Treason or Whistle Blower?

Should Edward Snowden be charged with Treason? WHY?

  • YES

    Votes: 19 21.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 70 78.7%

  • Total voters
28 to 6; 28 believe NSA is an anti American, anti Constitutional facit of the executive branch of our government (how many voted so because the President of the United States and the AG of the US are Democrats and black?).

Well, interestingly, neither of these conclusions are valid. I voted 'yes' - because I wanted to see all this shit dredged up in court. And Snowden acquitted.
The government is not spying on US citizens. They are collecting data which can be looked upon only when a warrant is obtained. Do some homework.


They're not spying, they're just collecting data


What a tool

Raw data. You're too stupid to get the nuince, I know that. You're also an asshole, I know that. And you've never posted anything of substance, most everyone know's that.

What a fucking tool you are.

Collecting raw data is an invasion of privacy

But because it's Obama, you're in love

Little teenage girl in love
The government is not spying on US citizens. They are collecting data which can be looked upon only when a warrant is obtained. Do some homework.


They're not spying, they're just collecting data


What a tool

Raw data. You're too stupid to get the nuince, I know that. You're also an asshole, I know that. And you've never posted anything of substance, most everyone know's that.
Ahhh........Sweet nuince.

Careful of the jizz running down your chin, tovarich.
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‘Treason’ is extremely difficult to prove:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Clearly it was the intent of the Framers to no longer allow ‘treason’ to be used again as a political weapon, as had been the case for several centuries.
He took an oath, I would imagine as an employee of the NSA would have, to uphold the constitution. What the federal government is doing is unconstitutional, and bringing it to light is upholding his oath. I think he will be tried and found guilty and it is up to the American people to elect a president willing to pardon him and change this utterly corrupt system.
‘Treason’ is extremely difficult to prove:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Clearly it was the intent of the Framers to no longer allow ‘treason’ to be used again as a political weapon, as had been the case for several centuries.

True. I would expect Mr. Snowden to recant his public admission if indicted. His attorney's would never allow him to take the stand and thus his public comments would be introduced into evidence by other means.

I could not be a member of the jury if Snowden were brought to trail, for I have already come to the conclusion that Mr. Snowden committed an act which provided aid and comfort to China, a nation which has apparently engaged in Cyber Espionage against our country. The fact that he sought refuge in Hong Kong is troubling to me; and if true that he earned a salary of $200.000 per year with only a GED from a Government Contractor is equally troubling.

What I find absolutely hilarious is the reaction of self defined conservatives who pride themselves as patriots - and few of them ever served a minute in our armed forces - suggesting the actions of Snowden and Manning are those of patriots. IMO George Washington as General of the Revolutionary Army would have had both of them hanged.
‘Treason’ is extremely difficult to prove:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Clearly it was the intent of the Framers to no longer allow ‘treason’ to be used again as a political weapon, as had been the case for several centuries.

True. I would expect Mr. Snowden to recant his public admission if indicted. His attorney's would never allow him to take the stand and thus his public comments would be introduced into evidence by other means.

I could not be a member of the jury if Snowden were brought to trail, for I have already come to the conclusion that Mr. Snowden committed an act which provided aid and comfort to China, a nation which has apparently engaged in Cyber Espionage against our country. The fact that he sought refuge in Hong Kong is troubling to me; and if true that he earned a salary of $200.000 per year with only a GED from a Government Contractor is equally troubling.

What I find absolutely hilarious is the reaction of self defined conservatives who pride themselves as patriots - and few of them ever served a minute in our armed forces - suggesting the actions of Snowden and Manning are those of patriots. IMO George Washington as General of the Revolutionary Army would have had both of them hanged.

‘Treason’ is extremely difficult to prove:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Clearly it was the intent of the Framers to no longer allow ‘treason’ to be used again as a political weapon, as had been the case for several centuries.

True. I would expect Mr. Snowden to recant his public admission if indicted. His attorney's would never allow him to take the stand and thus his public comments would be introduced into evidence by other means.

I could not be a member of the jury if Snowden were brought to trail, for I have already come to the conclusion that Mr. Snowden committed an act which provided aid and comfort to China, a nation which has apparently engaged in Cyber Espionage against our country. The fact that he sought refuge in Hong Kong is troubling to me; and if true that he earned a salary of $200.000 per year with only a GED from a Government Contractor is equally troubling.

What I find absolutely hilarious is the reaction of self defined conservatives who pride themselves as patriots - and few of them ever served a minute in our armed forces - suggesting the actions of Snowden and Manning are those of patriots. IMO George Washington as General of the Revolutionary Army would have had both of them hanged.


if you bootlickers were around at the time, you'd be demanding that George Washington be hanged.
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Both him and Bradley Manning should be given a medal, in my opinion. It's a sad day in America when the truth is considered treason.

so you and Kevin believe everything which the Federal does must be done in public for everyone in the world to be privy to and nothing should be secret?

So before June 6, 1944 The Federal Government had a duty to have a press conference to announce the invasion and if they did not an officer in IKE's command would have a duty to tell the news and thus Hitler?

