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The Racist Party - The Democrat Party

and as he said, it was a joke gone bad.... a misstatement that republicans will jump on and mischaracterize as some terrible slam against the troops...because that is what they do: they purposely mischaracterize statements by democrats in an effort to gain political leverage...even you, Kathianne, who I respect and admire, do it as well....in this very thread you have purposely mischaracterized Kerry's use of the word terrorize and made it synonymous with terrorist because it suits your party's political purpose.
Sorry, but I miss the normal aspects of one delivering humorous remarks, what did you see there that I missed?
Sorry, but I miss the normal aspects of one delivering humorous remarks, what did you see there that I missed?

John Kerry would starve to death if he tried to make a living doing standup... He misspoke, but it was clearly a slam against Bush that went awry....but hey...go ahead... it is what your party does so well... let's avoid the SUBSTANCE of the debate on Iraq at all costs and instead, let's attack those who would speak out against it...let's make it all about THEM and not about this stupid stupid counterproductive bloody costly war...because if we actually talked about that, it might mean that the republican party would have do do some MEA CULPA...and we KNOW they have no clue how to do THAT!
John Kerry would starve to death if he tried to make a living doing standup... He misspoke, but it was clearly a slam against Bush that went awry....but hey...go ahead... it is what your party does so well... let's avoid the SUBSTNNCE of the debate on Iraq at all costs and instead, let's attack those who would speak out against it...let's make it all about THEM and not about this stupid stupid counterproductive bloody costly war...because if we actually talked about that, it might mean that the republican party would have do do some MEA CULPA...and we KNOW they have no clue how to do THAT!
I speak for a party? Dam, I bet they would beg to differ. When have I avoided the substance of Iraq? I've been more than clear. The GOP has no Mea culpas owed, the administration, yes, though I believe they were given already. Still, the repercussions lie there.
I speak for a party? Dam, I bet they would beg to differ. When have I avoided the substance of Iraq? I've been more than clear. The GOP has no Mea culpas owed, the administration, yes, though I believe they were given already. Still, the repercussions lie there.

if you don't speak for the party, in this instance, you speak in unison with the party.

but, as I have noted often already, you do speak your own truth often enough.
if you don't speak for the party, in this instance, you speak in unison with the party.

but, as I have noted often already, you do speak your own truth often enough.

Ah but even a broken clock is right twice a day. I do not speak for any party, nor does any party represent me, at least not in toto.
Ah but even a broken clock is right twice a day. I do not speak for any party, nor does any party represent me, at least not in toto.

from my observations, you are right much more often than a broken clock, but you do seem willing more often than not to pull on the republican party side in the giant rope pull of american politics.
from my observations, you are right much more often than a broken clock, but you do seem willing more often than not to pull on the republican party side in the giant rope pull of american politics.

Well that's only because I tend to agree with them more than that party you push forward all the time. ;) At least I know the problems with mine. :rofl:
Well that's only because I tend to agree with them more than that party you push forward all the time. ;) At least I know the problems with mine. :rofl:

Oh...I know the problems with mine...and I am a member of my county committee and try, from the grass roots level, to fix what is wrong.
Oh...I know the problems with mine...and I am a member of my county committee and try, from the grass roots level, to fix what is wrong.

Well being in IL and all, you'd never have a chance to move to national level, if you fixated on local corruption. Same with Republican here, must just be IL.:eusa_doh:
Well being in IL and all, you'd never have a chance to move to national level, if you fixated on local corruption. Same with Republican here, must just be IL.:eusa_doh:

actually...I was born and raised in Illinois (Moline High School class of '68) My father - still living at age 94 - was a close friend of Adlai Stevenson and an Illinois State Representative for several terms after WWII - but lost a close election for the state senate in '52 to the guy who went on to be the Secretary of State for a LONG time in the 60's and 70's.... I will admit that Illinois democrats have had problems with corruption.... actually ... Illinois politicians of any party have had that problem it would seem.
actually...I was born and raised in Illinois (Moline High School class of '68) My father - still living at age 94 - was a close friend of Adlai Stevenson and an Illinois State Representative for several terms after WWII - but lost a close election for the state senate in '52 to the guy who went on to be the Secretary of State for a LONG time in the 60's and 70's.... I will admit that Illinois democrats have had problems with corruption.... actually ... Illinois politicians of any party have had that problem it would seem.

That IS what I was saying. LOL!
and as he said, it was a joke gone bad.... a misstatement that republicans will jump on and mischaracterize as some terrible slam against the troops...because that is what they do: they purposely mischaracterize statements by democrats in an effort to gain political leverage...even you, Kathianne, who I respect and admire, do it as well....in this very thread you have purposely mischaracterized Kerry's use of the word terrorize and made it synonymous with terrorist because it suits your party's political purpose.

We really need a "pot calling the Kettle black" smilie just for posts like this one.:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
John Kerry would starve to death if he tried to make a living doing standup... He misspoke, but it was clearly a slam against Bush that went awry....but hey...go ahead... it is what your party does so well... let's avoid the SUBSTANCE of the debate on Iraq at all costs and instead, let's attack those who would speak out against it...let's make it all about THEM and not about this stupid stupid counterproductive bloody costly war...because if we actually talked about that, it might mean that the republican party would have do do some MEA CULPA...and we KNOW they have no clue how to do THAT!

