So..........Where do Republicans go from here?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The recent shutdown debacle has brought Republican Party approval down to 24%. The 2014 elections are still a year away. What do Republicans do between now and then to recover?

1. Double down: Move farther to the right, continue to attack Obamacare, shutdown government again in January

2. Lay Low: A year can be a long time and Americans are known to be easily distracted. Keep a low profile for six months and then come back with a cut taxes, ban abortion, fight gay marriage and protect guns agenda

3. Go on the offensive: Start chasing votes. Push an effective jobs bill. Work on immigration reform. Push fiscal responsibility. Rebrand the party
Where do Republicans go from here?
typical liberal bullshit :up:

where we go from here is still trying our damn best to keep this once great country from becoming the pie-in-the-sky utopia you commies so damn desperately want and need, if you bassturds had any sense of patriotism you would join us in defeating these unpatriotic communistic Obozocare and debt ceiling rises.., don't you Obozoites know you are going to pay and pay big time for your, "His Holinesscare" ??

i really need some serious enlightenment about why you people defend something that is actually hurting you socially, financially and politically......., explain please !
Where do Republicans go from here?
typical liberal bullshit :up:

where we go from here is still trying our damn best to keep this once great country from becoming the pie-in-the-sky utopia you commies so damn desperately want and need, if you bassturds had any sense of patriotism you would join us in defeating these unpatriotic communistic Obozocare and debt ceiling rises.., don't you Obozoites know you are going to pay and pay big time for your, "His Holinesscare" ??

i really need some serious enlightenment about why you people defend something that is actually hurting you socially, financially and politically......., explain please !

So, we got one vote for Double Down
What I would like to see them do - #3. Obviously.
What I think they WILL do - I think most will TRY #2. The Tea Partiers are hell bent on #1.

I used to think that the GOP should just go ahead and let the T party nominate one of their own for POTUS, watch him/her get blown away by George McGovern type margins, and maybe that would shut them up.

But now I don't think the GOP can afford that. They have to distance themselves from the T-Partiers. They have to cut them out of the committees and hold up their campaign assistance. They can find (or create) some administrative hurdles for T-partiers to make primary challenges more difficult. Heck - they're certainly not above gaming the system - we've seen enough of that.

They have got to drive them out, or at the very least marginalize them enough so they can't keep making the entire GOP look stupid.

It's either that or just surrender the GOP and any hope for Republican influence for many, many years. I don't see them doing that.
Where do Republicans go from here?
typical liberal bullshit :up:

where we go from here is still trying our damn best to keep this once great country from becoming the pie-in-the-sky utopia you commies so damn desperately want and need, if you bassturds had any sense of patriotism you would join us in defeating these unpatriotic communistic Obozocare and debt ceiling rises.., don't you Obozoites know you are going to pay and pay big time for your, "His Holinesscare" ??

i really need some serious enlightenment about why you people defend something that is actually hurting you socially, financially and politically......., explain please !

So, we got one vote for Double Down

i should have known there would no intelligent reply from a devout liberal loving commie shill.

so........., we got one vote for sheer stupidity. :up:

typical liberal bullshit :up:

where we go from here is still trying our damn best to keep this once great country from becoming the pie-in-the-sky utopia you commies so damn desperately want and need, if you bassturds had any sense of patriotism you would join us in defeating these unpatriotic communistic Obozocare and debt ceiling rises.., don't you Obozoites know you are going to pay and pay big time for your, "His Holinesscare" ??

i really need some serious enlightenment about why you people defend something that is actually hurting you socially, financially and politically......., explain please !

So, we got one vote for Double Down

i should have known there would no intelligent reply from a devout liberal loving commie shill.

so........., we got one vote for sheer stupidity. :up:

Hey - you don't get to count the same vote TWICE!
The recent shutdown debacle has brought Republican Party approval down to 24%. The 2014 elections are still a year away. What do Republicans do between now and then to recover?

