This is what atheist believe? Atheist believe that nothing created everything

It's really that simple, everything that is, came to be what it is, because nothing decided to write genetic code
It's really that simple, everything that is, came to be what it is, because nothing decided to write genetic code
can you prove there was ever a time matter or energy have not existed ....
LOL can you prove the inverse?
Now please explain how everything came from nothing.

can you prove there was ever a time matter or energy have not existed ....

LOL can you prove the inverse?
your admission there was never a time without matter or energy solves your dilemma - as well that the universe is without an origin not so for life on planet Earth that evolved over time.
What the universe actually is, is not known, nor is the genesis of matter
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble
You makes statements presuming 100% certainty supported by 0% facts.
Again atheist believe that everything was produced by nothing.

Those are your facts

Play on
Religionist make nonsense statements unsupported by facts.
Atheist make the statement not supported by fact that nothing created everything.

This is fact

So did you pick a cannabis equity yet?
You’re repeating a falsehood. That’s dishonest.
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything. This is fact not a falsehood, you are having emotional difficulties repeating the nonsense that you actually spew
Your version of facts have a real disconnect from reality.

Did you learn such hate and dishonesty from your religion?
Again atheist believe that everything that is, was created from nothing. Atheist believe that life created itself when nothing just turned into everything. Not sure why you are having so much difficulty accepting what you say that you believe.

You keep saying this, with no offer of evidence that this is what even the majority of atheists think.

Just repeating it does not make it true.
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble
You makes statements presuming 100% certainty supported by 0% facts.
Again atheist believe that everything was produced by nothing.

Those are your facts

Play on
Religionist make nonsense statements unsupported by facts.
Atheist make the statement not supported by fact that nothing created everything.

This is fact

So did you pick a cannabis equity yet?
You’re repeating a falsehood. That’s dishonest.
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything. This is fact not a falsehood, you are having emotional difficulties repeating the nonsense that you actually spew
Your version of facts have a real disconnect from reality.

Did you learn such hate and dishonesty from your religion?
Again atheist believe that everything that is, was created from nothing. Atheist believe that life created itself when nothing just turned into everything. Not sure why you are having so much difficulty accepting what you say that you believe.
Again, you make sweeping, nonsensical generalizations with no ability to support your claims.
Again atheist believe that everything came from nothing.

I presume that you can read

Amazon product ASIN 1935071238

So you are claiming a book, written by a Christian evangelist, is proof that all atheists believe nothing created something? lol

While people are arguing against you using modern scientific facts and theories. lol Yeah, you just keep repeating that evangelist's book title.
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything.
Again, this is a lie.

The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy.
Again atheist believe that everything came from nothing, so if you do not then you are not an atheist

Amazon product ASIN 1935071238

The number of logical fallacies presented in your argument is amazing.

Quoting the book title of one evangelist to say what all atheists think is absolutely ridiculous.
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything.
Again, this is a lie.

The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy.
Again atheist believe that everything came from nothing, so if you do not then you are not an atheist

Amazon product ASIN 1935071238

If someone does not believe in God, they are, by definition, an atheist. Your claims of any other definition is simply bullshit.
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything.
Again, this is a lie.

The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy.
Again atheist believe that everything came from nothing, so if you do not then you are not an atheist

Amazon product ASIN 1935071238
It's been my experience that most atheists are scared of a universe being created from nothing. It's been a long standing belief by people of faith that God created the universe out of nothing. Like 6,000 years before science proved it.

