The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Look, if Jews and Catholics are united on this issue of Mormon's posthumous Baptism of our dead, then there MUST be something to it.

Jews and Catholics haven't exactly gotten along too well since....well....Christ's Crucifixion. ;)
Ah.....RGS reveals himself to be an anti-Catholic bigot. A Mormon with his widdle feelings hurt by the Catholic Church.

His response makes sense now. Still doesn't make his response right.

I am unconcerned so my feelings are hardly hurt. That logic does not phase you is the telling point. What the hell do you care what a false religion does? Since it is false it can have no effect on anything true, right?
And you have no proof it is happening now. But hey thanks for playing. Once again reality applies. The Catholic Church does not recognize proxy baptism nor baptism of the dead so any such ritual has no meaning to dead Catholics with in the Catholic religion. That is a simple fact. If I am not mistaken the Catholic Church considers the Mormon Church to be a false religion, meaning we have no power over them at all. No matter what we do. In regards the doctrines and beliefs of the Catholic Church.

Yeah, it does happen, look it up, lazy one. The blog Mormon Coffee has some good quotes and linkst at

What the family wants is what is paramount, not what the Catholic Church believes. Your argument is a red herring that smells.

You and Truth are flatly wrong on this one. Period.
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And you have no proof it is happening now. But hey thanks for playing. Once again reality applies. The Catholic Church does not recognize proxy baptism nor baptism of the dead so any such ritual has no meaning to dead Catholics with in the Catholic religion. That is a simple fact. If I am not mistaken the Catholic Church considers the Mormon Church to be a false religion, meaning we have no power over them at all. No matter what we do. In regards the doctrines and beliefs of the Catholic Church.

Yeah, it does happen, look it up, lazy one. The blog Mormon Coffee has some good quotes and linkst at

What the family wants is what is paramount, not what the Catholic Church believes. Your argument is a red herring that smells.

You and Truth are flatly wrong on this one. Period.

Once again since you believe the church is false, the book of Mormon a work of fiction, what the hell does it matter spiritually if nutters preform a fake ceremony for some dead guy? The Catholic Church believes the Mormon church is fake, any ritual the Mormon church preforms by definition from the Catholic Church is therefore fake as well. Further according to the Catholic Church one can not baptize the dead or proxy baptize anyone so any such ceremony is false and has no meaning at all. If one is a Catholic anyway.
You are backwards on this issue and you are wrong. I will leave it at that.

Not only that, but Catholics are NOT the only other faith that objects to this outrageous practice of the Mormons.

Anyone who can unite Jews and Catholics on a topic has done something quite spectacular, as I said, Jews and Catholics haven't exactly had a loving relationship for thousands of years.

And yet, Jews and Catholics BOTH protest the outrageous practice of posthumous "baptism" by Mormons.

Imagine that. :eusa_doh:

The way I see it is this: If any of my Catholic family members wish to be Mormon, they are free to make that decision WHILE ALIVE.

Once they are dead, if they have not converted to LDS, then the issue is settled. THEY ARE AND SHALL REMAIN CATHOLIC, by virtue of their SINGLE (as in 1/ONE Baptism as an infant), and their souls should be forever left unmolested by Mormons with their second "baptism" after their death.

Period. The End.
JenyEliza, a sensible person will recognize the logical and rightness of your point.
You guys are amazing. To be so concerned with something that doesn't concern you. This is my response to the multiple strange attacks on our church about baptism for the dead.

I don't care if you think we're wrong. I already assumed that. The fact of the matter is that baptism is an act done by an individual. That individual being baptized is the only one in charge of the decision. Even after they are deceased. We have different beliefs about what goes on in the afterlife than you do so arguing about it makes no sense.
Fact of the matter is that we disturb no one's graves. If someone on the other side has been informed that a baptism is being done for them that they never got the chance to have done for them, they will choose to accept it as their own or ignore it as they believe it false. If they ignore it then one of our members just takes a dip in the water.
I wouldn't be offended in the least if Muslims or Jews started doing posthumous conversions for me upon my death. Trust me, on the other side, I've got better things to focus my attention on. It is pointless for me to argue that our way is better than someone elses. We will see in the end won't we. And thanks for the neg rep and damnation sent my way by the individual who sent me said condemnation. I won't retaliate. I've got far better things to do than worry about my online reputation. In the end........Nobody cares.

I hope to see all of you at the pearly gates one day ;)
JenyEliza, a sensible person will recognize the logical and rightness of your point.

Well, one would think so. And then you've got these nutcases who think it's perfectly OK to tinker with a dead person's spiritual life and choice of faith.

It's just wrong. Dead wrong. (no pun intended).

The Roman Catholic faith requires ONLY ONE Baptism. That tenet of our faith should be respected by Mormons, but it is not. And they don't give a diddly that they are being offensive in disprespecting our faith or our dead.

THAT is what pisses me off. They don't respect OUR faith, yet they demand that we respect THEIRS.

BULLSPIT, I say. :evil:
Truthspeaker is merely defending the indefensible. The strangeness is his, not those who correctly point out just how wrong such behavior is by folks without permission from the family; and this from a church that is about family.
I am always amazed at just how much fans (fanatics) want to help God out. Not to worry, Skeptic, God will know who are His.
Who? Those to whom God reveals himself. No church or doctrine or other folks are needed. The individual and God will be fine.
JenyEliza, a sensible person will recognize the logical and rightness of your point.

Well, one would think so. And then you've got these nutcases who think it's perfectly OK to tinker with a dead person's spiritual life and choice of faith.

It's just wrong. Dead wrong. (no pun intended).

The Roman Catholic faith requires ONLY ONE Baptism. That tenet of our faith should be respected by Mormons, but it is not. And they don't give a diddly that they are being offensive in disprespecting our faith or our dead.

THAT is what pisses me off. They don't respect OUR faith, yet they demand that we respect THEIRS.

BULLSPIT, I say. :evil:

If we're nutcases, why do you care what we say?

How can we tinker with anyone's spiritual life beyond the grave? We haven't figured out how to do it nor have we tried. So please tell me what you're ON? I've never seen this kind of reaction before. :confused:
Who? Those to whom God reveals himself. No church or doctrine or other folks are needed. The individual and God will be fine.

That's an age old debate, but not the purpose of this thread. That debate, like the infant baptism doctrine is one that has led to nothing positive in Christian history. We've already established that we have different doctrines. I'm not here to apologize for them or prove them to anyone. Only to state what it is we believe about each subject.

I'm happy to discuss why we differ on such stances but certainly won't endeavor to convince anyone or twist anyone's arm into believing my way is better.

Care for any human discussion?:popcorn:
Just randomly. Now this is shocking........There are now more friendly votes than crazy votes and more Christian votes than bigoted. Amazing

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