They can't keep saying "but, but, but Hillary". That ship has sailed.

"They can't keep saying "but, but, but Hillary". That ship has sailed."

The snowflakes who TO THIS DAY still brings up Bush whenever someone s talking about anything 'Liberal' that makes them feel un-comfortable are trying to mandate that no one can bring up Hillary anymore...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Because Bush has a history as president fool. And we know how that disaster turned out. Even your kind agrees or he would be invited to GOP conventions, not "shunned".
Except obama made him look good.
Not true. Obama will be one of the most popular world leaders ever. He will be asked to speak all over the world. Bush can't leave the country.

You're in denial here. Don't let this impede the progress you've made. Perhaps soon you won't feel the need to lie to yourself about the world around you
It's time for Trump supporters to stop making excuses for Donald Trump using Hillary Clinton.

He is the president elect. Not her.
It's time for Clinton supporters to wait until Trump takes office
Making excuses..that's all yous have been doing

When we bring up the Trump Foundation, the fact he insists it's a charity to help the poor, and yet it was never licensed, certified nor audited and he used the money people donated to settle lawsuits, bribes, and buying stuff for the family. It stands on it's own. Forget the Clinton Foundation. Trump will be president. His Foundation is under investigation and has already paid multiple fines. Period.
Next...I don't fucking care

Trump said Mexico is sending us rapists and so are countries in South America. Forget deplorables. Trump needs to explain to American citizens of Mexican heritage why they can't be a fair judge.
Next...Trump has diarrhea of the mouth
He doesn't need to explain shit

The electoral college has spoken. From that day forward, you can no longer use the excuse that Hillary blah blah blah. It's over. Trump stands on his own. Russia and the FBI can't help him now.'s over, so why bring up Russia and the FBI moron
Trump stands on his own in Jan,
then there'll be something substantial to cross hairs on
You are the very definition of idiot tard.

You don't care if Trump breaks the law? What a fucking stupid thing to say.

Next...Trump has diarrhea of the mouth
He doesn't need to explain shit
Presidents who do that get countries into war. People die. OUR people you fucking shit.'s over, so why bring up Russia and the FBI moron
Because they interfered in our election. If they do it to Democrats today, what makes you think they won't do it to Republicans tomorrow. And it's an attack on our country.

You are one fucked up dumb shit. What are you? About fourteen? You can't be much older than that.

So shallow denials that Hillary didn't break the law are OK, just don't admit you don't care about her breaking the law. That's your standard. Talk about an idiot tard ...
Wait a second. With Republicans going after her for over 30 years, they found something but decided to keep it secret? That's insane.

You think that's funny? You'll love these jokes then, they're at your level. Maybe your kindergarten friends will want to watch with you

Well it looks like rdean is starting to accept what happened. He is finally admitting Hillary is irrelevant.

Now if he would only wait till trump is actually president before he starts complaining about what he is doing.
Why wait? Look at what he is doing now. What is it you expect to change?
"They can't keep saying "but, but, but Hillary". That ship has sailed."

The snowflakes who TO THIS DAY still brings up Bush whenever someone s talking about anything 'Liberal' that makes them feel un-comfortable are trying to mandate that no one can bring up Hillary anymore...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Because Bush has a history as president fool. And we know how that disaster turned out. Even your kind agrees or he would be invited to GOP conventions, not "shunned".
Except obama made him look good.
Not true. Obama will be one of the most popular world leaders ever. He will be asked to speak all over the world. Bush can't leave the country.
The world laughed at Barry numerous times, like when he claimed his failed Red Line was THE WORLD'S RED LINE. Barry is a JOKE.
Obama tells Syria they better turn over their chemical weapons. If they don't, they cross a Red Line.

Last of Syria’s chemical weapons handed over for destruction, international body says

Syria turns over their chemical weapons.

Republicans say Obama failed.

What am I missing here? If only Republicans had these kinds of failure.
Well it looks like rdean is starting to accept what happened. He is finally admitting Hillary is irrelevant.

Now if he would only wait till trump is actually president before he starts complaining about what he is doing.
Why wait? Look at what he is doing now. What is it you expect to change?
Give it up. The fat lady has sung her swan song.
Obama tells Syria they better turn over their chemical weapons. If they don't, they cross a Red Line.

Last of Syria’s chemical weapons handed over for destruction, international body says

Syria turns over their chemical weapons.

Republicans say Obama failed.

