Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

I've already stated that earlier in the thread..................They pay taxes on property, sales tax, and etc.............
Like the Gasoline tax to pay for our another poster has already stated as well.

The simplified code ends the BS under the current system. It is too large for a reason............because the lobbies want the loop holes to avoid paying already. The flat tax would end those loop holes.............and make paying taxes simple...............

Exactly HOW IS THAT BAD.......Unless you think 0% isn't enough already under the Federal Tax rates.............and want to maintain a 200 BIllion a year Welfare system under the tax code without really calling it that..................
Progressive taxation and crack down on loop holes, like every other country.

No, a flat tax with a 50 thousand dollar exemption for all people or a national sales tax are the two fairest ways to generate tax revenue. anything else is based in hate and greed.
Except anyone who understands basic math knows how much revenue would be lost, social programs would be mercilessly gutted.
BS...........the effective rates under the current system are far lower than the percentages of tax rates...........The massive tax codes have ensured that.....................The massive code is for loop holes and twisting of tax law to keep people from paying the rates and nothing more.

Instead of repeating right wing talking points, how about a CREDIBLE link to ANY flat tax plan that would work, and run Gov't? lol
I have done so before and did an analysis for the year 2012..........and the rate was 15% that I calculated to get a return on the system at 200 billion more than under the current system of taxation.

It was based off the IRS data for that year and the wage brackets directly from the IRS..............

It fell on deaf and dumb ears...........aka YOU...............who refuse to even consider it...........because you like the current BS system which is corrupt with fraud.

But liking fraud and abuse is expected of you.
I've already stated that earlier in the thread..................They pay taxes on property, sales tax, and etc.............
Like the Gasoline tax to pay for our another poster has already stated as well.

The simplified code ends the BS under the current system. It is too large for a reason............because the lobbies want the loop holes to avoid paying already. The flat tax would end those loop holes.............and make paying taxes simple...............

Exactly HOW IS THAT BAD.......Unless you think 0% isn't enough already under the Federal Tax rates.............and want to maintain a 200 BIllion a year Welfare system under the tax code without really calling it that..................
Progressive taxation and crack down on loop holes, like every other country.

No, a flat tax with a 50 thousand dollar exemption for all people or a national sales tax are the two fairest ways to generate tax revenue. anything else is based in hate and greed.
Except anyone who understands basic math knows how much revenue would be lost, social programs would be mercilessly gutted.
BS...........the effective rates under the current system are far lower than the percentages of tax rates...........The massive tax codes have ensured that.....................The massive code is for loop holes and twisting of tax law to keep people from paying the rates and nothing more.

Instead of repeating right wing talking points, how about a CREDIBLE link to ANY flat tax plan that would work, and run Gov't? lol
I have done so before and did an analysis for the year 2012..........and the rate was 15% that I calculated to get a return on the system at 200 billion more than under the current system of taxation.

It was based off the IRS data for that year and the wage brackets directly from the IRS..............

It fell on deaf and dumb ears...........aka YOU...............who refuse to even consider it...........because you like the current BS system which is corrupt with fraud.

But liking fraud and abuse is expected of you.
First, Fuck you, only an asshole starts a rebuttal with such a stupid comment.

Yes, both parties solicit money, seems to be stupid for one party to take the high road and allow the other party to buy the elections. Even a bonehead understands that.

Take it up with the five members of SCOTUS who repealed campaign finance reform.

You have no idea how much high speed rail should cost.

Private sector contractors are culpable for cost overruns; many times government's hands are tied, do to the requirement to accept the low bid.
Fuck you back. You happy now.............
Both sides pander to the Lobbyist and both sides of the lobby pander to the rich.............The GOP doesn't own stock and barrel to the rich..............Your side has filthy rich types too you just try to avoid that side of the equation................When I hear the actors and other millionaires on your side yell tax the rich...............I simply laugh at them because many times they are much richer than the ones they are bitching about.

I will not discuss the high speed rail I addressed it on anther thread............Texas built one...........from Dallas to Houston for a fraction of the cost of the one from Los Angeles to San Fran Sicko...............and I'll top it off that only a NUT thinks that the Gov't does these projects cheaper................

To top it off you should have been using the money more wisely.................water is more important than the danged high speed rail.................You should have been building desalination plants and resevoirs instead.

Who funded the Houston to Dallas high speed rail?

