The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
I had a lot of Mormon friends when I lived in Phoenix back in the 90s. There aren't many Mormons in Arkansas. I have seen the movies "The God Makers" and "The God Makers II". Quite interesting.

I watched those movies also and found that they were based more on hearsay then fact.
It's "Morman" because I say it is. It is an insult...irritating...NOT a typo. I started hating the Mormans when they took advantage of one of my heros..Howard Hughes. The poor guy was the most genius creator of true wealth and machining ingenuity that America had ever seen in the industrial age and the fucking evil Mormans took advantage of his lapse into mental ilness and stole his wealth. Piss on the MORMANS!!!!

Evil fucking cultists!!!!

I don't make many mistakes. Don't you. The Mormans have earned hatred.. Goody two shoes bimbos should be lost in Aruba and not defending religious monsters.

I see...

more bitterness and obsession.

I hope it's not contageous.

My hope is that it is.:evil:

Huggy you really need to grow up and act like an adult, but I doubt it.
That might work if the bible wasn't all second hand hearsay.

Well, unlike some people, I am aware of my audience. Froggy has professed a belief in the Bible. So I am citing references that he finds authoritative. If I had been talking to you, I would have had a much different approach because you need to learn how to recieve revelation for yourself and to find that the scriptures are reliable before the revelations will be authoritative to you.

Like, it starts out with bs: the world was made in 6 days. Too bad it didn't say: the world is flat, then you could all see the bs, because for some reason, some people still think that 6 days was what it took.:cuckoo:
So what's the next story? The pillar of salt guy? Noah's boat? In all seriousness, what's there to believe? :confused:

It also says to God a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. Do the math it is easy. It could mean that the world was made in 6 thousand years or any time in between.
I am sure that when you explain it to them, they wonder what institution accidently released you early.

No, you see, I live where religious nutbags are laughed at, as they should be.

It will be a happy day when all churches are laughable, but especially your cult.

I see how a good site brings out the hatemonger liberal idiots.

I offer no apology for my disgust of the mental social disease religion...especially Morman...and I'm not even a liberal.
No, you see, I live where religious nutbags are laughed at, as they should be.

It will be a happy day when all churches are laughable, but especially your cult.

I see how a good site brings out the hatemonger liberal idiots.

I offer no apology for my disgust of the mental social disease religion...especially Morman...and I'm not even a liberal.

And you shouldn't.

Nobody can apologize for being ignorant. They don't know they are.

Evil Cultists.....I like that.
No, you see, I live where religious nutbags are laughed at, as they should be.

It will be a happy day when all churches are laughable, but especially your cult.

I see how a good site brings out the hatemonger liberal idiots.

I offer no apology for my disgust of the mental social disease religion...especially Morman...and I'm not even a liberal.

The point is there is a reason that you come to a site that you disagree with. Now we know you don't come here to learn about Mormons, you come here to troll and that is the only reason you spread your hatred. And that is a liberal tactic, it always has been. If you are not here to discuss the Mormon religion with fact, then we must conclude that you have the purpose of a bigotry for the Mormon people. If that makes you feel like a man, well you have a very low opinion of yourself and the human race. I feel sad for people like you that are that self loathing. :doubt:
No, Not just the picture. One time when I was a kid We had a light snow. My Father took us rabbit hunting. He told us it was best to hunt them in the snow because you could see there tracks, but that the snow was not necessary to track the rabbits. He taught us you can track the rabbits by sitting still and watching, and at some point the rabbit would give them selves away. Its the same with people. Lots of wisdom in rabbit hunting.

Hey it is Elmer Fudd, sorry it just popped in my head.
I see how a good site brings out the hatemonger liberal idiots.

I offer no apology for my disgust of the mental social disease religion...especially Morman...and I'm not even a liberal.

The point is there is a reason that you come to a site that you disagree with. Now we know you don't come here to learn about Mormons, you come here to troll and that is the only reason you spread your hatred. And that is a liberal tactic, it always has been. If you are not here to discuss the Mormon religion with fact, then we must conclude that you have the purpose of a bigotry for the Mormon people. If that makes you feel like a man, well you have a very low opinion of yourself and the human race. I feel sad for people like you that are that self loathing. :doubt:

And you come to a reply you disagree with...big whoop! You are a student of the half truth which is the bread and butter of religion and the deceitful. You assume...which is the flawed foundation of religion...and idiots.

I've read the Book of Morman. I know lots of Mormans. I've investigated many peoples claims about Morman pro and con. I have drawn my conclusions from a preponderance of evidense.

You don't dispute my point of view with support of the tenants of Mormanism which is par for the course because the the Morman dogma is insane and you don't want to appear insane...SO you attack me on a personal level with juvenile taunts that have no basis in fact like a school yard bully...or a silly junior high school girl more interested in the group approval mentality than reason.

I did not come to this site for any special purpose other than I was banned from the last one about four years ago for calling the mods and admin pussies for supporting the Iraq war and not insisting Bush find Bin Ladin. They agreed with Bush that Bin Ladin was not important anymore. So I flamed out in a splash of verbal glory which actually DID make me feel more like a man than the sheep that still post there and cowtow to the politically correct in the GOP. As it turned out I was more hawkish than chickenhawkish for thier tastes.

As for my attacks on Mormanism on this board...It is this thread specifically which is obviosly a religious plant and was the biggest thread at the time I joined USMB. SO..I started a thread designed to overtake it in popularity..."The List"... I passed the Mormans by three thousand posts but the Mormans couldn't take that so one of em padded the "views" by nearly a quarter of a million in the past several months. Nothing surprising...Mormans are an evil lying stealing cult with no intention of standing by honesty or merit.

Bigotry for Mormans? Damn Skippy Sport. Mormans are cultist theives and liars. The last thing this country needs is bigger crazier liars running it.
I am sure that when you explain it to them, they wonder what institution accidently released you early.

No, you see, I live where religious nutbags are laughed at, as they should be.

It will be a happy day when all churches are laughable, but especially your cult.

I see how a good site brings out the hatemonger liberal idiots.

1) Not that liberal.

2) Sorry, what you guys believe is really nuts. Now, unfortunately, political correctness being what it is, no one is allowed to say, "MAN, that shit is really nuts."

We now know that -

a) There were no hebrews in Ancient America. Genetic studies have proven the two groups are not related in any way.

b) The "Book of Abraham" is in fact a Ptomoleic Funerary Scroll. Joseph Smith said it was an account of Abraham's time in Egypt.

c) The Kinderhook Tablets were fakes made by Smith's Neighbors to prank him. He insisted that they were an account of a descendent of Ham.

d) There are no Quakers living on the Moon.

e) Dark skin is not a curse imposed by God.​

3) Crazy insane beliefs do not become less crazy or insane because you slap vestments on them and call them a "religion".
Never worry about an atheist's position on deity. S/he can't formulate either scientific or philosophical opposition that makes any sense. In that, then, an atheist is merely a faith believer in a belief of non-deity, much like those who follow Confucianism or Taoism.
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Never worry about an atheist's position on deity. S/he can't formulate either scientific or philosophical opposition that makes any sense. In that, then, an atheist is merely a faith believer in a belief of non-deity, much like those who follow Confucianism or Taoism.

Many atheists don't "follow" anything but what they see as comon sense.
Anyone who believes that 9-11 was a gubmint conspiracy is not fit to post intelligent comments.

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