The Fracturing Of America: A Weak Government, Complicit Media, And Radical Silicon Valley Might Have Finally Set It All Off


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Fracturing Of America:
A Weak Government, Complicit Media, And Radical Silicon Valley Might Have Finally Set It All Off

Sure, our leaders in Washington, cowering from death behind COVID masks and ideologically vetted Guardsmen, might be convinced of their own power, but is Jeff Bezos?
Weak Government, Complicit Media, Silicon Valley Are Torching America (
22 Jan 2021 ~~ By Christopher Bedford

Wednesday marked the four-year anniversary of the Capitol Inauguration Day riots.
That day, cars were set ablaze, rioters blocked a bridge. There were well more than 200 arrests and dozens of injuries.
Violence had taken a few months to get to Washington, but the country had been watching as masked wanna-be revolutionaries terrorized the elderly and young women at Trump rallies and Republican and conservative events across the states.
Americaā€™s corporate leaders didnā€™t join the riots, but they might as well have. President Donald Trump and his administration werenā€™t like any previous administration: They were different. They were dangerous. They needed to be stopped.
So over the four years following the reintroduction of street violence to Washington, Big Tech and its friends launched a campaign of shadow-banning, suppression, and misinformation, first targeting crazy and less sympathetic elements on the fringe, before moving onto the simply helpless, and then even the powerful ones whom acceptable opinion had turned against.
What began with suppression of cynical conspiracies quickly grew into suppression of inconvenient facts. What started as shadow-banning morphed into outright banning. Independent, outsider fact-checks became arbitrary and unexplained internal decisions. Eventually, legitimate scientific and political views pushing back on COVID mandates were targeted.
But the Alps werenā€™t the goal. So when a fringe element of Trump supporters launched an attack on the Capitol, Big Tech had all the justification it needed to take its campaign to the next stage.
More than justification, it would be easy: The Democrats had won control of the U.S. Senate that same day. But donā€™t be fooled: Even a robust Republican Senate majority would have lacked the power and nerve to stand up to Americaā€™s tech titans. Why? Simple: Americaā€™s political class is weak.
Our political leadership is ā€œfrail, old, and out of touch in a rapidly changing world,ā€ The Federalistā€™s Ben Domenech wrote in his Wednesday newsletter.
In a free society, if you see an opportunity or donā€™t like whatā€™s already out there, you can try to make your own. You can accept payments for services, turn a profit, hire, expand. These are both fundamental aspects of the American dream. In the span of one week they were shattered, not by government, but by private and unelected businessmen.
Itā€™s a moment in Big Businessā€™s campaign unlike any before: Itā€™s the sacking of the American Dream. Thus far in Washington, our leaders have remained quiet, busying themselves with impeaching a man who is no longer even president.
While all eyes are glued to an ugly, deadly, and tragic but ultimately isolated riot and the arrests that follow, the religious zealots of the Commanding Heights have thrown our freedoms from the tower window. With a partisan corporate media in support, a frail political class in agreement or in fear, and a conservative resistance hopelessly compromised by Silicon Valleyā€™s money and influence, Americaā€™s leaders lack the power and wisdom to end it.
The American people are not in for the kind of bloodshed and misery that characterized The Thirty Years War, at least not yet, but we may well be in for the complete fracturing of American society as weā€™ve known it. And make no mistake:
This incident, more than any other incident in this stormy time, may have lighted the fire.​

It is becoming quite clear that Donald Trump had to go because he is an outsider and, having somehow gained entrance to the inner sanctum of the White House, learned the secrets that had been protected by the insiders who had always run the government (and everything else of substance in the U.S.).
It wasn't just the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, or even the Deep State who knew Trump had to go. It was the elites of both parties.
All these insiders, PM/DSA Democrats, the Deep State, RINO's, elites probably didn't realize how closely knit they were to each other until Trump breached their defenses. They would comprise an "oligarchy" but an oligarchy is much too small a group.
Even the corporations joined the battle. While they had often been at odds with the government, they were happy bedfellows with Washington when it came to an outsider--a populist--like Trump.
Trump's crime was unforgiveable. He was independently wealthy, was beholden to no one and couldn't be bought. Trump's crime was much, MUCH worse. He represented the voters.
Without the courage of the PEOPLE to confront that group that owns and controls American media all is lost, I mean everything western civilization has created.
No matter the original source: ā€œTo know who rules over you notice who you are not allowed to criticize.ā€
Those who ā€˜rule usā€™ care little for our freedoms, on the contrary, they fear free honest men, as evidenced by how many troops in Washington?

