The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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  • Crazy

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Wait wait.. Mormons baptize their dead?


We perform proxy baptisms for the names of people who have died without baptism. Only live people are involved.:eusa_angel:

That's still baptizing the dead..

As a Catholic, that's pretty crazy to me.

just sayin'

Just for trivial reasons.... Do you REALLY care if someone submitted your name to one of our temples after you die. The baptism doesn't pronounce you a "Mormon" now that you're dead. It just puts it out there for you to choose to accept or reject when the time comes. Does that really offend you? Especially if you don't believe in our religion?

We perform proxy baptisms for the names of people who have died without baptism. Only live people are involved.:eusa_angel:

That's still baptizing the dead..

As a Catholic, that's pretty crazy to me.

just sayin'

Just for trivial reasons.... Do you REALLY care if someone submitted your name to one of our temples after you die. The baptism doesn't pronounce you a "Mormon" now that you're dead. It just puts it out there for you to choose to accept or reject when the time comes. Does that really offend you? Especially if you don't believe in our religion?

Wait... If someone submits your name your Religion will come baptize them when they're dead? With Consent or Without?

It offends me when you Baptize dead people, yes it does.
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JenyEliza, a sensible person will recognize the logical and rightness of your point.

Well, one would think so. And then you've got these nutcases who think it's perfectly OK to tinker with a dead person's spiritual life and choice of faith.

It's just wrong. Dead wrong. (no pun intended).

The Roman Catholic faith requires ONLY ONE Baptism. That tenet of our faith should be respected by Mormons, but it is not. And they don't give a diddly that they are being offensive in disprespecting our faith or our dead.

THAT is what pisses me off. They don't respect OUR faith, yet they demand that we respect THEIRS.

BULLSPIT, I say. :evil:

So YOU do not believe the Mormon Church is a false religion? Thanks, I appreciate that. That can be the ONLY sane reason you would care about a ceremony that has no meaning to you and does not involve anyone you even know.

So I repeat, does the Catholic Church believe in proxy baptism and the baptizing of the Dead? If the answer is no, what the hell do you care what unbelievers do in their false temples with their false beliefs? If as you believe it has no meaning it can not then effect the dead at all.

I must then surmise you actually DO believe that these ceremonies have a meaning and are not false. THAT would be a discussion you need to have with your religious affiliation and its leaders.
Wait... If someone submits your name your Religion will come baptize them when their dead? With Consent or Without?

It offends me when you Baptize dead people, yes it does.

That's definitely one of the "interesting" parts of Mormonism. The whole baptizing someone if they're dead and haven't given you their consent.

And by "interesting" I mean really damn weird.
Wait... If someone submits your name your Religion will come baptize them when their dead? With Consent or Without?

It offends me when you Baptize dead people, yes it does.

That's definitely one of the "interesting" parts of Mormonism. The whole baptizing someone if they're dead and haven't given you their consent.

And by "interesting" I mean really damn weird.

Again why do you care? We are all nutters to you, so why do you care what we do in OUR temples? It hurts no one. In fact it involves no one except LDS members.

If we are a false religion how does it matter at all that we practice proxy baptisms for the dead? Nothing we do is real, remember? No dead people are actually involved and we do not go to graveyards to do the baptisms. Only LDS people are involved.

Do you also worry about voodoo ceremonies?
That's still baptizing the dead..

As a Catholic, that's pretty crazy to me.

just sayin'

Just for trivial reasons.... Do you REALLY care if someone submitted your name to one of our temples after you die. The baptism doesn't pronounce you a "Mormon" now that you're dead. It just puts it out there for you to choose to accept or reject when the time comes. Does that really offend you? Especially if you don't believe in our religion?

Wait... If someone submits your name your Religion will come baptize them when they're dead? With Consent or Without?

It offends me when you Baptize dead people, yes it does.

Well you go on being offended then. I can't help you. Especially since you don't understand that we don't baptize dead people.
Wait... If someone submits your name your Religion will come baptize them when their dead? With Consent or Without?

It offends me when you Baptize dead people, yes it does.

