Sponsors are dropping rush.

well of course folks, this is WAY more important for the media than reporting on the condition of our country under the Obama administration.

when Eddie Schultz called Ingram a slut we heard about FOR ONE DAY from the lamestream media..

but, no agenda going on folks..nothing to see

More of the stupid, stupid, stupid and ignorant as all getup false equivalency.

Ed IMMEDIATELY apologized, a heartfelt and sincere one at that. Ed even called Laura PERSONALLY and apologized to her.

Further more, he took HIMSELF off the air, for a week, WITHOUT pay.

Which further showed his remorse for the remark.

What did Lush Rimbaugh do...?

Oh, well he DOUBLED AND TRIPLED down on the private citizen, female, and college student, PUNCHING DOWN on her insulting and demeaning her and women in general.

Total pig. Total bigamist. Totally rancid.

No comparison.

Why are you so dumb? Seriously.

ah yes, the double double double standards of the left.
Eddies apology was acceptable to you but Rush's isn't..
:D Thanks for proving my point.

You are a victim of your brain structure and cannot help yourself.
You allege, now substantiate.

there has been more than on thread on here about the brain structure differences between cons and libs.

Too lazy to search or google?
Oh and the fact that liberalism is shown to be a mental disorder through multiple studies? You can look em up. All I have to do is allege. And if you can't find it, obviously the problem is you.
Carbonite will lose customers for dropping him...but so what. It is all about the market place.

Carbonite would not have dropped him if it had been in their financial interest to not do so.

Make up your mind. Either it is in Carbonite interest or not. Losing customers is not in their interest. And continuing to advertise with Limpballs would not be in their interest (according to the guy that runs the company. BTW, you should write that guy and tell him that the insult he felt was directed at his two daughters was all in his mind. I am sure he will agree and appreciate that someone that knows jack shit about anything is out here re interupting his statement.
oh please, let me find my violin..
I didn't like to be referred to as a Teabagger either, but that didn't stop any of the talking heads on PMSnbc and even our own Representatives from calling us that..I really didn't like to be told to go to hell by Maxi Waters, but I'll be damned if she didn't tell us that.

so wait here ya go...:eusa_boohoo:

Well, that's kind of the TEA Party's own fault. THey were the ones who brought Teabags to rallies and even referred to themselves as "Teabaggers", not realizing the sexual connotation of the term.

But if the TEA party wants to be made, they should be mad at the GOP establishment that used them to retake congress, and then promptly ignored almost all of their concerns.

okey dokey..then Flukes brought being called a SLUT on herself. got it

Uh, no, she didn't.

She didn't say she was having sex or wanted to have sex. She really didn't even talk about herself, she talked about a friend who got an ovarian cyst becasue she couldn't get birth control.

Honest, I refer to the TEA Party as the "misdirected rage" party. They're angry, but they are angry at the wrong people.
Carbonite will lose customers for dropping him...but so what. It is all about the market place.

Carbonite would not have dropped him if it had been in their financial interest to not do so.

Make up your mind. Either it is in Carbonite interest or not. Losing customers is not in their interest. And continuing to advertise with Limpballs would not be in their interest (according to the guy that runs the company. BTW, you should write that guy and tell him that the insult he felt was directed at his two daughters was all in his mind. I am sure he will agree and appreciate that someone that knows jack shit about anything is out here re interupting his statement.

Carbonite will be targetted by the right now, because it's a weak startup company that isn't posting a profit yet. And honestly, the right probably has to do this, because the left is learning it can silence the right by going after sponsors.

Carbonite is weaker than other sponsors who dropped Rush, so they are probably a good target.
Carbonite will lose customers for dropping him...but so what. It is all about the market place.

Carbonite would not have dropped him if it had been in their financial interest to not do so.

Make up your mind. Either it is in Carbonite interest or not. Losing customers is not in their interest. And continuing to advertise with Limpballs would not be in their interest (according to the guy that runs the company. BTW, you should write that guy and tell him that the insult he felt was directed at his two daughters was all in his mind. I am sure he will agree and appreciate that someone that knows jack shit about anything is out here re interupting his statement.

