Texas is suffering ...wheres Biden ?

well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....

Huh? FEMA has already been immediately dispatched and is currently in texas. Biden has been working with Abbott ever since this happened and has immediately granted all requests by the state. He'll also be signing a major disaster declaration in the coming days, and will be visiting texas next week. What more is he supposed to do? LOL. Listen, i know you're used to republicans and Trump barely lifted a finger during his presidency, but this is the typical level of competence we're supposed to see out of the US government when a democrat is president, even a crappy establishment one. Republican leadership is how texas got into the situation it is now and now they're looking for a democrat to bail them out.
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....

Huh? FEMA has already been immediately dispatched and is currently in texas. Biden has been working with Abbott ever since this happened and has immediately granted all requests by the state. He'll also be signing a major disaster declaration in the coming days, and will be visiting texas next week. What more is he supposed to do? LOL. Listen, i know you're used to republicans and Trump barely lifted a finger during his presidency, but this is the typical level of competence we're supposed to see out of the US government when a democrat is president, even a crappy establishment one. Republican leadership is how texas got into the situation it is now and now they're looking for a democrat to bail them out.
he was also playing video games at camp David during the crisis ..... if a republican had done that the left would be calling him callus .
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....

Huh? FEMA has already been immediately dispatched and is currently in texas. Biden has been working with Abbott ever since this happened and has immediately granted all requests by the state. He'll also be signing a major disaster declaration in the coming days, and will be visiting texas next week. What more is he supposed to do? LOL. Listen, i know you're used to republicans and Trump barely lifted a finger during his presidency, but this is the typical level of competence we're supposed to see out of the US government when a democrat is president, even a crappy establishment one. Republican leadership is how texas got into the situation it is now and now they're looking for a democrat to bail them out.
he was also playing video games at camp David during the crisis ..... if a republican had done that the left would be calling him callus .
poor old senile Joe has been taking a nap...and kamala graciously changed his depends
If you live in Texas and are suffering because you don't have electricity then it is your own damn fault.

You should have bought an emergency generator.

Like the Boy Scouts say "be prepared".
That is also true, but then a question arises what is the need of those state officials who have been getting their salary for years and making political carriers? What is their role in life of the state?

You can argue that Texas is in a climate zone where severe low temperatures are quite rare. Yes it is. But from what I have heard, low temperatures happened there in 2011 and 1989, didn't they? So, it is not some extremely new. But their infrastructure found itself absolutely unprepared for a new wave.

And what current and former officials like Abbott and Perry were able to say about that? The nonsense about windmills?

Why Cruz was on his way to Cancun in the middle of the crisis? Because he didn't want to lose pre-paid money for his vacation? Is he dumb enough to not understand the consequences of his move? That he will be always reminded until his career is over that some Democrat in NYC was able to gather money for Texas when he tried to warm his ass in a Mexican resort?

What is the use of this pricks?

Shit happens.

This was an 100 year weather event. The last recorded time it got this cold in Texas was 1898.

Instead of whining about how the government or whoever should have done something different then each citizen should have been responsible for their own well being.

Here in Florida I am prepared to be with electricity for an emergency. Food, water, generator, fuel, propane etc.

I don't have to depend upon the government or anybody else.

If something happens that I am not prepared for then my tough luck.

There are many people moving to Texas every day. It is hard to keep up with the state wide electricity demands in extreme circumstances. People moving in from poorly run Democrat states like California.
Yes, I understand your point. And I believe that most countries which are on the same latitude that is Texas similarly dont prepare their energy sector for this temperatures.

But what personally me irritates the most as an outsider is the dumb reaction of some high ranked state officials. They maybe think that only idiots hear and watch them.

Though, I must admit that it is up to the Texans to decide.

Things will get worse.

The scientists are saying be are entering a period of solar minimum.

We are looking at 20 or maybe 30 years of really cold weather. They call these periods mini ice ages. Last one we had were a few hundred years ago.