That's definitely one of the "interesting" parts of Mormonism. The whole baptizing someone if they're dead and haven't given you their consent.

And by "interesting" I mean really damn weird.

Says the man with a Lecter Avatar... BTW we don't baptize dead people with or without their consent.
Just for trivial reasons.... Do you REALLY care if someone submitted your name to one of our temples after you die. The baptism doesn't pronounce you a "Mormon" now that you're dead. It just puts it out there for you to choose to accept or reject when the time comes. Does that really offend you? Especially if you don't believe in our religion?

Wait... If someone submits your name your Religion will come baptize them when they're dead? With Consent or Without?

It offends me when you Baptize dead people, yes it does.

Well you go on being offended then. I can't help you. Especially since you don't understand that we don't baptize dead people.

Oh i'm sorry, "proxy baptisms". Right, because it's not the same thing as a normal baptism. So as a Roman Catholic that sounds just outright disgusting and wrong.

I'm sorry, I respect your ideas, but that doesn't mean I can't call your "Cult" crazy from time to time.

You Mormons are nice people.. But thinking when you die you get your own planet and it's your mission to repopulate IS kinda weird..
Wait... If someone submits your name your Religion will come baptize them when they're dead? With Consent or Without?

It offends me when you Baptize dead people, yes it does.

Well you go on being offended then. I can't help you. Especially since you don't understand that we don't baptize dead people.

Oh i'm sorry, "proxy baptisms". Right, because it's not the same thing as a normal baptism. So as a Roman Catholic that sounds just outright disgusting and wrong.

I'm sorry, I respect your ideas, but that doesn't mean I can't call your "Cult" crazy from time to time.

You Mormons are nice people.. But thinking when you die you get your own planet and it's your mission to repopulate IS kinda weird..

If that were what we believed, it might sound weird. But we don't believe that about getting planets when you die. Proxy baptisms, yes. planet control upon death, no.
Well you go on being offended then. I can't help you. Especially since you don't understand that we don't baptize dead people.

Oh i'm sorry, "proxy baptisms". Right, because it's not the same thing as a normal baptism. So as a Roman Catholic that sounds just outright disgusting and wrong.

I'm sorry, I respect your ideas, but that doesn't mean I can't call your "Cult" crazy from time to time.

You Mormons are nice people.. But thinking when you die you get your own planet and it's your mission to repopulate IS kinda weird..

If that were what we believed, it might sound weird. But we don't believe that about getting planets when you die. Proxy baptisms, yes. planet control upon death, no.

That's what i've heard.. also believing Adam and Eve lived in Missouri or some crapola like that..

Well yes, Baptizing the dead is just Wrong.
Wait... If someone submits your name your Religion will come baptize them when their dead? With Consent or Without?

It offends me when you Baptize dead people, yes it does.

That's definitely one of the "interesting" parts of Mormonism. The whole baptizing someone if they're dead and haven't given you their consent.

And by "interesting" I mean really damn weird.

Says the man with a Lecter Avatar... BTW we don't baptize dead people with or without their consent.

Wait wait.. Mormons baptize their dead?


We perform proxy baptisms for the names of people who have died without baptism. Only live people are involved.:eusa_angel:


You "perform proxy baptisms for the names of people who have DIED".

DEAD PEOPLE ARE NOT LIVE, hence "only live people are involved" is bullshit and a outright, boldfaced LIE.

Quit twisting in the wind and avoiding the TRUTH.

You twisted weirdos BAPTISE THE DEAD--without their consent or the consent of their families. No other way around it, you farking LIAR.
Wait wait.. Mormons baptize their dead?


We perform proxy baptisms for the names of people who have died without baptism. Only live people are involved.:eusa_angel:


You "perform proxy baptisms for the names of people who have DIED".

DEAD PEOPLE ARE NOT LIVE, hence "only live people are involved" is bullshit and a outright, boldfaced LIE.

Quit twisting in the wind and avoiding the TRUTH.

You twisted weirdos BAPTISE THE DEAD--without their consent or the consent of their families. No other way around it, you farking LIAR.

SO you believe in proxy baptism. Have you discussed this with your religious leaders? YOU believe the dead can be baptized as well. Another issue you need to bring up with your religious leaders.

