‘They lost Ryan’: Trump blames his own generals for Yemen raid that killed Navy SEAL

By all accounts the Yemen raid was a success.


you are wrong.

Yemen SEAL raid yielded no significant intel: report

NEGATIVE...you're wrong.
General Votel was calling the shots in real time as the raid was carried out. This is what he said:
“Well again, I mean, the object was to go in and collect intelligence,” Votel said. “We accomplished that, so from that perspective it was successful. I certainly understand how the family would look at this in a different light.”

Dear Bill Owens,
Your son was a Navy fucking Seal! Ryan chose a very dangerous occupation. Sometimes people who choose dangerous occupations die while executing their responsibilities. Stop being such a fucking pussy and allow your son to Rest In Peace and his legacy to stand as heroic and honorable without you and your big fucking mouth getting in the way.

Sorry for your loss.
Did Trump lead the raid?

Did Trump lead the planning for the raid?

Did Trump lead the training for the raid?

Was Trump there to make the final assessment and give the final call to go?

Shit happens in war, snowflakes, but only snowflakes try using the death of soldier solely for political gain.

Perhaps if the Obama-Hold-Over-infested Intel Community had been doing it's job instead of focusing on carrying out the sabotage of Trump and the 'political assassination' of Flynn they might have been able to prevent the SEAL Team from stepping into this and one of their on dying?!
Obama's DOD planned the mission, the commanding officer on the ground decides whether or not to proceed, and all Gold Star families blame the president for their child's death. The only difference in this matter is the weasel media trying to blame Trump for approving one mission amongst dozens all over the world he approved that day. Not a single leftist turd in this thread has any idea what they're talking about.
Can you imagine if Jimmy Carter in 1979 had dumped the blame on the military, to get himself off the hook?
The only thing that could get carter [whom I voted for] off the hook was an election

History suggests differently.

Give me an example

Carter recognized the threat of a radicalized Islam, having recently watch - as did many of us - the murders during the 1972 Olympics, the oil crisis of 1973 and this was the catalyzed Carter to bring Egypt and Israel together at Camp David; this of course was followed by another oil crisis the Iranian Revolution and a year after he left office the assassination of Sadat.

Thus one needs to consider the question, does man make history, or does history make the man?

I can argue that Carter and his administration were defeated by the events of history, out of his control, and not by Reagan.

Carter also suffered from the economy left him by Nixon/Ford; an economy so bad it required economists to find a name for it, that name was Stagflation.
Obama's DOD planned the mission, the commanding officer on the ground decides whether or not to proceed, and all Gold Star families blame the president for their child's death. The only difference in this matter is the weasel media trying to blame Trump for approving one mission amongst dozens all over the world he approved that day. Not a single leftist turd in this thread has any idea what they're talking about.

You sir are full of shit. Trump is, too are dread, the Commander-in-Chief. Period!!! He gave the go, no one else on this planet did.
By all accounts the Yemen raid was a success.


you are wrong.

Yemen SEAL raid yielded no significant intel: report

NEGATIVE...you're wrong.
General Votel was calling the shots in real time as the raid was carried out. This is what he said:
“Well again, I mean, the object was to go in and collect intelligence,” Votel said. “We accomplished that, so from that perspective it was successful. I certainly understand how the family would look at this in a different light.”

Dear Bill Owens,
Your son was a Navy fucking Seal! Ryan chose a very dangerous occupation. Sometimes people who choose dangerous occupations die while executing their responsibilities. Stop being such a fucking pussy and allow your son to Rest In Peace and his legacy to stand as heroic and honorable without you and your big fucking mouth getting in the way.

Sorry for your loss.

So you're calling everyone who bitched about the Benghazi casualties 'pussies'.

It is all the fault of the dishonest media.
Trump refuses to take responsibility, and its the media's fault?
"Trump went on to say that he could understand why Owens’s father would not want to meet with them since there is “nothing worse” than losing a son. All the same, the president believes that the mission was worth it, as he claims Defense Secretary James Mattis told him it was a very successful operation."

