Should we remove Hispanic judges?

I'm asking if hispanic judges should be allowed to preside over cases involving illegal immigration. I know 'liberals' feel a need to protect the proletariate from the vicious attacks of the white people in this country but this is getting downright silly.
No, liberals feel the need to protect the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the rights of all citizens – including Hispanic Americans – from you and other conservatives hostile to the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

That a judge might be Hispanic in no way, shape, or form ‘justifies’ removing him from the bench to preside over an immigration court or any other court in the land.

The notion is ignorant, moronic bigotry, typical of most on the right.

Your thread premise and this post are downright silly.
What you are saying if there is a case where there are 12 white jurors some of them should be removed because the accused is black. That sounds like not allowing white people to be a juror in those cases.

You're on the wrong side of the action. We should prevent lawyers from intentionally creating all white or all black juries in an attempt to create a jury biased in their client's favor. From a larger scale perspective, juries - purportedly "of our peers" - should reflect the demographic makeup of the accused's community.

What if it is found that a black jury will give lighter sentences when the accused is black but heavier ones when the accused isn't black? I totally agree that their shouldn't be any racial bias at all but it seems like every strategy that is used to alleviate it seems to leave us exposed to it happening in another way?

I've kind of suggested that perhaps we should have standardized sentencing in order to alleviate this bias but absolutely no one would go for it in this country.
We do have sentencing guidelines.

We have had juries that sent innocent men and women to death because of their race.

We the American People are aware of all of this.

Your point being...white America should be hung for its crimes.
Your words are the silly words of a white nationalist, nothing more.

You are on record as to saying you attended the funeral of KKK members.
You are NOT told that whites shouldn't sit on juries for cases involving blacks. It is noted that in certain regions of the country blacks have been excluded from juries to a level far below their proportion of the population and thus, in those regions, have had far more all-white juries sitting on black cases than we have had a representation of blacks on juries reflecting their proportion of the population. In such cases, the rate of conviction of blacks is far higher than otherwise.
An another ignorant rightwing racist chimes in.
I'm asking if hispanic judges should be allowed to preside over cases involving illegal immigration. I know 'liberals' feel a need to protect the proletariate from the vicious attacks of the white people in this country but this is getting downright silly.
No, liberals feel the need to protect the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the rights of all citizens – including Hispanic Americans – from you and other conservatives hostile to the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

That a judge might be Hispanic in no way, shape, or form ‘justifies’ removing him from the bench to preside over an immigration court or any other court in the land.

The notion is ignorant, moronic bigotry, typical of most on the right.

Your thread premise and this post are downright silly.

I feel your anger and I like it.
I'm asking if hispanic judges should be allowed to preside over cases involving illegal immigration. I know 'liberals' feel a need to protect the proletariate from the vicious attacks of the white people in this country but this is getting downright silly.
No, liberals feel the need to protect the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the rights of all citizens – including Hispanic Americans – from you and other conservatives hostile to the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

That a judge might be Hispanic in no way, shape, or form ‘justifies’ removing him from the bench to preside over an immigration court or any other court in the land.

The notion is ignorant, moronic bigotry, typical of most on the right.

Your thread premise and this post are downright silly.

No, liberals feel the need to protect the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the rights of all citizens

I really never found this to be true at all.
This is an outright lie: "we are constantly told that white people can't sit on jury because the accused is black . . .".

What you are trying to say is that blacks cannot be excluded from juries, and that makes you mad.

What makes you mad is to many white people in this country. You are afraid they might crush the pure racial proletariat that is composed of non-whites.
Are you a communist now?
No. The idea is as stupid as is it illegal.
I'm asking if hispanic judges should be allowed to preside over cases involving illegal immigration. I know 'liberals' feel a need to protect the proletariate from the vicious attacks of the white people in this country but this is getting downright silly.
Sure, why not? Hispanics are no more prejudicial than Anglo-Saxons...
I was thinking that in court cases that can set precedence about illegal immigration should we remove judges that are hispanic? This sounds kind of racist but we are constantly told that white people can't sit on jury because the accused is black so why can't we do the same thing for Hispanic judges?

Because you're trying to respond to racism with racism. That would make you a liberal.
I'm trying to make sure everyone gets a fair trial in this country.
An admirable aim

Justice should be blind. It doesn't discriminate and just follows the law for everyone equally.