A spur line will connect SF to LA, the main line is scheduled to go up the Central Valley from LA (later San Diego) to Sacramento. The air corridor between SF, SJ, OAK and LA is jam packed, rail will stimulate building of transit villages benefiting the economy of small towns and cities along the route and the movement of produce - which feeds much of the nation - will get to market without being trucked, saving fuel, tires going into the land fills and reducing grid lock on the highways.

Learn to think panoptically
The State built the rail on budget and on time in so in California..............

And again, I've worked around Gov't military contracts and they cost much much more than the private sector..................unless you live under a rock.

My point that your priorities are wrong is spot on..........unless you think the rail is more important than water...........

July 23, 2015

A revolutionary project to connect Dallas and Houston by bullet train just took a major leap forward.

Texas Central Partners, which aims to build the nation's first bullet train between Texas' two biggest cities, announced Wednesday they'd raked in $75 million in private investments in the company's first round of fundraising. That money will allow the ambitious $10 billion project to move forward from feasibility studies to development planning.

Texas high speed rail passes major milestone with first fundraising announcement - Houston Chronicle
here is a direct example.....

Romney paid 14 effective tax rate in 2011 - Sep. 21 2012

Mitt Romney made $13.7 million last year and paid $1.94 million in federal income taxes, giving him an effective tax rate of 14.1%, his campaign said Friday.

Okay...Romney paid 1.94 million in taxes.....and you guys still bitch that he didn't pay enough...he paid more in one year, than some pay their entire tax lives and it isn't enough for you......and you want to give it to politicians who will use it to make themselves and their friends rich and does that make any freaking sense...he earned it and you want to take are the greedy fucks, not him

And if I remember correctly, he also gave 3-7 million to charity on top of those tax lefties,are the greedy assholes, not him.

So you are another right wing wack job that doesn't understand basic math and hoe Gov't runs and it's needs? Shocking.

Talk about greed, it's NOT the guy making his fortune being a vulture capitalist, but the society he preyed on? lol
Consequences of tax policy matter. Do you really want to live in an Oligarchy, where the very rich and power elite write laws and establish the regulations for their benefit? Or, do want to live in a nation of, by and for the people.

By and for the people? You mean like the system we have today where a non-working or working poor person can vote money out of the pockets of those more successful for their own advantage?

I don't know that I'm crazy about this system either.

  • Most of the working poor would be deprived of the right to vote by the current iteration of conservatives
  • Most of the non working poor are considered to be reprobates by the current iteration of conservatives
  • Labor unions are under attack by the current iteration of conservatives
  • The current iteration of conservatives want to give to the rich and take from the poor
Pick your poison, give to the few, or provide for the many. Which do you think will be
  1. Consistent with Judeo-Christian Ethics
  2. insure domestic Tranquility, and
  3. Promote the general Welfare

You are a moron.....not one thing you posted is true. trying to get people to show the same id they use to drive or cash checks to vote is not denying people the right to know, like South Africa and Neslon Mandela made their people show id to vote and how they vote everywhere else in e world.......and if the poor in this modern age have somehow avoided cashing checks, or driving...then they get the voter id for free and it is driven to them by the sell your bull shot somewhere else.....

Labor unions have bankrupted state after state....they are crushing Illinois in debt we can never pay back and the pension system is going to collapse...fixing that problem is not attacking unions....

Please explain how making a flat tax or a sales tax is taking from the poor and giving to the rich, considering that the flat tax will have upwards of 30-50 grand tax free, and the sales tax will be voluntary and you get to keep everything you earn....

You left wingers are liars and vile people.....

Another right winger projecting. Sad


Governor Chris Christie: Same-Day Voter Registration Is a “Trick” and GOP Needs to Win Gubernatorial Races So They Control “Voting Mechanisms”

Fran Millar: Georgia Senator Complains About Polling Place Being Too Convenient for Black Voters

Doug Preis: An Ohio GOP Chair Says We Shouldn’t Accommodate the “Urban — Read African-American — Voter-Turnout Machine”

Greg Abbott: Texas AG Says Partisan Districting Decisions Are Legal, Even if There Are “Incidental Effects” on Minority Voters


Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression

Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters - The Daily Beast

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats Lazy Blacks ThinkProgress

Myth of Voter Fraud
Myth of Voter Fraud Brennan Center for Justice

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Yes, expecting people to prove who they are with the same I'd they drive with is not preventing people from voting.....and if they have no idea, giving them a free state I'd, and having a state worker come to their home to make sure they can get one is not preventing people from voting....