Doesn't sound like he didn't take responsibility or make it a faulty mission, it was a mission where someone was killed. I don't recall Obama ever stepping up to a microphone and giving us body counts he felt responsible for. Nor would anyone expect him to. You guys are just fucking weird!

Military missions sometimes have casualties.

Its been that way since the first mission was ever planned and will continue to be that way for all future missions.

No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. People can and do die on missions. No one wants to hear it or see it but its a possibility on any mission. Doesn't matter who planned it or who gave the go ahead.

If you want to put blame on anyone how bout the bastard that killed that Navy SEAL and whoever leaked the info about the mission. That's who I blame.

As CIC the buck will always stop at Trumps desk just like it stopped at Obama's for Benghazi.
It is all the fault of the dishonest media.
Trump refuses to take responsibility, and its the media's fault?
"Trump went on to say that he could understand why Owens’s father would not want to meet with them since there is “nothing worse” than losing a son. All the same, the president believes that the mission was worth it, as he claims Defense Secretary James Mattis told him it was a very successful operation."

Doesn't sound like he didn't take responsibility or make it a faulty mission, it was a mission where someone was killed. I don't recall Obama ever stepping up to a microphone and giving us body counts he felt responsible for. Nor would anyone expect him to. You guys are just fucking weird!

Military missions sometimes have casualties.

Its been that way since the first mission was ever planned and will continue to be that way for all future missions.

No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. People can and do die on missions. No one wants to hear it or see it but its a possibility on any mission. Doesn't matter who planned it or who gave the go ahead.

If you want to put blame on anyone how bout the bastard that killed that Navy SEAL and whoever leaked the info about the mission. That's who I blame.
Trump blames his military and you say nothing? He is the one who gave final approval to the mission, the blame rests with him. The man is a coward
You sir are full of shit. Trump is, too are dread, the Commander-in-Chief. Period!!! He gave the go, no one else on this planet did.

Ah, another leftist ninny pretending he understands how a special ops mission works....what was your MOS?
If the mission had be a success, Trump would have been bragging about it. He would be taking a the credit just as he is taking credit for the deficit reduction which he had nothing to do with. That will be the pattern for Trump's 4 years. If it works, Trump takes the credit and if it doesn't then it is someone else's fault.
It is all the fault of the dishonest media.
Trump refuses to take responsibility, and its the media's fault?
"Trump went on to say that he could understand why Owens’s father would not want to meet with them since there is “nothing worse” than losing a son. All the same, the president believes that the mission was worth it, as he claims Defense Secretary James Mattis told him it was a very successful operation."

Doesn't sound like he didn't take responsibility or make it a faulty mission, it was a mission where someone was killed. I don't recall Obama ever stepping up to a microphone and giving us body counts he felt responsible for. Nor would anyone expect him to. You guys are just fucking weird!

Military missions sometimes have casualties.

Its been that way since the first mission was ever planned and will continue to be that way for all future missions.

No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. People can and do die on missions. No one wants to hear it or see it but its a possibility on any mission. Doesn't matter who planned it or who gave the go ahead.

If you want to put blame on anyone how bout the bastard that killed that Navy SEAL and whoever leaked the info about the mission. That's who I blame.
Trump blames his military and you say nothing? He is the one who gave final approval to the mission, the blame rests with him. The man is a coward

Trump is the CIC and the buck stops at his desk. Just like the buck stopped at Obama's for Benghazi.

No he's not a coward at all but you sure are one to throw around bullshit.

Still haven't heard you say Benghazi was Obama's fault.
It is all the fault of the dishonest media.
Trump refuses to take responsibility, and its the media's fault?
"Trump went on to say that he could understand why Owens’s father would not want to meet with them since there is “nothing worse” than losing a son. All the same, the president believes that the mission was worth it, as he claims Defense Secretary James Mattis told him it was a very successful operation."

