The Republican Jesus

Where is Democrat Jesus telling us to rip apart infants in the womb?
Making sure the infants who are born get food, shelter, healthcare, safety from madmen with guns...

Are we pretending that the Democrats ARE doing the above?

Yes they are, they are the ones who passed Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, CHIP, Meals on Wheels, and the ACA. You republicans was to take all away.

Nowhere does Jesus say people should be compelled by the government to "do good".

You are fucking left-winger who feels justified in using force to deprive people of their property.

Please show where Jesus advocated the state confiscation of personal property.

Matthew 19:21 New International Version (NIV)
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.Then come, follow me.”

(you have free will, and I wouldn't recommend the verse if Republicans are in charge!! LOL) That is avocates, and there were no states back then.
Guess what happens when people sell all their possessions and give to the poor.

The poor end up with all the possessions.

Is Jesus condemning the poor?
Making sure the infants who are born get food, shelter, healthcare, safety from madmen with guns...

Are we pretending that the Democrats ARE doing the above?

Yes they are, they are the ones who passed Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, CHIP, Meals on Wheels, and the ACA. You republicans was to take all away.

Nowhere does Jesus say people should be compelled by the government to "do good".

You are fucking left-winger who feels justified in using force to deprive people of their property.

Please show where Jesus advocated the state confiscation of personal property.

Matthew 19:21 New International Version (NIV)
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.Then come, follow me.”

(you have free will, and I wouldn't recommend the verse if Republicans are in charge!! LOL) That is avocates, and there were no states back then.
Guess what happens when people sell all their possessions and give to the poor.

The poor end up with all the possessions.

Is Jesus condemning the poor?

He asked for a verse and he got one. That is what Jesus wanted.
Are we pretending that the Democrats ARE doing the above?

Yes they are, they are the ones who passed Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, CHIP, Meals on Wheels, and the ACA. You republicans was to take all away.

Nowhere does Jesus say people should be compelled by the government to "do good".

You are fucking left-winger who feels justified in using force to deprive people of their property.

Please show where Jesus advocated the state confiscation of personal property.

Matthew 19:21 New International Version (NIV)
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.Then come, follow me.”

(you have free will, and I wouldn't recommend the verse if Republicans are in charge!! LOL) That is avocates, and there were no states back then.
Guess what happens when people sell all their possessions and give to the poor.

The poor end up with all the possessions.

Is Jesus condemning the poor?

He asked for a verse and he got one. That is what Jesus wanted.
Uh, yea, actually, his post was about compulsory giving. Matthew 19:21 does not answer that post.
Yes they are, they are the ones who passed Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, CHIP, Meals on Wheels, and the ACA. You republicans was to take all away.

Nowhere does Jesus say people should be compelled by the government to "do good".

You are fucking left-winger who feels justified in using force to deprive people of their property.

Please show where Jesus advocated the state confiscation of personal property.

Matthew 19:21 New International Version (NIV)
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.Then come, follow me.”

(you have free will, and I wouldn't recommend the verse if Republicans are in charge!! LOL) That is avocates, and there were no states back then.
Guess what happens when people sell all their possessions and give to the poor.

The poor end up with all the possessions.

Is Jesus condemning the poor?

He asked for a verse and he got one. That is what Jesus wanted.
Uh, yea, actually, his post was about compulsory giving. Matthew 19:21 does not answer that post.

What Jesus tells us is compulsory. If you want to go to heaven.
Since Jesus said render under Caesar what is Caesars… But the federal government is not considered a charity. OBTW, aren't you a school teacher? Where does the money come from to fund schools?

Not the government is it? And certainly your school doesn't apply for any federal government grants do you?

Excuse me, no? but pardon me.

I watch the news. The complaint in a recent teachers strike was that Illinois receives the same Federal funds than California for education... however a teacher explained that while in the other State the funds reach the school, in her State those funds just "disappear".

Such, I think, is not a miracle, but magic. Jesus and Conservatives are not involved in such paranormal phenomenon.

Liberals are learning the way of third world countries, to which the US sends help with funds, food and more, but the needed in those nations never receive those goods. The goods disappear as well in city municipalities, government agencies, etc.
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The general problem with conservative claims of their absolute monopoly on godliness is that it's full of holes. On one hand I am being told that god tells us to respect government. Yet god is against government using our money in providing charity.

"You cannot worship God and Mammon."
This is the greatest episode ever

Jesus was descendant of Shem, the white race, not son of Cam, the black race.

Sons of Cam besides Canaan includes Mitzrayim, which means the people or sons of Mitzra.

Mitzrayim is Egypt, a name to this people given later by the Greeks. Mitzrayim was also formed by black people, you can see the images made by them.

The bible makes the clear difference between of those peoples.

A street legend was invented saying that Jesus was black, but the bible denies such a possibility.

The bible doesn't say anything about race. And if shem and cam were related your claim is dead right there.
Just research the names of those ancient people. The bible mentions names of the sons of Shem, Cam and Japheth (the yellow race)

From here, every name of their descendants means they went away and formed their own nations or tribes.