Democrats cheat...all the time...and using I'd like the rest of the world does when they vote just makes twit.

ANOTHER typical con, ignore the evidence, don't try to refute ANY of it, just stand by the MYTH that people are voting illegally (a FELONY) because they want to?


You NOW want to do things like "rest of the world"? How about taxing the "job creators" like them? Social safety nets like them? Gun laws like them? Oh right, better just stick to the FALLACY that their is an epidermic of fraud happening in the voting booth, lol

Cons ALWAYS for a bigger Gov't WHEN it's not needed
Consequences of tax policy matter. Do you really want to live in an Oligarchy, where the very rich and power elite write laws and establish the regulations for their benefit? Or, do want to live in a nation of, by and for the people.

By and for the people? You mean like the system we have today where a non-working or working poor person can vote money out of the pockets of those more successful for their own advantage?

I don't know that I'm crazy about this system either.

  • Most of the working poor would be deprived of the right to vote by the current iteration of conservatives
  • Most of the non working poor are considered to be reprobates by the current iteration of conservatives
  • Labor unions are under attack by the current iteration of conservatives
  • The current iteration of conservatives want to give to the rich and take from the poor
Pick your poison, give to the few, or provide for the many. Which do you think will be
  1. Consistent with Judeo-Christian Ethics
  2. insure domestic Tranquility, and
  3. Promote the general Welfare

You are a moron.....not one thing you posted is true. trying to get people to show the same id they use to drive or cash checks to vote is not denying people the right to know, like South Africa and Neslon Mandela made their people show id to vote and how they vote everywhere else in e world.......and if the poor in this modern age have somehow avoided cashing checks, or driving...then they get the voter id for free and it is driven to them by the sell your bull shot somewhere else.....

Labor unions have bankrupted state after state....they are crushing Illinois in debt we can never pay back and the pension system is going to collapse...fixing that problem is not attacking unions....

Please explain how making a flat tax or a sales tax is taking from the poor and giving to the rich, considering that the flat tax will have upwards of 30-50 grand tax free, and the sales tax will be voluntary and you get to keep everything you earn....

You left wingers are liars and vile people.....

Another right winger projecting. Sad


Governor Chris Christie: Same-Day Voter Registration Is a “Trick” and GOP Needs to Win Gubernatorial Races So They Control “Voting Mechanisms”

Fran Millar: Georgia Senator Complains About Polling Place Being Too Convenient for Black Voters

Doug Preis: An Ohio GOP Chair Says We Shouldn’t Accommodate the “Urban — Read African-American — Voter-Turnout Machine”

Greg Abbott: Texas AG Says Partisan Districting Decisions Are Legal, Even if There Are “Incidental Effects” on Minority Voters


Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression

Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters - The Daily Beast

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats Lazy Blacks ThinkProgress

Myth of Voter Fraud
Myth of Voter Fraud Brennan Center for Justice

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Yes...tell your lies to Nelson Mandela...he looks great in his "Get an ID to vote shirt"

Turns Out Nelson Mandela Supported Voter ID Common Sense Central on News Talk 1130 WISN

Remember when One Wisconsin Now embarrassingly tried to use Mandela's death to slam Governor Walker over Voter ID laws? Yeah, about that....

Think Progress, a liberal media outlet, praised the South African constitution while it eulogized Mandela, writing, “The truth, however, is that the United States could learn a great deal from South Africa’s constitution.”

That constitution allows for and supports a rigorous election integrity process far more stringent than anything GOP lawmakers have proposed in Wisconsin.

An October story from a South African news outlet explains in advance of the nation’s 2014 elections, “aspirant voters must produce a valid South African identity document when registering to vote and when voting.” That means procuring one of “three forms of official identification.” also brilliantly dug up this Yahoo! News picture of Nelson Mandela wearing a pro-Voter ID shirt:


Oh liberals, you just can't win for trying, can you?

Read more: Turns Out Nelson Mandela Supported Voter ID Common Sense Central on News Talk 1130 WISN

S Africa? THEY have a history of voter fraud Bubba?