The following is an excerpt from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

God creates "out of nothing"

We believe that God needs no pre-existent thing or any help in order to create, nor is creation any sort of necessary emanation from the divine substance.144God creates freely "out of nothing":145

If God had drawn the world from pre-existent matter, what would be so extraordinary in that? A human artisan makes from a given material whatever he wants, while God shows his power by starting from nothing to make all he wants.146
297 Scripture bears witness to faith in creation "out of nothing" as a truth full of promise and hope. Thus the mother of seven sons encourages them for martyrdom:

I do not know how you came into being in my womb. It was not I who gave you life and breath, nor I who set in order the elements within each of you. Therefore the Creator of the world, who shaped the beginning of man and devised the origin of all things, will in his mercy give life and breath back to you again, since you now forget yourselves for the sake of his laws. . . Look at the heaven and the earth and see everything that is in them, and recognize that God did not make them out of things that existed. Thus also mankind comes into being.147
298 Since God could create everything out of nothing, he can also, through the Holy Spirit, give spiritual life to sinners by creating a pure heart in them,148 and bodily life to the dead through the Resurrection. God "gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist."149 And since God was able to make light shine in darkness by his Word, he can also give the light of faith to those who do not yet know him.150

"It's been a long standing belief by people of faith that God created the universe out of nothing. Like 6,000 years before science proved it."

When did science prove that God created the universe from nothing?
Nobody can at this point in time, which is precisely why people like you believe in magical sky fairies that you can't prove exist.
if atheists don't know the origins of the universe how can they be atheists who claim there is no God?

Define "God"
Define how nothing created everything.

It didn't. And the only evidence you have that atheists believe it did is the book title of a Christian evangelist. In other words, no proof.

Several atheists here have stated they do not believe nothing created something.
“Clearly by virtue of being God he is outside of the creation”

“… because I say so”.

That’s a fallacy and a convenient excuse intended to relieve the religionist of making a rational argument.

Which gods qualify for the exemption from reason and rationality?
There is only Creator as far as I know because there is no need for more than one.

And when I look at the infinite universe, from the micro to the macro, there simply has to be a reason
for it's existence. Nothing exists without cause...sorry if my logic and reasoning is too abstract for
your brain to handle. Seriously. That's a statement of fact. Not an insult though you many interpret it as one.
But that's on you. Not on me and it says much about your claims.

And not only does the universe exist but it runs by a system of laws and governing principles that ALSO,
according to you, must of just formed spontaneously...somehow

THERE is the real magic for you! A universe that just happens to exist, like a bicycle discovered on
a distant planet light years from anything else. And the laws and principles of physics (so complicated
we cannot even fathom much of them) to keep all of "creation" working according to it's Creator
(Sorry for that word again except I'm really not since it's the only one that fits).

The greatest minds of our race, like Einstein, Newton, Galileo, Neils Bohr, etc. while not adamantly religious
granted that something that could be called "God" had laid out a system of order for the universe to
follow (Neil DeGrasse Tyson also said exactly as much to bring the view up to date).

It's the only view that is logical and explains how all this stuff, like everything, got here and is still going on and will keep going for eons more.

To sum up: God IS the rational argument. Your stubborn insistence otherwise is the irrational joke.
And btw, stop conflating Man's religious dogmas with a creating entity that we call God.
It only makes you look absurd and petty.
I have to offer that you know one creator because that creator was the creator commonly associated with the cultural / geographic area you were born in. Had you been born in another part of the world, you would “know’ a different creator. Happenstance of place of birth assigns the gods commonly associated with that place of birth. There is no reason to assume your gods are not the result of creation by a nested hierarchy of gods. There are 330 million Hindu gods. That sounds about right for delegation of duties and responsibilities yielding an efficient management organization

I have reason to accept that the universe just “happens to exist”. We know there are common forces that act consistently across the universe. There is no indication that any supernatural forces are drivers of natural forces.

I think assigning belief in your particular gods to Einstein, Newton, Galileo, Neils Bohr, etc. displays an obvious bias. While westerners will, overwhelming, default to the gods commonly associated with western culture, not a single individual you referenced provided any evidence to support gods. Einstein certainly was not a “god did it’ist”.