This is it right here:

"It is becoming quite clear that Donald Trump had to go because he is an outsider and, having somehow gained entrance to the inner sanctum of the White House, learned the secrets that had been protected by the insiders who had always run the government (and everything else of substance in the U.S.)."

He never was part of the club, and the swamp, Rs and Ds, had too many graveyards to protect. He was already close to exposing them and that could never happen among the corrupt creatures in washington.
This is it right here:

"It is becoming quite clear that Donald Trump had to go because he is an outsider and, having somehow gained entrance to the inner sanctum of the White House, learned the secrets that had been protected by the insiders who had always run the government (and everything else of substance in the U.S.)."

He never was part of the club and the swamp, Rs and Ds, had too many graveyards to protect. He was already close to exposing them and that could never happen among the corrupt creatures in washington.

He had to go because he was a corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in the job. BTW, he helped build that swamp you speak of. Did you really think he was going to drain it? :)
This is it right here:

"It is becoming quite clear that Donald Trump had to go because he is an outsider and, having somehow gained entrance to the inner sanctum of the White House, learned the secrets that had been protected by the insiders who had always run the government (and everything else of substance in the U.S.)."

He never was part of the club and the swamp, Rs and Ds, had too many graveyards to protect. He was already close to exposing them and that could never happen among the corrupt creatures in washington.

He had to go because he was a corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in the job. BTW, he helped build that swamp you speak of. Did you really think he was going to drain it? :)
TDS "opinions"?! Try proving any of your TDS "lies".
1. Prove Trump is "corrupt". Got any extortion videos? Incriminating laptop/emails? 1st person whistleblowers? Any FBI investigation into money-laundering? A cool $billion from China to "invest"? $Millions from Burisma?
2. How did he help build a "globalist/deep state/swamp" that was there for decades?
3. Incompetent boob? I didn't hear Trump say that the island of Guam was going to capsize like a democrat said.
4. Like any lazy democrats could build and manage an organization like Trump has: The Trump Organization | Luxury Real Estate Portfolio
Been in the works for decades. Orwell's 1984 was not that far off, if at all.

The results of their plan executed on Clinton's watch. Since then misinformation has been fully implemented and Biden/Obama are the results of exactly that, including States turning blue.

Steer left, which is code for protect the interests of the establishment, China and goal of one world order and control under a very few. This is EXACTLY why the assault on Trump because he wasn't a player and consistently brought it to our attention. So what happened?

Misinformation ate up by lazy thinking twisted PROGS, simple as that. They were trained to hate Trump built on lies and deception. Then of course they projected their doing on Trump.
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This is it right here:

"It is becoming quite clear that Donald Trump had to go because he is an outsider and, having somehow gained entrance to the inner sanctum of the White House, learned the secrets that had been protected by the insiders who had always run the government (and everything else of substance in the U.S.)."

He never was part of the club and the swamp, Rs and Ds, had too many graveyards to protect. He was already close to exposing them and that could never happen among the corrupt creatures in washington.

