SCOTUS Strikes Down Unconstitutional Texas Abortion Law

Gee hypocritical how the Tea Maggots, and C@nt-servatives, rant and Bitch about BIG BROTHER GUBMINT, BLAH, BLAH. BLAH, but solicit the evil Gubmint to abolish Roe-Wade????? What the fuck is up with that??

I thought your Garbage party want Gubmint out of everyone's lives???

What happened to freedom?????, everyone, (including criminals)needs freedom to own some piece of shit assault rifle, but a Woman in your tiny lil minds doesn't have the right to choose what she does with her own body????
Deny poor women adequate medical care and convince them it's their best interests. It doesn't get better than this.
The law was directly intended to restrict access to abortion rather than further women's health. But regardless of how one feels about abortion (and I admit to being conflicted) Mississippi is one of the affected states, and our child welfare agency was nearly taken over by the Feds for failure to actually protect children in state custody, and is still hanging by a thread despite a state supreme court justice taking over the agency and the state pumping in millions.

In short, the states so adamant about "protecting fetuses" seem the least interest in protecting children.

Exactly the process the Supreme Court goes by. They decide if they agree with a law and the reasoning for it and if not, they fix it. Which is not their Constitutional role. They are lawless criminals in robes
Texas and other states were unable to show that abortions had any more complications that other out patient treatments allowed for other medical conditions. Three middle aged male catholics who admit they are pro life voted for Texas. But it wasn't legally or factually a difficult case.

Texas admitted that they couldn't find a single example of a woman these regulations would have helped:

He added that, "when directly asked at oral argument whether Texas knew of a single instance in which the new requirement would have helped even one woman obtain better treatment, Texas admitted that there was no evidence in the record of such a case."

The point was also made the abortion procedure is less complicated than many other procedures which do not have an admitting privileges requirement.

As I said above, H.B.2 was obviously intended to make it harder to get an abortion, not to improve safety or women's health. It was a dishonest law, and that is not the way to win a moral victory.
Gee hypocritical how the Tea Maggots, and C@nt-servatives, rant and Bitch about BIG BROTHER GUBMINT, BLAH, BLAH. BLAH, but solicit the evil Gubmint to abolish Roe-Wade????? What the fuck is up with that??

I thought your Garbage party want Gubmint out of everyone's lives???

What happened to freedom?????, everyone, (including criminals)needs freedom to own some piece of shit assault rifle, but a Woman in your tiny lil minds doesn't have the right to choose what she does with her own body????
Deny poor women adequate medical care and convince them it's their best interests. It doesn't get better than this.

Often planned parenthood is the only medical care poor women can afford.

Texans would like to drive Planned Parenthood out of Texas- that is how Conservatives want to care for poor women.
Congratulations libs you can KILL more babies. I tell you what explain it to God and good luck with that.

Satan's baby murderers rejoice at the news.


Ah another liberal celebrating the mutilation and death of human feteses, talk about sick.

The above is one of main reasons the anti-abortionists lose the argument.

The reason why Texas lost is because that is the real argument that they had for this law.

They just tried to call it something else other than making abortion illegal.
Since primarily liberals seek abortions I see no reason to restrict their sport in any way at all. Public money spent for abortions needs to be thought of as a means of controlling runaway population growth and reducing AGW. That any liberal breaths air means there is less available for normal people.

On this one the court seems to have got it right though for the wrong reasons.
Why don't the rabid anti-choice zealots ever show any compassion or concern for pregnant women who choose to exercise their legal rights to have an abortion for various reasons - such as convenience, mental, physical, and/or financial reasons? It's like they only view women as birthing pods.
Since primarily liberals seek abortions I see no reason to restrict their sport in any way at all. Public money spent for abortions needs to be thought of as a means of controlling runaway population growth and reducing AGW. That any liberal breaths air means there is less available for normal people.

On this one the court seems to have got it right though for the wrong reasons.
Yep. All of those unwed teen girls in red states are liberals
Gee hypocritical how the Tea Maggots, and C@nt-servatives, rant and Bitch about BIG BROTHER GUBMINT, BLAH, BLAH. BLAH, but solicit the evil Gubmint to abolish Roe-Wade????? What the fuck is up with that??

I thought your Garbage party want Gubmint out of everyone's lives???

What happened to freedom?????, everyone, (including criminals)needs freedom to own some piece of shit assault rifle, but a Woman in your tiny lil minds doesn't have the right to choose what she does with her own body????

Yo, Moonbat!

It's right there in the Constitution....

"A well regulated womb being necessary....."
Gee hypocritical how the Tea Maggots, and C@nt-servatives, rant and Bitch about BIG BROTHER GUBMINT, BLAH, BLAH. BLAH, but solicit the evil Gubmint to abolish Roe-Wade????? What the fuck is up with that??

I thought your Garbage party want Gubmint out of everyone's lives???

What happened to freedom?????, everyone, (including criminals)needs freedom to own some piece of shit assault rifle, but a Woman in your tiny lil minds doesn't have the right to choose what she does with her own body????
Deny poor women adequate medical care and convince them it's their best interests. It doesn't get better than this.

Often planned parenthood is the only medical care poor women can afford.

Texans would like to drive Planned Parenthood out of Texas- that is how Conservatives want to care for poor women.

Abortion is not "medical care".

All Planned Parenthood has to do is stop performing abortions, and stick to actual women's healthcare, and no one would have a problem with them.