I’m not clear how anyone gets “logical” from belief in supernatural entities. So, let's look at this from another perspective. When you say you believe in gods that cannot be seen, cannot be felt, exists outside of the natural realm in an asserted supernatural realm, that have attributes we need to worship but cannot understand or even describe, who live in eternity in both directions, who can create existence from nothing and are uncreated themselves and uses methods and means we can never know or hope to understand, that stands outside proof which is exactly why it's for certain they exist.
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble

There is no scientific theory that the universe had a beginning.

I am not babbling that everything popped into existence. You are the one claiming scientists claim that. They don't.
There are only two possibilities and these possibilities have been debated since man first became aware; the universe began or the universe has always existed.

The latter just isn't possible for a number of good reasons and the former has been proven through observations.
Actually the latter is quite possible as if the universe was not here then it must have been created by some means. Not meaning God either but something has to come from somewhere

So you are claiming that the Universe came from nothing? Hmmmm

Most scientists believe in the Big Bang. And that the Universe has always existed.
Where the universe came from is a silly question when humanity still has no idea what the universe is
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything.
Again, this is a lie.

The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy.
Again atheist believe that everything came from nothing, so if you do not then you are not an atheist

Amazon product ASIN 1935071238
It's been my experience that most atheists are scared of a universe being created from nothing. It's been a long standing belief by people of faith that God created the universe out of nothing. Like 6,000 years before science proved it.

The following is an excerpt from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

God creates "out of nothing"

We believe that God needs no pre-existent thing or any help in order to create, nor is creation any sort of necessary emanation from the divine substance.144God creates freely "out of nothing":145

If God had drawn the world from pre-existent matter, what would be so extraordinary in that? A human artisan makes from a given material whatever he wants, while God shows his power by starting from nothing to make all he wants.146
297 Scripture bears witness to faith in creation "out of nothing" as a truth full of promise and hope. Thus the mother of seven sons encourages them for martyrdom:

I do not know how you came into being in my womb. It was not I who gave you life and breath, nor I who set in order the elements within each of you. Therefore the Creator of the world, who shaped the beginning of man and devised the origin of all things, will in his mercy give life and breath back to you again, since you now forget yourselves for the sake of his laws. . . Look at the heaven and the earth and see everything that is in them, and recognize that God did not make them out of things that existed. Thus also mankind comes into being.147
298 Since God could create everything out of nothing, he can also, through the Holy Spirit, give spiritual life to sinners by creating a pure heart in them,148 and bodily life to the dead through the Resurrection. God "gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist."149 And since God was able to make light shine in darkness by his Word, he can also give the light of faith to those who do not yet know him.150

"It's been a long standing belief by people of faith that God created the universe out of nothing. Like 6,000 years before science proved it."

When did science prove that God created the universe from nothing?
When they proved the universe was created from nothing?
Nobody can at this point in time, which is precisely why people like you believe in magical sky fairies that you can't prove exist.
if atheists don't know the origins of the universe how can they be atheists who claim there is no God?

Define "God"
Define how nothing created everything.

It didn't. And the only evidence you have that atheists believe it did is the book title of a Christian evangelist. In other words, no proof.

Several atheists here have stated they do not believe nothing created something.
So you are saying that atheist believe that God really created the universe.

Pop you need mental help because atheist believe that nothing created everything, and by the way I only apply the statement to life on Earth because atheist say everyday that nothing created everything.

This is just not scientifically valid because nothing can not create anything all nothing can do is remain nothing
I am not confusing "God" with cultural/religious representations of them offered by differing
ethnic and cultural religions as I have already stated.
Only one God created the universe we all inhabit. People are free to differ and debate over who that God might be. I will not join in though obviously I have been culturally indoctrinated and have my own
Nobody can at this point in time, which is precisely why people like you believe in magical sky fairies that you can't prove exist.
if atheists don't know the origins of the universe how can they be atheists who claim there is no God?

Define "God"
Define how nothing created everything.

It didn't. And the only evidence you have that atheists believe it did is the book title of a Christian evangelist. In other words, no proof.