Myth of Voter Fraud

It is important to protect the integrity of our elections. But we must be careful not to undermine free and fair access to the ballot in the name of preventing voter fraud.

The Brennan Center’s ongoing examination of voter fraud claims reveal that voter fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is nearly non-existent, and much of the problems associated with alleged fraud in elections relates to unintentional mistakes by voters or election administrators. Our report "The Truth About Voter Fraud" reveals most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless — and that of the few allegations remaining, most reveal election irregularities and other forms of election misconduct.

Myth of Voter Fraud Brennan Center for Justice

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

  • In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,” said Lorraine Minnite, professor of public policy and administration at Rutgers University.

  • There is more fraud in absentee ballots and voter registration than any other categories. The analysis shows 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud and 400 cases of registration fraud. A required photo ID at the polls would not have prevented these cases.
New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

First, Fuck you, only an asshole starts a rebuttal with such a stupid comment.

Yes, both parties solicit money, seems to be stupid for one party to take the high road and allow the other party to buy the elections. Even a bonehead understands that.

Take it up with the five members of SCOTUS who repealed campaign finance reform.

You have no idea how much high speed rail should cost.

Private sector contractors are culpable for cost overruns; many times government's hands are tied, do to the requirement to accept the low bid.
Fuck you back. You happy now.............
Both sides pander to the Lobbyist and both sides of the lobby pander to the rich.............The GOP doesn't own stock and barrel to the rich..............Your side has filthy rich types too you just try to avoid that side of the equation................When I hear the actors and other millionaires on your side yell tax the rich...............I simply laugh at them because many times they are much richer than the ones they are bitching about.

I will not discuss the high speed rail I addressed it on anther thread............Texas built one...........from Dallas to Houston for a fraction of the cost of the one from Los Angeles to San Fran Sicko...............and I'll top it off that only a NUT thinks that the Gov't does these projects cheaper................

To top it off you should have been using the money more wisely.................water is more important than the danged high speed rail.................You should have been building desalination plants and resevoirs instead.

Who funded the Houston to Dallas high speed rail?

A spur line will connect SF to LA, the main line is scheduled to go up the Central Valley from LA (later San Diego) to Sacramento. The air corridor between SF, SJ, OAK and LA is jam packed, rail will stimulate building of transit villages benefiting the economy of small towns and cities along the route and the movement of produce - which feeds much of the nation - will get to market without being trucked, saving fuel, tires going into the land fills and reducing grid lock on the highways.

Learn to think panoptically
The State built the rail on budget and on time in so in California..............

And again, I've worked around Gov't military contracts and they cost much much more than the private sector..................unless you live under a rock.

My point that your priorities are wrong is spot on..........unless you think the rail is more important than water...........

July 23, 2015

A revolutionary project to connect Dallas and Houston by bullet train just took a major leap forward.

Texas Central Partners, which aims to build the nation's first bullet train between Texas' two biggest cities, announced Wednesday they'd raked in $75 million in private investments in the company's first round of fundraising. That money will allow the ambitious $10 billion project to move forward from feasibility studies to development planning.

Texas high speed rail passes major milestone with first fundraising announcement - Houston Chronicle
You got me on that another article a while back said it was done. So sue me...............

Now that it isn't built yet...................what is the projected cost of the project..............versus California.............

and finally.......which is more important............a high speed rail or water............................and it is a Private enterprise project in Texas.................Federally funded in California..............
Progressive taxation and crack down on loop holes, like every other country.

No, a flat tax with a 50 thousand dollar exemption for all people or a national sales tax are the two fairest ways to generate tax revenue. anything else is based in hate and greed.
Except anyone who understands basic math knows how much revenue would be lost, social programs would be mercilessly gutted.
BS...........the effective rates under the current system are far lower than the percentages of tax rates...........The massive tax codes have ensured that.....................The massive code is for loop holes and twisting of tax law to keep people from paying the rates and nothing more.

Instead of repeating right wing talking points, how about a CREDIBLE link to ANY flat tax plan that would work, and run Gov't? lol
I have done so before and did an analysis for the year 2012..........and the rate was 15% that I calculated to get a return on the system at 200 billion more than under the current system of taxation.

It was based off the IRS data for that year and the wage brackets directly from the IRS..............

It fell on deaf and dumb ears...........aka YOU...............who refuse to even consider it...........because you like the current BS system which is corrupt with fraud.

