Trump Asks Supreme Court To Intervene In Mar A Lago Documents Scandal

I didn’t say anything about a secret mental declassification. And actually, neither did Trump.

The request by former judge Dearie had nothing at all to do with his limited role as a special master, either.

In regards to Judge Dearie, that is incorrect. As Special Master his job is to oversea the review of all the documents under his purview. Which initially included Presidential and Personal Records (as defined by the PRA of 1976), classified documents, and materials that might fall under attorney/client privilege.

For the defense to be able to address the classified documents then arrangement were being made to get them security clearances (IIRC Judge Dearie already had one, which is part of the reason he was selected). As such, yes dealing with classified documents would have been part of his role.

However because the 11th overruled Judge Cannon, that became a moot point when the classified documents were excluded and the DOJ allowed to proceed with the investigation only in relation to those specific documents.

(Hmmmmm - If the FPOTUS had declassified the documents then why did the Special Master and Defense Lawyers need security clearances for unclassified documents. Goes to shows how are being viewed by the court.)


BECAUSE, Trump just saying it CAN BE HIM LYING, without consequences.

Trump saying this in a court of law, has to be truthful OR HE WOULD BE PUT IN THE SLAMMER for perjury.

This is why the claim the perpetual, chronic, big liar, declassified them outside of court, is worth nothing.

It should not be taken seriously Liability, not until he presents this to the judge in any of his court hearings on it. I wish he would present this in court, so this documents case can be put to rest, one way or another!
Anyone could be lying. Under oath or not.

That’s not a particularly useful thing to point out. The question is not whether someone could be lying. The question is whether or not they are lying.

Again, we don’t know what a witness might say under oath in a court of law about the claim of declassification.

But that’s ok. We also don’t know if the Brandon Administration’s Department of the Miscarriage of Justice will have the audacity to charge President Trump with any crime related to the alleged classified status of the documents.
The only people that are mindless are the ones that still have any faith in trump. He's a thousand times worse than Jim Jones was. Cults are truly a unique illness.
Oh good; just what was needed. Yet another mindless opinion from Stain. 🙄
I know you are talking about president Biden.

Old list - June 2021 - needs updated - part one

Update just came over the wire:

Nice try, actually not, pathetic try.
Says the mindless person still backing trump no matter what crimes he commits.
You still don’t get it Stain. Dopes like you never will. It isn’t sufficient for some random dolt, like you, to assert that he (or anyone else’s) committed crimes.

You make the claim, my retarded little friend, and the burden is on you to prove it. Assholes like you don’t even try.
Behind the smokescreen on the hill, one of two things going on with this raid aftermath. First possibility: Trump has dirt on top Dems so these Dems are making deals with Trump behind the scenes. Second possibility: Dems have squat on Trump….as usual making a fuss over scrapings, otherwise, they would have released their “concrete evidence” of intentional wrong doing by Trump. Instead what happened? The day after midterms MSM releases headlines about Trump “Having no possession of national secrets”.

Do Dems understand how hard it is to believe Trump is guilty of keeping national secrets and the leftist press, that hates Trump with a fervent passion, is gagging it? Uh, that would be a huge- no, not on your life.
Nope not was perfectly correct. Your understanding is wrong. Typical.

Were classified documents originally included in Judge Dearies perview? Yes.

Was there talk about need for the Special Master and FPOTUS attorneys security clearance (DOJ already had clearances) to view the materials? Yes

Did the DOJ appeal the inclusion of classified documents to the 11th Circuit and win? Yes.

Did the 11th Circuit rule in favor of the DOJ that classified documents were not the property of the FPOTUS and therefore excluded from the Special Master review? Yes. Thereby removing the need for FPOTUS attorney's to need clearance access to view the materials - at this stage. (This will come up again if an indictment does occur so that the FPOTUS attorney's can mount a defense.)
Funny all this having to deal with classified documents when the FPOTUS posted on social media that he declassified everything. Oh, wait. He's not made that claim in court.

Seems I have a pretty good handle.

How many times as the Traitor lost at SCOTUS, I've lost count. He packed court and cannot get a decision that favors him.

:TH_WAY~113: :TH_WAY~113: :TH_WAY~113: :TH_WAY~113: :TH_WAY~113: :TH_WAY~113:
Were classified documents originally included in Judge Dearies perview? Yes.

Was there talk about need for the Special Master and FPOTUS attorneys security clearance (DOJ already had clearances) to view the materials? Yes

Did the DOJ appeal the inclusion of classified documents to the 11th Circuit and win? Yes.