Carbonite will be targetted by the right now, because it's a weak startup company that isn't posting a profit yet. And honestly, the right probably has to do this, because the left is learning it can silence the right by going after sponsors.

Carbonite is weaker than other sponsors who dropped Rush, so they are probably a good target.

oh well, isn't that the American way?
They got into this Faux outrage fray now they along with Rush get to pay I guess.
Make up your mind. Either it is in Carbonite interest or not. Losing customers is not in their interest. And continuing to advertise with Limpballs would not be in their interest (according to the guy that runs the company. BTW, you should write that guy and tell him that the insult he felt was directed at his two daughters was all in his mind. I am sure he will agree and appreciate that someone that knows jack shit about anything is out here re interupting his statement.

Carbonite will be targetted by the right now, because it's a weak startup company that isn't posting a profit yet. And honestly, the right probably has to do this, because the left is learning it can silence the right by going after sponsors.

Carbonite is weaker than other sponsors who dropped Rush, so they are probably a good target.

oh well, isn't that the American way?
They got into this Faux outrage fray now they along with Rush get to pay I guess.

Rush deserves to pay. Carbonite really doesn't. Carbonite is just making a business decision.

I always find it funny that Romney supporters who think that it's perfectly okay to move factories to China and fire hundreds of middle class workers because, hey, "It's only business" are all aghast when companies don't want their products associated with a pornographic shock jock.
Is this country great, or what? :clap2: Rush is in panic mode.

More Limbaugh advertisers jump ship

Limbaugh attempting to stem fallout

Limbaugh apologizes yet again for his controversial comments as advertisers continue to flee.

More Limbaugh advertisers jump ship – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

(CNN) – Rush Limbaugh's apology for labeling a law student a "slut" and "prostitute" failed to stem an exodus of advertisers from his radio show, as another company said Monday it was withdrawing spots from the conservative program.

AOL Inc. became the eighth company to announce in a statement online they were removing ads from "The Rush Limbaugh Show," which is the most listened to talk radio show in the United States.

"At AOL one of our core values is that we act with integrity," the company wrote in a post on their corporate Facebook page. "We have monitored the unfolding events and have determined that Mr. Limbaugh's comments are not in line with our values. As a result we have made the decision to suspend advertising on The Rush Limbaugh Radio show."

Other sponsors dropping spots from Limbaugh's show include mattress companies like Sleep Number and The Sleep Train, and companies that assist small businesses like Citrix, LegalZoom and QuickenLoans.

One company, Carbonite, a data backup service, said feedback from customers led to the decision to remove advertising from Limbaugh's show. The company's CEO said Limbaugh's apology Saturday wasn't enough to put his company's ads back on the air.

"No one with daughters the age of Sandra Fluke, and I have two, could possibly abide the insult and abuse heaped upon this courageous and well-intentioned young lady," Carbonite CEO David Friend said. "Mr. Limbaugh, with his highly personal attacks on Miss Fluke, overstepped any reasonable bounds of decency. Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse."

In his apology Saturday, Limbaugh admitted his "choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir."

He added, "I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices."

Appearing on the ABC program "The View" Monday, Fluke said Limbaugh's apology was issued under pressure from advertisers.

"I don't think that a statement like this, saying that his choice of words was not the best, changes anything," Fluke said. "And especially when that statement is issued when he's under significant pressure from his sponsors who have begun to pull their support from the show."

In other news more relevant MILLIONS of Americans are out of work, below thew poverty line and a record number are on food stamps.
Any thread that I deem is bullshit. more specifically
Threads started by Synthaholic Rdean Chris and that type.

You can't even say what you mean?
Back peddle away :D
That's total bullshit I will re-post what I said, comprehending what I said is up to you.

What Rush says is irrelevant compared to the failed obama economy. So hell yes I will deflect your bullshit and derail any thread that is focused on bullshit while obama has a failed economy.

Any thread that I deem is bullshit. more specifically
Threads started by Synthaholic Rdean Chris and that type

Hell, you can't even comprehend what you have said:lol:
You can't even say what you mean?
Back peddle away :D
That's total bullshit I will re-post what I said, comprehending what I said is up to you.