He had to go because he was a corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in the job. BTW, he helped build that swamp you speak of. Did you really think he was going to drain it? :)
TDS "opinions"?! Try proving any of your TDS "lies".
1. Prove Trump is "corrupt". Got any extortion videos? Incriminating laptop/emails? 1st person whistleblowers? Any FBI investigation into money-laundering? A cool $billion from China to "invest"? $Millions from Burisma?
2. How did he help build a "globalist/deep state/swamp" that was there for decades?
3. Incompetent boob? I didn't hear Trump say that the island of Guam was going to capsize like a democrat said.
4. Like any lazy democrats could build and manage an organization like Trump has: The Trump Organization | Luxury Real Estate Portfolio

1) Russia, Ukraine...emoluments violations?.....seriously. And stop with the China shit. A lot of Trump's goods are made there. Millions from Russia and China (cause they're the only ones who'll lend money to him)
2) LOL. He donates money to both sides political campaigns to curry influence and then decides he's gonna "drain" that which he helped build?
3) He fucking altered the course of a hurricane with a sharpie, he suggested injecting disinfectants and shoving UV lights where the sun don't shine. He blew the response to a pandemic that's killed almost 410K people. Yes..incompetent boob!
4) All bleeding money and built with bullshit. Ever been to Atlantic City? Don't ask about Trump's name and the wonderful things his casinos were going to do for the city. You may not make it out alive. :)
A narcissist who lost a free and fair election then lied about it to his base that was amplified by his sycophants and spineless gifter press such as would be a much better place to start rather than the byline to the OP.
This is it right here:

"It is becoming quite clear that Donald Trump had to go because he is an outsider and, having somehow gained entrance to the inner sanctum of the White House, learned the secrets that had been protected by the insiders who had always run the government (and everything else of substance in the U.S.)."

He never was part of the club and the swamp, Rs and Ds, had too many graveyards to protect. He was already close to exposing them and that could never happen among the corrupt creatures in washington.

He had to go because he was a corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in the job. BTW, he helped build that swamp you speak of. Did you really think he was going to drain it? :)
TDS "opinions"?! Try proving any of your TDS "lies".
1. Prove Trump is "corrupt". Got any extortion videos? Incriminating laptop/emails? 1st person whistleblowers? Any FBI investigation into money-laundering? A cool $billion from China to "invest"? $Millions from Burisma?
2. How did he help build a "globalist/deep state/swamp" that was there for decades?
3. Incompetent boob? I didn't hear Trump say that the island of Guam was going to capsize like a democrat said.
4. Like any lazy democrats could build and manage an organization like Trump has: The Trump Organization | Luxury Real Estate Portfolio

1) Russia, Ukraine...emoluments violations?.....seriously. And stop with the China shit. A lot of Trump's goods are made there. Millions from Russia and China (cause they're the only ones who'll lend money to him)
2) LOL. He donates money to both sides political campaigns to curry influence and then decides he's gonna "drain" that which he helped build?
3) He fucking altered the course of a hurricane with a sharpie, he suggested injecting disinfectants and shoving UV lights where the sun don't shine. He blew the response to a pandemic that's killed almost 410K people. Yes..incompetent boob!
4) All bleeding money and built with bullshit. Ever been to Atlantic City? Don't ask about Trump's name and the wonderful things his casinos were going to do for the city. You may not make it out alive. :)

You're full of shit. PROGS can't tell the fucking difference between:

A. Trump already established that he's done business overseas, most of his business is at home. That's nor a crime or unethical. His children are wealthy because they're heirs and employees of Trump enterprises. Trump called out China among others. He called out many things, which is exactly why you were trained to hate him.

B. Biden is a lifetime politician only with no real accomplishments over a 45+ term. His family is wealthy off foreign interests (CHINA ESPECIALLY) because of his political arm ONLY.

PROGS can't tell the difference because they are dependent and programmed. They nearly always miss the cause and more than that the effect. It's obvious the Biden's are corrupt, there's no other way around it. But what do PROGS do instead of using their own minds? They project on Trump.
This is it right here:

"It is becoming quite clear that Donald Trump had to go because he is an outsider and, having somehow gained entrance to the inner sanctum of the White House, learned the secrets that had been protected by the insiders who had always run the government (and everything else of substance in the U.S.)."

He never was part of the club and the swamp, Rs and Ds, had too many graveyards to protect. He was already close to exposing them and that could never happen among the corrupt creatures in washington.

