithuania,and the Ukraine for example are not historical Russian lands any more than Brest is historically Belorussian.

It was a Russian territories before the US existance.
Stratford, of course, is a Russian homer.

All of his talk of Mother Russia, Holy Kiev, and so forth, does not stand up to geo-political realities.

Russia was happy to keep annexing Poland, but the Poles, ungrateful shrugs that they were, would always revolt when they had a chance. The final time when the USSR attacked Poland early after WWI, the Poles kicked Russian ass.
No, the Russians attacked Poland in concert with the Germans in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact as WWII began. Stalin's stupidity cost millions of Russian lives. After the war, Russian appropriated the east of what was Poland and gave it to Belarus while giving the Poles a hunk of what was Germany including Wraclav, know a Breslau in German.

Starkey, you have to clean your act up before you get to be a pedant like me.

How easy you forgot about Munich Agreement :) Look at the mirror before the consider of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact...

Russia paid million lives for the Trotskey's idea of "Communistic International"... Do you think, US have to pay a lot of US lives for the idea of "Democracy International" at the territories of historicallt Russian land?
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No, you are wrong as usual. It is Germany, not Turkey. And they receive russian gas and plan to widen capabilities.

Really? So, the Turkish stream is only my imagination?
Your imagination is that Turkey is a new partner. Interesting, how often you are trying to lie about my words and events in Russia. Reading your ukranian news i thought that people simly can't be so stupid to believe in it, but now i see that most of them really are. Lying, full of hatred and trying blame russians for what they even do not imagine to be.

Good bye, i'm a bit tired of ukranians now.

Forgive them, they now are learning the details of economical collapse, which they wanted to provide to us...
No, you are wrong as usual. It is Germany, not Turkey. And they receive russian gas and plan to widen capabilities.

Really? So, the Turkish stream is only my imagination?
Your imagination is that Turkey is a new partner. Interesting, how often you are trying to lie about my words and events in Russia. Reading your ukranian news i thought that people simly can't be so stupid to believe in it, but now i see that most of them really are. Lying, full of hatred and trying blame russians for what they even do not imagine to be.

Good bye, i'm a bit tired of ukranians now.

Forgive them, they now are learning the details of economical collapse, which they wanted to provide to us...
Interesting, what shall russia do in case of their collapse. Nowadays, Ukraine is one of the poorest country in the world. Russia is poor now after oil prices falling, but Ukraine is only one fourth of it. And if they become poorer, what then? How big should be the degradation of their country to change their mind and start another way of living.

And if they do not change their mind, obviously, their state will be destroyed.It means that somebody will be obligated to take control over them, or over some parts of former Ukraine. Or maybe they would like to provoke neighbor countries to start a war, don't know.

The last, that i have to say, is I would not like Russia to embody these former russian region with people full of hatred, but let Poland occupy them isn't good idea too. What should Russia do in case of devastating Ukraine? Don't know.

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