The Texas lawsuit and the possible end of our republic.

I must have hit a nerve. All the usual suspects came stampeding out of the barn like it was on fire.
Agreed, and for good reason. This paranoid, binary, alternate-universe stuff is causing our country significant harm. We're not even operating in the same realities at this point. This has serious implications for us as a country. So, yes, I'd agree: This hits a nerve. I'm concerned about the country we're leaving our kids.
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So you want the court to hand over the election to trump correct? Not a redo, no chance for the other side.
Its in the Constitution

and biden will have his chance when the states cast their vote for president

not that we have reached that point yet

But its still a possibility
The United States has existed for 244 years. If the Texas lawsuit challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election fails, the United States will cease to exist. The US came to be as a result of a people wanting to be free of elite government power. The founders that created the United states realized that individual liberty was so important that a life-risking break with traditional aristocratic control was the only way to fashion a truly free society.

There is an evil in this world that will always be with us. Certain aspects of all societies will always rise to power and when that evil gets power it will never willingly relent to the will of the people because the people are regarded as inferior and unfit to choose their own destiny. When Benjamin Franklin was asked if we have a republic or a monarchy he is purported to have said: “A republic if we can keep it.” Whether he actually uttered those exact words is less important than their meaning.

Franklin knew full well that the minds and hearts of the people could be tricked and swindled by clever power merchants appealing to fear and personal greed. But he like the founders had faith that the people would recognize the power they held with their votes. Rank and file citizens have a collective common sense, and they cannot be fooled indefinitely. They can vote out the power if they choose. This is the golden difference the US possesses as opposed to the rest of the world.

This golden difference became manifest when Donald Trump gained access to the White House by virtue of the vote in the wake of an awakening that government was acting on its own behalf not in the best interest of the people. The people had been tricked and fooled once but not again.

The wickedness of the 2020 election became clear when the vote was tainted and manipulated with fraud. Joe Biden was “selected” with votes, not elected by voters. The hearts and minds of the people were supplanted with mountains of paper ballots rising out of last-minute unconstitutional changes by state actors skirting any actual legislative process. It was brazenly done in broad daylight; it was the raw power that Franklin warned about.

Seventeen states have joined Texas in this lawsuit to save our republic. Let us hope the Supreme Court comes to our rescue.

Grab a paper bag, sit down and breathe into it. We have had Republican and Democrat Presidents over the last five decades and our Republic has come through just fine. That being said, if you think that Donald John Trump is the savior of this country, especially after the last 11 months, then there's no talking you off the ledge. All of the sudden, when this carnival barker is about to be sent off into the sunset probably never to be heard from again, you claim that the election was "rigged". Well, it wasn't. Top it all off with a Republican Party that's just seemed to have driven off the deep end in the last decade, and you have the makings of a disaster that we are living through right now.

The barn is on fire. And you helped (and are still helping) spread the gasoline that allows the fire to burn out of control.

Talking to Republicans is just like talking to a Professional Wrestling fan. Trying to explain that it is all made up is fruitless.

Those rabid fans screaming their support of their favorite wrestler are the same fans who worship Trump.
Wrestling may be fake but wrestlers are 100% real people. Compare that to someone who believes gender is fluid and tell me...... Who believes in fake made up crap? The "science" crowd. :auiqs.jpg:
I think the insanity is shared by BOTH sides and they are wacky enough to believe all this matters. Both sides act like middle school girls. That's their critical thinking ability I guess.
My theory is that it has nothing to do with intelligence. Perfectly intelligent people can fall into this. A hardcore ideology, whether it's political or religious or anything else, distorts a person's perceptions and thought processes. Seriously, I think of it as an affliction, one that can infect anyone. And now, we have "news" and "information" sources that only exacerbate and intensify the condition. This isn't Left or Right. It's like a freakin' virus, ironically.
I have faith in our Conservative court to not only reject this ridiculous claim but to admonish EVERY Republican who endorses it.

Why should Republicans be "admonished" for protesting against stolen elections? There is really little point in spending the time or money to run for office if you are going to be swindled.

Further, no one will contribute to an election campaign that has no chance of succeeding because of fraud.