This man made global warming bullshit is going to be forgotten in the trashcan of history like all historical scams.
Well, to say frankly I dont follow these environmental issues too close. I dont particularly interested in it. Yes, I know that there are opinions which say that the climate change is natural and cyclical. It may well be true.

About mini ice ages... who knows? What I can say for sure is in the place where I live winters have become much warmer that they used to be. In this year January and February were snowy and cold. But the last several winters were very warm.
If you live in Texas and are suffering because you don't have electricity then it is your own damn fault.

You should have bought an emergency generator.

Like the Boy Scouts say "be prepared".
That is also true, but then a question arises what is the need of those state officials who have been getting their salary for years and making political carriers? What is their role in life of the state?

You can argue that Texas is in a climate zone where severe low temperatures are quite rare. Yes it is. But from what I have heard, low temperatures happened there in 2011 and 1989, didn't they? So, it is not some extremely new. But their infrastructure found itself absolutely unprepared for a new wave.

And what current and former officials like Abbott and Perry were able to say about that? The nonsense about windmills?

Why Cruz was on his way to Cancun in the middle of the crisis? Because he didn't want to lose pre-paid money for his vacation? Is he dumb enough to not understand the consequences of his move? That he will be always reminded until his career is over that some Democrat in NYC was able to gather money for Texas when he tried to warm his ass in a Mexican resort?

What is the use of this pricks?

Shit happens.

This was an 100 year weather event. The last recorded time it got this cold in Texas was 1898.

Instead of whining about how the government or whoever should have done something different then each citizen should have been responsible for their own well being.

Here in Florida I am prepared to be with electricity for an emergency. Food, water, generator, fuel, propane etc.

I don't have to depend upon the government or anybody else.

If something happens that I am not prepared for then my tough luck.

There are many people moving to Texas every day. It is hard to keep up with the state wide electricity demands in extreme circumstances. People moving in from poorly run Democrat states like California.
Yes, I understand your point. And I believe that most countries which are on the same latitude that is Texas similarly dont prepare their energy sector for this temperatures.

But what personally me irritates the most as an outsider is the dumb reaction of some high ranked state officials. They maybe think that only idiots hear and watch them.

Though, I must admit that it is up to the Texans to decide.

Things will get worse.

The scientists are saying be are entering a period of solar minimum.

We are looking at 20 or maybe 30 years of really cold weather. They call these periods mini ice ages. Last one we had were a few hundred years ago.

This man made global warming bullshit is going to be forgotten in the trashcan of history like all historical scams.
Well, to say frankly I dont follow these environmental issues too close. I dont particularly interested in it. Yes, I know that there are opinions which say that the climate change is natural and cyclical. It may well be true.

About mini ice ages... who knows? What I can say for sure is in the place where I live winters have become much warmer that they used to be. In this year January and February were snowy and cold. But the last several winters were very warm.

The solar minimum is just getting under way.

Here in Central Florida we measure the coldness of the weather by the number of winter days when the daily high temperature does not get above 70 F. We are over our average by about 15%. That includes not getting any of the cold that has gripped the rest of the country for the last week. Fortunately we had high pressure area that protected us and South Carolina. Florida and SC were the only two states in the US that did not have snow on the ground as of yesterday.
I predict that texas will not upgrade to equipment that can handle a little ice and snow. And this will happen again and they will say "boy, I sure didn't see this coming. ". Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....

Huh? FEMA has already been immediately dispatched and is currently in texas. Biden has been working with Abbott ever since this happened and has immediately granted all requests by the state. He'll also be signing a major disaster declaration in the coming days, and will be visiting texas next week. What more is he supposed to do? LOL. Listen, i know you're used to republicans and Trump barely lifted a finger during his presidency, but this is the typical level of competence we're supposed to see out of the US government when a democrat is president, even a crappy establishment one. Republican leadership is how texas got into the situation it is now and now they're looking for a democrat to bail them out.
he was also playing video games at camp David during the crisis ..... if a republican had done that the left would be calling him callus .
Do you ever stop whining?
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....