But liking fraud and abuse is expected of you.

Liar, no fukkn way you used MATH. Maybe conservative/GOP "math" but that's NOT reality!

TODAY the US gets 17%+ of GDP AND are running deficits, you saying gutting it to 15% AND giving the bottom making $50,000 or less a zero tax works? lol
From: 10 Tax Questions the Candidates Don t Want You to Ask - 2 What the Flat Tax Taxes

Incidentally, many, and perhaps most, Americans believe that a single, flat tax rate would be fairer than our system of progressive rates. So, you might ask, who would pay more income taxes, and who would pay less, if the only change to our income tax system were the adoption of a single, flat tax rate today that would generate as much revenue as is generated by our progressive rates? The single tax rate would have to be about 19% in a typical year.

Answer: Middle-income taxpayers would, on average, pay considerably more, and high-income taxpayers would pay considerably less. For people with taxable income in the $50,000 -$75,000, the tax rate on that income is, on average, about 13%. For people with between $2 million and $10 million of taxable income, the tax rate on that income is, on average, about 26%, nothwithstanding favorable tax rates on dividends and capital gains.

So if you’re in the solid middle class, your tax rate would be about 6 percentage points higher with a flat tax rate, while very high income households would enjoy a tax rate about 6 to 7 percentage points lower. Now what do you think?

Bullshit...10% of a million is more tha 10% of 100,000 so the millionaire automatically pays more to the government than the guy making 100,000 sorry, your bullshit doesn't fly....a flat tax is the only fair way to tax people if you aren't filled with hate and envy of someone who makes more money than you...and that is at the core of the left...hate, jealousy, greed and envy...
First, Fuck you, only an asshole starts a rebuttal with such a stupid comment.

Yes, both parties solicit money, seems to be stupid for one party to take the high road and allow the other party to buy the elections. Even a bonehead understands that.

Take it up with the five members of SCOTUS who repealed campaign finance reform.

You have no idea how much high speed rail should cost.

Private sector contractors are culpable for cost overruns; many times government's hands are tied, do to the requirement to accept the low bid.
Fuck you back. You happy now.............
Both sides pander to the Lobbyist and both sides of the lobby pander to the rich.............The GOP doesn't own stock and barrel to the rich..............Your side has filthy rich types too you just try to avoid that side of the equation................When I hear the actors and other millionaires on your side yell tax the rich...............I simply laugh at them because many times they are much richer than the ones they are bitching about.

I will not discuss the high speed rail I addressed it on anther thread............Texas built one...........from Dallas to Houston for a fraction of the cost of the one from Los Angeles to San Fran Sicko...............and I'll top it off that only a NUT thinks that the Gov't does these projects cheaper................

To top it off you should have been using the money more wisely.................water is more important than the danged high speed rail.................You should have been building desalination plants and resevoirs instead.

Who funded the Houston to Dallas high speed rail?

A spur line will connect SF to LA, the main line is scheduled to go up the Central Valley from LA (later San Diego) to Sacramento. The air corridor between SF, SJ, OAK and LA is jam packed, rail will stimulate building of transit villages benefiting the economy of small towns and cities along the route and the movement of produce - which feeds much of the nation - will get to market without being trucked, saving fuel, tires going into the land fills and reducing grid lock on the highways.

Learn to think panoptically
The State built the rail on budget and on time in so in California..............

And again, I've worked around Gov't military contracts and they cost much much more than the private sector..................unless you live under a rock.

My point that your priorities are wrong is spot on..........unless you think the rail is more important than water...........

July 23, 2015

A revolutionary project to connect Dallas and Houston by bullet train just took a major leap forward.

Texas Central Partners, which aims to build the nation's first bullet train between Texas' two biggest cities, announced Wednesday they'd raked in $75 million in private investments in the company's first round of fundraising. That money will allow the ambitious $10 billion project to move forward from feasibility studies to development planning.

Texas high speed rail passes major milestone with first fundraising announcement - Houston Chronicle
You got me on that another article a while back said it was done. So sue me...............

Now that it isn't built yet...................what is the projected cost of the project..............versus California.............

and finally.......which is more important............a high speed rail or water............................and it is a Private enterprise project in Texas.................Federally funded in California..............

