This New Trump Ad Is MAGA Fire 🔥

1/6 was people trying to exercise their 1st Amendment rights.

Smashing windows is not free speech.

Bashing cops heads is not free speech.

Electrocuting cops is not free speech.

Kicking in doors is not free speech.

Smashing furniture is not free speech.

Pepper spraying cops is not free speech.

I cannot believe this actually has to be explained to you.
^^ poor globo-homo, can’t stand it when lefties are exposed as total hypocrites and for the Stalinists they are.
So when Bill Barr told Colonel Bonespurs that he was full of shit he was lying? Barr investigated & found nothing other then the fact that Bonespurs is nothing but a goddam lying conman.
You have just exposed you have not read the indictment.

Why do you do that? Why do you deliberately keep yourself in ignorance and then expose that ignorance in public?

Ignorance is bliss in MAGA.

Goddam, if only you willfully ignorant tards knew how incredibly stupid you sound right now.
"Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."
Your frantic Soviet tactics at this point are getting boring.
Let us know when you get to the precedented point of MASS MURDER to further your demented Marxist rEvOlUtIoN.
Keep pushing it, g0.......
"Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."
Your frantic Soviet tactics at this point are getting boring.
Let us know when you get to the precedented point of MASS MURDER to further your demented Marxist rEvOlUtIoN.
Keep pushing it, g0.......
Sorry, but your foaming at the mouth is not going to hide your ignorance of the facts of the case. It just makes you look even more stupid.
"Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."
Your frantic Soviet tactics at this point are getting boring.
Let us know when you get to the precedented point of MASS MURDER to further your demented Marxist rEvOlUtIoN.
Keep pushing it, g0.......

They are willing.....
You’re in a cult.


a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing:

"a cult of personality surrounding the leaders"

…particularly to the exclusion of facts, evidence, and the truth.

And you've always had your head up your ass.

Head up your ass:

We've backed it up with criminal charges Soy Boy. 😄 What are you going to do about it when he's convicted and hauled off to prison? :funnyface:

Elect someone who will pardon him.

Then he'll be up in 2028 and you won't have this crap to hid behind.
We've backed it up with criminal charges Soy Boy. 😄 What are you going to do about it when he's convicted and hauled off to prison? :funnyface:
You better hope that doesn't happen, faggot. If 1/6 made you fill your pants, you'll have a real reason

to fill your pants with poo if that happens. People know the election was cheated and are seething.

Doing something like that lets everyone know the rule of law in America is gone and there's everything

to gain and nothing to lose by fighting.
You better hope that doesn't happen, faggot. If 1/6 made you fill your pants, you'll have a real reason

to fill your pants with poo if that happens. People know the election was cheated and are seething.

Doing something like that lets everyone know the rule of law in America is gone and there's everything

to gain and nothing to lose by fighting.
If you go back and look at my commentary during Jan 6th you'd see that I was having a blast. I was saying then that they were going to send law enforcement to round up you clowns who fucked around so you could find out. 😄 And that's exactly what they did.

This is the same shit you said about the election and about arresting Trump and every time we push you around its always next time with you. You didn't act then and you aren't going to act in the future. You're a pussy. Come to grips with it. 😄
Sorry, but your foaming at the mouth is not going to hide your ignorance of the facts of the case. It just makes you look even more stupid.
Fuck you and your PROJECTION
YOU are the FOAMER here day after day, post after post FOAMING over Orange Man BAD!!!
You fucking Marxist ASSHOLES conveniently leave out that TRUE detail of historical REALITY that EVERY RETARDED MARXIST REVOLUTION NEEDED MASS MURDER to come to be before ultimately FAILING!!!!

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Fuck you and your PROJECTION
YOU are the FOAMER here day after day, post after post FOAMING over Orange Man BAD!!!
You fucking Marxist ASSHOLES conveniently leave out that TRUE detail of historical REALITY that EVERY RETARDED MARXIST REVOLUTION NEEDED MASS MURDER to come to be before ultimately FAILING!!!!


You're certainly not wrong.
Did you hear the one about if you have no real evidence , after the Court's listen to the so-called evidence and rules it wrong.
That is not a knee-slapper that is the TRUTH.
But then the real knee-slapper is all the followers of P01135809, the disgraced ex president, find every excuse they can come up with to lie to themselves.
Sad state of affairs.
Did you hear there were no evidentuary hearings and no evidence was ever allowed to heard?

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