Trump Derangement Syndrome 2016/24


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Democrats believe in democracy only until they lose an election.
November 17, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Like all dictators, the Democrats believe in democracy only until they lose an election.

And then they lose their minds.

The last time a national mental breakdown this severe happened was sixteen years ago when Bush beat Gore. The Democrats reacted gracefully to their defeat by insisting that they didn’t really lose because Bush stole the election. Psychiatrists were soon tending to lefties suffering from depression. Others protested outside the Florida Supreme Court, President Bush’s home and their parents’ basement.

Jesse Jackson accused Republicans of a “coup.” Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson warned that "without justice there will be no peace." Thousands protested Bush’s inauguration waving signs like, “We want Bush out of D.C.” and “You’re not our president.”

The Congressional Black Caucus tried to obstruct the certification of the Electoral College vote. Then when Bush won again in the next election, they did it all over again. Expect them to try it one more time.

Because they don’t believe in democracy. They believe in their own absolute entitlement to power. Any election that they win is legitimate. Any election that they lose is illegitimate.

But if Bush Derangement Syndrome was bad, Trump Derangement Syndrome is even worse.

#NotOurPresident on Twitter quickly gave way to riots in major cities. Democrats in the affected cities decided that the riots were a great idea even though it was their own police that were being attacked.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York City’s radical leftist boss, claimed that “more disruption… will change the trajectory of things”. Even though the only trajectory that the protests have changed thus far is New York City traffic. “The more people fight back, the more it takes away his power,” he insisted.

Wiser heads on the left recognized that messing up Manhattan traffic wouldn’t stop Trump from taking office. Instead they decided to abolish the Electoral College. Senator Boxer will introduce a bill to that effect. Bernie Sanders mumbled that it’s time to rethink it. Michael Dukakis fired off an angry email insisting that Hillary Clinton had won and that abolishing it should be a top Democratic priority.

Since Hillary lost, the Electoral College is, according to Slate, an “Instrument of White Supremacy—and Sexism”. And probably Islamophobic and Homophobic too. Time Magazine defaulted to the default lefty attack on anything by accusing the Electoral College of being racist. But if Hillary had won, then any attack on the Electoral College would be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic and claustrophobic.


What does that mean? It’s a tantrum. It means that baby wants his power and he wants it now.

And it only gets crazier from there.

The outer reaches of Trump Derangement Syndrome include calls to boycott three brands of toilet paper because they’re allegedly made by the Koch Brothers. Never mind that the Koch Brothers weren’t supporting Trump. Facts, like democracy, only matter when they happen to be on your side.

Then there are the ritual burnings of New Balance sneakers on YouTube and Instagram. Not to mention support for the secession of California from the United States of America.

A man has sued Donald Trump for $1 billion for having inflicted “great emotional pain, fear and anxiety on Election Day and beyond.” Students at Cornell held a “cry-in” to mourn the results of the election. The University of Kansas offered students therapy dogs. At the University of Michigan’s multi-ethnic student affairs center students took comfort in regressing to childhood with coloring books and Play-Doh.

John Hopkins recommended a healing circle. Stanford urged students to “take care of yourselves and to give support to those who need it.” Vanderbilt encouraged them “to take advantage of the outstanding mental health support the university offers.”

At the University of Maryland, an astronomy test was canceled to help students cope with “a personally threatening election result.” A Yale economics professor made his test optional because students were “in shock” over losing an election. A dozen midterms were rescheduled at Columbia.

One student complained, “Instead of studying for my exam, I was glued to the election update. It's not fair to have a test the following day when something so monumental is taking place, especially when this event is threatening so many groups of people in our country.”

Under all the outraged rhetoric is a narcissistic sense of entitlement. Frustrate it and tantrums happen.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is the tantrum that happens when that sense of entitlement bursts. It’s not a new phenomenon. We saw it with Bush and with previous Republican presidents before him. But as the left’s power has grown, its insular ivory towers have become unable to imagine ever losing it.

Obama maintained the illusion that the opposition didn’t matter by ruling unilaterally. Then in one election the illusion collapsed. The left wasn’t really in charge. There were millions of people across the country in places they had never visited or even heard of who got to decide on all these issues.

That warm comfortable safe space of John Oliver and Samantha Bee viral videos, Buzzfeed stories and social media feeds filled with carefully curated people who agreed with them wasn’t reality. It had been an illusion all along. It was an elitist island that had little in common with that vast geography of people who get their say through the Electoral College. After two terms of getting their way on everything, they woke to a world in which they didn’t matter and which was suddenly no longer catering to their whims.