Because it wasn't stolen. For the first time in many election cycles, the Republican tactic of voter suppression was largely removed. Granted, it was because of the pandemic (which I'd like to point out was made worse by the lack of response from the WH and impeded by the Republican party). Individual states made their own election rules. It is up to the state to set those rules. If you truly believe in the Constitution, then you believe in state's rights. If not, it's just bullshit talk. You believe in selective interpretation. For the SC to rule in Texas favor, it would have to throw out and invalidate millions of legally cast votes. Straight up voter disenfranchisement. It's bad enough that the Republican party engages in voter suppression and gerrymandering, but this? straight up theft..and sedition.
I have faith in our Conservative court to not only reject this ridiculous claim but to admonish EVERY Republican who endorses it.

Why should Republicans be "admonished" for protesting against stolen elections? There is really little point in spending the time or money to run for office if you are going to be swindled.

Further, no one will contribute to an election campaign that has no chance of succeeding because of fraud.

Because it wasn't stolen. For the first time in many election cycles, the Republican tactic of voter suppression was largely removed. Granted, it was because of the pandemic (which I'd like to point out was made worse by the lack of response from the WH and impeded by the Republican party). Individual states made their own election rules. It is up to the state to set those rules. If you truly believe in the Constitution, then you believe in state's rights. If not, it's just bullshit talk. You believe in selective interpretation. For the SC to rule in Texas favor, it would have to throw out and invalidate millions of legally cast votes. Straight up voter disenfranchisement. It's bad enough that the Republican party engages in voter suppression and gerrymandering, but this? straight theft..and sedition.

Republicans are trying to use the courts and partisan Republicans to bypass the vote of the people.

Demanding that the courts nullify over 10 million votes based on wild conspiracy theories is an assault on Democracy.
I have faith in our Conservative court to not only reject this ridiculous claim but to admonish EVERY Republican who endorses it.

Why should Republicans be "admonished" for protesting against stolen elections? There is really little point in spending the time or money to run for office if you are going to be swindled.

Further, no one will contribute to an election campaign that has no chance of succeeding because of fraud.

Because it wasn't stolen. For the first time in many election cycles, the Republican tactic of voter suppression was largely removed. Granted, it was because of the pandemic (which I'd like to point out was made worse by the lack of response from the WH and impeded by the Republican party). Individual states made their own election rules. It is up to the state to set those rules. If you truly believe in the Constitution, then you believe in state's rights. If not, it's just bullshit talk. You believe in selective interpretation. For the SC to rule in Texas favor, it would have to throw out and invalidate millions of legally cast votes. Straight up voter disenfranchisement. It's bad enough that the Republican party engages in voter suppression and gerrymandering, but this? straight up theft..and sedition.

If it wasn't stolen, as you contend, Biden should be pleased and anxious to defend his tactics in court.

The fact that his son's Corruption was hidden by the mainstream media as well as Swalwell's affiliation with Red China, tells me that there was Vote Suppression.

It should be exposed, if Biden expects to be recognized as legitimate.
The United States has existed for 244 years. If the Texas lawsuit challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election fails, the United States will cease to exist. The US came to be as a result of a people wanting to be free of elite government power. The founders that created the United states realized that individual liberty was so important that a life-risking break with traditional aristocratic control was the only way to fashion a truly free society.

There is an evil in this world that will always be with us. Certain aspects of all societies will always rise to power and when that evil gets power it will never willingly relent to the will of the people because the people are regarded as inferior and unfit to choose their own destiny. When Benjamin Franklin was asked if we have a republic or a monarchy he is purported to have said: “A republic if we can keep it.” Whether he actually uttered those exact words is less important than their meaning.

Franklin knew full well that the minds and hearts of the people could be tricked and swindled by clever power merchants appealing to fear and personal greed. But he like the founders had faith that the people would recognize the power they held with their votes. Rank and file citizens have a collective common sense, and they cannot be fooled indefinitely. They can vote out the power if they choose. This is the golden difference the US possesses as opposed to the rest of the world.

This golden difference became manifest when Donald Trump gained access to the White House by virtue of the vote in the wake of an awakening that government was acting on its own behalf not in the best interest of the people. The people had been tricked and fooled once but not again.