He had to go because he was a corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in the job. BTW, he helped build that swamp you speak of. Did you really think he was going to drain it? :)
TDS "opinions"?! Try proving any of your TDS "lies".
1. Prove Trump is "corrupt". Got any extortion videos? Incriminating laptop/emails? 1st person whistleblowers? Any FBI investigation into money-laundering? A cool $billion from China to "invest"? $Millions from Burisma?
2. How did he help build a "globalist/deep state/swamp" that was there for decades?
3. Incompetent boob? I didn't hear Trump say that the island of Guam was going to capsize like a democrat said.
4. Like any lazy democrats could build and manage an organization like Trump has: The Trump Organization | Luxury Real Estate Portfolio

1) Russia, Ukraine...emoluments violations?.....seriously. And stop with the China shit. A lot of Trump's goods are made there. Millions from Russia and China (cause they're the only ones who'll lend money to him)
2) LOL. He donates money to both sides political campaigns to curry influence and then decides he's gonna "drain" that which he helped build?
3) He fucking altered the course of a hurricane with a sharpie, he suggested injecting disinfectants and shoving UV lights where the sun don't shine. He blew the response to a pandemic that's killed almost 410K people. Yes..incompetent boob!
4) All bleeding money and built with bullshit. Ever been to Atlantic City? Don't ask about Trump's name and the wonderful things his casinos were going to do for the city. You may not make it out alive. :)
1. Russia, that was Hillary and her Steele dossier
Ukraine, that was Hunter getting $millions from Burisma, see Joe's extortion video
emoluments violations. none
China, the Bidens got $1.5b to "invest" and an FBI investigation into money-laundering
A lot of Trump's goods??? He had ties made there, now they're not
Millions from Russia and China? Got a link? Otherwise its bullshit.

2. He donated to both sides, how do you think he got those loopholes...and maybe a BJ or two? He knows too much.

3. He did not alter the course of a hurricane, they go where they go, duh. He developed vaccines in record time, you're welcome.

4. Forbes says his net worth is, $2.5b deal with it.
This is it right here:

"It is becoming quite clear that Donald Trump had to go because he is an outsider and, having somehow gained entrance to the inner sanctum of the White House, learned the secrets that had been protected by the insiders who had always run the government (and everything else of substance in the U.S.)."

He never was part of the club and the swamp, Rs and Ds, had too many graveyards to protect. He was already close to exposing them and that could never happen among the corrupt creatures in washington.

He had to go because he was a corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in the job. BTW, he helped build that swamp you speak of. Did you really think he was going to drain it? :)
TDS "opinions"?! Try proving any of your TDS "lies".
1. Prove Trump is "corrupt". Got any extortion videos? Incriminating laptop/emails? 1st person whistleblowers? Any FBI investigation into money-laundering? A cool $billion from China to "invest"? $Millions from Burisma?
2. How did he help build a "globalist/deep state/swamp" that was there for decades?
3. Incompetent boob? I didn't hear Trump say that the island of Guam was going to capsize like a democrat said.
4. Like any lazy democrats could build and manage an organization like Trump has: The Trump Organization | Luxury Real Estate Portfolio

1) Russia, Ukraine...emoluments violations?.....seriously. And stop with the China shit. A lot of Trump's goods are made there. Millions from Russia and China (cause they're the only ones who'll lend money to him)
2) LOL. He donates money to both sides political campaigns to curry influence and then decides he's gonna "drain" that which he helped build?
3) He fucking altered the course of a hurricane with a sharpie, he suggested injecting disinfectants and shoving UV lights where the sun don't shine. He blew the response to a pandemic that's killed almost 410K people. Yes..incompetent boob!
4) All bleeding money and built with bullshit. Ever been to Atlantic City? Don't ask about Trump's name and the wonderful things his casinos were going to do for the city. You may not make it out alive. :)

All of those point to Xiden and the shrilary, not Trump, you ignorant clod
The Fracturing Of America:
A Weak Government, Complicit Media, And Radical Silicon Valley Might Have Finally Set It All Off

Sure, our leaders in Washington, cowering from death behind COVID masks and ideologically vetted Guardsmen, might be convinced of their own power, but is Jeff Bezos?
Weak Government, Complicit Media, Silicon Valley Are Torching America (
22 Jan 2021 ~~ By Christopher Bedford

