The Republican Jesus

Probably not. I've given 32 years of work to charities when I could have used what I had to make a lot of money. I have done a whole lot more that write a check for money I can get back after I file taxes.

Really. Were those charities the Federal Government?

Is that what Jesus was into--high taxes going to overbloated bureaucrats? Huh, who knew

Since Jesus said render under Caesar what is Caesars… But the federal government is not considered a charity. OBTW, aren't you a school teacher? Where does the money come from to fund schools?

Not the government is it? And certainly your school doesn't apply for any federal government grants do you?

What kind of confused mess is this? Can you find a point and stick to it?

You are propping up a Leftist viewpoint wherein money is funneled from the taxpayer to the federal gov't and given out to POOR PEOPLE for their basic needs. That has nothing to do with the school system, first, and second, was NEVER a system Jesus endorsed. He said YOU feed the poor, YOU visit the sick and lonely, YOU tend the needy. Not the govt.

Conservatives believe this too, which is why we believe charity should be a private enterprise, not take the form of gov't goonery. So again. What is this mess you're blabbering about?

Sue, Jesus said it was every persons obligation to help the poor. And since the government is made up of people government is required to abide by the same rules.

"The earth is the lords and the fullness thereof."

This means everything on earth belongs to god and is subject to gods rule of law. That means governments. And if you don't think so, ask pharaoh whose government refused to obey god and most of it's leadership ended up at the bottom of the Red Sea. Ask the king who saw the writing on the wall that told him his government had been judged by god to not have obeyed his laws, who died the next morning after hearing the words written. Your leftist this and leftist that excuse for your sorry self righteous beliefs are just inaccurate interpretations you use to justify a dark heart.

You are not to conscript the gov't to do the charitable work you SHOULD be doing YOURSELF. Again. Jesus did not say "send your taxes to the gov't, they will feed and clothe". No. He said YOU feed, YOU clothe, YOU serve.

We have yet to address your fornication, of which you boasted here. Gee, boasting of deep sin and yet pointing out everyone else's sin.

Oh, he's quite generous with his judgement of others. His bible must have every other page torn out.
Where is Democrat Jesus telling us to rip apart infants in the womb?
Making sure the infants who are born get food, shelter, healthcare, safety from madmen with guns...

Are we pretending that the Democrats ARE doing the above?

Yes they are, they are the ones who passed Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, CHIP, Meals on Wheels, and the ACA. You republicans was to take all away.

Nowhere does Jesus say people should be compelled by the government to "do good".

You are fucking left-winger who feels justified in using force to deprive people of their property.

Please show where Jesus advocated the state confiscation of personal property.

Matthew 19:21 New International Version (NIV)
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.Then come, follow me.”

(you have free will, and I wouldn't recommend the verse if Republicans are in charge!! LOL) That is avocates, and there were no states back then.
Where is Democrat Jesus telling us to rip apart infants in the womb?
Making sure the infants who are born get food, shelter, healthcare, safety from madmen with guns...

Are we pretending that the Democrats ARE doing the above?

Yes they are, they are the ones who passed Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, CHIP, Meals on Wheels, and the ACA. You republicans was to take all away.

Nowhere does Jesus say people should be compelled by the government to "do good".

You are fucking left-winger who feels justified in using force to deprive people of their property.

Please show where Jesus advocated the state confiscation of personal property.

Matthew 19:21 New International Version (NIV)
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.Then come, follow me.”

(you have free will, and I wouldn't recommend the verse if Republicans are in charge!! LOL) That is avocates, and there were no states back then.

He said that to one young man.

And your scripture in no way supports your efforts to take other's property away via the means of government.

That is just what the democrats did when the passed all those big spending laws. I don't have a fucking choice in my payment of S.S. or medicare even thought I will never benefit from what I put in (which does not matter...the government should not be compelling people).

Address the idea that you seem to support that it is O.K. to use government to compell people to be good.
You said he was the same age..

Dude he was the same age. They were approx. five months apart. In the world of adulthood, that's the same age. They would have been 30 together for months and months and months

Read the bible, people thought John was the savior, he wasn't, he trashed the waters/ paved the way for God.

Okay bear you must be just right about that, youuuuu betcha. Oh wait were you trying to make some kind of point?

I got to close, and it scared the fuck out of me.. I have been drinking non stop for 3 weeks now.

I don't know if I should sober up and take on the devil again or just die drinking

okay well you know you cannot at this point just stop drinking. You have to go to detox. It's not "the devil" bear. It's your body.

I wasn't drinking for 8 months when it happened..

I just want a Thanksgiving dinner first one in 20 years
Dude he was the same age. They were approx. five months apart. In the world of adulthood, that's the same age. They would have been 30 together for months and months and months

Read the bible, people thought John was the savior, he wasn't, he trashed the waters/ paved the way for God.

Okay bear you must be just right about that, youuuuu betcha. Oh wait were you trying to make some kind of point?

