Send in the Marines

It's time to send in the Marines to open the bridges at the Canadian border. They do not get to use their trucks to try to cripple our auto industry, or our economy. It's known that Matt Yglesias is well-read and respected in the White House.

Moron....Trump offered each democrat party controlled state federal help in putting down the democrat party riots, burning, looting and killing with their blm, antifa brown shirts...they all refused....

Sell you bullshit to biden voters....the only ones stupid enough to believe it...
Canada could negotiate with the truckers and old Joe could reconsider the mask mandates that states are already dealing with but the crazy angry left would rather send in the Marines. No surprise here.
It's time to send in the Marines to open the bridges at the Canadian border. They do not get to use their trucks to try to cripple our auto industry, or our economy. It's known that Matt Yglesias is well-read and respected in the White House.

Send in the fat bipoc brigade ....for equity and justice
It's time to send in the Marines to open the bridges at the Canadian border. They do not get to use their trucks to try to cripple our auto industry, or our economy. It's known that Matt Yglesias is well-read and respected in the White House.

Isn't that what the Prog politicians did to the citizens? Whitmer deserves this.
It's time to send in the Marines to open the bridges at the Canadian border. They do not get to use their trucks to try to cripple our auto industry, or our economy. It's known that Matt Yglesias is well-read and respected in the White House.

matthew yglesias was a fervent supporter of bush' war of choice.
It's time to send in the Marines to open the bridges at the Canadian border. They do not get to use their trucks to try to cripple our auto industry, or our economy. It's known that Matt Yglesias is well-read and respected in the White House.
Neo-con! Neo-con! Ra-ra-ra!

Neo-con! Neo-con! Cha-cha-cha!

Where were you people when Dick Cheney needed you?
Funny how they wouldn't "send in the Marines" to rescue American citizens in Afghanistan but attacking friendly Canadian truckers seems like a good idea.
The Marine Corps is a part of the U.S. Navy and thus you are more likely to get the Army to do the corrupt Biden Administration's bidding. Marine personnel themselves would be more likely to quietly side with the truckers.
It's time to send in the Marines to open the bridges at the Canadian border. They do not get to use their trucks to try to cripple our auto industry, or our economy. It's known that Matt Yglesias is well-read and respected in the White House.

You shitheads actively supported the democrat party brownshirts, blm and antifa, as they burned, looted and murdered in primarily black neighborhoods for 7 months............your democrat party politicians, in support of their brown shirts, pulled back the police and ordered them to stand down as lives were destroyed....

Now, with an actual peaceful protest against you shitheads and your totalitarian you want to use the military?

You truly are fascists....

Creating Loyal PolicemenClick here to copy a link to this section

In addition to expanding the powers of the police, the Nazis also wanted to guarantee that loyal—meaning Nazi—policemen controlled and filled Germany’s police institutions. This would make it easier for the Nazis to use the police forces for their ideological and dictatorial goals. The Nazis did not simply abolish the police or replace them all with Nazis. They needed existing police experience, knowledge, skill, and expertise.
Police leadership positions were politically appointed. This meant that whoever controlled the state and local governments could appoint the police chiefs. As the Nazis gained control of state and local government positions, they immediately appointed Nazi Party loyalists, often SA men, to police leadership positions.
The same men who had been terrorizing the police and the public just months before were now in charge of major police departments across Germany. For instance, prominent Berlin SA leader Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorff had stood trial in 1931–1932 after coordinating an antisemitic attack. Under Helldorff’s leadership, SA men had yelled antisemitic insults and attacked people they identified as Jews on Berlin’s main shopping thoroughfare. But in 1933, Helldorf was appointed Police President of Potsdam and, in 1935, of Berlin. This placed him in charge of the very same police force he had previously harassed.
Lower-level German policemen were civil servants, which came with certain job protections. Thus, to achieve their goals, the Nazis needed a legal reason to fire them or force them to retire. A new Nazi law adopted on April 7, 1933, did just that. The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service gave the government the power to remove Jews and political opponents from the civil service. This included policemen. In Cologne, for example, thirty-one police officers (out of approximately 2,600) were removed under the law, mostly for political activity. Nonetheless, this purge of the police was relatively minor.

German Police in the Nazi State

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