The Dangerous Lie That ‘Bush Lied’

W mentioned Iraq as part of the Axis of Evil and associated it with Bin Laden ... SOTU 2002

facts prove it wrong.
One thing is for certain, the left is responsible for this miserable excuse we have currently in the White House, furthermore, the current situation in the Mid East is theirs to shoulder. To think the lessons of withdrawal, vacuums, and emboldening ones adversary by conduct of failed leadership were never learned. What other purpose would someone drum up the issues and events of 13 years ago. Good luck with that.

President Bushes policy decisions are the main reason we have a regional war developing in the ME. No amount of whining about President Obama is going to change that historical fact.
W mentioned Iraq as part of the Axis of Evil and associated it with Bin Laden ... SOTU 2002

facts prove it wrong.
Here's what he said. ANd he was right.

Our second goal is to prevent regimes that sponsor terror from threatening America or our friends and allies with weapons of mass destruction.

Some of these regimes have been pretty quiet since September 11, but we know their true nature. North Korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction, while starving its citizens.

Iran aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror, while an unelected few repress the Iranian people's hope for freedom.

Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax and nerve gas and nuclear weapons for over a decade.

This is a regime that has already used poison gas to murder thousands of its own citizens, leaving the bodies of mothers huddled over their dead children. This is a regime that agreed to international inspections then kicked out the inspectors. This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world.

States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger. They could provide these arms to terrorists, giving them the means to match their hatred. They could attack our allies or attempt to blackmail the United States. In any of these cases, the price of indifference would be catastrophic.

We will work closely with our coalition to deny terrorists and their state sponsors the materials, technology and expertise to make and deliver weapons of mass destruction.

We will develop and deploy effective missile defenses to protect America and our allies from sudden attack.
One thing is for certain, the left is responsible for this miserable excuse we have currently in the White House, furthermore, the current situation in the Mid East is theirs to shoulder. To think the lessons of withdrawal, vacuums, and emboldening ones adversary by conduct of failed leadership were never learned. What other purpose would someone drum up the issues and events of 13 years ago. Good luck with that.

President Bushes policy decisions are the main reason we have a regional war developing in the ME. No amount of whining about President Obama is going to change that historical fact.
I personally blame Winston Churchill.
BB 10720436.
Its amazing to see the level of denial. You know the idea that "Bush lied people died" is like holy writ to the leftists. They'll do anything to continue to believe it and burn at the stake anyone who points out it isnt true.

You haven't pointed out that what I posted isn't true. So your argument is false not mine. Bush clearly lied on March 17, 2003.
Jesus fucking Christ, you're still trying to sell this "bad intelligence" bullshit? Move the fuck on with life already!

A Senior FEDERAL JUDGE FROM THE DC COURT OF APPEALS says you are the one that's a lying sack of shit (as are ALL dimocraps)

He was also the co-chairman of the commission that looked into the WMD assertion.

Which, if you would bother to read the article rather than take Comedy Central and HuffBlo at their word, you'd see that they were forthright enough to say the Intelligence reports were a crock of shit.

And that's all Bush had to go on. That's it.

But you? You scumbags have -- What, exactly?


So, Bush was just plain stupid and easily manipulated by his advisors.

And not a liar.


Glad we got that straight.
Jesus fucking Christ, you're still trying to sell this "bad intelligence" bullshit? Move the fuck on with life already!

A Senior FEDERAL JUDGE FROM THE DC COURT OF APPEALS says you are the one that's a lying sack of shit (as are ALL dimocraps)

He was also the co-chairman of the commission that looked into the WMD assertion.

Which, if you would bother to read the article rather than take Comedy Central and HuffBlo at their word, you'd see that they were forthright enough to say the Intelligence reports were a crock of shit.

And that's all Bush had to go on. That's it.

But you? You scumbags have -- What, exactly?


So, Bush was just plain stupid and easily manipulated by his advisors.

And not a liar.


Glad we got that straight.
The scary part is you probably believe that.
Saddam men telling the world that they didn't have any WMD???!!!
do you think before you post.