They don’t really want to abolish the Electoral College, to put Garland on the Supreme Court or to burn New Balance sneakers. What they really want is to get rid of democracy and replace it with a dictatorship. Trump Derangement Syndrome is the tantrum of tyrants.

It’s a real threat to democracy. But that’s what the left has always been.

The hysteria of Trump Derangement Syndrome is the flip side of Obama worship. Both reject democracy and embrace power. They are the illiberal attitudes of a totalitarian movement at odds with America.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Dem's are struggling with rejection of their candidates and policies. 2010 voters bitch slapped them silly, 2014 voters bitch slapped them again, 2016 they got beat by a reality tv show star. Poor libs :itsok:
Trump Hysteria: Three Profs Petition Obama to Give Trump ‘Full Neuropsychiatric Evaluation
Because he shows “arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes” — just like Obama!
Trey Sanchez


And the Trump hysteria continues in force.

This time, three college professors have “grave concern” that President-elect Donald Trump isn’t mentally stable enough to hold office and have demanded President Obama order a full psychological evaluation before he is sworn in.

The letter from psychiatry Professors Ludith Herman (Harvard), Nanette Gartrell (U of California-San Francisco), and Assistant Clinical Professor Dee Mosbacher (UofC-San Fran) was published at The Huffington Post. It reads:

Dear President Obama,


HuffPo writer Richard Greene adds his own hysteria to the pot: “Virtually every mental health professional I interviewed told me that they believed, with 100% certainty, that Mr. Trump satisfied the DSM [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual] criteria of this incurable illness and that, as a result, he is a serious danger to the country and the world.”

An “undisputable” case in Greene's mind. Then he lists the nine criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder found in the DSM (only five are required to be diagnosed):

  1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
  3. Believe that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  4. Requires excessive admiration
  5. Has a sense of entitlement
  6. Is interpersonally exploitative
  7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
  9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
(Sounds like your average liberal, but I’m no expert.)

Then Greene puts his fears into a real-world scenario:

If someone does have “Narcissistic Personality Disorder”
---(like the obongo)---


Now do you see why they’re so worried? Trump is going to nuke us all!

Greene said other clinical psychologists reached out to him after publishing his story to confirm his findings and add this about Trump: “The man is unfit to run a lemonade stand, much less a country.”

See? Science.

Trump Hysteria: Three Profs Petition Obama to Give Trump ‘Full Neuropsychiatric Evaluation’
Gad Saad On Hysteria And 'Collective Munchausen' Around Donald Trump
Pinpointing the psychological pathology of the anti-Trump Left.
February 9, 2017
Malhar Mali


Gad Saad (@GadSaad) is an outspoken social critic of the lunacies found in the extremes of both political sides. A controversial figure to some, his family fled the Lebanese civil war under threat of persecution for their Jewish religious heritage. He’s a Professor of Marketing and holder of the Concordia University Research Chair in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences and Darwinian Consumption. Dr. Saad hosts a popular YouTube show called The Saad Truth, and has appeared on shows such as The Rubin Report, The Joe Rogan Experience, and the Adam Carolla Show. He writes a column for Psychology Today titled Homo Consumericus.

I spoke to him about the hysteria around a Donald Trump presidency, speaking out as an academic, and the field of evolutionary psychology and its detractors. The following is our conversation transcribed and edited for clarity.

Malhar Mali: There seems to be an extreme strain of thought held by some that Trump’s inauguration will signal the apocalypse and return of the third-reich, that people of color will be rounded up, women will be sexually assaulted en-masse, and LGBTQ citizens will be executed on sight. What are your thoughts on that?

Gad Saad: Early last year I introduced a theory to explain the mass hysteria associated with social justice warriors. I called it “collective Munchausen” syndrome. Munchausen disorder is when somebody feigns a medical illness or injury to garner sympathy and empathy. Munchausen syndrome by proxy is when you have somebody under your care — say your child — and you harm that third party to garner sympathy. “Look, my child is hurt!” So it’s a really morbid, grotesque psychological desire to draw attention to yourself because you enjoy the sympathy you receive.

I took this psychiatric disorder that I’d written about in a medical journal and then I argued that the manner in which social justice warriors respond is really a manifestation of collective Munchausen. It’s more than just mass hysteria — which is a known psychological mechanism. It has a specific goal which is to turn the attention inward to: “Oh my god, we’re such victims.” So the faux-fear we’re seeing now with all of these, for lack of a better term, schmucks is a form of collective Munchausen. It’s: “Oh my god, we’re going to be gang-raped, the third-reich is coming for us.” I put up a satirical video where I reported that the inauguration death patrols were coming for me whilst hiding under the table in my study.