Huh? FEMA has already been immediately dispatched and is currently in texas. Biden has been working with Abbott ever since this happened and has immediately granted all requests by the state. He'll also be signing a major disaster declaration in the coming days, and will be visiting texas next week. What more is he supposed to do? LOL. Listen, i know you're used to republicans and Trump barely lifted a finger during his presidency, but this is the typical level of competence we're supposed to see out of the US government when a democrat is president, even a crappy establishment one. Republican leadership is how texas got into the situation it is now and now they're looking for a democrat to bail them out.
he was also playing video games at camp David during the crisis ..... if a republican had done that the left would be calling him callus .
poor old senile Joe has been taking a nap...and kamala graciously changed his depends
What else can he do, beyond what he already has, that would make you happy? Fly down there to toss them rolls of paper towels?
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
Maybe he was drowned out by all the Texas Energy people making excuses for not building with the right equipment because they did not justify the costs. What is it you would like him to do? Go ahead, tell us. Are you asking for the federal government to step in and take over control of energy production and distribution in Texas? Forget it. Not happening. They wanted their own grid. They got it.

Wow, you’re the type of person that doesn’t wave to your neighbor aren‘t you?
You are the type that bitches and moans like a child without understanding. Go back to your room and cry it out. Then come back when you are ready to be more adult.

Yep, you seem like that type for sure....The asshole of the neighborhood for sure....
Just one of the normal adults. Maybe you will understand when you grow up.

Heh, heh...I'm probably older than you are, don't know for sure...If I'm not then you'd be the "get off my lawn" guy....lol

Look, man own it....Some people are just assholes. They relish in it...Miserable life if you ask me, but hey, whatever...
Your apology is accepted. Have dealt with a lot of assholes in 66 years.

What? Lot's of mirrors in your house I guess....lol Oh, and I didn't apologize for anything...That's just more of your faux bull shit...
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt when you said some people are just assholes. I thought your were being big enough to self admit. Guess I over estimated you, kid. Grow up. Please.

Really? You come in here and make an assholish statement, our little back and forth ensues, and you think I was saying that I was the asshole? See, that comes from a person that never once admits they are wrong, never listens to others opinions, and looks down on their fellow man....I will call that out every time I see it....
What could Flyin' Lyin' POS Cruz have done.

He COULD HAVE help organize wellness checks for Texas Seniors like Beto O'Rourke has been doing.

He COULD HAVE helped AOC Raise One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) in Relief For His Fellow Texans.

He COULD HAVE been at the WH with PRESIDENT BIDEN when Mr. Biden signed the Emergency Declaration For Texas.

He sure as hell COULD HAVE acting in the best interest, health and safety of People of Texas rather than flying his Lyin' worthless ass to Mexico.


Flyin' Lyin' Cruz job is to act in best interest of his constituents, he did not .
If you live in a state like that, the only reason not to have home generating capability is money. Cruz could afford it for his home. He just doesn't plan any better for his family than he tries to do for his state or country. He's an educated dumb ass.
do you truly believe biden is more intelligent than Cruz ? be honest ......
Absolutely. Generac is going to make a fortune down there this spring unless they have banned the sale of mechanical home generators. Cruz could afford it, as I know I can, even in retirement. Their electric situation down there is totally off the hook. I just read a story of a Texas homeowner, whose utility bill went from $600 in December to $17, 000 in January. You can generate you own cheaper than that crap. Appearently some are set on a sliding scale where the cost per kilowatt hour slides upward as the demand increases. I do not understand, but yes, Biden is smarter than Cruz. Hell, I'm smarter than Cruz and am quite happy with my $270.00 electric bill. Texas is a interesting state, but no state is that damn interesting.
I do not usually post The Sun, but this story caught my eye at the top of the Drudger Report

Rates in Texas jumped from $50 to $9,000 per Megawatt in some instances as demand soared during the energy crisis, according to WFAA.
Dallas resident Ty Williams’ bill spiked from $600 last month to almost $17,000 so far this month, he told news station.

Anybody want to deregulate energy in your state, set up your own state grid, just to support private enterprise? Working out real good down there in Texas is it?