I got to close, and it scared the fuck out of me.. I have been drinking non stop for 3 weeks now.

I don't know if I should sober up and take on the devil again or just die drinking

okay well you know you cannot at this point just stop drinking. You have to go to detox. It's not "the devil" bear. It's your body.

I wasn't drinking for 8 months when it happened..

I just want a Thanksgiving dinner first one in 20 years
Where is Democrat Jesus telling us to rip apart infants in the womb?
Making sure the infants who are born get food, shelter, healthcare, safety from madmen with guns...

Are we pretending that the Democrats ARE doing the above?

Laughing at scripture?
Yes they are, they are the ones who passed Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, CHIP, Meals on Wheels, and the ACA. You republicans was to take all away.

Nowhere does Jesus say people should be compelled by the government to "do good".

You are fucking left-winger who feels justified in using force to deprive people of their property.

Please show where Jesus advocated the state confiscation of personal property.

Matthew 19:21 New International Version (NIV)
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.Then come, follow me.”

(you have free will, and I wouldn't recommend the verse if Republicans are in charge!! LOL) That is avocates, and there were no states back then.
Read the bible, people thought John was the savior, he wasn't, he trashed the waters/ paved the way for God.

Okay bear you must be just right about that, youuuuu betcha. Oh wait were you trying to make some kind of point?

I got to close, and it scared the fuck out of me.. I have been drinking non stop for 3 weeks now.

I don't know if I should sober up and take on the devil again or just die drinking

okay well you know you cannot at this point just stop drinking. You have to go to detox. It's not "the devil" bear. It's your body.

I wasn't drinking for 8 months when it happened..

I just want a Thanksgiving dinner first one in 20 years
Making sure the infants who are born get food, shelter, healthcare, safety from madmen with guns...

Are we pretending that the Democrats ARE doing the above?

Laughing at scripture?
Yes they are, they are the ones who passed Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, CHIP, Meals on Wheels, and the ACA. You republicans was to take all away.

Nowhere does Jesus say people should be compelled by the government to "do good".

You are fucking left-winger who feels justified in using force to deprive people of their property.

Please show where Jesus advocated the state confiscation of personal property.

Matthew 19:21 New International Version (NIV)
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.Then come, follow me.”

(you have free will, and I wouldn't recommend the verse if Republicans are in charge!! LOL) That is avocates, and there were no states back then.

Did you write something. Its invisible.
So many conservatives tell us liberals how they are so godly. So lets examine a situation where Jesus is a conservative.

Is there anything more awkward and embarrassing than a Progressive quoting Scriptures? It's a giant Swalwell Fart.

Remember when Jesus chided the Romans to give free healthcare for all?
Here is one:

Respect to the authorities.

Jesus respected the ones over his authority.

He was a priest by his own choice applying the right of firstborns to be dedicated to God. He can discuss with other priests like him, as he did even calling them hypocrites.

But, even when injustice was made against him by the higher authorities, Jesus showed them respect.

In today's US, liberals show respect for nobody, they act as savages.

They must follow the example of Jesus and Conservatives.
Actually Jesus did not respect unjust authority. Which is why he got crucified.

And as we see conservatives worshipping a man that is lawless, you talk about liberals.

Hillary supporters say the darndest things
He said "Render unto Ceasar [sic] what is due Ceasar [sic]". End of story. What part of that don't you fucking understand.

So, when I work forty hours in a week, to earn my living, “Caesar” wants to claim nearly half of my earnings right off the top. And then, when I spend what “Caesar” has generously allowed me to keep of what I have rightfully earned, he wants another 8% or more. He takes more, in allowing me the privilege of owning an automobile, and he takes about a dozen percent when I buy fuel for my car.

What did “Caesar” do to earn all the money that he takes from me? Not a damn thing, that's what. How much of what I rightfully work so hard to earn is “Caesar” due?
Yes they are, they are the ones who passed Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, CHIP, Meals on Wheels, and the ACA. You republicans want to take all away.

It's like I said before. LIbErals think that they can claim charitable virtue based on what they can get government to take away from others, to be applied to the causes that they support; and not on giving to such causes out of what is legitimately their own to give. LIbErals are fond of accusing conservatives of being greedy, when it is the LIbEral position that is truly, literally based on greed.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion about some things where there is nothing specific.

In the bible it specfically gets after those who have sex outside of marriage.

In the bible it tells us to respect the government.

Again, the bible does not tell us to respect an unjust government.
It does so at least once. Or maybe not us, but rather some first-century Christians.

Judea was where the earth groaned, where the reprobate generation perpetrated its greatest injustices on God’s people, and where the insurgents resisted Rome’s leadership. Hence Paul’s advice to his brethren in Rome to submit to the governing authorities there (Rm 13:1-4). Live in Rome like Roman citizens and do not emulate the beast in Jerusalem.

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