Trump leads all in new primary poll...

yeah seriously. and don't even begin to criticize my sources when yours have hells a problems with trustworthyness.

Yes, I will critize your sources when they're caught lying.

And still, not a word refuting my post.
Wait... what?? Trump's plan was to leave the Afghanistan government 100% defenseless??

What kind of fucked up plan was that? And if Trump really wanted that equipment back, why didn't he start bringing it back when we had 16K troops there? Why wait until we were down to 2500 who lacked capacity to bring it back? And why is he, a man with zero military experience, calling generals an 'idiot?'

The fact is, Trump duped you again. Those comments he made in that video are made with hindsight. Removing equipment at the time would have been moronic as it would have left the Afghan government utterly defenseless. But with the hindsight knowledge the Afghan government folded and fled, Trump tells you we should have taken everything back. And you, being the loyal Trump acolyte, champion his bullshit.
look what popped up. Doesn't deal with ALL the problems but enough.

No surprise here.

It's going to be the Democrats worst nightmare...Trump 2024.

Watch them squirm in this thread.

The Establishment Never Trumpers and the Democrats are united in opposing Donald Trump.

That tells you all you need to know...

Cult life will come back to bite you hard.

Trump takes heat from right for saying he didn't 'hit' Newsom because Calif gov said nice things about him​

Former President Donald Trump is receiving criticism from some on the right in the wake of comments he made in which he said he "could never hit" California Gov. Gavin Newsom because the liberal Democrat was "so nice to me."

"You have a very ambitious guy in California, but he’s done a terrible job with the state," Trump, who is also a 2024 presidential candidate, said in an interview on Fox News’ "Tucker Carlson Tonight." "I used to get along great with him when I was president. Got along really good ... Gavin."

"You got along with Gavin Newsom?" Carlson asked.

Former President Donald Trump arrives at Trump Tower, April 3, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo / Yuki Iwamura)
"I did. I really did. He was always very nice to me, said the greatest things. He would say things like, ‘He's doing a great job.’"
"About you?" Carlson said.

"About me, that's why I could never hit him because he was so nice to me, just laying in wait right?" Trump said. "But he was very nice to me, relatively speaking."

The remarks brought pushback from some on the right who bristled at the suggestion that Trump had pulled his punches against one of the most significant left-wing politicians in the country.

"I’m really disappointed in Trump over his kissing up to Gavin Newsom," commentator Kurt Schlichter said. "This leftist monster is A-OK because he’s been nice to Trump? Conservative Gov RonDeSantis is awful because he has not been nice lately?"


Yeah, because like I've been saying Trump IS AN ESTABLISHMENT MAN and if you put him in office again he will not hold back like he did his first term.
Let me see if I get this right

The part of Trumps record that you Trump supporters ignore.

He funded Planned Parenthood and gender studies in appropriations bills that he signed into law.
He gave $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities. (The Platinum Plan)
He assaulted our 2A with his bump stock ban.
He eliminated the debt ceiling for 2 years.
In 4 years, he spent only $2 trillion less than Obama spent in 8.
All his, Ryan's and Pelosi's spending (that he signed off on) helped to create the inflation disaster we seen in Biden's first year.
He helped initiate the oil bust cycle in April of 2020 (9 months before Biden took office) with his deal with Saudi, Mexico and US oil companies to DECREASE oil production.

And this is the liberal you're rooting for, for the 2024 POTUS?

Trump has taking you loyalist so far the left of center, I doubt you can even see center anymore.
That list of stuff above is some BS that I'd expect out of Biden.

The Trump Cult Huggers are blind first class imbeciles.
Don't forget he also appointed Jeff Sessions and Christopher Wray as well as two very Establishment loyal SCOTUS picks.

The two parties play these Trump and Biden loving fools like a fiddle.
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The Trump Cult Huggers are blind first class imbeciles.
Don't forget he also appointed Jeff Sessions and Christopher Wray as well as two very Establishment loyal SCOTUS picks.

The two parties play these Trump and Biden loving fools like a fiddle.
the difference is that under Biden the country is a total mess, under Trump it was booming and safe.
the difference is that under Biden the country is a total mess, under Trump it was booming and safe.
Anyone in the RW Echo Chamber believes that.

The rest of the country sees a recovering economy.
They also remember how bad it was under Trump
the difference is that under Biden the country is a total mess, under Trump it was booming and safe.


By "booming," you mean losing 2½ million jobs and increasing GDP a paltry annualized 1.2%; and by "safe," you mean ½ million people dying from the disease he said he had under control.
Anyone in the RW Echo Chamber believes that.

The rest of the country sees a recovering economy.
They also remember how bad it was under Trump
have you bought gas or groceries lately? Bidenflation is destroying our economy and our country's position in the world. Chinese currency is replacing the dollar and China is about to take over Taiwan, wake the fuck up winger, Biden is a terrible president.
have you bought gas or groceries lately? Bidenflation is destroying our economy and our country's position in the world. Chinese currency is replacing the dollar and China is about to take over Taiwan, wake the fuck up winger, Biden is a terrible president.

Inflation is dropping
Bad news for Republicans

Taiwan would kick China’s ass if they tried to invade. China saw what happened in Ukraine, they don’t want to repeat Russias mistake
Inflation is dropping
Bad news for Republicans

Taiwan would kick China’s ass if they tried to invade. China saw what happened in Ukraine, they don’t want to repeat Russias mistake
China is not Russia. Inflation has gone down, but it is still very high. Try buying a tank of gas or a couple of steaks. 7.9 to 7.2 is not a great improvement. the inflation we are seeing is solely the result of senile joe's shutting down domestic energy production. the price of energy affects the price of everything. wake up. Biden is analing you.
I REALLY REALLY am looking forward to watching Trump hand The White House AND Congress to Dems in 24.

IF he is the nominee (and that's a big "if") he'll turn off moderates and get trounced just like his MAGAt election deniers did last November.

If he is not the nominee he is going to tantrum and run independently and siphon off most of the MAGAt vote dooming any prospects the actual GOP candidate might have had for beating Biden.

Either way....the orange Cat-Turd King's involvement is a win-win for Democrats.
Because democrats do wonderful things for America, right? Nope !
China is not Russia. Inflation has gone down, but it is still very high. Try buying a tank of gas or a couple of steaks. 7.9 to 7.2 is not a great improvement. the inflation we are seeing is solely the result of senile joe's shutting down domestic energy production. the price of energy affects the price of everything. wake up. Biden is analing you.
Current inflation rate is 4.99 compared to 8.54 a year ago. You really think inflation will be an issue in 2024?


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