1. Double down: Move farther to the right, continue to attack Obamacare, shutdown government again in January

2. Lay Low: A year can be a long time and Americans are known to be easily distracted. Keep a low profile for six months and then come back with a cut taxes, ban abortion, fight gay marriage and protect guns agenda

3. Go on the offensive: Start chasing votes. Push an effective jobs bill. Work on immigration reform. Push fiscal responsibility. Rebrand the party

Gee, stupid -- where do YOU go from here

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
All signs point to compromise and negotiation in budget talks. They may still think they have some power regarding Obamacare but by 2016, even if they by some miracle take the WH, Obamacare will be entreanched and they won't be able to take it away.

They are still on this issue thanks to the Teaparty but they should really move along.
The recent shutdown debacle has brought Republican Party approval down to 24%. The 2014 elections are still a year away. What do Republicans do between now and then to recover?

1. Double down: Move farther to the right, continue to attack Obamacare, shutdown government again in January

2. Lay Low: A year can be a long time and Americans are known to be easily distracted. Keep a low profile for six months and then come back with a cut taxes, ban abortion, fight gay marriage and protect guns agenda

3. Go on the offensive: Start chasing votes. Push an effective jobs bill. Work on immigration reform. Push fiscal responsibility. Rebrand the party

Gee, stupid -- where do YOU go from here

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Is that your way of voting #3 ???
Good - what's the plan? I mean... AFTER you get done snarling and name-calling ?
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Rightwinger - I think you know "where it will go from here".
2014 will be about Obamacare.
No one, not even you can spin your way out of what has every indication, actually blazing neon flashing signs - showing that it is an utter failure before it even starts.
The basic ACA plan is a horrible plan that is worse than the plans WalMart offers.
Even on the "better" plans, the deductibles are so outrageously high that you would have to have a catastrophic health need before you would get one penny in "coverage".
And oh...that minor little detail that only 36,000 people have signed up when the administration expected 2,000,000 by Oct. 31st. Numbers so low, that not even the website problems can account for such low participation rates.
And when we learn the details of the numbers on November 15th -- about the age wait Rightwinger...then we will see just how big of a disaster it really is.
The GOP has already hinted at changing their primary process.

Expect the Tea Party shoe ins to go the way of Ron Paul when it comes to the primaries (limited face time), the GOP will be moving forward to make sure their establishment picks make the cut.

I expect that the TP will try and destroy the GOP just like they did our country the last 2 weeks, after they find out they have been handed their pink slip from the GOP.
The GOP will make an honest attempt to negotiate a budget without attacking ACA.

That is the only way to keep the House from going Blue next year.
Good - what's the plan? I mean... AFTER you get done snarling and name-calling ?

Well, shitstick, Obama is problem #1. Can you figure it out from there, or do you need a calculator, flashlight and a roadmap.

LOL. And for people like you, for eight years after 2016, Hillary is going to be problem #1. You rightwingtards are making that a certainty.:razz:

typical liberal bullshit :up:

where we go from here is still trying our damn best to keep this once great country from becoming the pie-in-the-sky utopia you commies so damn desperately want and need, if you bassturds had any sense of patriotism you would join us in defeating these unpatriotic communistic Obozocare and debt ceiling rises.., don't you Obozoites know you are going to pay and pay big time for your, "His Holinesscare" ??

i really need some serious enlightenment about why you people defend something that is actually hurting you socially, financially and politically......., explain please !

So, we got one vote for Double Down

i should have known there would no intelligent reply from a devout liberal loving commie shill.

so........., we got one vote for sheer stupidity. :up:

OK Wildman

Lets go with that. We maintain a double down approach. Keep up the threats, keep up the intransigence, keep the pressure on Obama

Republicans are at 24% approval. You need to get at least up to the 40% range to compete in 2014. What in that approach will make Americans start loving Republicans again?
Just what America needs - a woman who is responsible for American deaths abroad whose married to an impeached, disbarred, lying under oath adulterer.
That's what you call a patriot?
Get fucked

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