That's just insane...This won't stand....According to the TX AG website...

"Price gouging is illegal, and the Office of the Attorney General has authority to prosecute any business that engages in price gouging after a disaster has been declared by the governor or president. The attorney general has issued stern warnings about price gouging to businesses in times of disaster, but you should still be on your guard.

§17.46(b) of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices-Consumer Protection Act provides that it is a false, misleading or deceptive act or practice to take advantage of a disaster declared by the Governor under Chapter 418, Government Code, or the President by:

  1. Selling or leasing fuel, food, medicine, lodging, building materials, construction tools, or another necessity at an exorbitant or excessive price;

  2. Demanding an exorbitant or excessive price in connection with the sale or lease of fuel, food, medicine, lodging, building materials, construction tools, or another necessity."
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
Maybe he was drowned out by all the Texas Energy people making excuses for not building with the right equipment because they did not justify the costs. What is it you would like him to do? Go ahead, tell us. Are you asking for the federal government to step in and take over control of energy production and distribution in Texas? Forget it. Not happening. They wanted their own grid. They got it.

Wow, you’re the type of person that doesn’t wave to your neighbor aren‘t you?
You are the type that bitches and moans like a child without understanding. Go back to your room and cry it out. Then come back when you are ready to be more adult.

Yep, you seem like that type for sure....The asshole of the neighborhood for sure....
Just one of the normal adults. Maybe you will understand when you grow up.

Heh, heh...I'm probably older than you are, don't know for sure...If I'm not then you'd be the "get off my lawn" guy....lol

Look, man own it....Some people are just assholes. They relish in it...Miserable life if you ask me, but hey, whatever...
Your apology is accepted. Have dealt with a lot of assholes in 66 years.

What? Lot's of mirrors in your house I guess....lol Oh, and I didn't apologize for anything...That's just more of your faux bull shit...
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt when you said some people are just assholes. I thought your were being big enough to self admit. Guess I over estimated you, kid. Grow up. Please.

Really? You come in here and make an assholish statement, our little back and forth ensues, and you think I was saying that I was the asshole? See, that comes from a person that never once admits they are wrong, never listens to others opinions, and looks down on their fellow man....I will call that out every time I see it....
Oh, I admit when I am wrong, though making few apologies. I just was not wrong this time. Better luck next time.
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
Maybe he was drowned out by all the Texas Energy people making excuses for not building with the right equipment because they did not justify the costs. What is it you would like him to do? Go ahead, tell us. Are you asking for the federal government to step in and take over control of energy production and distribution in Texas? Forget it. Not happening. They wanted their own grid. They got it.

Wow, you’re the type of person that doesn’t wave to your neighbor aren‘t you?
You are the type that bitches and moans like a child without understanding. Go back to your room and cry it out. Then come back when you are ready to be more adult.

Yep, you seem like that type for sure....The asshole of the neighborhood for sure....
Just one of the normal adults. Maybe you will understand when you grow up.

Heh, heh...I'm probably older than you are, don't know for sure...If I'm not then you'd be the "get off my lawn" guy....lol

Look, man own it....Some people are just assholes. They relish in it...Miserable life if you ask me, but hey, whatever...
Your apology is accepted. Have dealt with a lot of assholes in 66 years.

What? Lot's of mirrors in your house I guess....lol Oh, and I didn't apologize for anything...That's just more of your faux bull shit...
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt when you said some people are just assholes. I thought your were being big enough to self admit. Guess I over estimated you, kid. Grow up. Please.

Really? You come in here and make an assholish statement, our little back and forth ensues, and you think I was saying that I was the asshole? See, that comes from a person that never once admits they are wrong, never listens to others opinions, and looks down on their fellow man....I will call that out every time I see it....
Oh, I admit when I am wrong, though making few apologies. I just was not wrong this time. Better luck next time.