The places took the name of the owners of the land. So, today when you say a descendant of Japheth was "Javan", and Javan lived at the "east" and "islands", then you find "Japan".

So many conservatives tell us liberals how they are so godly. So lets examine a situation where Jesus is a conservative.


Another State worshiping blasphemer trying to speak for the Jesus.

Since Jesus said render under Caesar what is Caesars… But the federal government is not considered a charity. OBTW, aren't you a school teacher? Where does the money come from to fund schools?

Not the government is it? And certainly your school doesn't apply for any federal government grants do you?

Excuse, no? but pardon me.

I watch the news. The complaint in a recent teachers strike was that Illinois receives the same Federal funds than California for education... however a teacher explained that while in the other State the funds reach the school, in her State those funds just "disappear".

Such, I think, is not a miracle, but magic. Jesus and Conservatives are not involved in such paranormal phenomenon.

Liberals are learning the way of third world countries, to which the US sends help with funds, food and more, but the needed in those nations never receive those goods. The goods disappear as well in city municipalities, government agencies, etc.

BS. Conservative policies have lined the pockets of the ultra rich.
This is the greatest episode ever

Jesus was descendant of Shem, the white race, not son of Cam, the black race.

Sons of Cam besides Canaan includes Mitzrayim, which means the people or sons of Mitzra.

Mitzrayim is Egypt, a name to this people given later by the Greeks. Mitzrayim was also formed by black people, you can see the images made by them.

The bible makes the clear difference between of those peoples.

A street legend was invented saying that Jesus was black, but the bible denies such a possibility.

The bible doesn't say anything about race. And if shem and cam were related your claim is dead right there.
Just research the names of those ancient people. The bible mentions names of the sons of Shem, Cam and Japheth (the yellow race)

From here, every name of their descendants means they went away and formed their own nations or tribes.

The places took the name of the owners of the land. So, today when you say a descendant of Japheth was "Javan", and Javan lived at the "east" and "islands", then you find "Japan".


Yawn! I don't accept the white identity teachings.
The general problem with conservative claims of their absolute monopoly on godliness is that it's full of holes. On one hand I am being told that god tells us to respect government. Yet god is against government using our money in providing charity.

"You cannot worship God and Mammon."

Says the worshiper of Mammon. :auiqs.jpg:

Nah. That would be you.
So since you are pro gun, you're not pro life. Since you are anti healthcare, you are not pro life. If you are for capital punishment, you are not pro life. If you support military action, you are not pro life.

Ridiculous. You practically are saying every time Conservatives are in control this country ends with bunches and bunches of dead people... So far, population statistics won't show as true your claims.
The general problem with conservative claims of their absolute monopoly on godliness is that it's full of holes. On one hand I am being told that god tells us to respect government. Yet god is against government using our money in providing charity.

"You cannot worship God and Mammon."

Says the worshiper of Mammon. :auiqs.jpg:

Nah. That would be you.
Spare me....You're the dickless Philistine who worships at the altar of the Almighty State...Then you sanctimoniously turn around and chide others for not following the Jesus.

You're exactly the kind of blaspheming punk that the Jesus warned the world about.
So what you're telling me is that god wants us to respect the government even when that government is in violation of gods laws. Therefore people like Gandhi, King and Mandela were wrong according to the bible.

You can ask but can't demand the government to pay your bills.

Come one, also use common sense.

There are legal ways to obtain benefits from the government, but remember, "benefits" won't mean the government is obligated to help you.

Gandhi, King, Mandela, did they went outside breaking windows and looting stores while making their complaints and petitions?
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.Then come, follow me.”

That is your point, good, nice shot.

I want to follow what the bible says according to your point.

But, I will put my condition:

Come, and show me pointing with your finger the exact location where this person Jesus is, I must see him with my own eyes first.

You do that, and I swear I give everything in my possession, but my underwear (you know, even Adam had a palm leave covering "right there") to the poor, the neighbor or whoever.
BS. Conservative policies have lined the pockets of the ultra rich.
Liberal policies do the same. Killer doctors make millions of dollars performing abortions. Several cosmetic and surgery doctors make millions cutting male organs and implanting breasts to men who believe they are women.

The whole charade is not about "rights" but money.

This is why I told you before.

If you want to obtain "certain benefits" from the government, then you must find and use the proper channels.

Look, building a gas station in Afghanistan cost to those people about and no more than $450,000. However, the first alarmist news about the price "paid" by the US army to contractors was 45 million dollars. Later it was corrected to 4.5 million dollars.

Still, there are 440 million dollars or 4 million dollars "missing somewhere when building a gas station.

The news called this incident as "wasting tax payers money" but actually the right words are "stealing tax payers money" because someone has taken the money. No doubt.

No matter if Conservative or Liberal, in these situations, as long as they use "the proper legal channels" no one can touch this part of the system.

Your point is not valid or invalid, just can't be applied to support you input.

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