Perhaps YOU are in the wrong religion? DO you also believe in Voodoo rituals? Can a Voodoo ritual turn you into a zombie?

We perform proxy baptisms for the names of people who have died without baptism. Only live people are involved.:eusa_angel:


You "perform proxy baptisms for the names of people who have DIED".

DEAD PEOPLE ARE NOT LIVE, hence "only live people are involved" is bullshit and a outright, boldfaced LIE.

Quit twisting in the wind and avoiding the TRUTH.

You twisted weirdos BAPTISE THE DEAD--without their consent or the consent of their families. No other way around it, you farking LIAR.

SO you believe in proxy baptism. Have you discussed this with your religious leaders? YOU believe the dead can be baptized as well. Another issue you need to bring up with your religious leaders.

Perhaps YOU are in the wrong religion? DO you also believe in Voodoo rituals? Can a Voodoo ritual turn you into a zombie?

Why the hell should us Catholics baptize our dead...?

Perhaps Mormonism is just outright weird.. (no offense) I mean i hear all types of stuff about Mormonism, makes me go how can you believe this stuff from a man named Joseph Smith?

Mormonism must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith. He was either a Prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and commissioned or he was one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen. There is no middle ground. If Joseph was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead people, then he should be exposed, his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown to be false...

You "perform proxy baptisms for the names of people who have DIED".

DEAD PEOPLE ARE NOT LIVE, hence "only live people are involved" is bullshit and a outright, boldfaced LIE.

Quit twisting in the wind and avoiding the TRUTH.

You twisted weirdos BAPTISE THE DEAD--without their consent or the consent of their families. No other way around it, you farking LIAR.

SO you believe in proxy baptism. Have you discussed this with your religious leaders? YOU believe the dead can be baptized as well. Another issue you need to bring up with your religious leaders.

Perhaps YOU are in the wrong religion? DO you also believe in Voodoo rituals? Can a Voodoo ritual turn you into a zombie?

Why the hell should us Catholics baptize our dead...?

Perhaps Mormonism is just outright weird.. (no offense) I mean i hear all types of stuff about Mormonism, makes me go how can you believe this stuff from a man named Joseph Smith?

Mormonism must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith. He was either a Prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and commissioned or he was one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen. There is no middle ground. If Joseph was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead people, then he should be exposed, his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown to be false...

I am not suggesting you should baptize the dead, I am pointing out that since you do NOT believe it does anything what does it matter if some cult does it? After all you have called us a cult. We are, according to you, a false religion. Why would you care what we do in our fake temples with our fake religion and ceremonies? They are not real right? Yet here you are all out raged that a fake religion conducts fake ceremonies in their fake temples.

So I repeat, do you believe a Voodoo Curse can turn you into a Zombie too?
SO you believe in proxy baptism. Have you discussed this with your religious leaders? YOU believe the dead can be baptized as well. Another issue you need to bring up with your religious leaders.

Perhaps YOU are in the wrong religion? DO you also believe in Voodoo rituals? Can a Voodoo ritual turn you into a zombie?

Why the hell should us Catholics baptize our dead...?

Perhaps Mormonism is just outright weird.. (no offense) I mean i hear all types of stuff about Mormonism, makes me go how can you believe this stuff from a man named Joseph Smith?

Mormonism must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith. He was either a Prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and commissioned or he was one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen. There is no middle ground. If Joseph was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead people, then he should be exposed, his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown to be false...

I am not suggesting you should baptize the dead, I am pointing out that since you do NOT believe it does anything what does it matter if some cult does it? After all you have called us a cult. We are, according to you, a false religion. Why would you care what we do in our fake temples with our fake religion and ceremonies? They are not real right? Yet here you are all out raged that a fake religion conducts fake ceremonies in their fake temples.

So I repeat, do you believe a Voodoo Curse can turn you into a Zombie too?

Just the same reason i speak out against Islam..

Why the hell wouldn't I speak out against Baptizing the dead? how is that even considered normal? or holy? :eusa_eh:

It's a False Religion, by a False Profit.

