The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie

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The fact that you know you have to lie about what Trump said, shows that you know you are in the wrong on this issue.

Why are you holding to a position that you know it wrong?
It is a matter of record what Trump said

He refused, once again, to single out hate groups for criticism

Why are you saying shit, you know is shit?

In Context: Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks

"Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America."

"Trump: "Well, I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family, and this country. And that is -- you can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want.... The driver of the car is a murderer. And what he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing."

Trump: "... And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."

"Trump: ... The following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them."

More Trump trying to cover his ass after Charlottesville blew up in his face


It happened. He immediately condemned it. Later he condemned it some more. He nuanced comments on the violence from the Left and the "fine people" supporting the statutes, were right on the money.

You are willing to lie, in order to smear people you don't like.
Actually, he sat and said nothing for two days

Then he finally spoke........Condemning BOTH sides

Only after facing more pressure, he made an anti hate group statement

WEAK Leader

I just posted him condemning the white supremacist specifically. You are a liar.

And .
From two days earlier.

In Context: Trump’s 'many sides' remarks on Charlottesville

"But I thought I should put out a comment as to what's going on in Charlottesville...."

"But we're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Va.. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America. What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society. And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents

"I just got off the phone with the governor of Virginia, Terry Mcauliffe, and we agree that the hate and the division must stop, and must stop right now. We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation and true -- really, I say this so strongly, true affection for each other. "

" so when I watch Charlottesville, to me it's very, very sad."

" "Above all else, we must remember this truth, no matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all Americans first. We love our country. We love our God. We love our flag. We're proud of our country. We're proud of who we are. So, we want to get the situation straightened out in Charlottesville, and we want to study it. And we want to see what we're doing wrong as a country where things like this can happen. My administration is restoring the sacred bonds of loyalty between this nation and its citizens, but our citizens must also restore the bonds of trust and loyalty between one another. We must love each other, respect each other and cherish our history and our future together. So important. We have to respect each other. Ideally we have to love each other.".
When asked by reporters if he believed the US intelligence community's assessment that the Kremlin interfered in the 2016 election, Trump said, "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be."

A firm claim about digital crimes is not convincing.
Didn’t you enjoy how our president took sides against America?

The US intelligence agencies are not America.

Hilarious to see a lib make that mistake. think Putin is more America?

Pointing out that the intelligence agencies are not the nation as a whole, says nothing about Putin.

That was pulled right out of your ass, and has nothing to do with me.
That's not a word I use lightly. There is racism, there is ignorant bigotry, there is impotent rage, there is emotional frustration. What I do know is that he has barely enough skill to appeal to those things, whether it's purposely or by pure accident.
Barely enough? He has plenty of "skill" to appeal to his racist base. Nazis being "very fine people" is just a drop in his proverbial bucket. From the Central Park five to birtherism and now telling American citizens to "go back to their countries".

Trump keeps telling us exactly who he is and the base doesn't care or they support it.

Trump says he's not a racist. That's not how white nationalists see it - CNNPolitics

Funny, he is so racist, that you have to lie about it, to support your claim.

He specifically stated that he was NOT referring to the nazis, when he made the "very fine people comment.

Your very first example to support your claim, is a lie.

I challenge you to dispute what I just said.

You won't. Because you can't.

I employed hyperbole. As a Trump cultist you should be used to and even embrace such a thing.

What Trump did was remain silent for days, refusing to condemn the Nazis. It wasn't until pressure mounted and he was forced to come out with his weak "very fine people" comment. Why? Because he didn't want to piss off the racists that vote for him. He needs every vote he can get.

White Supremacists Cheer Trump’s Message

Trump goes off script, and white supremacists cheer

Hyperbole is an exaggeration not meant to be taken literally.

Trump did not say that nazis were "very fine people".

THe vast majority of liars that state that he did say that they were "very fine people" are being literal.

You can't expect to not be taken seriously, when the claim you are making, is being made seriously by large numbers of people on a daily basis.

That fact that you feel you need to lie, in order to support your claim that Trump is "racist" proves that you know that Trump is NOT racist.

So, stop your lying.

And, why would you tell such a lie? What is your goal?

He refused to outright condemn the Nazis...because he desperately needs their votes.