Did the 11th Circuit rule in favor of the DOJ that classified documents were not the property of the FPOTUS and therefore excluded from the Special Master review? Yes. Thereby removing the need for FPOTUS attorney's to need clearance access to view the materials - at this stage. (This will come up again if an indictment does occur so that the FPOTUS attorney's can mount a defense.)
Funny all this having to deal with classified documents when the FPOTUS posted on social media that he declassified everything. Oh, wait. He's not made that claim in court.

Seems I have a pretty good handle.

Read it and try to understand. Then weep.

Show me anywhere n that order where the actual judge granted to her appointed special master any authority to seek from Trump any sworn statement about the declassification of any of the documents. And … go.
Read it and try to understand. Then weep.

Show me anywhere n that order where the actual judge granted to her appointed special master any authority to seek from Trump any sworn statement about the declassification of any of the documents. And … go.

No weeping here.

A motion to reconsider since the Judge had made the classified documents part of the Special Master review. She DID NOT exclude them and enjoined the DOJ from using them for investigatory purposes.

They filed the motion for reconsideration, Judge Cannon denied it. Then the DOJ took it to the 11th and the appeals court sided with them

So everything I said was correct. If it wasn't there would have been no need for the motion to reconsider or the appeal to the 11th.

(And after listening to the oral arguments before a different panel of 11th Circuit Court Judges regarding the more recent DOJ filing to get the original Special Master order from Judge Cannon overturned, I'd bet Judge Dearie will have some free time for the holidays as his services will no longer be needed as a Special Master. Nothing negative against him, he was asked to do a job and stepped up.)

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And a motion to reconsider since the Judge had made the classified documents part of the Special Master review. She DID NOT exclude them an enjoined the DOJ from using them for investigatory purposes.

They filed the motion for reconsideration, Judge Cannon denied it. Then they took it to the 11th and the appeals court sided with them

So everything I said was correct. If it wasn't there would have been no need for the motion to reconsider or the appeal to the 11th.

So you can’t point to any provision whereby the actual judge authorized her appointed special master to require Trump to swear to anything at all about the classified documents.

As I said.
So you can’t point to any provision whereby the actual judge authorized her appointed special master to require Trump to swear to anything at all about the classified documents.

As I said.


Determining if the FPOTUS was going to claim in court, as he had done on social media, that he had declassified everything is part of "review the seized property, manager assertions of privilege and make recommendations thereon, and evaluate claims for return of property."

Clearly the Special Master would have to understand what the claims were. If the FPOTUS was going to claim classified documents were declassified prior to leaving office and that after declassification such records were then viewed by the FPOTUS as personal records outside the PRA of 1976. Then of course the Special Master would need the FPOTUS team to make such assertions as to the status of classified documents.

They didn't. Therefore Judge Dearie noted that based on a priori evidence of the classification markings he would continue to treat them as classified.

I know you are playing a word game based on the original Special Master order, but events as part of the Special Master process and appeal to the 11th Circuit are in fact relative to the situation.

You still don’t get it Stain. Dopes like you never will. It isn’t sufficient for some random dolt, like you, to assert that he (or anyone else’s) committed crimes.

You make the claim, my retarded little friend, and the burden is on you to prove it. Assholes like you don’t even try.
I know what he's done. Now it's up to Congress to step up and the courts to convict him. That will be a glorious day for our nation. No single person has ever been this treacherous to our nation.
View attachment 729994

Determining if the FPOTUS was going to claim in court, as he had done on social media, that he had declassified everything is part of "review the seized property, manager assertions of privilege and make recommendations thereon, and evaluate claims for return of property."

Clearly the Special Master would have to understand what the claims were. If the FPOTUS was going to claim classified documents were declassified prior to leaving office and that after declassification such records were then viewed by the FPOTUS as personal records outside the PRA of 1976. Then of course the Special Master would need the FPOTUS team to make such assertions as to the status of classified documents.

They didn't. Therefore Judge Dearie noted that based on a priori evidence of the classification markings he would continue to treat them as classified.

I know you are playing a word game based on the original Special Master order, but events as part of the Special Master process and appeal to the 11th Circuit are in fact relative to the situation.

A lot of words to avoid admitting that you can’t find a fucking thing.
I know what he's done. Now it's up to Congress to step up and the courts to convict him. That will be a glorious day for our nation. No single person has ever been this treacherous to our nation.
No. You don’t know what he’s done. You just make silly claims. No it’s up to you to support your own claims.

But you won’t.
No. You don’t know what he’s done. You just make silly claims. No it’s up to you to support your own claims.

But you won’t.
You can't get around the basic truth, he took documents that did not belong to him, he took secret and top secret documents, and he's been giving the government to run around for over a year now.

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