
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind
Hey Jackass, how do you test for a virus that has already split into three different variants? Why don't you stop running your mouth, shut up and do something useful?
Just curious, do you understand why you should get a new flu vaccine every year?

I mean I'm sure you don't get one, but do you understand the reasoning?

I haven't gotten a flu vaccine for 40 years and have never gotten the flu.
Some people are lucky that way.

I wouldn't call it luck. Healthy food is the best medicine. Doesn't solve everything but it does wonders for your immune system.
It is useless this virus has mutated way to many times. There is no catch up for it just like the sry no offense but like the dumb asses who take that flu shot.
This is the kind of stupidity we are dealing with here folks

The same people who think flu shots are useless think testing is impossible

And those same people who tell us that the virus is mutating too rapidly to test (with no evidence) claim that herd immunity is the way to go.

Newsflash...if it mutates that much and that fast there is no herd immunity
Testing is useless because it only addresses the moment in time the test is administered. Walk out the door and you may just get it.
Lol, no.
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind
Hey Jackass, how do you test for a virus that has already split into three different variants? Why don't you stop running your mouth, shut up and do something useful?
Just curious, do you understand why you should get a new flu vaccine every year?

I mean I'm sure you don't get one, but do you understand the reasoning?

I haven't gotten a flu vaccine for 40 years and have never gotten the flu.
Some people are lucky that way.

I wouldn't call it luck. Healthy food is the best medicine. Doesn't solve everything but it does wonders for your immune system.
Blind luck.
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind
Hey Jackass, how do you test for a virus that has already split into three different variants? Why don't you stop running your mouth, shut up and do something useful?
Just curious, do you understand why you should get a new flu vaccine every year?

I mean I'm sure you don't get one, but do you understand the reasoning?

I haven't gotten a flu vaccine for 40 years and have never gotten the flu.
I've had the flu so many times I just don't get it anymore. A pharmacist I really respect says that it's unnecessary until 80. After 80 the body is weak enough to need it.

Thats what my doc told me.
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind
Hey Jackass, how do you test for a virus that has already split into three different variants? Why don't you stop running your mouth, shut up and do something useful?
Just curious, do you understand why you should get a new flu vaccine every year?

I mean I'm sure you don't get one, but do you understand the reasoning?

I haven't gotten a flu vaccine for 40 years and have never gotten the flu.
I've had the flu so many times I just don't get it anymore. A pharmacist I really respect says that it's unnecessary until 80. After 80 the body is weak enough to need it.

Thats what my doc told me.
I'm afraid I suspect you both of lying.
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind
Hey Jackass, how do you test for a virus that has already split into three different variants? Why don't you stop running your mouth, shut up and do something useful?
Just curious, do you understand why you should get a new flu vaccine every year?

I mean I'm sure you don't get one, but do you understand the reasoning?

I haven't gotten a flu vaccine for 40 years and have never gotten the flu.
I've had the flu so many times I just don't get it anymore. A pharmacist I really respect says that it's unnecessary until 80. After 80 the body is weak enough to need it.

Thats what my doc told me.
I'm afraid I suspect you both of lying.

I really don't care what you suspect. Im not lying.
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind
I agree govs and mayors need to take money they are giving to illegals , but the machines,, and open up testing sites , National data base is unconstitutional
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind

Yep, we should be doing a million tests a day. We've barely tested 1% of our people - WAY less than every other country that's been dealing with this.

We also need simultaneous contact tracing. Was listening to an tech expert this morning. She said we'll need around 300,000 professional workers for that.

Without widespread testing and contact tracing, idiot governors can reopen but the public (other than Trumptards) will have no confidence.

Good opportunity for Donnie to create a few jobs to help replace the 16 million he's lost to date. Of course, he won't do it.
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind

Yep, we should be doing a million tests a day. We've barely tested 1% of our people - WAY less than every other country that's been dealing with this.

We also need simultaneous contact tracing. Was listening to an tech expert this morning. She said we'll need around 300,000 professional workers for that.

Without widespread testing and contact tracing, idiot governors can reopen but the public (other than Trumptards) will have no confidence.

Good opportunity for Donnie to create a few jobs to help replace the 16 million he's lost to date. Of course, he won't do it.

Lol, cower in fear.
Wait until the asses are forced and see those they know dropping dead LOL.
forced is coming ppl like it or not the NWO is coming for US ALL..

Ford Tests Buzzing Wristbands to Keep Workers at Safe Distances

we are fighting for our life ppl

Wait until the asses are forced and see those they know dropping dead LOL.
forced is coming ppl like it or not the NWO is coming for US ALL..

View attachment 324146
Ford Tests Buzzing Wristbands to Keep Workers at Safe Distances

we are fighting for our life ppl

View attachment 324142


That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind
Hey Jackass, how do you test for a virus that has already split into three different variants? Why don't you stop running your mouth, shut up and do something useful?
Just curious, do you understand why you should get a new flu vaccine every year?

I mean I'm sure you don't get one, but do you understand the reasoning?

I haven't gotten a flu vaccine for 40 years and have never gotten the flu.
Some people are lucky that way.
So, why fix what ain't broken? Healthy folks should not be vaccinated. Only those who are at substantial risk.

Vaccines are only effective at protecting the infirm. Pump the infirm full of that shit if they are afraid. NOT us.

Testing for the virus in widespread form, an anti-body test, a reliable course of treatment for people exposed to the virus, and finally, a vaccine. I don't see how you can reliably open things up and assure people of a minimum amount of safety without the first two being available for everyone you want to send back to work and school.

Then don't go back to work.

Why stop others from doing so if they want to go.
It is useless this virus has mutated way to many times. There is no catch up for it just like the sry no offense but like the dumb asses who take that flu shot.
This is the kind of stupidity we are dealing with here folks

The same people who think flu shots are useless think testing is impossible

And those same people who tell us that the virus is mutating too rapidly to test (with no evidence) claim that herd immunity is the way to go.

Newsflash...if it mutates that much and that fast there is no herd immunity
Testing is useless because it only addresses the moment in time the test is administered. Walk out the door and you may just get it.
Lol, no.
LOL, no? Is it your argument that one can be tested one minute and suddenly become immune to infection?

Its amazing. Look at all the people who are begging for a vaccine and dont mind being tracked.

I wouldn't mind being tested and tracked - Got nothing to hide. Wrap that tinfoil good-n-tight! :lol:

Eventually, you will. Has nothing to do with what you've got to hide. You do sound like the good little R's who were running around after 2001 defending the govts right to look at your emails.
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind

Funny, you can't check illegals if they're legally here, but we have to check citizens if they have licence to be outside.

Should everyone not tested wear a badge in star shape on their sleeve too?

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