And that's just one, small, example of his continued racism.

An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry
Wrong. He did condemn them. What he didn't do is condemn everyone who protested taking down the statue.
Funny, he is so racist, that you have to lie about it, to support your claim.

He specifically stated that he was NOT referring to the nazis, when he made the "very fine people comment.

Your very first example to support your claim, is a lie.

I challenge you to dispute what I just said.

You won't. Because you can't.

I employed hyperbole. As a Trump cultist you should be used to and even embrace such a thing.

What Trump did was remain silent for days, refusing to condemn the Nazis. It wasn't until pressure mounted and he was forced to come out with his weak "very fine people" comment. Why? Because he didn't want to piss off the racists that vote for him. He needs every vote he can get.

White Supremacists Cheer Trump’s Message

Trump goes off script, and white supremacists cheer

Hyperbole is an exaggeration not meant to be taken literally.

Trump did not say that nazis were "very fine people".

THe vast majority of liars that state that he did say that they were "very fine people" are being literal.

You can't expect to not be taken seriously, when the claim you are making, is being made seriously by large numbers of people on a daily basis.

That fact that you feel you need to lie, in order to support your claim that Trump is "racist" proves that you know that Trump is NOT racist.

So, stop your lying.

And, why would you tell such a lie? What is your goal?
Trump said people who march with Nazis are fine people

What is so fine about them?

The fact that you know you have to lie about what Trump said, shows that you know you are in the wrong on this issue.

Why are you holding to a position that you know it wrong?
It is a matter of record what Trump said

He refused, once again, to single out hate groups for criticism
No he didn't, you lying piece of shit. However, what scum like you wanted was for him to condemn anyone who opposed the destruction of confederate monuments or who criticized Antifa.
When asked by reporters if he believed the US intelligence community's assessment that the Kremlin interfered in the 2016 election, Trump said, "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be."

A firm claim about digital crimes is not convincing.

:lol: Seriously, you don’t believe it was Russia STILL?!?!

A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...
When asked by reporters if he believed the US intelligence community's assessment that the Kremlin interfered in the 2016 election, Trump said, "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be."

A firm claim about digital crimes is not convincing.

:lol: Seriously, you don’t believe it was Russia STILL?!?!

A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...

Such compelling physical evidence that you don't bother mentioning what it is. lol!!!
His actions and the people he puts in the depts. and the people he hangs with say something different.
You are a liar, plain and simple.

so many americans are on the verge illiteracy that it is easy to present
a perversion of a statement or writing as distasteful FACT for propaganda purposes.
Trump's statements will continue to be attacked in this manner because---
the fact is----- that his off the cuff statements tend to be awkward.
When asked by reporters if he believed the US intelligence community's assessment that the Kremlin interfered in the 2016 election, Trump said, "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be."

A firm claim about digital crimes is not convincing.

:lol: Seriously, you don’t believe it was Russia STILL?!?!

A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...

Such compelling physical evidence that you don't bother mentioning what it is. lol!!!

It's in the Mueller report, cult member.

Collusion aside, Mueller found abundant evidence of Russian election plot
Actually, he sat and said nothing for two days

Then he finally spoke........Condemning BOTH sides

Only after facing more pressure, he made an anti hate group statement

WEAK Leader
Weak leader, I will buy. Anything else is just spin and taking shit out of context.

A recount of our presidents blunderous reaction to hate rallies
When asked by reporters if he believed the US intelligence community's assessment that the Kremlin interfered in the 2016 election, Trump said, "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be."

A firm claim about digital crimes is not convincing.

:lol: Seriously, you don’t believe it was Russia STILL?!?!

A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...
We do? Where is this videotape?
When asked by reporters if he believed the US intelligence community's assessment that the Kremlin interfered in the 2016 election, Trump said, "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be."

A firm claim about digital crimes is not convincing.

:lol: Seriously, you don’t believe it was Russia STILL?!?!

A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...
We do? Where is this videotape?

Awww, what a cute baby bird. Need everything spoon fed to you?
A firm claim about digital crimes is not convincing.

:lol: Seriously, you don’t believe it was Russia STILL?!?!

A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...
We do? Where is this videotape?