Yes. As is specified in the 14th Amendment to the US Constituiton

Why can't we ask the question of whether or not a hispanic judge should be removed from cases involving illegal immigration? If there is no evidence of bias then fine..let it continue. But if there is then why can't we remove those judges in those instances where it happens?

I believe you're confusing different issues. I'm no legal expert, but a judge is expected to recuse himself if actual circumstances would create the appearance of a conflict of interest whether or not such conflict or any affect on his judgement exists. A judge that systematically exhibited a prejudice or bias would be brought up on disbarment proceedings. Other than evidence of such a situation, judges are assumed to be objective and unbiased. What you're suggesting would encourage recusal requests for all judges matching any demographic factor present in the accused. It would take down the entire civil and criminal judicial systems. We would be operating under an assumption of bias rather than an assumption of objectivity. We would have violated innocent till proven guilty for the very people we selected to make those determinations in the first place.

What if it is shown Hispanic judges consistently show bias in these kind of cases?
I was thinking that in court cases that can set precedence about illegal immigration should we remove judges that are hispanic? This sounds kind of racist but we are constantly told that white people can't sit on jury because the accused is black so why can't we do the same thing for Hispanic judges?

Why can't Trump ask that the judge in Trump U case recurse himself because he is a member of La Raza which translates into 'the race'?
I was thinking that in court cases that can set precedence about illegal immigration should we remove judges that are hispanic? This sounds kind of racist but we are constantly told that white people can't sit on jury because the accused is black so why can't we do the same thing for Hispanic judges?

Because you're trying to respond to racism with racism. That would make you a liberal.

How is removing prejudice prejudice?
This is an outright lie: "we are constantly told that white people can't sit on jury because the accused is black . . .".

What you are trying to say is that blacks cannot be excluded from juries, and that makes you mad.

What makes you mad is to many white people in this country. You are afraid they might crush the pure racial proletariat that is composed of non-whites.
What irks me is that racists like you try to say things that are not so, then what makes happy is that you go crazy when called out.

If you are a white nationalist, fine, but don't hide.

This guy never got called out for anything

and this is so not racist because he was a 'former' KKK member. They were all democrats so that means everyone is cool with it.

Byrd denounced his KKK connection and publicly apologized for it. He also gave an impassioned speech to stop the invasion of Iraq in 2002.

At least Robert Byrd apologized. What’s your excuse, David Duke?
At least Robert Byrd apologized. What’s your excuse, David Duke?

What's your excuse, SuperD?

I'm trying to make sure everyone gets a fair trial in this country. Justice should be blind. It doesn't discriminate and just follows the law for everyone equally. Why can't we ask the question of whether or not a hispanic judge should be removed from cases involving illegal immigration? If there is no evidence of bias then fine..let it continue. But if there is then why can't we remove those judges in those instances where it happens?

No one ever defended David Duke in the same way Byrd was. I don't ever recall anyone whoever said "Duke was a former KKK member" which is, I believe, a fact that is true. He quit the KKK but since he isn't a democrat then he will probably burn in Hell forever. Byrd is forgiven. How can non-whites trust a party that is willing to go to such lengths to defend a former KKK member and racist?

No you’re not – you’re being a liar and bigot.

That a judge alone might be Hispanic doesn’t mean he’ll ‘go soft’ on an Hispanic defendant in his court.

The notion of prohibiting an Hispanic judge from presiding over any court solely because his is Hispanic is unlawful and un-Constitutional.

And that this must be explained to you and other conservatives is sad and telling – it also comes as no surprise.
I'm asking if hispanic judges should be allowed to preside over cases involving illegal immigration. I know 'liberals' feel a need to protect the proletariate from the vicious attacks of the white people in this country but this is getting downright silly.
No, liberals feel the need to protect the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the rights of all citizens – including Hispanic Americans – from you and other conservatives hostile to the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

That a judge might be Hispanic in no way, shape, or form ‘justifies’ removing him from the bench to preside over an immigration court or any other court in the land.

The notion is ignorant, moronic bigotry, typical of most on the right.

Your thread premise and this post are downright silly.

No, liberals feel the need to protect the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the rights of all citizens

I really never found this to be true at all.
That’s because you’re an ignorant bigot and blind partisan hack.
What makes you mad is to many white people in this country. You are afraid they might crush the pure racial proletariat that is composed of non-whites.
What irks me is that racists like you try to say things that are not so, then what makes happy is that you go crazy when called out.

If you are a white nationalist, fine, but don't hide.

