Trump is right to weaponize the DOJ

Well, let's start with the obvvious.

Winterborn: Just prosecute Trump because he broke the law, that's all I want, enforcing the law

Winterborn: I don't give a shit if Biden did what Trump did, fuck off

And you don't care AT ALL that only the PRESIDENT can take documents and yet Senator/VEEP Biden did exactly that

Smart of you to just pretend I said that instead of putting in as a quote. Since I never said the 2nd line, you are safe.
Only Democrat Presidents can declassify documents. Republican Presidents are supposed to drown themselves with Jews
Nobody actually thinks he declassified them.

At least nobody who has an ounce of common sense.
I'm out since you keep lying about what you said

No, I am not.

You read my comment "Have I discussed Biden and the classified documents in his garage? No. Not because I don't give a crap." and thought I said I didn't give a crap about Biden.

If you will working on your reading skills (and being able to admit making a mistake) this will be a lot easier.
No, I am not.

You read my comment "Have I discussed Biden and the classified documents in his garage? No. Not because I don't give a crap." and thought I said I didn't give a crap about Biden.

If you will working on your reading skills (and being able to admit making a mistake) this will be a lot easier.
so you admit it,,
That is another issue. When Biden was made aware that those docs were there he went out of his way to get them returned.

Trump did the opposite on steroids.

Had Trump returned the docs in a timely manner we would not be having this discussion

That evades the question since neither the Veep nor Senators can take them.

How did Biden get illegall documents in his garage since according to you Trump is the one who broke the law, not him
There is nothing in the law that says when the President takes documents as President that he must return them when he isn't President anymore, you made that up because you are a lying, hate filled leftist. And since you don't give a crap about Biden keeping them in his garage, you identified you for what you are, an amoral politically motivated leftist


First. Let’s talk differences. Biden didn’t know the files were in the boxes. Tens of thousands of documents were boxed up as he left the Vice Presidency. I can see a few files getting stuffed into a box by someone not paying close enough attention.

But we aren’t talking about just taking the files. We are talking about how they reacted when the files were found, or discovered. Both Pence and Biden called the authorities to report it.

Let’s make this easier. Let’s say you find money that fell off of a Brinks truck. You call the cops and report it and turn the money in. No charges are filed because you did the right thing in discovering it. Alternatively you take it home and hide it in your closet. The cops identify you with a camera. You are charged with theft. See the difference?

Trump was told verbally to turn the documents in. He lied and said he had. He got a letter requesting the documents return. He lied and said he had. The FBI got information that the documents were still there. They went to a Judge and got a subpoena. Trump hid the documents and said they were all turned in.

Every step of the way Trump lied. He never said the documents were declassified. He just lied.

Now let’s be honest. If what happened with Biden and Pence is what happened with Trump I’d be there agreeing that it was bullshit. If the documents had been found and turned in as soon as they were found I’d agree no problem. I understand we are human and we fuck things up. We make mistakes.

However. For it to be a mistake you have to admit the mistake and seek to correct it. Once you start to lie you lose the oops explanation.
Smart of you to just pretend I said that instead of putting in as a quote. Since I never said the 2nd line, you are safe.

I love to argue obviously, but you just keep lying. I'm out, that's not fun when you won't stand behind your stupid shit and just keep denying you said what I kept quoting until I gave up.


First. Let’s talk differences. Biden didn’t know the files were in the boxes

Biden had scores of illegal documents he wasn't allowed to take at all, but it's OK, he didn't "know" they were there.

You are one sick lying fuck, that's stupid, even for you
I love to argue obviously, but you just keep lying. I'm out, that's not fun when you won't stand behind your stupid shit and just keep denying you said what I kept quoting until I gave up.


Yeah, you should run rather than face the embarrassment.

Even seeing it the 2nd time you went with your lie.

What I said was: "Have I discussed Biden and the classified documents in his garage? No. Not because I don't give a crap."

Maybe you missed a few words.

"Have I discussed Biden and the classified documents in his garage? No. Not because I don't give a crap."

So after I specifically said "...not because I don't give a crap", you kept lying about what I said.
Who's military were you in? Iran? Or North Korea?
The similar to same oath Trump the traitor took…The duties of the office require he execute his responsibilities in good faith.
Military people know what that means Humper. Did you take an oath to Trump and Putin ?
“I………..swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.”
Biden had scores of illegal documents he wasn't allowed to take at all, but it's OK, he didn't "know" they were there.

You are one sick lying fuck, that's stupid, even for you

Then push to prosecute Biden after he leaves the White House. That should happen after the next election.

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