Conservatives fav thing to do, comparing apples to oranges then trying to make US believe it's better with grapes!
No, a flat tax with a 50 thousand dollar exemption for all people or a national sales tax are the two fairest ways to generate tax revenue. anything else is based in hate and greed.
Except anyone who understands basic math knows how much revenue would be lost, social programs would be mercilessly gutted.
BS...........the effective rates under the current system are far lower than the percentages of tax rates...........The massive tax codes have ensured that.....................The massive code is for loop holes and twisting of tax law to keep people from paying the rates and nothing more.

Instead of repeating right wing talking points, how about a CREDIBLE link to ANY flat tax plan that would work, and run Gov't? lol
I have done so before and did an analysis for the year 2012..........and the rate was 15% that I calculated to get a return on the system at 200 billion more than under the current system of taxation.

It was based off the IRS data for that year and the wage brackets directly from the IRS..............

It fell on deaf and dumb ears...........aka YOU...............who refuse to even consider it...........because you like the current BS system which is corrupt with fraud.

But liking fraud and abuse is expected of you.

Liar, no fukkn way you used MATH. Maybe conservative/GOP "math" but that's NOT reality!

TODAY the US gets 17%+ of GDP AND are running deficits, you saying gutting it to 15% AND giving the bottom making $50,000 or less a zero tax works? lol

Yeah...cut spending. We don't need shrimp running on treadmills or paying for stupidness to figure out why girls who are fat can't get twit.
From: 10 Tax Questions the Candidates Don t Want You to Ask - 2 What the Flat Tax Taxes

Incidentally, many, and perhaps most, Americans believe that a single, flat tax rate would be fairer than our system of progressive rates. So, you might ask, who would pay more income taxes, and who would pay less, if the only change to our income tax system were the adoption of a single, flat tax rate today that would generate as much revenue as is generated by our progressive rates? The single tax rate would have to be about 19% in a typical year.

Answer: Middle-income taxpayers would, on average, pay considerably more, and high-income taxpayers would pay considerably less. For people with taxable income in the $50,000 -$75,000, the tax rate on that income is, on average, about 13%. For people with between $2 million and $10 million of taxable income, the tax rate on that income is, on average, about 26%, nothwithstanding favorable tax rates on dividends and capital gains.

So if you’re in the solid middle class, your tax rate would be about 6 percentage points higher with a flat tax rate, while very high income households would enjoy a tax rate about 6 to 7 percentage points lower. Now what do you think?

Bullshit...10% of a million is more tha 10% of 100,000 so the millionaire automatically pays more to the government than the guy making 100,000 sorry, your bullshit doesn't fly....a flat tax is the only fair way to tax people if you aren't filled with hate and envy of someone who makes more money than you...and that is at the core of the left...hate, jealousy, greed and envy...

Weird how SOOOOO many people here talk about "hate" and then show how it's REALLY done


80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated. What middle class?

Guys like you worship government, you believe it does no wrong and that government has first claim on anything you earn...and after that you can keep what they don't need right now........and there is never enough money for the government to spend.....

And you anti Gov't types do EVERYTHING to undermine effective Gov't AND US as a society.

......this coming from the side that believes tripling the deficit and increasing debt ceiling is effective government. That mindset definition of efficiency makes about as much sense as a financial advisor telling consumers in debt to triple their credit card debt levels and ask for more credit when they have hit their limit.

Most sound financial minds are all about limiting that level of "effectiveness" ; conservative and otherwise.
Reagan tripled the debt.

Did he raise the debt ceiling and call for more taxes on the high income earners and Middle Class??
here is a direct example.....

Romney paid 14 effective tax rate in 2011 - Sep. 21 2012

Mitt Romney made $13.7 million last year and paid $1.94 million in federal income taxes, giving him an effective tax rate of 14.1%, his campaign said Friday.
Okay...Romney paid 1.94 million in taxes.....and you guys still bitch that he didn't pay enough...he paid more in one year, than some pay their entire tax lives and it isn't enough for you......and you want to give it to politicians who will use it to make themselves and their friends rich and does that make any freaking sense...he earned it and you want to take are the greedy fucks, not him

so tell me how Romney didn't pay his fair share giving the government 1.94 million dollars in taxes......more than most of the country pays in taxes for their entire lives....
Except anyone who understands basic math knows how much revenue would be lost, social programs would be mercilessly gutted.
BS...........the effective rates under the current system are far lower than the percentages of tax rates...........The massive tax codes have ensured that.....................The massive code is for loop holes and twisting of tax law to keep people from paying the rates and nothing more.

