Trump is right to weaponize the DOJ

Yeah, you should run rather than face the embarrassment.

Even seeing it the 2nd time you went with your lie.

What I said was: "Have I discussed Biden and the classified documents in his garage? No. Not because I don't give a crap."

Maybe you missed a few words.

"Have I discussed Biden and the classified documents in his garage? No. Not because I don't give a crap."

So after I specifically said "...not because I don't give a crap", you kept lying about what I said.

I'm just saying this to be polite. I ended my conversation with you. I am happy to talk to leftists and Democrats, but not liars. And you sir, are a liar.

Last reminder, we're done
The similar to same oath Trump the traitor took…The duties of the office require he execute his responsibilities in good faith.
Military people know what that means Humper. Did you take an oath to Trump and Putin ?
“I………..swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.”

You weren't in the US military, you hate us. Go fuck yourself
I'm just saying this to be polite. I ended my conversation with you. I am happy to talk to leftists and Democrats, but not liars. And you sir, are a liar.

Last reminder, we're done

Fuck you! I have not lied, but you certainly have. And continue to do so.

But run, if you want. I guess being a coward is no worse than being a liar.
I'm just saying this to be polite. I ended my conversation with you. I am happy to talk to leftists and Democrats, but not liars. And you sir, are a liar.

Last reminder, we're done

Hey, if you want to be done, go right ahead. I understand why you want that. You have been shown to be a liar.

But I will post when and where I want. Feel free to put me on Ignore. That would be just like you to tell lies and then run from being called out on them.
You weren't in the US military, you hate us. Go fuck yourself
So, you‘re not a veteran or anyone who took an oath to the constitution. How about the pledge of allegiance ? Any oaths at all anywhere, anytime ? We saw Trump do it..then we saw him fk it up.

” I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,"
Biden had scores of illegal documents he wasn't allowed to take at all, but it's OK, he didn't "know" they were there.

You are one sick lying fuck, that's stupid, even for you

Imagine the chaos at the end of an administration. Years of documents being sorted by staffers and aides. Years of documents being packed in boxes with a cursory look.

Ok. Mistakes happen. They happened to Biden and Pence. So mistakes happen. Unless you are arguing Pence was stealing documents. I see you keep ignoring him.

Now. These boxes are stacked up. At Mar A Lago boxes of documents were everywhere. On a stage. In the room. In a bathroom. Ok. So if some documents had been packed by mistake and found. Ok. Mistakes happen. If the Trump Team had called and reported it I would not support prosecution. But that isn’t what happened is it?

It’s what happened with Pence and Biden isn’t it?

So why are you lying and comparing the two while studiously ignoring the differences?
Biden had scores of illegal documents he wasn't allowed to take at all, but it's OK, he didn't "know" they were there.

You are one sick lying fuck, that's stupid, even for you
He was allowed to take every fking one of them. Trump was running out the door. Biden was, is a member of one of the branches of gov with a need to know.
So, you‘re not a veteran or anyone who took an oath to the constitution. How about the pledge of allegiance ? Any oaths at all anywhere, anytime ? We saw Trump do it..then we saw him fk it up.

” I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,"

So you're one of the leftist dicks who attacks anyone who disagrees with you for not being in the military but says zero to anyone on your side about not being in the military.

You're a liar, no one I've met in the military is that big a dick. So it was the Iranian army, wasn't it Shah Stupid Piece of Shit?
He was allowed to take every fking one of them. Trump was running out the door. Biden was, is a member of one of the branches of gov with a need to know.

So you just openly say the law doesn't apply to Democrats and Republicans can be prosecuted for anything. Of course you are, dick. Tell me how you believe real Americans were all in the military again.

FYI, I have no apologies for not doing military service, I'm not a fake like you are
So you just openly say the law doesn't apply to Democrats and Republicans can be prosecuted for anything. Of course you are, dick. Tell me how you believe real Americans were all in the military again.

FYI, I have no apologies for not doing military service, I'm not a fake like you are

He said that? I must have missed it. Like I missed saying what you claimed I said.
So you just openly say the law doesn't apply to Democrats and Republicans can be prosecuted for anything. Of course you are, dick. Tell me how you believe real Americans were all in the military again.

FYI, I have no apologies for not doing military service, I'm not a fake like you are
It applies to anyone who is working in govt at the time. Trump was not when he claimed he de classified.
He said that? I must have missed it. Like I missed saying what you claimed I said.

I showed multiple times your lies, so I guess I can show you his since you ask so nice. Here's what he said:

"So, you‘re not a veteran or anyone who took an oath to the constitution"
Biden had scores of illegal documents he wasn't allowed to take at all, but it's OK, he didn't "know" they were there.

You are one sick lying fuck, that's stupid, even for you
Wrong, Biden had documents he took while working and is now the president. As president now, he can do what he fking well pleases. He turned them in immediately. Trump while no longer in office, lied. That’s why a search was necessary. The FBI found a plethora more after he said he had none……and he isn’t president. That makes him a fking traitor
Trump was PRESIDENT, you fucking moron
Nope. No evidence of that. There is evidence audio… he admitted that he had CLASSIFIED documents in his presence AFTER he left the presidency. PROOF POSITIVE he did not declassify them. If anyone ever took an oath seriously to this country, why play fking games with an a hole like Trump.
Wrong, Biden had documents he took while working and is now the president. As president now, he can do what he fking well pleases. He turned them in immediately. Trump while no longer in office, lied. That’s why a search was necessary. The FBI found a plethora more after he said he had none……and he isn’t president. That makes him a fking traitor

If Democrats told you a balloon was a fish you would believe them. My God, you'll believe anything. In...fucking...credible...
Nope. No evidence of that. There is evidence audio… he admitted that he had CLASSIFIED documents in his presence AFTER he left the presidency. PROOF POSITIVE he did not declassify them. If anyone ever took an oath seriously to this country, why play fking games with an a hole like Trump.

I'd put you on ignore for lying, but I believe you are in fact so stupid you actually believe what you are saying

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