The naturally lobotomized individuals do not understand the gist of my position: I do this not because it’s not reasonable to have concerns about anything Trump may or not do. I could say, “I really dislike his education cabinet for the following reasons.” And that’s reasonable. Any candidate you bring before me, I would have agreements and disagreements with.

The problem arises when you have a discourse fully detached from reality. It’s beyond satirical and grotesque in how much stupidity is exhibited. A typical comment on my social feed might state something to the following effect, “I’m a woman of color,” she’s attending some school in Maine and she’s saying, “I’m afraid. Can I still go to class?” Just work it through. What’s going to happen when Trump becomes president? He sets up roadblocks on every street corner whereby he whisks away all people of color to the designated gang-rape centers? What could explain that hysteria? The only thing that explains it is a departure from reality — and hence collective Munchausen syndrome.

MM: We value victims — which is a good thing — but there are groups popping up and individuals who seem to be vying for higher statuses of victimhood. You call this “victimology poker”.

GS: Everyone who is suffering from collective Munchausen and mass hysteria are obviously of a particular political bent — the ultra-Left (who typically belong to the Democratic party). And these people have built their whole ethos, edifice, zeitgeist on Identity Politics. Identity Politics leads to victimology poker and the oppression olympics. These groups just end up competing to see who is more oppressed because it is the mechanism through which they attempt to solve problems. If you and I are having a genuine debate, I would present my evidence and you yours. The better evidence would win out.


Gad Saad On Hysteria And 'Collective Munchausen' Around Donald Trump
The Anti-Trump Resistance Movement
The Left's "Indivisible Team" gathers to wage rebellion and disruption.
February 10, 2017
Discover The Networks

The Indivisible Team (IT) was established by a group of five former Democratic congressional staffers in the immediate aftermath of Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton in the November 2016 presidential election. One of the five founders, IT board president Ezra Levin, had previously served as associate director of government affairs at the Corporation for Enterprise Development, and as an AmeriCorps VISTA employee in the Homeless Services Division of the San Jose Department of Housing. Another key founder, IT board secretary Angel Padilla, had worked as an immigration policy consultant at the National Council of La Raza, and as an adviser to Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Illinois) from 2009-11.

Upon its inception, IT's first order of business was to launch a website devoted to providing leftists and liberals with strategies for countering the “radical, racist, and sexist” objectives of President Trump. This website features a tool kit for local IT organizers, a daily calendar that lists national events and calls-to-action, and the group's signature publication, Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda. During December 2016 and January 2017, this Guide was downloaded more than 1 million times.

Rejecting the very legitimacy of Donald Trump's presidency, the IT Guide portrays him as “the biggest popular-vote loser in history to ever call himself President-Elect.” And because Trump “will attempt to use his congressional majority to reshape America in his own racist, authoritarian, and corrupt image” despite the fact that he “has no mandate” from the voters, IT pledges to “stand indivisibly opposed to Trump and Members of Congress [MoC's] who would do his bidding.”

The tactics and strategies advanced in the IT Guide are modeled on those of the conservative Tea Party movement that came to prominence during President Barack Obama's first term in office. Though the principles of the Tea Party are anathema to IT, the Guide points out that “we saw these activists take on a popular president with a mandate for change and a supermajority in Congress.” “If a small minority in the Tea Party can stop President Obama,” IT reasons, “then we the majority can stop a petty tyrant named Trump.”

Specifically, the IT Guide advises leftists to follow the Tea Party model of being “locally focused” rather than attempting to appeal to people across broad geographic areas, and “almost purely defensive” – meaning that they should expend their energies chiefly on opposing Trump rather than on “developing their own [alternative] policy agenda.” “Defining a proactive agenda,” said IT in December 2016, “is time-intensive, divisive, and, quite frankly, a distraction, since there is zero chance that we as progressives will get to put our agenda into action at the federal level in the next four years.” The goal, therefore, should be to “stall the Trump agenda by forcing [Congressional Republicans] to redirect energy away from their priorities,” on the theory that “a day that they spend worrying about [rowdy protesters] is a day that they’re not ending Medicare, privatizing public schools, or preparing a Muslim registry.”

A related objective of IT is to “sap Representatives’ will to support or drive reactionary change.” “Every time your MoC signs on to a bill, takes a position, or makes a statement, a little part of his or her mind will be thinking: 'How am I going to explain this to the angry constituents who keep showing up at my events and demanding answers?'”