Instead of repeating right wing talking points, how about a CREDIBLE link to ANY flat tax plan that would work, and run Gov't? lol
I have done so before and did an analysis for the year 2012..........and the rate was 15% that I calculated to get a return on the system at 200 billion more than under the current system of taxation.

It was based off the IRS data for that year and the wage brackets directly from the IRS..............

It fell on deaf and dumb ears...........aka YOU...............who refuse to even consider it...........because you like the current BS system which is corrupt with fraud.

But liking fraud and abuse is expected of you.

Liar, no fukkn way you used MATH. Maybe conservative/GOP "math" but that's NOT reality!

TODAY the US gets 17%+ of GDP AND are running deficits, you saying gutting it to 15% AND giving the bottom making $50,000 or less a zero tax works? lol

Yeah...cut spending. We don't need shrimp running on treadmills or paying for stupidness to figure out why girls who are fat can't get twit.

Weird, I thought the GOP had most of Congress the past 20 years? Why didn't they cut the "waste" lol

I know, lets sign an agreement NOT to have a tax increase like 98% in Congress from GOP did right? After all, after Dubya/GOP gutted revenues to less than 15% of GDP (1950'S LEVEL) , WHILE they blew up spending with TWO UNFUNDED wars AND UNFUNDED MEDICARE EXPANSION THAT COST THIS DECADE, AS MUCH AS OBAMACARES THIS DECADE, WHICH IS 100% FUNDED!
From: 10 Tax Questions the Candidates Don t Want You to Ask - 2 What the Flat Tax Taxes

Incidentally, many, and perhaps most, Americans believe that a single, flat tax rate would be fairer than our system of progressive rates. So, you might ask, who would pay more income taxes, and who would pay less, if the only change to our income tax system were the adoption of a single, flat tax rate today that would generate as much revenue as is generated by our progressive rates? The single tax rate would have to be about 19% in a typical year.

Answer: Middle-income taxpayers would, on average, pay considerably more, and high-income taxpayers would pay considerably less. For people with taxable income in the $50,000 -$75,000, the tax rate on that income is, on average, about 13%. For people with between $2 million and $10 million of taxable income, the tax rate on that income is, on average, about 26%, nothwithstanding favorable tax rates on dividends and capital gains.

So if you’re in the solid middle class, your tax rate would be about 6 percentage points higher with a flat tax rate, while very high income households would enjoy a tax rate about 6 to 7 percentage points lower. Now what do you think?

Bullshit...10% of a million is more tha 10% of 100,000 so the millionaire automatically pays more to the government than the guy making 100,000 sorry, your bullshit doesn't fly....a flat tax is the only fair way to tax people if you aren't filled with hate and envy of someone who makes more money than you...and that is at the core of the left...hate, jealousy, greed and envy...

Weird how SOOOOO many people here talk about "hate" and then show how it's REALLY done


80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated. What middle class?


the middle class gets screwed by the politicians spending 18 trillion dollars, which eats up the money that could be used to create jobs......the politicians you want to give even more money to are the ones fucking up the why do you want to give them more money.......?

you said they just give that money to the rich right, dumb fuck? so why on earth would you want to give them more tax money...our money, so they can just give it to the rich? Please...explain how that works.....
BS...........the effective rates under the current system are far lower than the percentages of tax rates...........The massive tax codes have ensured that.....................The massive code is for loop holes and twisting of tax law to keep people from paying the rates and nothing more.

Instead of repeating right wing talking points, how about a CREDIBLE link to ANY flat tax plan that would work, and run Gov't? lol
I have done so before and did an analysis for the year 2012..........and the rate was 15% that I calculated to get a return on the system at 200 billion more than under the current system of taxation.

It was based off the IRS data for that year and the wage brackets directly from the IRS..............

It fell on deaf and dumb ears...........aka YOU...............who refuse to even consider it...........because you like the current BS system which is corrupt with fraud.

But liking fraud and abuse is expected of you.

Liar, no fukkn way you used MATH. Maybe conservative/GOP "math" but that's NOT reality!

TODAY the US gets 17%+ of GDP AND are running deficits, you saying gutting it to 15% AND giving the bottom making $50,000 or less a zero tax works? lol

Yeah...cut spending. We don't need shrimp running on treadmills or paying for stupidness to figure out why girls who are fat can't get twit.

