Texas to stop government funding for Planned Parenthood

Big deal, they make a phone call anyone can make.

Well, your post is misleading, it implies they aren't involved in preventative care. Actually only 3% of the procedures they do are abortions.

Note I also say 0% of their funding should be government
That's like saying my dentist provides cardiology services because he can call 911 if my heart stops while getting my teeth cleaned.

That's stupid. To be the same, 911 would have to arrange your dental appointment. Did they do that?
You are being stupid by saying they provide mammograms because they can call someone who does do them. Anyone can make that call.

Strawman, I said they provide preventative services
I was responding to a leftist who claimed they do mammograms. So butt out.
More lies. Planned Parenthood does not own one mammogram machine.

Planned Parenthood and Mammograms - FactCheck.org

True, but they help arrange mammograms at local clinics
Big deal, they make a phone call anyone can make.

Well, your post is misleading, it implies they aren't involved in preventative care. Actually only 3% of the procedures they do are abortions.

Note I also say 0% of their funding should be government
That's like saying my dentist provides cardiology services because he can call 911 if my heart stops while getting my teeth cleaned.

You know, women go there who don't have insurance to see a doctor and they get all kinds of help and advoce. One of those is PP tells them they need a mammogram. They know who to call and set it up for them. I'd think you'd be in favor of that. Why do they need to have their own mammogram machines? You wanted government to give them more money? Local clinics have them, why should they not have the women use those?
St Judes does a lot of great work too but I don't see the Federal and State governments funding their work.

People are free to give to PP. But since leftists give very little to charity they know they require our tax money.
True, but they help arrange mammograms at local clinics
Big deal, they make a phone call anyone can make.

Well, your post is misleading, it implies they aren't involved in preventative care. Actually only 3% of the procedures they do are abortions.

Note I also say 0% of their funding should be government
That's like saying my dentist provides cardiology services because he can call 911 if my heart stops while getting my teeth cleaned.

You know, women go there who don't have insurance to see a doctor and they get all kinds of help and advoce. One of those is PP tells them they need a mammogram. They know who to call and set it up for them. I'd think you'd be in favor of that. Why do they need to have their own mammogram machines? You wanted government to give them more money? Local clinics have them, why should they not have the women use those?
St Judes does a lot of great work too but I don't see the Federal and State governments funding their work.

People are free to give to PP. But since leftists give very little to charity they know they require our tax money.

I've said repeatedly I oppose any government funding for PP
Well, your post is misleading, it implies they aren't involved in preventative care. Actually only 3% of the procedures they do are abortions.

Note I also say 0% of their funding should be government
That's like saying my dentist provides cardiology services because he can call 911 if my heart stops while getting my teeth cleaned.

That's stupid. To be the same, 911 would have to arrange your dental appointment. Did they do that?
You are being stupid by saying they provide mammograms because they can call someone who does do them. Anyone can make that call.

Strawman, I said they provide preventative services
I was responding to a leftist who claimed they do mammograms. So butt out.

This is a message board and you were clearly trying to make it sound like an abortion clinic. I already explained that. If you wanted a 1-1 with the "leftist," you should have PM'd him/her
A red state defunding planned parenthood isn't news.

Such a shame. Planned parenthood does a lot of good. Many of their services involve free birth control and mammograms.

These kinds of things are why I will never live in a red state. Backwards as hell.

Looks like the charitable snowflakes will have to donate funds to replace taxpayer dollars.

Yeah Im a snowflake because i have empathy for others.
Where is your empathy for others?

View attachment 103323

That fetus is obviously in the third term. Women who do choose abortion have it in the 1st term or beginning of 2nd term.

I personally would never have an abortion. But life happens. If I were raped , I wouldn't hesitate to have an abortion.
Never been connected to an abortion in any way son, try again. I just won't join you in needing control over others.
We're just stopping you from controlling others....

Firstly, look son, you're just hissyfitting on an anonymous chat board. Secondly, great, this is going to be really easy for you since what I'm advocating is leaving others alone to make their own decisions. And a very merry christmas to you and yours.

" ... their own decisions ... "

Does that include the baby?
The unborn child, if not viable on his/her own, has no say in the woman's right to terminate her own pregnancy.

Yeah, you're right .... just kill it, huh?

So, you're not an equal opportunity baby killer?

When a fetus becomes viable, you don't want to kill it, but until the fetus is viable, just stab it to death, huh?
Not my choice but it's the choice of pregnant women.
The Solo mission of Planned Parenthood is selling dead baby parts... fact
We're just stopping you from controlling others....

Firstly, look son, you're just hissyfitting on an anonymous chat board. Secondly, great, this is going to be really easy for you since what I'm advocating is leaving others alone to make their own decisions. And a very merry christmas to you and yours.

" ... their own decisions ... "

Does that include the baby?
The unborn child, if not viable on his/her own, has no say in the woman's right to terminate her own pregnancy.

Yeah, you're right .... just kill it, huh?

So, you're not an equal opportunity baby killer?

When a fetus becomes viable, you don't want to kill it, but until the fetus is viable, just stab it to death, huh?
Not my choice but it's the choice of pregnant women.
How so? What the fuck authority does she have?
A red state defunding planned parenthood isn't news.

Such a shame. Planned parenthood does a lot of good. Many of their services involve free birth control and mammograms.

These kinds of things are why I will never live in a red state. Backwards as hell.

Looks like the charitable snowflakes will have to donate funds to replace taxpayer dollars.

Yeah Im a snowflake because i have empathy for others.
Where is your empathy for others?

View attachment 103323

That fetus is obviously in the third term. Women who do choose abortion have it in the 1st term or beginning of 2nd term.

I personally would never have an abortion. But life happens. If I were raped , I wouldn't hesitate to have an abortion.
It seems no snowflakes are able to articulate why taxpayer dollars need to fund abortions instead of private funding through charities that support abortion.

Dems raised $1.2 billion for Hillary to lose an election.....I'm sure they can come up with money to fund abortions for those who don't want to pay for their own abortions.
Nice job Texas. You wanna kill your baby, pay for it yourself. No Taxpayer should be forced to contribute to that.

This is the Very simple and VERY obvious point.

If libs are worried about people not being able to afford abortions, then they should fund them through charities, not TAXPAYER DOLLARS.

Should taxpayer dollars fund all elective surgery?
pro or no, really see no reason for government to tell you what you can or can't do with your own body. don't want abortion don't have one. teach your children about safe or no sex. offer to adopt unwanted children, donate to people or places that take in unwanted children\ nothing could be worse for a child than being unwanted. be part of the solution not create more problems.
pro or no, really see no reason for government to tell you what you can or can't do with your own body. don't want abortion don't have one. teach your children about safe or no sex. offer to adopt unwanted children, donate to people or places that take in unwanted children\ nothing could be worse for a child than being unwanted. be part of the solution not create more problems.

I agree.....If only liberals didn't force their decisions on people, we wouldn't be having this discussion.....

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