Ever heard of a man named Jesus Christ?
Why the hell should us Catholics baptize our dead...?

Perhaps Mormonism is just outright weird.. (no offense) I mean i hear all types of stuff about Mormonism, makes me go how can you believe this stuff from a man named Joseph Smith?

Mormonism must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith. He was either a Prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and commissioned or he was one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen. There is no middle ground. If Joseph was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead people, then he should be exposed, his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown to be false...

I am not suggesting you should baptize the dead, I am pointing out that since you do NOT believe it does anything what does it matter if some cult does it? After all you have called us a cult. We are, according to you, a false religion. Why would you care what we do in our fake temples with our fake religion and ceremonies? They are not real right? Yet here you are all out raged that a fake religion conducts fake ceremonies in their fake temples.

So I repeat, do you believe a Voodoo Curse can turn you into a Zombie too?

Just the same reason i speak out against Islam..

Why the hell wouldn't I speak out against Baptizing the dead? how is that even considered normal? or holy? :eusa_eh:

It's a False Religion, by a False Profit.

Ever heard of a man named Jesus Christ?

In other words you have nothing except your fear and prejudices. You could just say that and be done with it. I promise no Mormon is going to find you and force you to convert. Nor will they condemn your religion.

As for Jesus Christ your ignorance is showing through once again. The name of our Church says it all. DO you even know our name?

You obviously know NOTHING of our beliefs. Live your life in fear and ignorance. Sounds like it suits you.
I am not suggesting you should baptize the dead, I am pointing out that since you do NOT believe it does anything what does it matter if some cult does it? After all you have called us a cult. We are, according to you, a false religion. Why would you care what we do in our fake temples with our fake religion and ceremonies? They are not real right? Yet here you are all out raged that a fake religion conducts fake ceremonies in their fake temples.

So I repeat, do you believe a Voodoo Curse can turn you into a Zombie too?

Just the same reason i speak out against Islam..

Why the hell wouldn't I speak out against Baptizing the dead? how is that even considered normal? or holy? :eusa_eh:

It's a False Religion, by a False Profit.

Ever heard of a man named Jesus Christ?

In other words you have nothing except your fear and prejudices. You could just say that and be done with it. I promise no Mormon is going to find you and force you to convert. Nor will they condemn your religion.

As for Jesus Christ your ignorance is showing through once again. The name of our Church says it all. DO you even know our name?

You obviously know NOTHING of our beliefs. Live your life in fear and ignorance. Sounds like it suits you.

You sure? I've had Mormons come up to me near the mall and try and "sit down" with me and talk about the Book of Mormon.. and boy do they want you to convert..

So you don't believe Jesus Christ was the real prophet? Or is it Joseph Smith?

I know more than you think I know about your beliefs.. And truth to be told, it sometimes makes me wonder how you can believe in all those crazy acts? for EX: Baptizing the dead.
Just the same reason i speak out against Islam..

Why the hell wouldn't I speak out against Baptizing the dead? how is that even considered normal? or holy? :eusa_eh:

It's a False Religion, by a False Profit.

Ever heard of a man named Jesus Christ?

In other words you have nothing except your fear and prejudices. You could just say that and be done with it. I promise no Mormon is going to find you and force you to convert. Nor will they condemn your religion.

As for Jesus Christ your ignorance is showing through once again. The name of our Church says it all. DO you even know our name?

You obviously know NOTHING of our beliefs. Live your life in fear and ignorance. Sounds like it suits you.

You sure? I've had Mormons come up to me near the mall and try and "sit down" with me and talk about the Book of Mormon.. and boy do they want you to convert..

So you don't believe Jesus Christ was the real prophet? Or is it Joseph Smith?

I know more than you think I know about your beliefs.. And truth to be told, it sometimes makes me wonder how you can believe in all those crazy acts? for EX: Baptizing the dead.

You are not a very good Christian if you believe Jesus Christ was a Prophet. That would be Islam that believes that. Christians happen to believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God.

Last I checked all one need do is tell an Elder they do not wish to talk to them and that Elder will leave him alone. More misinformation from a person that has no clue what they are talking about.

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