What Rush says is irrelevant compared to the failed obama economy. So hell yes I will deflect your bullshit and derail any thread that is focused on bullshit while obama has a failed economy.

Any thread that I deem is bullshit. more specifically
Threads started by Synthaholic Rdean Chris and that type

Hell, you can't even comprehend what you have said:lol:

So what did I say? Since you know more about me than I do.
Last edited:
well of course folks, this is WAY more important for the media than reporting on the condition of our country under the Obama administration.

when Eddie Schultz called Ingram a slut we heard about FOR ONE DAY from the lamestream media..

but, no agenda going on folks..nothing to see

More of the stupid, stupid, stupid and ignorant as all getup false equivalency.

Ed IMMEDIATELY apologized, a heartfelt and sincere one at that. Ed even called Laura PERSONALLY and apologized to her.

Further more, he took HIMSELF off the air, for a week, WITHOUT pay.

Which further showed his remorse for the remark.

What did Lush Rimbaugh do...?

Oh, well he DOUBLED AND TRIPLED down on the private citizen, female, and college student, PUNCHING DOWN on her insulting and demeaning her and women in general.

Total pig. Total bigamist. Totally rancid.

No comparison.

Why are you so dumb? Seriously.

I believe it was Joe Koy on Chelsea Lately last night who thought Rush was dead. Chelsea said she didn't know he was still on the radio.

He really only preaches to the choir, who cares about him? Rs who are too timid to speak for themselves.

Thats the thing; the only reason it matters is because the GOP is so afraid of the guy. Really funny watching the "internet tough guys" here talk about how the GOP has backbone but, in reality, their party and themselves exhibit the exact opposite.
BREAKING NEWS: Rush Limbaugh still #1 and still pissing off Socialists/Progressives. He'll survive this. Bet on that.
Rush Limbaugh still #1 and still pissing off Socialists/Progressives. He'll survive this. Bet on that.

I would not take that bet. However I would bet that Obama is still in the WH for the next 4 years. Especially if Rush keeps on helping him.

You rethugs need to decide. You want Rush to keep trashing people and pissing people off at Repubs or you all want to try and win the WH. I don't think you can do both. Specially if you all keep on pissing off the women. Your man will be defeated without the woman vote.
well of course folks, this is WAY more important for the media than reporting on the condition of our country under the Obama administration.

when Eddie Schultz called Ingram a slut we heard about FOR ONE DAY from the lamestream media..

but, no agenda going on folks..nothing to see

You tell us...you are starting threads on this issue too.

one thread dear...

Ah, one thread...that shows that you don't care. Gotcha.
Is this country great, or what? :clap2: Rush is in panic mode.

Rush has millions of listeners (21 million according to ABC) The last thing he has to worry about is AOL dumping him.
Can you and/or Rush actually PROVE it?

Cenk Uygur: A Challenge to Rush: Prove Your Ratings


Rush sure didn't sound very panicked earlier.

BTW since when is AOL a sponsor? Ive never once heard them advertise on his program. Obvious I dont listen all the time, but I would expect that if they were a sponsor that they would have advertisements from time to time.

AOL owns a few companies, one is HuffPo, maybe they advertise something besides AOL. Funny thing, I looked up who they own, and the only companies there that I ever likes went downhill after AOL bought them. WinAmp used to be the best media player available, now most people have never heard of it.

All Brands - AOL Corp
I happen to be in the IT industry and have been using WinAmp since my college days, over 10 years ago

Five Best Desktop Media Players
5 Best Free Media Player

Even if you do a google for "media player" it's on page one of the SERP.

Why must you LIE so?

Is this country great, or what? :clap2: Rush is in panic mode.

More Limbaugh advertisers jump ship

Limbaugh attempting to stem fallout

Limbaugh apologizes yet again for his controversial comments as advertisers continue to flee.

More Limbaugh advertisers jump ship – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

(CNN) – Rush Limbaugh's apology for labeling a law student a "slut" and "prostitute" failed to stem an exodus of advertisers from his radio show, as another company said Monday it was withdrawing spots from the conservative program.