Doesn't sound like he didn't take responsibility or make it a faulty mission, it was a mission where someone was killed. I don't recall Obama ever stepping up to a microphone and giving us body counts he felt responsible for. Nor would anyone expect him to. You guys are just fucking weird!

Military missions sometimes have casualties.

Its been that way since the first mission was ever planned and will continue to be that way for all future missions.

No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. People can and do die on missions. No one wants to hear it or see it but its a possibility on any mission. Doesn't matter who planned it or who gave the go ahead.

If you want to put blame on anyone how bout the bastard that killed that Navy SEAL and whoever leaked the info about the mission. That's who I blame.

As CIC the buck will always stop at Trumps desk just like it stopped at Obama's for Benghazi.

Trump is passing the buck to the generals, in case you didn't catch that.
There needs to be an investigation just like there was for Benghazi.
And Trump's ties to Russia via Wilbur Ross need to be investigated too. Even Darrell Issa wants an independent prosecutor.
Let's take this bastard down and his pinch-faced, beady-eyed kids with him.
It is all the fault of the dishonest media.
Trump refuses to take responsibility, and its the media's fault?
"Trump went on to say that he could understand why Owens’s father would not want to meet with them since there is “nothing worse” than losing a son. All the same, the president believes that the mission was worth it, as he claims Defense Secretary James Mattis told him it was a very successful operation."

Doesn't sound like he didn't take responsibility or make it a faulty mission, it was a mission where someone was killed. I don't recall Obama ever stepping up to a microphone and giving us body counts he felt responsible for. Nor would anyone expect him to. You guys are just fucking weird!

Military missions sometimes have casualties.

Its been that way since the first mission was ever planned and will continue to be that way for all future missions.

No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. People can and do die on missions. No one wants to hear it or see it but its a possibility on any mission. Doesn't matter who planned it or who gave the go ahead.

If you want to put blame on anyone how bout the bastard that killed that Navy SEAL and whoever leaked the info about the mission. That's who I blame.
Trump blames his military and you say nothing? He is the one who gave final approval to the mission, the blame rests with him. The man is a coward

Trump is the CIC and the buck stops at his desk. Just like the buck stopped at Obama's for Benghazi.

No he's not a coward at all but you sure are one to throw around bullshit.

Still haven't heard you say Benghazi was Obama's fault.
OK , Benghazi was Obamas fault, now was this operation Trumps fault? Is it his fault that he lied about the results?
By all accounts the Yemen raid was a success.


you are wrong.

Yemen SEAL raid yielded no significant intel: report

At what point do you people start taking "anonymous sources" with a grain of salt. Seriously?

"congressional sources" shouldn't be publicly discussing what was or was not discovered during that operation with anyone outside of approved channels AND you simply have no way of confirming jack shit.

Also, of course, there is the quite obvious fact that this operation was planned months ago, based on intel the Obama Administration had gathered that led them to believe a raid was necessary and prudent. The only hold up was waiting for a night where the weather and moon cooperated.

Bitching about this raid is stupid, the USG engages in these sorts of operations all the time, sad as it is warriors sometimes die in war.
By all accounts the Yemen raid was a success.


you are wrong.

Yemen SEAL raid yielded no significant intel: report

NEGATIVE...you're wrong.
General Votel was calling the shots in real time as the raid was carried out. This is what he said:
“Well again, I mean, the object was to go in and collect intelligence,” Votel said. “We accomplished that, so from that perspective it was successful. I certainly understand how the family would look at this in a different light.”

Dear Bill Owens,
Your son was a Navy fucking Seal! Ryan chose a very dangerous occupation. Sometimes people who choose dangerous occupations die while executing their responsibilities. Stop being such a fucking pussy and allow your son to Rest In Peace and his legacy to stand as heroic and honorable without you and your big fucking mouth getting in the way.

Sorry for your loss.

Dear BrokeLoser,
Put your Kowboy Keyboard away and consider that Bill Owens knows a hell of a lot more about what happened in that raid than what Alex Jones or Fox Noise tells fucking morons like you.

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