The Elderly Praying Great, Great Grandma, was just found guilty in a DC courtroom for just walking around the capitol on Jan 6

That's because the BLM protestors WEREN'T there when the white right wing thugs and arsonists came in and starting causing trouble.

White supremacists and terrorists caused the riots. No member of BLM was arrested.
You cherry picked. And, no, no BLM protester was ever arrested just for being there as they are doing with Jan 6th protesters. If you were there, you get arrested and jailed, even if you weren't a rioter.
What is false? What I posted is true. Dems are arresting and jailing people just for being at the Capital among rioters. Not one BLM protester was arrested just for being there among rioters. With BLM only some rioters were arrested and the left bailed many of them out.
Again, laughably false. Hence your having zero citations for your latest round of lies.
A lady walks into the Capitol that she paid taxes for .....
Notably --- she also paid taxes for the Gem Room in the Smithsonian; paid taxes for the vault with the US gold deposit In Fort Knox; paid taxes on Mount Weather, VA; taxes for Los Alamos; for the CIA HQ in Langley.

So, per Mikeoxenormous, she has the right to go into all and just walk around whenever.
Personally, and this is just me, but I am somewhat doubtful that Mike has that right.


She will be exonerated once Trump is back in many will! GOD Bless her!
So, poster Skye, those J6 attackers who dragged a uniformed policeman down the concrete steps and tazed, stomped, and beat him........are those on your preferred "Pardon List" if Don Trump becomes POTUS? What about the two blokes who were abundantly video'd spraying Officer Sicknick in the face with MACE? After all, Don Trump has said they were "amazing patriots".

You can shove your phony BS. Just walking around the capital is not a crime,
It depends.
And I'm mildly convinced you know it depends.
On various circumstances.
Try to think of some where it would be illegal. Share with the forum
Let's see if any of your suggestions match up with what she did.

Thanx in advance.
She had her trial; she was found guilty.

I think the court should show some leniency based on her age myself.
Jail time for misdemeanors? Guess all your "newcomers" are in for a rude awakening.
Nobody on the right can read but maybe one of their caretakers can let them know the truth...

You’re the one making the allegations...the onus is on you. Now get busy.
You said what I posted was false and I was asking you which parts were false. Apparently you can't answer. How can I respond to you when you won't even tell me what part of what I said was false?
1. COnvicted, not sentenced at time of writing.
2. The actual charges are related to her breaking into the Capitol Building Rotunda during the J6 insurrection.
Notably --- she also paid taxes for the Gem Room in the Smithsonian; paid taxes for the vault with the US gold deposit In Fort Knox; paid taxes on Mount Weather, VA; taxes for Los Alamos; for the CIA HQ in Langley.

So, per Mikeoxenormous, she has the right to go into all and just walk around whenever.
Personally, and this is just me, but I am somewhat doubtful that Mike has that right.


So, poster Skye, those J6 attackers who dragged a uniformed policeman down the concrete steps and tazed, stomped, and beat him........are those on your preferred "Pardon List" if Don Trump becomes POTUS? What about the two blokes who were abundantly video'd spraying Officer Sicknick in the face with MACE? After all, Don Trump has said they were "amazing patriots".

It depends.
And I'm mildly convinced you know it depends.
On various circumstances.
Try to think of some where it would be illegal. Share with the forum
Let's see if any of your suggestions match up with what she did.

Thanx in advance.
The police attacked the peaceful protesters first. The newly released video shows it.
Here's a link one doesn't have to pay to read!

Found guilty of misdemeanors !
By a kangaroo court seeking political criminals.
Her mistake was to not assault someone on a public street or engage in armed robbery or some similar "minor Offense" that would have gotten her released on parole or exonerated.
Her other mistake is being 'white'.

Another example of how our governments, Federal and especially DOJ, no longer comply with the Constitution. Have slid down the slope into tyranny!

Religious persecution.

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