Far more reliable than Curveball, whom the Germans warned us to not trust.
And we didnt necessarily. The intelligence was built up from numerous sources.
Another red herring.


Did you read 'Fiasco' or 'The Assassins' Gate'... The Bush Administration cherry picked and suppressed evidence to get them to war... Bush picked Cheney (against his father wishes), Rumsfeld,.... The guy was in Presidential level as dumb as a bag of rocks but he let the others lead him like a show pony to war...

This what you get when you vote for the dumb guy. The guy has the lowest IQ of any president in modern history.
One thing is for certain, the left is responsible for this miserable excuse we have currently in the White House, furthermore, the current situation in the Mid East is theirs to shoulder. To think the lessons of withdrawal, vacuums, and emboldening ones adversary by conduct of failed leadership were never learned. What other purpose would someone drum up the issues and events of 13 years ago. Good luck with that.
Why do discussions about Bush lying us into war end up as Obama derangement threads?
Saddam men telling the world that they didn't have any WMD???!!!
do you think before you post.

Far more reliable than Curveball, whom the Germans warned us to not trust.
And we didnt necessarily. The intelligence was built up from numerous sources.
Another red herring.


Did you read 'Fiasco' or 'The Assassins' Gate'... The Bush Administration cherry picked and suppressed evidence to get them to war... Bush picked Cheney (against his father wishes), Rumsfeld,.... The guy was in Presidential level as dumb as a bag of rocks but he let the others lead him like a show pony to war...

This what you get when you vote for the dumb guy. The guy has the lowest IQ of any president in modern history.
Moron. Did you read the OP where he shows conclusively Bush did not lie on Iraq? Did you miss the entire point of this thread?
One thing is for certain, the left is responsible for this miserable excuse we have currently in the White House, furthermore, the current situation in the Mid East is theirs to shoulder. To think the lessons of withdrawal, vacuums, and emboldening ones adversary by conduct of failed leadership were never learned. What other purpose would someone drum up the issues and events of 13 years ago. Good luck with that.
Why do discussions about Bush lying us into war end up as Obama derangement threads?
Because the left deflec-drones when shown theyre wrong deflect to Obama.
One thing is for certain, the left is responsible for this miserable excuse we have currently in the White House, furthermore, the current situation in the Mid East is theirs to shoulder. To think the lessons of withdrawal, vacuums, and emboldening ones adversary by conduct of failed leadership were never learned. What other purpose would someone drum up the issues and events of 13 years ago. Good luck with that.
Why do discussions about Bush lying us into war end up as Obama derangement threads?

They have too in order to lay the blame for the Iraq Civil War(or worse) on Obama.

Bush did it for noble reasons and Obama simply hates America, Americans, Apple Pie, Mom, and by the way, have you seen him throw a baseball? Why else would he be actively trying to destroy the country?
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BB 10721396 quoting Bush 43
We will work closely with our coalition to deny terrorists and their state sponsors the materials, technology and expertise to make and deliver weapons of mass destruction.

That is a lie then. The French and Russia were our allies in 2003 and both nations were in favor of continuing the progress being made by the UN inspectors rather than starting a war. The majority of our allies in the UN Security Council opposed war because inspections were working.

Thanks for the example of one of many Bush 43 lies. Bush didn't work closely with our allies or the entire UN.

He's a liar.
One thing is for certain, the left is responsible for this miserable excuse we have currently in the White House, furthermore, the current situation in the Mid East is theirs to shoulder. To think the lessons of withdrawal, vacuums, and emboldening ones adversary by conduct of failed leadership were never learned. What other purpose would someone drum up the issues and events of 13 years ago. Good luck with that.
Why do discussions about Bush lying us into war end up as Obama derangement threads?
Because the left deflec-drones when shown theyre wrong deflect to Obama.
You still have not answered the question of how Saddam gave aid and protection to al Qaeda. Until you answer that question everything you post is a deflection. I just posted the speech in it's entirety and a short video that captures the quote.
One thing is for certain, the left is responsible for this miserable excuse we have currently in the White House, furthermore, the current situation in the Mid East is theirs to shoulder. To think the lessons of withdrawal, vacuums, and emboldening ones adversary by conduct of failed leadership were never learned. What other purpose would someone drum up the issues and events of 13 years ago. Good luck with that.
Why do discussions about Bush lying us into war end up as Obama derangement threads?