The IT Guide advises progressive activists to form local groups of people who reside in the same congressional district, to fight “the racism, authoritarianism, and corruption” of the Trump agenda which “explicitly targets immigrants, Muslims, people of color, LGBTQ people, the poor and working class, and women.” “We strongly recommend making a conscious effort to diversify your group,” adds the Guide, “and particularly to center around and defer to communities of people who are most directly affected by the Trump administration’s racism, xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia, and antipathy toward the poor.” As of January 27, 2017, IT claimed that “more than 4,500 local groups” had already been formed “in nearly every congressional district in the country.”


On January 2, 2017, Ezra Levin, Angel Padilla, and fellow IT founder Leah Greenberg co-authored a New York Times op-ed introducing their fledgling organization to the American public. While characterizing the Tea Party's political success as “a disaster for President Obama’s agenda and for our country” because the movement's “ideas were wrong” and its “often racist rhetoric and physical threats were unacceptable,” the authors noted that the Tea Partiers “understood how to wield political power.” Specifically, said Levin et al, Tea Party activists had “rattled our elected officials” by: (a) waging “a relentless campaign to force Republicans away from compromise and [to] tank Democratic legislative priorities”; (b) “ensur[ing] that legislation that did pass, like the Affordable Care Act, was unpopular from the start”; and (c) “hijack[ing] the national narrative and creat[ing] the impression of broad discontent with President Obama.” The Indivisible Team would seek to use these same tactics against President Trump and the Republicans.

The Anti-Trump Resistance Movement
Artist Who Draws Trump as Head-Chopping Terrorist Draws Che Guevara Much Differently
An artist's curious portrayals of real mass-murderers and dictators.
February 13, 2017
Humberto Fontova

In case you hadn’t heard, the American artist who drew President Trump as a murderous terrorist beheading Lady Liberty for Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine is a Cuban refugee. His name is Edel Rodriguez and he escaped Cuba as a 9 year old with his family in 1980 during the famous Mariel Boatlift.

Surely you remember the Mariel Boatlift? That’s also when Tony “Scarface” Montana came over. (“I kill communists for fun! For money I REALLY carve him up!...Say hello to my little friend!”)

Point is, if there’s one group of people on earth who can’t play “the ignorance card” on Che Guevara—who can’t wear his t-shirts, hang his posters, etc. while claiming: “Hey! Wasn’t this cool looking dude the lead singer for the Doors?...Didn’t he play bass for Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock?”—if there’s one group of people with no excuse for such an excuse it’s Cuban refugees.

Yet here’s how Edel Rodriguez depicts Che Guevara.


In case you hadn’t heard Cuba’s intelligence services (who run Venezuela) were again caught forging Venezuelan passports for Islamic terrorists to enter Western countries including Canada (obviously not their ultimate destination.)

So let’s sum it up: A Cuban “refugee” artist in the U.S. depicts President Trump as a murderous mid-east terrorist. But he delights in being feted –and having his art work showcased--by a terror-sponsoring regime that made him a refugee and that issues passports for mid-east terrorists to enter the U.S.—the nation that enabled Rodriguez to live feely and prosper financially.

As the old saying goes: “Only in America!”

Artist Who Draws Trump as Head-Chopping Terrorist Draws Che Guevara Much Differently
Trump has these morons going nuts, he's playing the F out of them...
The firing of FBI Director Comey opens door to mass leftist hysteria.
May 16, 2017

Matthew Vadum

Democrats and their media allies are whipping themselves into a frenzy in their quest to impeach the duly elected 45th president of the United States and drive him from office.

It is part of the Left’s collective mental breakdown. These people still cannot accept that Donald Trump defeated the anointed Hillary Clinton in November so they lash out at the president and his successors, often violently, as we’ve seen in recent months. This Trump Derangement Syndrome allows left-wingers to justify a growing laundry list of antisocial behavior in the furtherance of their goal. The same people pushing Trump’s impeachment sat by silently as Barack Obama, the most despotic, overreaching president since the great proto-fascist Woodrow Wilson, committed impeachable offenses nearly every day.

At the moment, the Left’s ire is focused on Trump’s unexpected decision last week to fire FBI Director James Comey. Trump explained to Comey in a letter that his employment was being terminated based on the recommendation of the Department of Justice. Both Republicans and Democrats had been furious with Comey in recent years because the unelected official inappropriately injected himself and the FBI into political matters. But now Trump’s enemies are claiming his termination of Comey’s employment constitutes obstruction of justice because the FBI is investigating far-fetched allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.


