Should A US Congressman Busted on Drug Charges Using Cocaine Be Making Laws?

What Should Happen To A Cocain Using Congressman

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He just pleaded Guilty. I expect the Voters will make that decision. Just another TP favorite...
Should A US Congressman Busted on Drug Charges Using Cocaine Be Making Laws?
FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.
He needs to resign.

I harbor no delusions that dimcrap scum would feel the same way about one of theirs, however.

And BTW? He's MY Congressman
Should A US Congressman Busted on Drug Charges Using Cocaine Be Making Laws?
FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.

They used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola, hence the name 'coca'

And I doubt FDR bought the coke in a knowingly illegal environment in a criminal manner.

Not taking up for FDR, he was an imbecile. But this is different. Different times, different laws, different standards.

Radel needs to resign. We are NOT dimocraps.
It says a lot about the near total lack of accountability our elected officials now live under that the shithead has not already resigned.
Should A US Congressman Busted on Drug Charges Using Cocaine Be Making Laws?
FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.

They used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola, hence the name 'coca'

And I doubt FDR bought the coke in a knowingly illegal environment in a criminal manner.

Not taking up for FDR, he was an imbecile. But this is different. Different times, different laws, different standards.

Radel needs to resign. We are NOT dimocraps.
Only an imbecile would say that about one of the most revered POTUS's in this country, by ALL historians. It's like Sarah Palin saying she could see Russia from her house, it's just a moronic statement.
He just pleaded Guilty. I expect the Voters will make that decision. Just another TP favorite...

The voters of South Carolina decided an openly adulterous bible-thumping Governor who actually used the bible to justify why he would not resign deserved to be elevated to federal office.

The People have communicated quite clearly that earthly power before spiritual principles is the rule of the day.
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He needs to resign.

I harbor no delusions that dimcrap scum would feel the same way about one of theirs, however.

And BTW? He's MY Congressman

Thank you for your integrity. It's time we started asking ourselves if these jerks are the best we can come up with as our leaders.
He just pleaded Guilty. I expect the Voters will make that decision. Just another TP favorite...

The voters of South Carolina decided an openly adulterous bible-thumping Governor who actually used the bible to justify why he would not resign deserved to be elevated to federal office.

The People have communicated quite clearly that earthly power before spiritual principles is the rule of the day.
Actually, what the People of that state showed was their penchant for HYPOCRISY. They were more interested in Party over country, damned what they feel or know about spiritual matters.

That's all that was. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yet another reason why I created this thread:
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I suspect a lot of people's views on this depend on which party the person in question belongs to not if it's right or wrong.
I suspect you're right. In fact, 2 USMBERs voted that in the poll to date. BTW, were you one of those 2?
Should A US Congressman Busted on Drug Charges Using Cocaine Be Making Laws?
FDR did cocaine and brought the country back from the great depression the republicans created. He also won WWII. There's no difference between a cocaine user and an alcohol user. You just disqualified 95% of all law makers.

They used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola, hence the name 'coca'

And I doubt FDR bought the coke in a knowingly illegal environment in a criminal manner.

Not taking up for FDR, he was an imbecile. But this is different. Different times, different laws, different standards.

Radel needs to resign. We are NOT dimocraps.
Democrats force our or vote out their guys all the time...with a quickness.

It is the Republicans that are NOTORIOUS for putting their arms around their guilty and protecting them.

You always hear stuff like, "It's a legal matter," or "It's a private family matter." from the GOP when one of their own is in deep soup like this. Ask Mark Sanford. Not-so-much from the Dems. Ask Anthony Weiner.

If you're going to be honest, then just be honest.
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He needs to resign.

I harbor no delusions that dimcrap scum would feel the same way about one of theirs, however.

And BTW? He's MY Congressman
I owe you some rep for this one though.
Democrats vote out their guys all the time...with a quickness.

When a politicians says, "I will let the people decide if I should continue to serve...blah, blah, blah", they are being an unmitigated unrepentant asshole. The honorable thing is to resign. That day.
Dipshit cokehead just cut the legs out from under the idea of drug testing SNAP recipients.

See kids? There is a God!

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