What am I missing here? If only Republicans had these kinds of failure.
Nice attempt to re-write history, douche-bag! :p

The TRUTH is that Chemical Weapons were used in Syria - the rebels declared Assad had used them. As Obama usually does, he immediately jumped into action before knowing what the hell was going on. He demanded that Assad not use chemical weapons again and warned him the US would take action if he did - Obama's famous 'Red Line'. Chemical weapons were used again, and again no one was sure who used them. (The UN later filed a report that maybe not at this time - who knows - but the rebels did come across and seize chemical weapons and did use them in an attack.)

Instead of keeping his promise / upholding his threat, Barry backed down in front of the whole world...he even tried to claim that the failed 'Red Line' was not HIS 'Red Line' but belonged to the ENTIRE WORLD. The entire world laughed at his ass and made it clear they were not part of this'. Barry was seen as a f*ing JOKE.

Barry then demanded Assad hand over all of his chemical weapons to the US / coalition. Assad gave barry another, 'F* YOU' and cut a deal with Russia, their buddy / pal / protector, instead.

You aren't 'missing' anything - you just deliberately created a false narrative (you lied) in defense of Barry, who most certainly did fail!

The whole Un-Constitutional , personal Syrian War Obama and Hillary have dragged us into all goes back to Obama's failed, humiliating 'Red Line' that played out in front of the whole world. Barry joined forces with ISIS and other groups to overthrow Assad in order to REDEEM HIMSELF for his f*-up...and has failed.

"They can't keep saying "but, but, but Hillary". That ship has sailed."

The snowflakes who TO THIS DAY still brings up Bush whenever someone is talking about anything 'Liberal' that makes them feel un-comfortable are trying to mandate that no one can bring up Hillary anymore...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The thing is, Bush was an elected president for eight years. His policies and effect this country. Hilary was never president.
"They can't keep saying "but, but, but Hillary". That ship has sailed."

The snowflakes who TO THIS DAY still brings up Bush whenever someone is talking about anything 'Liberal' that makes them feel un-comfortable are trying to mandate that no one can bring up Hillary anymore...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I remember (and you should too if you were honest) that during Dubya's terms it was all "but Bill Clinton"
It's time for Trump supporters to stop making excuses for Donald Trump using Hillary Clinton.

He is the president elect. Not her.

When we bring up the Trump Foundation, the fact he insists it's a charity to help the poor, and yet it was never licensed, certified nor audited and he used the money people donated to settle lawsuits, bribes, and buying stuff for the family. It stands on it's own. Forget the Clinton Foundation. Trump will be president. His Foundation is under investigation and has already paid multiple fines. Period.

Trump said Mexico is sending us rapists and so are countries in South America. Forget deplorables. Trump needs to explain to American citizens of Mexican heritage why they can't be a fair judge.

The electoral college has spoken. From that day forward, you can no longer use the excuse that Hillary blah blah blah. It's over. Trump stands on his own. Russia and the FBI can't help him now.
The thing is, Bush was an elected president for eight years. His policies and effect this country. Hilary was never president.

She was a 1st Lady, a failed Senator, a failed Secretary of State, 1/2 of the Clinton Crime Syndicate...her elitist, self-serving, corrupt, criminal acts have reverberated throughout this entire nation for as long as she has been around. She continues to have a large impact on this country.

The United States is still in an Un-Constitutional War in Syria partly because of her.
Libya is in the control of Al Qaeida with ISIS there as well thanks to her.
4 Americans are un-necessarily dead thanks to her and Barry.
ISIS is in Iraq thanks to her and Barry.
The Russian hacking issue is in extremely large part due to her and the DNC's piss-poor cyber security policies and practices.

Attempting to minimize Hillary's influence and impact on this country is laughable.
I remember (and you should too if you were honest) that during Dubya's terms it was all "but Bill Clinton"
I do remember a little - not to the level Liberals have obsessed over bush...almost a decade later. During bush's time libs were whining about Bush the whole time...and have been ever since.
Forget the Clinton Foundation.
The Saudis don´t.

It's not Hillary that owes the Saudis.

Saudi Prince Reminds Donald Trump: I Bailed You Out – Twice | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

That's quite a bitch slap. Stop with the Hillary. Trump's shit is for real.
View attachment 103315

No wonder she lost. Trump was helped by Russia, the GOP, the Media and the FBI. Only the majority of Americans voted for her.

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