Wednesday marked the four-year anniversary of the Capitol Inauguration Day riots.
That day, cars were set ablaze, rioters blocked a bridge. There were well more than 200 arrests and dozens of injuries.
Violence had taken a few months to get to Washington, but the country had been watching as masked wanna-be revolutionaries terrorized the elderly and young women at Trump rallies and Republican and conservative events across the states.
Americaā€™s corporate leaders didnā€™t join the riots, but they might as well have. President Donald Trump and his administration werenā€™t like any previous administration: They were different. They were dangerous. They needed to be stopped.
So over the four years following the reintroduction of street violence to Washington, Big Tech and its friends launched a campaign of shadow-banning, suppression, and misinformation, first targeting crazy and less sympathetic elements on the fringe, before moving onto the simply helpless, and then even the powerful ones whom acceptable opinion had turned against.
What began with suppression of cynical conspiracies quickly grew into suppression of inconvenient facts. What started as shadow-banning morphed into outright banning. Independent, outsider fact-checks became arbitrary and unexplained internal decisions. Eventually, legitimate scientific and political views pushing back on COVID mandates were targeted.
But the Alps werenā€™t the goal. So when a fringe element of Trump supporters launched an attack on the Capitol, Big Tech had all the justification it needed to take its campaign to the next stage.
More than justification, it would be easy: The Democrats had won control of the U.S. Senate that same day. But donā€™t be fooled: Even a robust Republican Senate majority would have lacked the power and nerve to stand up to Americaā€™s tech titans. Why? Simple: Americaā€™s political class is weak.
Our political leadership is ā€œfrail, old, and out of touch in a rapidly changing world,ā€ The Federalistā€™s Ben Domenech wrote in his Wednesday newsletter.
In a free society, if you see an opportunity or donā€™t like whatā€™s already out there, you can try to make your own. You can accept payments for services, turn a profit, hire, expand. These are both fundamental aspects of the American dream. In the span of one week they were shattered, not by government, but by private and unelected businessmen.
Itā€™s a moment in Big Businessā€™s campaign unlike any before: Itā€™s the sacking of the American Dream. Thus far in Washington, our leaders have remained quiet, busying themselves with impeaching a man who is no longer even president.
While all eyes are glued to an ugly, deadly, and tragic but ultimately isolated riot and the arrests that follow, the religious zealots of the Commanding Heights have thrown our freedoms from the tower window. With a partisan corporate media in support, a frail political class in agreement or in fear, and a conservative resistance hopelessly compromised by Silicon Valleyā€™s money and influence, Americaā€™s leaders lack the power and wisdom to end it.
The American people are not in for the kind of bloodshed and misery that characterized The Thirty Years War, at least not yet, but we may well be in for the complete fracturing of American society as weā€™ve known it. And make no mistake:
This incident, more than any other incident in this stormy time, may have lighted the fire.​

It is becoming quite clear that Donald Trump had to go because he is an outsider and, having somehow gained entrance to the inner sanctum of the White House, learned the secrets that had been protected by the insiders who had always run the government (and everything else of substance in the U.S.).
It wasn't just the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left, or even the Deep State who knew Trump had to go. It was the elites of both parties.
All these insiders, PM/DSA Democrats, the Deep State, RINO's, elites probably didn't realize how closely knit they were to each other until Trump breached their defenses. They would comprise an "oligarchy" but an oligarchy is much too small a group.
Even the corporations joined the battle. While they had often been at odds with the government, they were happy bedfellows with Washington when it came to an outsider--a populist--like Trump.
Trump's crime was unforgiveable. He was independently wealthy, was beholden to no one and couldn't be bought. Trump's crime was much, MUCH worse. He represented the voters.
Without the courage of the PEOPLE to confront that group that owns and controls American media all is lost, I mean everything western civilization has created.
No matter the original source: ā€œTo know who rules over you notice who you are not allowed to criticize.ā€
Those who ā€˜rule usā€™ care little for our freedoms, on the contrary, they fear free honest men, as evidenced by how many troops in Washington?


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