They have too in order to lay the blame for the Iraq Civil War(or worse) on Obama.

Bush did it for noble reasons and Obama simply hates America, Americans, Apple Pie, Mom, and by the way, have you seen him throw a baseball? Why else would he be actively trying to destroy the country?
Obama is to blame for the civil war. Who pulled troops out of Iraq, Bush or Obama?
One thing is for certain, the left is responsible for this miserable excuse we have currently in the White House, furthermore, the current situation in the Mid East is theirs to shoulder. To think the lessons of withdrawal, vacuums, and emboldening ones adversary by conduct of failed leadership were never learned. What other purpose would someone drum up the issues and events of 13 years ago. Good luck with that.
Why do discussions about Bush lying us into war end up as Obama derangement threads?
Because the left deflec-drones when shown theyre wrong deflect to Obama.
You still have not answered the question of how Saddam gave aid and protection to al Qaeda. Until you answer that question everything you post is a deflection. I just posted the speech in it's entirety and a short video that captures the quote.
I dont recall ever making that claim. In fact I dont recall anyone outside of you making that claim. Why did you claim that?
Staid 10721262
To think the lessons of withdrawal, vacuums, and emboldening ones adversary by conduct of failed leadership were never learned. What other purpose would someone drum up the issues and events of 13 years ago. Good luck with that.

This thread was drummed up by a 'Bush lied' denier. So you are not too good at paying attention,

Bush 43 prematurely withdrew military and intelligence assets from Afghanistan in order to invade Iraq without a plan for withdrawal in either war zone. Bad Bush, right?

But then Bush in 2008 negotiated a withdrawal deal from Iraq that tied his successor's hands on keeping troops in Iraq,

Bush did not pursue the new Bush made terrorists that fled Iraq to Syria and other countries. Bush declared victory but let many terrorists find safe haven even in Afghanistan.

Here's the OP:

Edget 10718255
It is thus certainly possible to criticize President Bush for having believed what the CIA told him, although it seems to me that any president would have credited such confident assertions by the intelligence community. But to accuse the president of lying us into war must be seen as not only false, but as dangerously defamatory.

We don't know that the CIA fed Bush the line he spoke on March 17, 2003 that there was no doubt that Iraq was at that time concealing the most lethal
Weapons ever devised from the UN inspectors,

Bush was obligated to feed to the inspectors that kind of intelligence so they could check it out,
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One thing is for certain, the left is responsible for this miserable excuse we have currently in the White House, furthermore, the current situation in the Mid East is theirs to shoulder. To think the lessons of withdrawal, vacuums, and emboldening ones adversary by conduct of failed leadership were never learned. What other purpose would someone drum up the issues and events of 13 years ago. Good luck with that.
Why do discussions about Bush lying us into war end up as Obama derangement threads?

They have too in order to lay the blame for the Iraq Civil War(or worse) on Obama.

Bush did it for noble reasons and Obama simply hates America, Americans, Apple Pie, Mom, and by the way, have you seen him throw a baseball? Why else would he be actively trying to destroy the country?
Obama is to blame for the civil war. Who pulled troops out of Iraq, Bush or Obama?

The Iraq Civil War started in 2003.

Bush made the agreement and Obama carried it out.

PRESIDENT BUSH: First of all, we're here at the Iraqi -- at the request of the Iraqi government. It's an elected government. There are certain benchmarks that will be met -- such as troops out of the cities by June of '09. And then there's a benchmark at the end of the agreement.

President Bush and Iraq Prime Minister Maliki Sign the Strategic Framework Agreement and Security Agreement

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