Tell me you wouldn't do this if you had the chance!

GunnyL said:
Where has anyone in this thread claimed to hate Mexicans? You are perfect example of the type person I spoke of earlier in the thread. Only white people can be laughed at, is that it?

Get a grip.

I'd slightly alter that to say that only white Christian males can be laughed at.
Abbey Normal said:
I'd slightly alter that to say that only white Christian males can be laughed at.

Especially on the dance floor! :rotflmao:
GunnyL said:
Disco boots? :laugh:

What the hell are you laughing at, eh?


Said1 said:
Ewwww, I'm shaking in my disco boots!

How does one dance in disco boots? Here I pegged ya for a barefoot kinda gal.......... :cof:
Said1 said:
What the hell are you laughing at, eh?



Damn fine combat boots...then again more along the lines of the Nancy Sinatra song....."These boots are made for walking..and thats just what i'm gonna of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you!" :mm:
GunnyL said:
Where has anyone in this thread claimed to hate Mexicans? You are perfect example of the type person I spoke of earlier in the thread. Only white people can be laughed at, is that it?

Get a grip.

Indeed. This is nothing worse than anything racial that's been done in the Dave Chappel Show. Which reminds me, did he ever get back to start his new season? Or is he still doing some kind of 'spiritual' Black thing in South Africa?
nucular said:
What, pray tell, do you think would happen to the economy, agriculture, service industry, restaurant industry etc. if illegal aliens stopped working for week? Everything would grind to a halt. They are in this country because it's in the interest of business (and don't Republicans say they represent business?) to have them here. This is a racial issue, not a political one.

Where's your proof? This is propaganda that your party spreads in an effort to help keep people breaking our laws and disrespecting our soveriegnty..

Both the left and right work pretty hard to ensure that illegal immigration continues. Otherwise they'd have done something about it. Don't think that just because you are a racist and hate Mexicans that means that the people you admire (Bush, other Republicans) are on your side. They are in favor of illegal immigration. It serves the purposes of their allies.

I'm racist eh? How do you know?

I do wholeheartedly agree that both parties are gonna keep the borders open until a tacticle nuke goes off from a terrorist who came across the borders - blows up in a city somewhere here on our soil.
-Cp said:
I do wholeheartedly agree that both parties are gonna keep the borders open until a tacticle nuke goes off from a terrorist who came across the borders - blows up in a city somewhere here on our soil.

BAD plan. I live in the first major city you come to on this side of the border. :mad:

Maybe I should move to OK. Even terrorists have to know there ISN'T anything to blow up there.
-Cp said:
Where's your proof? This is propaganda that your party spreads in an effort to help keep people breaking our laws and disrespecting our soveriegnty..

I'm racist eh? How do you know?

I do wholeheartedly agree that both parties are gonna keep the borders open until a tacticle nuke goes off from a terrorist who came across the borders - blows up in a city somewhere here on our soil.

Which party are you referring to? I don't belong to any party.

I guess I assume anybody who posts a racist video and thinks it's funny might be a racist. Duh.
GunnyL said:
BAD plan. I live in the first major city you come to on this side of the border. :mad:

Maybe I should move to OK. Even terrorists have to know there ISN'T anything to blow up there.

Um, ever hear of Tim McVeigh?

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