You provided an opinion. I happen to think that it is an American value to help those suffering in need in this country, you on the other hand think they should suffer....So, go ahead and keep thinking your opinion is the right one, and confirm what I surmized about you from the start...Just another 'get off my lawn' asshole.
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
Maybe he was drowned out by all the Texas Energy people making excuses for not building with the right equipment because they did not justify the costs. What is it you would like him to do? Go ahead, tell us. Are you asking for the federal government to step in and take over control of energy production and distribution in Texas? Forget it. Not happening. They wanted their own grid. They got it.

Wow, you’re the type of person that doesn’t wave to your neighbor aren‘t you?
You are the type that bitches and moans like a child without understanding. Go back to your room and cry it out. Then come back when you are ready to be more adult.

Yep, you seem like that type for sure....The asshole of the neighborhood for sure....
Just one of the normal adults. Maybe you will understand when you grow up.

Heh, heh...I'm probably older than you are, don't know for sure...If I'm not then you'd be the "get off my lawn" guy....lol

Look, man own it....Some people are just assholes. They relish in it...Miserable life if you ask me, but hey, whatever...
Your apology is accepted. Have dealt with a lot of assholes in 66 years.

What? Lot's of mirrors in your house I guess....lol Oh, and I didn't apologize for anything...That's just more of your faux bull shit...
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt when you said some people are just assholes. I thought your were being big enough to self admit. Guess I over estimated you, kid. Grow up. Please.

Really? You come in here and make an assholish statement, our little back and forth ensues, and you think I was saying that I was the asshole? See, that comes from a person that never once admits they are wrong, never listens to others opinions, and looks down on their fellow man....I will call that out every time I see it....
Oh, I admit when I am wrong, though making few apologies. I just was not wrong this time. Better luck next time.

You provided an opinion. I happen to think that it is an American value to help those suffering in need in this country, you on the other hand think they should suffer....So, go ahead and keep thinking your opinion is the right one, and confirm what I surmized about you from the start...Just another 'get off my lawn' asshole.
Still whining a day later. You aren't on my lawn. It is covered with 8 inches of snow and the temp was below 12 degrees this morning. I do have power, though. That is because we never deregulated, sold the facilities and turned energy over to deregulated private enterprise. The thrust of the thread was and is, how little Biden has done to help Texas, yet it is never said what it is Texans (not right wing message board posters) want him to do. Send Fema with Generators and water? Check. Declare emergency status morning after requested? Check. Disaster declaration to help people get low interest loans to repair damages to homes suffered due to stupidity of Texas politicians? On the way. Texans suffered and are suffering as Texas politicians lie about their poor planning and private industry shortcuts to save money. What is it you want? Surely you are not asking us to pay their outrageous utility bills demanded by their private suppliers. Spit it out. What is it you want the federal government to do that it is not doing. It is a simple enough question for this thread, that has not even been attempted to answer by you or anyone else. Until you can, the thread is a joke and a lie for impotent political purpose, and does not even deflect blame from Texan politicians and Texan private energy magnates. I wish Texans good luck, as with leadership like that and depending on people to run interference like you, They Need It. Nothing like relying on luck and the kindness of others, eh?
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All power equipment should be able to handle a storm like this heck it doesn't seem so bad. Unprepared from what I see. Spending extra on quality is always the prudent move.
The experts predicted global warming.
Why would Texans invest in preparing for snow?
Its Climate Change and its here now.
Educate yourself.

1933 Texas.....-23 degrees.

It's called weather, dumbass
And their energy grid is handling it SO well.
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....

Huh? FEMA has already been immediately dispatched and is currently in texas. Biden has been working with Abbott ever since this happened and has immediately granted all requests by the state. He'll also be signing a major disaster declaration in the coming days, and will be visiting texas next week. What more is he supposed to do? LOL. Listen, i know you're used to republicans and Trump barely lifted a finger during his presidency, but this is the typical level of competence we're supposed to see out of the US government when a democrat is president, even a crappy establishment one. Republican leadership is how texas got into the situation it is now and now they're looking for a democrat to bail them out.
Where was he? He should have flown down there pronto when it happened! The green executive orders played a role in this. Anywya as long as many Progs got it also. A good Prog is a dead Prog.

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