AOL Inc. became the eighth company to announce in a statement online they were removing ads from "The Rush Limbaugh Show," which is the most listened to talk radio show in the United States.

"At AOL one of our core values is that we act with integrity," the company wrote in a post on their corporate Facebook page. "We have monitored the unfolding events and have determined that Mr. Limbaugh's comments are not in line with our values. As a result we have made the decision to suspend advertising on The Rush Limbaugh Radio show."

Other sponsors dropping spots from Limbaugh's show include mattress companies like Sleep Number and The Sleep Train, and companies that assist small businesses like Citrix, LegalZoom and QuickenLoans.

One company, Carbonite, a data backup service, said feedback from customers led to the decision to remove advertising from Limbaugh's show. The company's CEO said Limbaugh's apology Saturday wasn't enough to put his company's ads back on the air.

"No one with daughters the age of Sandra Fluke, and I have two, could possibly abide the insult and abuse heaped upon this courageous and well-intentioned young lady," Carbonite CEO David Friend said. "Mr. Limbaugh, with his highly personal attacks on Miss Fluke, overstepped any reasonable bounds of decency. Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse."

In his apology Saturday, Limbaugh admitted his "choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir."

He added, "I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices."

Appearing on the ABC program "The View" Monday, Fluke said Limbaugh's apology was issued under pressure from advertisers.

"I don't think that a statement like this, saying that his choice of words was not the best, changes anything," Fluke said. "And especially when that statement is issued when he's under significant pressure from his sponsors who have begun to pull their support from the show."

I am a FISCAL conservative female--and his comment insulted ME--along with 99% of other women who have used or are using contraceptives. I have listened to Rush on and off for the last 15 years--and this is it for me. I will not tolerate being insulted by him referring to me or any other woman as a SLUT for using birth control contraceptives.

He's toast with me--and YES you're right--finally consequences are to be paid. Unfortunately those consequences happen more on the right to those foul mouths on the left side of the isle.

No advertiser should tolerate this kind of trash talk coming from the left or the right.
Color me impressed. I hope you and those of your persuassion make your outrage known. Rush has done enough damage over the years. I'm sure you agree.
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Carbonite will be targetted by the right now, because it's a weak startup company that isn't posting a profit yet. And honestly, the right probably has to do this, because the left is learning it can silence the right by going after sponsors.

Carbonite is weaker than other sponsors who dropped Rush, so they are probably a good target.

oh well, isn't that the American way?
They got into this Faux outrage fray now they along with Rush get to pay I guess.

Rush deserves to pay. Carbonite really doesn't. Carbonite is just making a business decision.

I always find it funny that Romney supporters who think that it's perfectly okay to move factories to China and fire hundreds of middle class workers because, hey, "It's only business" are all aghast when companies don't want their products associated with a pornographic shock jock.
If self-proclaimed CON$ervative RW Republicans didn't have any double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.

well of course folks, this is WAY more important for the media than reporting on the condition of our country under the Obama administration.

when Eddie Schultz called Ingram a slut we heard about FOR ONE DAY from the lamestream media..

but, no agenda going on folks..nothing to see

More of the stupid, stupid, stupid and ignorant as all getup false equivalency.

Ed IMMEDIATELY apologized, a heartfelt and sincere one at that. Ed even called Laura PERSONALLY and apologized to her.

Further more, he took HIMSELF off the air, for a week, WITHOUT pay.

Which further showed his remorse for the remark.

What did Lush Rimbaugh do...?

Oh, well he DOUBLED AND TRIPLED down on the private citizen, female, and college student, PUNCHING DOWN on her insulting and demeaning her and women in general.

Total pig. Total bigamist. Totally rancid.

No comparison.

Why are you so dumb? Seriously.

ah yes, the double double double standards of the left.
Eddies apology was acceptable to you but Rush's isn't..
Finally. Consider this the thread that puts you in the PERMANENT Circus Barker status, reserved for the likes of paulitician, et al. I no longer can nor will take you seriously. You're a joke. A total lost case.

I pity you.


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