Trump is right to weaponize the DOJ

My friend. Haven’t you ever asked questions about the laptop? First. The fellow who found it was a die hard Republican. Second. When he found all this “evidence” he didn’t call the local cops. He didn’t call the FBI. He didn’t call the Secret Service. He called the RNC.

He called the Republican Party. If a Computer Tech swore he found kiddie porn on Trump’s computer and announced it through the Democratic Party you would scream disinformation and lies.

But there were no claims that Hunter had classified documents on the laptop. Just claims that he was selling influence to the highest bidder. Seriously? That is your example proving that Trump is innocent?

Again. You can’t find similarities with any previous action by anyone because nobody did it before. Ever. So yes the prosecution of a former President is unprecedented. But so are the actions that appear to have taken place.
You believe the laptop is phony hoax?


You kill me. The FBI confirmed the fact that the laptop is real, dumbass.

Previous presidents never took classified documents home with them? Are you serious?
Hillary was entitled as Secretary of State. She was not authorized to use a private email server to communicate those restricted documents.
No she wasn't "entitled," dumbass. She has no mor authority than any other government employee.

Here is the problem with your assertions. First. They ignore the evidence we already have. And second rely upon this argument. Everyone is lying except Trump. Everyone. There is a third problem but we will get to that.
You're the one displaying ignorance, dumbass. You believe the SOS has the authority to declassify classified documents.

Why hasn’t Trump filed a motion to dismiss as he already declassified all those documents? If he declassified them he could have ended the prosecution in a day couldn’t he?

Trump as President was able to have them. When the documents were requested by the current admin Trump hid the documents and lied didn’t he? Lying to investigators is a crime isn’t it?
I see no evidence that he hid anything. He was negotiating with the NA for months about them. The claim that he hid them is a bullshit Dim meme.
The third problem. None of your ranting does anything to mitigate Trump’s guilt. Every single day people complain it isn’t fair that they got a ticket when everyone else was going about the same speed. Every single time the Judge finds them guilty because they just admitted to speeding.
What is he guilty of? Every day police give tickets to people that get thrown out of court. Trump didn't break any law. That's the bottom line.

If you are breaking the law pointing and screaming they did it too isn’t a defense. I do appreciate you admitting that Trump broke the law however. I bet you will now pout and scream that isn’t so.
He didn't break any law, you fucking douchebag. Progs have all thoroughly brainwashed themselves.
You believe the laptop is phony hoax?


You kill me. The FBI confirmed the fact that the laptop is real, dumbass.

Previous presidents never took classified documents home with them? Are you serious?
Let’s begin at the beginning. Shall we? Do you know why your first call should be to the Cops if you discover evidence of a crime? Because if you call anyone else, the evidence is now suspect. It may be totally true. But it’s inadmissible. It can’t be used in court. Because it was handled by everyone and their cousin to get Biden politically instead of criminally.

Following me so far? So by being clever the idiot computer tech screwed any chance of a criminal prosecution.

I mentioned the scenario of kiddie porn on Trumps computer earlier. If it was passed from person to person and released to the pundit press before the cops there would be zero chance of a prosecution because of it. My first boss told me. As long as you do it right you can’t be wrong. Do it right. They didn’t.

No she wasn't "entitled," dumbass. She has no mor authority than any other government employee.

You're the one displaying ignorance, dumbass. You believe the SOS has the authority to declassify classified documents.

I see no evidence that he hid anything. He was negotiating with the NA for months about them. The claim that he hid them is a bullshit Dim meme.

What is he guilty of? Every day police give tickets to people that get thrown out of court. Trump didn't break any law. That's the bottom line.

He didn't break any law, you fucking douchebag. Progs have all thoroughly brainwashed themselves.

I’m not sure what you think the Secretary of State does, but Top Secret Documents are in their hands all the time. Intelligence documents on nations. From the CIA. From the State Departments own intel service. From a lot of places. So that the Secretary can advise the President about the international situation.

I never said Hillary could declassify things as Secretary of State. I said she had access to classified documents. Calling me dumb for something I didn’t say is something all right.

The Secretary of State has the authority to Classify things as part of the job. This was all covered when you guys were ranting about Obama making too many things secret.

Trump appears to have broken laws. The trial will determine that as a matter of law and fact. The Jury will determine if he is Guilty or not.

That is the American system. They don’t need to prove it to every ill informed moron on the internet before they file charges. They have to prove it to a Jury.
Here is what the blob said...

“If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception,”

Of course its telling he said that on September 26, 2016.

When it comes to weaponizing the DOJ, Trump is the first one to do it.

Trump is being persecuted and you liberals approve of it.
He’s accused of a great many crimes. Many of which are public knowledge--telling elections officials to “find votes” for him. I doubt he gets convicted of every charge against him.

At this point the only thing that remains to be seen is if the juries are really going to deep six the blob. Even if they do, it will be house arrest where he will be monitored 24/7. That is the real shame.
unless youre a democrat with connections,,

And a democrat with connections does not change the fact that Trump, if not guilty of the charges against him, at least looked guilty. So they investigate and if there is enough evidence, they indict him.

The "persecution" Trump talks about is just to keep his base sending money and getting mad.
And a democrat with connections does not change the fact that Trump, if not guilty of the charges against him, at least looked guilty. So they investigate and if there is enough evidence, they indict him.

The "persecution" Trump talks about is just to keep his base sending money and getting mad.
it does prove its a political hit job,,

looking guilty isnt guilty,,,
If there is evidence of a crime, it is the duty of the DOJ to investigate. Guilt or innocence is decided in a court of law.
hilary was proven to have committed a crime but the FBI decided to not send it to the DOJ for prosecution,,

COURT OF LAW doesnt mean shit when the cards are stacked against you and those in control of that court admit a bias and refuse to recuse themselves,,,
hilary was proven to have committed a crime but the FBI decided to not send it to the DOJ for prosecution,,

COURT OF LAW doesnt mean shit when the cards are stacked against you and those in control of that court admit a bias and refuse to recuse themselves,,,

Well hell, if The Hildabeast wasn't referred to the DOJ, then no one ever should be! Defund the DOJ!!!
Well hell, if The Hildabeast wasn't referred to the DOJ, then no one ever should be! Defund the DOJ!!!
what it does is backs up my claim we have a two tiered justice systems,,

better to just bring equality back to the DOJ then to defund it,,

but please go ahead with more dumbass comments and ignore the facts,,
what it does is backs up my claim we have a two tiered justice systems,,

better to just bring equality back to the DOJ then to defund it,,

but please go ahead with more dumbass comments and ignore the facts,,

I am not ignoring facts. I am mocking the "He/She did it too!" defense,
what it does is backs up my claim we have a two tiered justice systems,,

better to just bring equality back to the DOJ then to defund it,,

but please go ahead with more dumbass comments and ignore the facts,,

Oh, and do you know how to avoid all that? Don't commit crimes.

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