Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers 'Suckers' and 'Losers'

Wow, this is a tough decision:

Believe a decorated military veteran like John Kelly


Believe Trump a man who:

1. Had to pay $20,000,000 for his Trump University Fraud
2. Was barred from operating a Charitable foundation because of fraud.
3. Was sued for raping a 13 year old.
4. Was found liable for sexual battery.
5. Was impeached twice.
6. Is now a convicted Felon.

Only a person whose brains are in his ass would believe Donald Trump.
General Milley proved that no matter how "highly decorated" you are you can still sell out your country. Who knows what was said in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION, no recording no video = NOTHING BURGER.
Post a link to the video of trump saying that

If you cant its a lib lie
This may come as a shock to you, here in the 21st video century, but it's not necessary. There are witnesses, which pull a lot more weight than doctored videos ever did.
General Milley proved that no matter how "highly decorated" you are you can still sell out your country. Who knows what was said in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION, no recording no video = NOTHING BURGER.
What does General Milley have to do with Gen John Kelly? In a court of law, in the battle of credibility between John Kelly and Donald Trump, it would be no contest. Trump has no credibility. Trump's past shows exactly what type of "man" he is. The reason Trump has never testified in any of his trials is because his credibility is shit.
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This may come as a shock to you, here in the 21st video century, but it's not necessary. There are witnesses, which pull a lot more weight than doctored videos ever did.
One man’s word against another
One man’s word against another
He said/she said in court jargon. I say that DJ really did say the suckers and losers line, only because it was in the news back then. He also never said: "Lock her up." according to the messiah.
General Milley proved that no matter how "highly decorated" you are you can still sell out your country. Who knows what was said in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION, no recording no video = NOTHING BURGER
It would appear being a poor judge of character is a requirement to support Trump, and it perfectly fits together, just like you thought it would.
He said/she said in court jargon. I say that DJ really did say the suckers and losers line, only because it was in the news back then. He also never said: "Lock her up." according to the messiah.
Its a free country

Believe whst you want
Nobody cares what a hack bitch like you believes or claims to believe.
Did Trump say "lock her up"? Yes dozens of times... Did Trump claim he never said "lock her up"? Yep. You can see both in the link. I am sorry you cant face reality and have to create your own world.
If you're an American and you believe anything a democrat cultist says, you're retarded.
Its a free country

Believe whst you want
You will make up shit about Gen Kelly in order to diminish his character and side with Trump, a known unrepentent liar, in a dispute about what was said.

This reflects very poorly on your judgement.
Did Trump say "lock her up"? Yes dozens of times... Did Trump claim he never said "lock her up"? Yep. You can see both in the link. I am sorry you cant face reality and have to create your own world.
Zzz. I already noted that he may have used that phrase.

What he denied was that his original comment was “lock her up.” He is right. It wasn’t.

The balance of your posting efforts on this inconsequential topic is (as usual) just horseshit.

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