Awww, what a cute baby bird. Need everything spoon fed to you?
They caught people delivering packages to Assange? How sinister!

So where is the physical evidence? Video of someone delivering a package is evidence of nothing.

CNN is the source, wouldn't you know.
A firm claim about digital crimes is not convincing.

:lol: Seriously, you don’t believe it was Russia STILL?!?!

A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...

Such compelling physical evidence that you don't bother mentioning what it is. lol!!!

It's in the Mueller report, cult member.

Collusion aside, Mueller found abundant evidence of Russian election plot

A firm claim about digital crimes is not convincing.

:lol: Seriously, you don’t believe it was Russia STILL?!?!

A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...

Such compelling physical evidence that you don't bother mentioning what it is. lol!!!

It's in the Mueller report, cult member.

Collusion aside, Mueller found abundant evidence of Russian election plot

I just read your article, and saw not even a claim of physical evidence.

Are you lying, or are you delusional?
When asked by reporters if he believed the US intelligence community's assessment that the Kremlin interfered in the 2016 election, Trump said, "President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be."

A firm claim about digital crimes is not convincing.

:lol: Seriously, you don’t believe it was Russia STILL?!?!

A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...
We do? Where is this videotape?

Libs just say shit. They don't mean nuthin by it. It is just shit.

This one probably forgot that "physical" was a word with an actual meaning.
:lol: Seriously, you don’t believe it was Russia STILL?!?!

A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...
We do? Where is this videotape?

Awww, what a cute baby bird. Need everything spoon fed to you?
They caught people delivering packages to Assange? How sinister!

So where is the physical evidence? Video of someone delivering a package is evidence of nothing.

CNN is the source, wouldn't you know.

i think she forgot that the word "physical" was a real word, with an actual definition.

Now she will dance and throw shit, to try to distract from the fact that she cannot, even a little, back up her shit.
A firm claim about digital crimes, is not convincing. THey made firm claims about crimes, that by their very nature, leave no physical clues.

That is highly suspicious.

There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...
We do? Where is this videotape?

Awww, what a cute baby bird. Need everything spoon fed to you?
They caught people delivering packages to Assange? How sinister!

So where is the physical evidence? Video of someone delivering a package is evidence of nothing.

CNN is the source, wouldn't you know.

i think she forgot that the word "physical" was a real word, with an actual definition.

Now she will dance and throw shit, to try to distract from the fact that she cannot, even a little, back up her shit.

I think you choose to ignore facts and truth because it’s contrary to the message Trump wants you to believe. Russia interfered to help Trump. That is a fact not in dispute by anyone that isn’t swallowing Trump’s tiny mushroom dick.
There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...
We do? Where is this videotape?

Awww, what a cute baby bird. Need everything spoon fed to you?
They caught people delivering packages to Assange? How sinister!

So where is the physical evidence? Video of someone delivering a package is evidence of nothing.

CNN is the source, wouldn't you know.

i think she forgot that the word "physical" was a real word, with an actual definition.

Now she will dance and throw shit, to try to distract from the fact that she cannot, even a little, back up her shit.

I think you choose to ignore facts and truth because it’s contrary to the message Trump wants you to believe. Russia interfered to help Trump. That is a fact not in dispute by anyone that isn’t swallowing Trump’s tiny mushroom dick.

Still waiting for that "physical evidence" you were talking shit about, you stupid bitch.
There is actual physical evidence of Russia interfering in our elections. (Read the Mueller Report) We now have video tape of Trump's favorite Wikileaks getting the stolen data from Russia. Sycophantism is one thing...this Trump Cult is another...
We do? Where is this videotape?

Awww, what a cute baby bird. Need everything spoon fed to you?
They caught people delivering packages to Assange? How sinister!

So where is the physical evidence? Video of someone delivering a package is evidence of nothing.

CNN is the source, wouldn't you know.

i think she forgot that the word "physical" was a real word, with an actual definition.

Now she will dance and throw shit, to try to distract from the fact that she cannot, even a little, back up her shit.

I think you choose to ignore facts and truth because it’s contrary to the message Trump wants you to believe. Russia interfered to help Trump. That is a fact not in dispute by anyone that isn’t swallowing Trump’s tiny mushroom dick.
It certainly is not a fact.
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