I can see the bumber sticker now on MM's car

"Support Our Stupid Troops - Kerry 08"
this delightfully droll animation seems to be your last comment about your incorrect assertion that your party is older than my party. Did I miss something? ...
Apparently you did, and are again either too lazy or stupid to comment on a specific post where I addressed this issue. It's not up to me to re-post it, but I'll give you a clue: It was in response to K.
Apparently you did, and are again either too lazy or stupid to comment on a specific post where I addressed this issue. It's not up to me to re-post it, but I'll give you a clue: It was in response to K.

that was a tapdance.... you still have yet to admit that MY party is older than YOUR party - which calls itself the Grand Old Party.... a name, as I have said before, you are welcome to use, even if it is not all that accurate. In a similar spirit, perhaps you could let the democratic party refer to itself however the fuck it wants to without making a big fucking deal about it. OK?
Why are liberal democrats so racist towards black republicans?
Liberals talk a good game. They say they are for racial equality and diversity, but are they really? Why do black and white liberals use racist terminology towards black republicans? Blacks were overwhelmingly Republican after the end of slavery. Lets not forget that. Thus the term the party of Lincoln. Liberals have a major problem with blacks in America exercising their freedom to choose what party affiliation they want to be apart of when its not democrat. Liberals expose their true raicst nature, yet they say they are not racist because they are liberals. Talk about denial. Lets take the word "Uncle Tom" Liberals love to use this word to describe black republicans. Funny how liberals don't even know what the true definition of the word is. The word goes back to the novel Uncle Tom's cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe .
Now the dictionary definition of "Uncle Tom" is a black man who is subserval to whites. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle_TomIntresting fact since that is the true definition. So liberals think black republicans are "subserval" to whites? Here's the million dollar question. What are BLACK DEMOCRATS that are "subserval" to WHITE DEMOCRATS then? Yes there are WHITE democrats. I like that word "subserval". It truly defines what blacks are to the Democrat Party. Iam going to create another topic on the word later. If you listen to liberals, one would swear theres no such thing as a WHITE DEMOCRAT LOL. Bill Clinton WAS NOT THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT EITHIER. Also, blacks were still slaves during that time the phrase "Uncle Tom" was coined, and slaves were not allowed to vote. So there were no black democrats nor black republicans during the time of slavery, so the definition "Uncle Tom" wasn't about anything political. Yet liberal democrats try to change the orignal definition to make black republicans seem like they are "selling out". Funny thing democrats don't want to mention about how the term became political, black women first used the term"Uncle Tom" in a political sense when black men left the republican party (The party of Lincoln) to join the party of their opression and bondage (The Democrat Party). Its funny if democrats care so much for blacks like they say they do, why aren't they "tolerant" with blacks belonging to diffrent political parties. Freeedom of choice. If whites in America can be apart of the Democrat party, the Republican party, the Green Party, the Liebertarian party, the Constitution Party, the Reform Party etc.Why can't blacks according to democrats? If whites join any political party of "their" choosing, are they sellouts to their race? Are they Uncle Toms, House *******, Sellouts, Aunt Jemimas etc? Think about it. Blacks are nothing but tools to the Democrat party. To Democrats, blacks are suppose to be "subserval" to them just like they were 300 years ago. That's racial equaity for you. Here's what I mean
Now why call an educated black woman an "Aunt Jemima? Is it because an educated black woman has her own ideology that is diffrent from the democrats? Is it because she isn't bound to the Democrat Plantation?So when democrats say they support blacks, thats a bold faced lie. They expect the vote and slavish loyality. Here's a story written by Michelle Malkin, about the racist liberal cartoonist Tom Rall towards Condi Rice. By the way Michelle is an American of Asian descent. Funny how democrats say only whites are in the Republican party. Yet another lie by them. http://michellemalkin.com/archives/000160.htm Democrats will tolerate blacks as long as they don't " get out of line" or "challenge the Democrat 'ideology". Condi Rice and Collin Powell are not the only Black Americans to suffer the racist tongue and tactics of the "tolerant" Democrats just for thnking for themselves. Great Americans like Talk show host Revrend Jesse Lee Peterson, Lt. Govenor of Maryland Michael Steele, Talk Show host Armstrong Williams, Author Starr Parker, Supreme Court Justice Clarance Thomas and many others had to deal with liberals who say they are so "compassionate" and "tolerant" towards other people's views. Don't make me laugh.
Their idea of liberal "Tolerance" is you better agree with everything we say or else. Liberal Democrats are as tolerant as Adolph Hiter was to the Jews, and the Klu Klux Klan was and is to blacks. The KKK, yet another oganization the democrats founded on "compassion" towards others.

keep trying to sell that.

But here's a newsflash for ya: black americans ain't buyin' it.

The truth seems to be bothering you. I notice you dismiss the points out of hand, but never offer a counter argument on how Dems use racist remarks toward balck conservatives. In fact you seem to be defending them
The truth seems to be bothering you. I notice you dismiss the points out of hand, but never offer a counter argument on how Dems use racist remarks toward balck conservatives. In fact you seem to be defending them

I have never used a racist remark toward a black conservative. I neither speak for other democrats or defend them if they make such comments.

I thought Alan Keyes was freakin' HILARIOUS when, after totally castigating Hillary Clinton as a carpetbagger for running for the Senate from New York when her roots were in Illinois and Arkansas, he himself turned around and ran for the senate in Illinois when his roots were in Maryland. But I would have laughed my ass off at such hypocrisy regardless of his skin color.

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