Several atheists here have stated they do not believe nothing created something.
So you are saying that atheist believe that God really created the universe.

Pop you need mental help because atheist believe that nothing created everything, and by the way I only apply the statement to life on Earth because atheist say everyday that nothing created everything.

This is just not scientifically valid because nothing can not create anything all nothing can do is remain nothing
So you acknowledge your gods are nothing.
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble
You makes statements presuming 100% certainty supported by 0% facts.
Again atheist believe that everything was produced by nothing.

Those are your facts

Play on
Religionist make nonsense statements unsupported by facts.
Atheist make the statement not supported by fact that nothing created everything.

This is fact

So did you pick a cannabis equity yet?
You’re repeating a falsehood. That’s dishonest.
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything. This is fact not a falsehood, you are having emotional difficulties repeating the nonsense that you actually spew
Your version of facts have a real disconnect from reality.

Did you learn such hate and dishonesty from your religion?
Again atheist believe that everything that is, was created from nothing. Atheist believe that life created itself when nothing just turned into everything. Not sure why you are having so much difficulty accepting what you say that you believe.

You keep saying this, with no offer of evidence that this is what even the majority of atheists think.

Just repeating it does not make it true.
Dude atheist means one does not believe in God and that everything came from nothing. I can say it as often as I want, you are the fool who can not deal with the truth.
Nobody can at this point in time, which is precisely why people like you believe in magical sky fairies that you can't prove exist.
if atheists don't know the origins of the universe how can they be atheists who claim there is no God?

Define "God"
Define how nothing created everything.

It didn't. And the only evidence you have that atheists believe it did is the book title of a Christian evangelist. In other words, no proof.

Several atheists here have stated they do not believe nothing created something.
So you are saying that atheist believe that God really created the universe.

Pop you need mental help because atheist believe that nothing created everything, and by the way I only apply the statement to life on Earth because atheist say everyday that nothing created everything.

This is just not scientifically valid because nothing can not create anything all nothing can do is remain nothing
So you acknowledge your gods are nothing.
I have never acknowledged any Gods.
I am not confusing "God" with cultural/religious representations of them offered by differing
ethnic and cultural religions as I have already stated.
Only one God created the universe we all inhabit. People are free to differ and debate over who that God might be. I will not join in though obviously I have been culturally indoctrinated and have my own
Could God be an alien race not an individual?

Humans are about to create Mars habitability
Nobody can at this point in time, which is precisely why people like you believe in magical sky fairies that you can't prove exist.
if atheists don't know the origins of the universe how can they be atheists who claim there is no God?

Define "God"
Define how nothing created everything.

It didn't. And the only evidence you have that atheists believe it did is the book title of a Christian evangelist. In other words, no proof.

Several atheists here have stated they do not believe nothing created something.
So you are saying that atheist believe that God really created the universe.

Pop you need mental help because atheist believe that nothing created everything, and by the way I only apply the statement to life on Earth because atheist say everyday that nothing created everything.

This is just not scientifically valid because nothing can not create anything all nothing can do is remain nothing
So you acknowledge your gods are nothing.
I have never acknowledged any Gods.
Except for acknowledging gods.
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble

There is no scientific theory that the universe had a beginning.

I am not babbling that everything popped into existence. You are the one claiming scientists claim that. They don't.
There are only two possibilities and these possibilities have been debated since man first became aware; the universe began or the universe has always existed.

The latter just isn't possible for a number of good reasons and the former has been proven through observations.
Actually the latter is quite possible as if the universe was not here then it must have been created by some means. Not meaning God either but something has to come from somewhere

So you are claiming that the Universe came from nothing? Hmmmm

Most scientists believe in the Big Bang. And that the Universe has always existed.
Where the universe came from is a silly question when humanity still has no idea what the universe is

I agree that it is a silly question. But many people seem obsessed with it.

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