The Official Trump/Harris Debate Thread....With Live Feed

Obamacare is so expensive it's like not having insurance. For most people the premiums and annual deductibles exceed what they spend on health issues. The only people benefitting from Obamacare are the deadbeats and illegals.

I saw 15 dollar a month insurance cost for employees with 100 dollar deductible go to like 800 per month with thousands in deductibles.

They're paying for deadbeats
Here's why Trump lost.

He was playing to his base. The stuff about Haitians eating pets and immigration might play to his brain-dead zombie followers... but not beyond that.

Harris spoke of a joyful country of opportunity

Anger vs. Joy.

Joy wins.
Harris repeated her talking lines, and provided misinformation multiple times throughout.
All anyone has to do is look at the destruction caused by NAFTA and the cheap labor newly modern day slaved illegals, and now the rebirth of illegals coming and working or being incentivised to come here by the thousands or millions for nefarious purposes again under Democrat old plantation (mentality), otherwise operating in a way likened to the old slave master's of old.
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Here's why Trump lost.

He was playing to his base. The stuff about Haitians eating pets and immigration might play to his brain-dead zombie followers... but not beyond that.

Harris spoke of a joyful country of opportunity

Anger vs. Joy.

Joy wins.
Except that Trump won the debate. He did a great job of getting the last word. Case in point he reminded all that Democrats want government run healthcare where we will have to wait 6 months for a procedure.
That isnt true.
I saw 15 dollar a month insurance cost for employees with 100 dollar deductible go to like 800 per month with thousands in deductibles.

They're paying for deadbeats
Many healthy younger people just had low cost catastrophic healthcare coverage. Obamacare forced them to pay for hugely expensive all encompassing insurance they will never use, so Dems could grab the money they needed for the free handouts to the deadbeats. This chewed up a huge chunk of younger people's income.

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