This guy never got called out for anything

and this is so not racist because he was a 'former' KKK member. They were all democrats so that means everyone is cool with it.

Byrd denounced his KKK connection and publicly apologized for it. He also gave an impassioned speech to stop the invasion of Iraq in 2002.

At least Robert Byrd apologized. What’s your excuse, David Duke?
At least Robert Byrd apologized. What’s your excuse, David Duke?

What's your excuse, SuperD?

I'm trying to make sure everyone gets a fair trial in this country. Justice should be blind. It doesn't discriminate and just follows the law for everyone equally. Why can't we ask the question of whether or not a hispanic judge should be removed from cases involving illegal immigration? If there is no evidence of bias then fine..let it continue. But if there is then why can't we remove those judges in those instances where it happens?

No one ever defended David Duke in the same way Byrd was. I don't ever recall anyone whoever said "Duke was a former KKK member" which is, I believe, a fact that is true. He quit the KKK but since he isn't a democrat then he will probably burn in Hell forever. Byrd is forgiven. How can non-whites trust a party that is willing to go to such lengths to defend a former KKK member and racist?

No you’re not – you’re being a liar and bigot.

That a judge alone might be Hispanic doesn’t mean he’ll ‘go soft’ on an Hispanic defendant in his court.

The notion of prohibiting an Hispanic judge from presiding over any court solely because his is Hispanic is unlawful and un-Constitutional.

And that this must be explained to you and other conservatives is sad and telling – it also comes as no surprise.

I don't think I ever said we were going to remove every hispanic judge in this country because they were hispanic.
I'm asking if hispanic judges should be allowed to preside over cases involving illegal immigration. I know 'liberals' feel a need to protect the proletariate from the vicious attacks of the white people in this country but this is getting downright silly.
No, liberals feel the need to protect the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the rights of all citizens – including Hispanic Americans – from you and other conservatives hostile to the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

That a judge might be Hispanic in no way, shape, or form ‘justifies’ removing him from the bench to preside over an immigration court or any other court in the land.

The notion is ignorant, moronic bigotry, typical of most on the right.

Your thread premise and this post are downright silly.

I feel your anger and I like it.
That you don’t understand why your ignorance, bigotry, and hate provokes justified anger is yet another manifestation of the reprehensible right.
What if a black jury gave a lesser sentence to a black criminal when the victim was hispanic? Or a hispanic judge gave a lesser sentence to a hispanic criminal when the accused is black? Where would the anti-white liberals stand on that issue. Would they know where to stand since the boogie-man isn't some old white republican? It is kind of interesting when you observe 'liberals' when they act. They have the most passion when the boogie man is white but zero when the boogie man isn't.
What irks me is that racists like you try to say things that are not so, then what makes happy is that you go crazy when called out.

If you are a white nationalist, fine, but don't hide.

This guy never got called out for anything

and this is so not racist because he was a 'former' KKK member. They were all democrats so that means everyone is cool with it.

Byrd denounced his KKK connection and publicly apologized for it. He also gave an impassioned speech to stop the invasion of Iraq in 2002.

At least Robert Byrd apologized. What’s your excuse, David Duke?
At least Robert Byrd apologized. What’s your excuse, David Duke?

What's your excuse, SuperD?

I'm trying to make sure everyone gets a fair trial in this country. Justice should be blind. It doesn't discriminate and just follows the law for everyone equally. Why can't we ask the question of whether or not a hispanic judge should be removed from cases involving illegal immigration? If there is no evidence of bias then fine..let it continue. But if there is then why can't we remove those judges in those instances where it happens?

No one ever defended David Duke in the same way Byrd was. I don't ever recall anyone whoever said "Duke was a former KKK member" which is, I believe, a fact that is true. He quit the KKK but since he isn't a democrat then he will probably burn in Hell forever. Byrd is forgiven. How can non-whites trust a party that is willing to go to such lengths to defend a former KKK member and racist?

No you’re not – you’re being a liar and bigot.

That a judge alone might be Hispanic doesn’t mean he’ll ‘go soft’ on an Hispanic defendant in his court.

The notion of prohibiting an Hispanic judge from presiding over any court solely because his is Hispanic is unlawful and un-Constitutional.

And that this must be explained to you and other conservatives is sad and telling – it also comes as no surprise.

I don't think I ever said we were going to remove every hispanic judge in this country because they were hispanic.

"Should we remove Hispanic judges?"

That's your thread title, you in fact said it.

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