The wickedness of the 2020 election became clear when the vote was tainted and manipulated with fraud. Joe Biden was “selected” with votes, not elected by voters. The hearts and minds of the people were supplanted with mountains of paper ballots rising out of last-minute unconstitutional changes by state actors skirting any actual legislative process. It was brazenly done in broad daylight; it was the raw power that Franklin warned about.

Seventeen states have joined Texas in this lawsuit to save our republic. Let us hope the Supreme Court comes to our rescue.

Not unless the Supreme Court goes rogue, which is possible.
I have faith in our Conservative court to not only reject this ridiculous claim but to admonish EVERY Republican who endorses it.

Why should Republicans be "admonished" for protesting against stolen elections? There is really little point in spending the time or money to run for office if you are going to be swindled.

Further, no one will contribute to an election campaign that has no chance of succeeding because of fraud.

Because it wasn't stolen. For the first time in many election cycles, the Republican tactic of voter suppression was largely removed. Granted, it was because of the pandemic (which I'd like to point out was made worse by the lack of response from the WH and impeded by the Republican party). Individual states made their own election rules. It is up to the state to set those rules. If you truly believe in the Constitution, then you believe in state's rights. If not, it's just bullshit talk. You believe in selective interpretation. For the SC to rule in Texas favor, it would have to throw out and invalidate millions of legally cast votes. Straight up voter disenfranchisement. It's bad enough that the Republican party engages in voter suppression and gerrymandering, but this? straight up theft..and sedition.

If it wasn't stolen, as you contend, Biden should be pleased and anxious to defend his tactics in court.

The fact that his son's Corruption was hidden by the mainstream media as well as Swalwell's affiliation with Red China, tells me that there was Vote Suppression.

It should be exposed, if Biden expects to be recognized as legitimate.

There is no evidence of voter fraud. No evidence of an election that was "stolen" or "rigged". If every lower court has thrown out a lawsuit for lack of evidence? Ergo...there's nothing to defend...except baseless accusations.
No one gives two shits about Hunter Biden except you card carrying members of the alt-right.

So, with no evidence to back your claims up, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you are hoping the stacked courts rule in your candidate's favor.
Yep. Voter disenfranchisement and sedition all rolled up into one nice right wing package. :)
The United States has existed for 244 years. If the Texas lawsuit challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election fails, the United States will cease to exist. The US came to be as a result of a people wanting to be free of elite government power. The founders that created the United states realized that individual liberty was so important that a life-risking break with traditional aristocratic control was the only way to fashion a truly free society.

There is an evil in this world that will always be with us. Certain aspects of all societies will always rise to power and when that evil gets power it will never willingly relent to the will of the people because the people are regarded as inferior and unfit to choose their own destiny. When Benjamin Franklin was asked if we have a republic or a monarchy he is purported to have said: “A republic if we can keep it.” Whether he actually uttered those exact words is less important than their meaning.

Franklin knew full well that the minds and hearts of the people could be tricked and swindled by clever power merchants appealing to fear and personal greed. But he like the founders had faith that the people would recognize the power they held with their votes. Rank and file citizens have a collective common sense, and they cannot be fooled indefinitely. They can vote out the power if they choose. This is the golden difference the US possesses as opposed to the rest of the world.

This golden difference became manifest when Donald Trump gained access to the White House by virtue of the vote in the wake of an awakening that government was acting on its own behalf not in the best interest of the people. The people had been tricked and fooled once but not again.

The wickedness of the 2020 election became clear when the vote was tainted and manipulated with fraud. Joe Biden was “selected” with votes, not elected by voters. The hearts and minds of the people were supplanted with mountains of paper ballots rising out of last-minute unconstitutional changes by state actors skirting any actual legislative process. It was brazenly done in broad daylight; it was the raw power that Franklin warned about.

Seventeen states have joined Texas in this lawsuit to save our republic. Let us hope the Supreme Court comes to our rescue.

Not unless the Supreme Court goes rogue, which is possible.
Trump's pragmatism in appointing Cavanaugh and Barret to the bench may end up huge.
I have faith in our Conservative court to not only reject this ridiculous claim but to admonish EVERY Republican who endorses it.

Why should Republicans be "admonished" for protesting against stolen elections? There is really little point in spending the time or money to run for office if you are going to be swindled.

Further, no one will contribute to an election campaign that has no chance of succeeding because of fraud.