Nothing about Eisenhower's actions in 1944 violated the U.S. Constitution -- and even if they did the exigent circumstances of that time would mitigate in their favor. But the so-called Patriot Act, and the actions which derive from it, are in no way as expediently and as justifiably necessary as was the Normandy Invasion. And the projected benefits of this preliminary breach of the Fourth Amendment are highly questionable when weighed against potential expansions deriving from the precedent it will surely establish.

While it is true that violating the People's communications privacy will prevent some terrorist activity, it is equally true that conducting random, un-warranted house-to-house searches, highway searches, and street-corner searches will prevent even more.

Americans must be given the opportunity to decide how much liberty they are willing to sacrifice in the name of security
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

I have no doubt the answer will be offered based on political leaning so give a rational reason for your vote.

How could he be charged with treason? "adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. " ? I think that would be a stretch.

Either way, disclosing classified information when you've taken an oath not to is a felony that can put him away for a long time. I'm sure he'll have no problem with that, though, because we know that good civil disobedients never enter into their act of civil disobedience unwilling to bear the full legal consequences of the act.
If he's convicted of Treason, every Militia from Texas to New York (yes we exist in New York) will recognize we are living under a Tyranny and resort to the example of Athens, Tennessee, 1946.

No they won't. I disagree with it, but he will be convicted of treason, as any administration would do. And the backwoods redneck militias will continue to post on message boards about how tyrannical the government is, then proceed to beat their wives for forgetting the mustard on their sandwiches.

You have the most negative, racist and demeaning view of Militias. Most of us aide the people during times of crisis, like natural disasters, keeping law and order until elected authorities are prepared to regain control.

This video should solve your negative beliefs about us:
[ame=]Militia Activation, When and Why part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
True. I would expect Mr. Snowden to recant his public admission if indicted. His attorney's would never allow him to take the stand and thus his public comments would be introduced into evidence by other means.

I could not be a member of the jury if Snowden were brought to trail, for I have already come to the conclusion that Mr. Snowden committed an act which provided aid and comfort to China, a nation which has apparently engaged in Cyber Espionage against our country. The fact that he sought refuge in Hong Kong is troubling to me; and if true that he earned a salary of $200.000 per year with only a GED from a Government Contractor is equally troubling.

What I find absolutely hilarious is the reaction of self defined conservatives who pride themselves as patriots - and few of them ever served a minute in our armed forces - suggesting the actions of Snowden and Manning are those of patriots. IMO George Washington as General of the Revolutionary Army would have had both of them hanged.


if you bootlickers were around at the time, you'd be demanding that George Washington be hanged.

Why does your 'kind' always default to stupidity?
I'm also confident that if Dick Cheney & Co. had done exactly the same thing as President Obama the same 'kind' who want Obama impeached would praise Cheney as a patriot.
Amongst the sheeple it is known as whistle blowing, under Federal Law it is known as Treason ................ therefore .............. he shall knarffle the Garthack.:razz:
Everyone see's right through you . You're pissed this guy outted your messiah.. nothing more. He made him look like the TYRANT he truly is.. and that's the ONLY reason you want him jailed.. We still haven't heard you call for Obama's arrest for doing the same damn thing- leaking classified INTEL.

Your ignorance LGS is only surpassed by your partisanship and hate for the President.

Emotion has nothing to do with my opinion in this matter. We have laws and citizens who believe a law is flawed have recourse. Those who disobey a law and runaway are not only criminals they are cowards. Read On thr Duty of Civil Disobedience and the 'heroic' behavior of Thoreau (no he was not a Frenchman).

I would LOVE to hear your opinion if this had been about a Republican president doing this....if someone turned a Rep in for this you would be jumping for joy!! You're not bullshitting anyone....

The practice commenced under President Bush. The NSA has been listening for years.
FWIW, I think he should be charged with treason, and given a fair trial. It won't happen, of course, because it would be huge embarrassment to the administration.

It's not gonna happen because he's hiding like a little bitch.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

I have no doubt the answer will be offered based on political leaning so give a rational reason for your vote.

I voted yes, since I wasn't given other choices.

He committed a crime, theft, and will be arrested and charged.

If he had made proper steps first, then as a last resort, went to the media, he'd be in the clear.

but he didn't, so he's fucked.
I'm also confident that if Dick Cheney & Co. had done exactly the same thing as President Obama the same 'kind' who want Obama impeached would praise Cheney as a patriot.

Not surprising because you're a fucking moron and don't bother to read what we post. A lot of us loathe and despise Bush as the biggest fucking traitor since Democrat Hero Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs. He had a chance and golden opportunity to roll back the Progressive Jihad on American civilization, instead he was a lying scumbag Statist just like Obama
FWIW, I think he should be charged with treason, and given a fair trial. It won't happen, of course, because it would be huge embarrassment to the administration.

It's not gonna happen because he's hiding like a little bitch.

Like a little bitch?

Maybe he should put a target on, tell Obama where he can send the drones.

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