Weird, I thought the GOP had most of Congress the past 20 years? Why didn't they cut the "waste" lol

I know, lets sign an agreement NOT to have a tax increase like 98% in Congress from GOP did right? After all, after Dubya/GOP gutted revenues to less than 15% of GDP (1950'S LEVEL) , WHILE they blew up spending with TWO UNFUNDED wars AND UNFUNDED MEDICARE EXPANSION THAT COST THIS DECADE, AS MUCH AS OBAMACARES THIS DECADE, WHICH IS 100% FUNDED!

Lying asshole......
Guys like you worship government, you believe it does no wrong and that government has first claim on anything you earn...and after that you can keep what they don't need right now........and there is never enough money for the government to spend.....

And you anti Gov't types do EVERYTHING to undermine effective Gov't AND US as a society.

......this coming from the side that believes tripling the deficit and increasing debt ceiling is effective government. That mindset definition of efficiency makes about as much sense as a financial advisor telling consumers in debt to triple their credit card debt levels and ask for more credit when they have hit their limit.

Most sound financial minds are all about limiting that level of "effectiveness" ; conservative and otherwise.
Reagan tripled the debt.

Did he raise the debt ceiling and call for more taxes on the high income earners and Middle Class??

Nope, he gutted not only the top rate from 70% to 28% he increased the debt ceiling 18 times!

Of course his tax increases that mainly hit the working classes (SS taxes increased by 60%), helped stop the debt increase at only tripling the debt!
Guys like you worship government, you believe it does no wrong and that government has first claim on anything you earn...and after that you can keep what they don't need right now........and there is never enough money for the government to spend.....

And you anti Gov't types do EVERYTHING to undermine effective Gov't AND US as a society.

......this coming from the side that believes tripling the deficit and increasing debt ceiling is effective government. That mindset definition of efficiency makes about as much sense as a financial advisor telling consumers in debt to triple their credit card debt levels and ask for more credit when they have hit their limit.

Most sound financial minds are all about limiting that level of "effectiveness" ; conservative and otherwise.

You do understand the debt ceiling is for laws already passed right? You know PAST spending under law? And no, it was GOPers who said "deficits don't matter Reagan proved it" AS the Liberals/Dems asked to get US back to where Clinton had US with his 4 straight surpluses (3 after vetoing the GOP's $700+ billion tax cut!!!!)

Conservatives, for nearly 40 years, goal has been to destroy EFFECTIVE Gov't., And when they are in charge, did a pretty good job of it too!

So, just because debt ceiling is for laws already passed, the ceiling should be raised? Again, your logic can be applied to irresponsible credit card spending. "Yes, but I am only asking for more debt on established spending". It's on the books. Milk it!!! Right?
Instead of repeating right wing talking points, how about a CREDIBLE link to ANY flat tax plan that would work, and run Gov't? lol
I have done so before and did an analysis for the year 2012..........and the rate was 15% that I calculated to get a return on the system at 200 billion more than under the current system of taxation.

It was based off the IRS data for that year and the wage brackets directly from the IRS..............

It fell on deaf and dumb ears...........aka YOU...............who refuse to even consider it...........because you like the current BS system which is corrupt with fraud.

But liking fraud and abuse is expected of you.

Liar, no fukkn way you used MATH. Maybe conservative/GOP "math" but that's NOT reality!

TODAY the US gets 17%+ of GDP AND are running deficits, you saying gutting it to 15% AND giving the bottom making $50,000 or less a zero tax works? lol

Yeah...cut spending. We don't need shrimp running on treadmills or paying for stupidness to figure out why girls who are fat can't get twit.

Weird, I thought the GOP had most of Congress the past 20 years? Why didn't they cut the "waste" lol

I know, lets sign an agreement NOT to have a tax increase like 98% in Congress from GOP did right? After all, after Dubya/GOP gutted revenues to less than 15% of GDP (1950'S LEVEL) , WHILE they blew up spending with TWO UNFUNDED wars AND UNFUNDED MEDICARE EXPANSION THAT COST THIS DECADE, AS MUCH AS OBAMACARES THIS DECADE, WHICH IS 100% FUNDED!

Lying asshole......

LOVE how you refuted it with all the links to credible sources, lol

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