Impeachment Fever
June 12, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The fault, my dear Eustis, is not in the sponsors, but in ourselves.

It appears that major corporations are not especially interested in having their brands all over the "Kill Trump" version of Julius Caesar being put on as the latest Shakespeare in the Park staging in New York City. That's the one where the opposition consists of women and minorities. And Caesar is Trump. And is murdered graphically on stage.


Considering its stake in Hamilton, the Public Theater will likely be doing just fine. Which is a shame as Hamilton, Fun Home and Trump Caesar are as horrible a collection of toxic garbage you can find anywhere. But it is a warning that there is a price to pay for this level of obnoxious leftism.


The left, always and ever, hates America.

Sponsors Pull Out of "Kill Trump" Production of Julius Caesar
A pressing question for anti-Trump Democrats and Republicans both.
June 20, 2017

David Horowitz


For example, anti-Trumpers across the spectrum claimed during the campaign and even after his inauguration that he was an “isolationist,” that he would abandon NATO and turn his back on half a century of American commitments to Europe’s defense. But six months into his presidency, Trump has done the opposite. He has affirmed Article 5 of the NATO charter, and has actually strengthened the alliance by shaming its members into meeting the monetary obligations they had shirked for decades. Further, he has inspired an extension of the alliance mandate to oppose terrorism rather than just attacks by sovereign states. These indisputable achievements refute the canard that Trump is incompetent, over his head, and therefore a danger to national security. They should warrant both an apology for the error, and praise for his achievement. But no such reappraisal has been forthcoming.

An equally damning slander has been the accusation that he is “anti-Muslim,” a bigotry that makes him unfit for the office and also threatens American security. According to his detractors, Trump’s anti-Muslim attitudes reveal him to be a dangerous ignoramus and “incompetent fool,” oblivious of the fact that to win the war against ISIS America needs to build a coalition of Muslim countries in the Middle East, not alienate them. Again, this is seen as confirmation of the view that Trump is unfit for the office he holds, and a candidate for early impeachment.

But now Trump has traveled to the heart of the Arabian peninsula to hold an unprecedented meeting with the leaders of 55 Muslim states. He has undone Obama’s disastrous entente with Iran - the chief sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East – and forged a Muslim coalition to further American goals in the region. He has created a military alliance of Muslim states pledged to provide 34,000 troops for the anti-terrorist campaign, and he has urged them to break with extremist versions of Islam. This initiative has led directly to a break in relations between Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States on the one hand, and Qatar – the chief funder of Hamas and similar terrorist entities – on the other. Does this achievement not merit serious second thoughts from Democrat and Republican resisters to his presidency? Apparently not. Hatred for Trump is so irrational that it still over-rides concerns for party, principles and country.


I don’t expect that there will be apologies forthcoming for these injustices to Trump – and therefore to the American people whose security depends on him. At least not anytime soon. The campaign to sabotage and overthrow the Trump presidency through slanders will continue. And its modus operandi will remain unchanged: Whenever Trump is attacked by anti-Trump Democrats and Republicans, he himself will be held responsible for the attacks, “his own worst enemy.” Whenever a blow is delivered to his presidency – and through his presidency to the American people – “he brought it on himself.”

Have You No Shame?
What hides behind the hatred.
June 29, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


By contrast, in the run-up to the 2016 election, Donald Trump took some of his hardest shots from William F. Buckley’s National Review. The publication arrayed prominent writers “Against Trump” and called the candidate “a menace to American conservatism who would take the work of generations and trample it underfoot on behalf of a populism as heedless and crude as The Donald himself.”

For a perspective on crudity, the Never Trumpers might consult Robbins’ chapter on Skull and Bones initiation rites. But as the Bonesmen say of non-members, Trump is a “barbarian,” and not even a Yale or Harvard man.

Besides the Deep State reactionaries and fake media, Donald Trump is a target of elitist establishment types who look down their nose at working people. That is very much the style of Yale law school alum Hillary Clinton, the congenital liar and “vast right-wing conspiracy” theorist the Never Trumpers preferred in the 2016 contest. If Donald Trump, as Jeb Bush said, is “not a conservative,” then what is Crooked Hillary?

It was working people, not establishment elitists, who elected Donald Trump president. With all his faults, he is doing his best to fight their battles and win. The Never Trumpers would do well to “report for duty,” as Dennis Prager said, but right now, the president is on a winning streak without them.

Establishment Intransigence Toward Trump

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