PP doesn't even do mammograms.
"The Right To Life", as Cons preach it, is all important.

Except for torture - which has nothing to do with "Right To Life"

Except for Capital Punishment - which has nothing to do with the "Right To Life".

Except for the War(s) in Afghanistan and Iraq, where thousands of unborn babies have died due to U.S. Military Adventurism - which has nothing to do with the "Right To Life".

The RePuBliKlans bitch, whine, moan and complain how they "Do Not Want The Government To Decide Health Care.", or how they believe that "The Government Should Be In The Doctor's Office.", or how they believe that "The Government Should Not In Between The Doctor and The Patient".

Now, given the fact that between 2001 and 2009 the Republicans had majority control of the House and Senate, a Republican White House and a friendly SCOTUS. They could have easily passed the laws they wanted and they did not.

This is not ending abortion, which will never happen. It is about control and domination.

Poor, low income Women could be denied abortion, but the Rich Elite will continue to have access.

Abortion, for the amoral Republicans is a wedge issue and great for fundraising.

They will never end abortion, they money off the issue.
Gee hypocritical how the Tea Maggots, and C@nt-servatives, rant and Bitch about BIG BROTHER GUBMINT, BLAH, BLAH. BLAH, but solicit the evil Gubmint to abolish Roe-Wade????? What the fuck is up with that??

I thought your Garbage party want Gubmint out of everyone's lives???

What happened to freedom?????, everyone, (including criminals)needs freedom to own some piece of shit assault rifle, but a Woman in your tiny lil minds doesn't have the right to choose what she does with her own body????
Deny poor women adequate medical care and convince them it's their best interests. It doesn't get better than this.

Often planned parenthood is the only medical care poor women can afford.

Texans would like to drive Planned Parenthood out of Texas- that is how Conservatives want to care for poor women.

Abortion is not "medical care".

All Planned Parenthood has to do is stop performing abortions, and stick to actual women's healthcare, and no one would have a problem with them.

PP doesn't even do mammograms.

Do you consider "medical care" and "healthcare" to be interchangeable?
Gee hypocritical how the Tea Maggots, and C@nt-servatives, rant and Bitch about BIG BROTHER GUBMINT, BLAH, BLAH. BLAH, but solicit the evil Gubmint to abolish Roe-Wade????? What the fuck is up with that??

I thought your Garbage party want Gubmint out of everyone's lives???

What happened to freedom?????, everyone, (including criminals)needs freedom to own some piece of shit assault rifle, but a Woman in your tiny lil minds doesn't have the right to choose what she does with her own body????
Deny poor women adequate medical care and convince them it's their best interests. It doesn't get better than this.

Often planned parenthood is the only medical care poor women can afford.

Texans would like to drive Planned Parenthood out of Texas- that is how Conservatives want to care for poor women.

Abortion is not "medical care".

All Planned Parenthood has to do is stop performing abortions, and stick to actual women's healthcare, and no one would have a problem with them.

PP doesn't even do mammograms.

Abortion is indeed 'medical care'- child birth is dangerous for a woman- more dangerous than an abortion

And in order to prevent women from having legal abortions, you are willing to deny medical service to them by Planned Parenthood
Only 3% of Planned Parenthood's services are abortion services. The other 97% includes testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, cancer screening and prevention, and pregnancy testing and prenatal services.

38% - Testing of and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections (STDs/STIs)
In 2010, Planned Parenthood provided a total of 4,179, 053 services which encompassed:

  • STI tests for women and men -3,552,955
  • Genital warts (HPV) treatments - 51, 197
  • HIV tests for women and men - 574,901
33.5% - Contraception (including reversible and permanent)
In 2010, Planned Parenthood provided a total of 3,685,437 services which encompassed:
  • Reversible contraception for women** - 2,219,726
  • Emergency contraception kits - 1,461,816
  • Vasectomy patients - 3, 290
  • Female sterilization procedures - 605
14.5% - Cancer screening and prevention
In 2010, Planned Parenthood provided a total of 1,596,741 services which encompassed:
  • Pap tests -769,769
  • Breast Exams and Breast Care - 747,607
  • Colposcopy procedures (for diagnosis of abnormal growth cells in the cervix) - 41,549
  • LOOP/LEEP procedures (treatment for abnormal growths) - 2,432
  • Cryotherapy procedures (treatment for abnormal growths - 1,254
3% - Abortion services
In 2010, Planned Parenthood conducted a total of 329, 445 abortion procedures.

0.6% - Other health services
In 2010, Planned Parenthood provided a total of 68,132 services which encompassed:
  • Family practice services for women and men - 35, 062
  • Adoption referrals to other agencies - 841
  • Other procedures for women and men (which include WIC services -- a federally funded nutrition program for low-income women, infants, and children up to the age of five -- as well as pediatric care and immunizations) - 32,229

Abortion is indeed 'medical care'
Nope. No matter how many times you say it, it isn't.

And in order to prevent women from having legal abortions, you are willing to deny medical service to them by Planned Parenthood.

Nope. I am not trying to deny medical service to women. I am trying to deny abortions.

All PP has to do is stop performing abortions, and no one will have a problem with them.

They don't even do mammograms.
Congratulations libs you can KILL more babies. I tell you what explain it to God and good luck with that.

Things would probably work better if you stand back and let God take care of his own business. He really doesn't need your help.

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