Because it wasn't stolen. For the first time in many election cycles, the Republican tactic of voter suppression was largely removed. Granted, it was because of the pandemic (which I'd like to point out was made worse by the lack of response from the WH and impeded by the Republican party). Individual states made their own election rules. It is up to the state to set those rules. If you truly believe in the Constitution, then you believe in state's rights. If not, it's just bullshit talk. You believe in selective interpretation. For the SC to rule in Texas favor, it would have to throw out and invalidate millions of legally cast votes. Straight up voter disenfranchisement. It's bad enough that the Republican party engages in voter suppression and gerrymandering, but this? straight up theft..and sedition.

How is making a person vote in person and prove they are eligible to vote voter surpression?
The Texas lawsuit and the possible end of our republic
The United States has existed for 244 years. If the Texas lawsuit challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election fails, the United States will cease to exist. The US came to be as a result of a people wanting to be free of elite government power. The founders that created the United states realized that individual liberty was so important that a life-risking break with traditional aristocratic control was the only way to fashion a truly free society.

There is an evil in this world that will always be with us. Certain aspects of all societies will always rise to power and when that evil gets power it will never willingly relent to the will of the people because the people are regarded as inferior and unfit to choose their own destiny. When Benjamin Franklin was asked if we have a republic or a monarchy he is purported to have said: “A republic if we can keep it.” Whether he actually uttered those exact words is less important than their meaning.

Franklin knew full well that the minds and hearts of the people could be tricked and swindled by clever power merchants appealing to fear and personal greed. But he like the founders had faith that the people would recognize the power they held with their votes. Rank and file citizens have a collective common sense, and they cannot be fooled indefinitely. They can vote out the power if they choose. This is the golden difference the US possesses as opposed to the rest of the world.

This golden difference became manifest when Donald Trump gained access to the White House by virtue of the vote in the wake of an awakening that government was acting on its own behalf not in the best interest of the people. The people had been tricked and fooled once but not again.

The wickedness of the 2020 election became clear when the vote was tainted and manipulated with fraud. Joe Biden was “selected” with votes, not elected by voters. The hearts and minds of the people were supplanted with mountains of paper ballots rising out of last-minute unconstitutional changes by state actors skirting any actual legislative process. It was brazenly done in broad daylight; it was the raw power that Franklin warned about.

Seventeen states have joined Texas in this lawsuit to save our republic. Let us hope the Supreme Court comes to our rescue.
The Republic died at Appomattox and the country became the centralised state that Hamilton had wet dreams over, “aggressive abroad and despotic at home”.
Say, for the purpose of discussion, that the suit filed by Texas and joined by a third of the states was impeccable in it’s legal logic and inarguable in fact, the USSC exists only to protect the state as it exists and will rule against the suit anyway.
So, no worries, the leviathan will continue on as before. Those concerned with liberty, limited government, and freedom will be further marginalised.
I have faith in our Conservative court to not only reject this ridiculous claim but to admonish EVERY Republican who endorses it.

Why should Republicans be "admonished" for protesting against stolen elections? There is really little point in spending the time or money to run for office if you are going to be swindled.

Further, no one will contribute to an election campaign that has no chance of succeeding because of fraud.

Because it wasn't stolen. For the first time in many election cycles, the Republican tactic of voter suppression was largely removed. Granted, it was because of the pandemic (which I'd like to point out was made worse by the lack of response from the WH and impeded by the Republican party). Individual states made their own election rules. It is up to the state to set those rules. If you truly believe in the Constitution, then you believe in state's rights. If not, it's just bullshit talk. You believe in selective interpretation. For the SC to rule in Texas favor, it would have to throw out and invalidate millions of legally cast votes. Straight up voter disenfranchisement. It's bad enough that the Republican party engages in voter suppression and gerrymandering, but this? straight up theft..and sedition.

How is making a person vote in person and prove they are eligible to vote voter surpression?

States made the election rules. There are states that have used mail in voting for years without incident. The military has used it for decades.
Voting in person (especially during a pandemic) may not be possible for everyone. Hence, a way for Republicans to practice voter suppression.
Everyone who cast a vote was eligible. 73 million of the morons voted for Trump.

Your man lost. And you're pissed. I get it. But this behavior is just un-American.

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