Trump Needs to Take Responsibility to Save His Reelection, But it's Probably too Late

Trump ignored the health experts and intelligence agencies and put his trust in China’s leaders instead, folks!
Of course when that didn't work out, President Trump blamed the Chinese for misleading him.
You know Trump is NEVER responsible
President Trump isn't responsible for claiming he had the power to override the governors and order the states reopened.
And even when he backed down, he wasn't responsible for reversing himself.

Truman had "the buck stops here"
Trump has "I don't take responsibility at all"
Dates are important in the construct of timelines and reactions. The first COVID test positive patient in the US was on January 20. The Senate impeachment trial began on January 16, four days before the first COVID case in the US. What if Trump, upon learning of this first case, and based on the CDC implementing public health entry screening at 3 US airports on January 17, instituted a national stay-at-home order for the entire country? This of course would have included all members of Congress, effectively ending the impeachment trial.

Anyone want to guess the chyrons on CNN? Words like “despot,” “tyrant,” and “dictator” would have featured prominently.

If deaths were the trigger, Trump, after the first US death on February 29, could have then issued a stay-at-home order, cancelling or postponing Super Tuesday primaries on March 3. The media would have reacted and claimed that Trump was sabotaging or rigging the opposition party’s elections. Would he be colluding with the Chinese this time rather than the Russians? Schiff and Nadler would be giddy with delight at getting another bite at the impeachment apple over Trump subverting an election.

Suppose by executive order, in early February, after declaring the coronavirus a public health emergency on January 31, President Trump cancelled all professional sporting events, Mardi Gras, classroom education, from kindergarten through graduate school, and mandated social distancing as we are seeing today? Imagine the outcry. Trump would be a fascist totalitarian.

This would still be well in advance of Nancy Pelosi, at the end of February telling San Franciscans to “visit Chinatown” insisting that it is “very safe”.

Trump ignored the health experts and intelligence agencies and put his trust in China’s leaders instead, folks!
And the fucking WHO. He listened to fucking WHO, who sold the world down the river while kissing China’s ass. I am so glad he’s defunding their sorry asses.
Me too I want the whole world to hate his lying cheating ass,,,,,the few who don't hate him already
Yep! We all know what yew idiot haters want and hope for.
The Senate impeachment trial began on January 16...
...the CDC implementing public health entry screening at 3 US airports on January 17...
The first COVID test positive patient in the US was on January 20.
...the first US death on February 29...

Thanks for the timeline.
Can you imagine if Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, ‘I’ll be right behind you, Connecticut. Good luck building those battleships?’
Feb 6, 2020 — President Donald Trump won impeachment acquittal in the U.S. Senate

  • In the seven days since the Republican-led Senate acquitted Trump, the president has ramped up attacks on his perceived political enemies.
  • Critics accused Trump of seeking political “revenge” by dismissing multiple officials in his administration who had testified in the impeachment proceedings.
  • Trump’s outrage over the sentencing recommendation of longtime friend and political advisor Roger Stone prompted accusations that the president is meddling in a federal criminal trial.

While President Trump should have been preparing the country for the upcoming coronavirus pandemic, the president instead spent all his time on political revenge.

Country be damned
Trump ignored the health experts and intelligence agencies and put his trust in China’s leaders instead, folks!
And the fucking WHO. He listened to fucking WHO, who sold the world down the river while kissing China’s ass. I am so glad he’s defunding their sorry asses.
Me too I want the whole world to hate his lying cheating ass,,,,,the few who don't hate him already
Yep! We all know what yew idiot haters want and hope for.
It's the patriotic thing to do
Trump ignored the health experts and intelligence agencies and put his trust in China’s leaders instead, folks!
And the fucking WHO. He listened to fucking WHO, who sold the world down the river while kissing China’s ass. I am so glad he’s defunding their sorry asses.
Me too I want the whole world to hate his lying cheating ass,,,,,the few who don't hate him already
Yep! We all know what yew idiot haters want and hope for.
It's the patriotic thing to do
Yeah right!
Feb 6, 2020 — President Donald Trump won impeachment acquittal in the U.S. Senate

  • In the seven days since the Republican-led Senate acquitted Trump, the president has ramped up attacks on his perceived political enemies.
  • Critics accused Trump of seeking political “revenge” by dismissing multiple officials in his administration who had testified in the impeachment proceedings.
  • Trump’s outrage over the sentencing recommendation of longtime friend and political advisor Roger Stone prompted accusations that the president is meddling in a federal criminal trial.

While President Trump should have been preparing the country for the upcoming coronavirus pandemic, the president instead spent all his time on political revenge.

Country be damned
Giant load of leftist bs.
I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.

So, you want Trump to tell the American people a bald-faced lie?

Not happening asshole!
Can you imagine if Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, ‘I’ll be right behind you, Connecticut. Good luck building those battleships?’
FDR was a murderer. He kept this nation ph uked up for 15 years! And we wanted more. More gruel!
Trump ignored the health experts and intelligence agencies and put his trust in China’s leaders instead, folks!
Of course when that didn't work out, President Trump blamed the Chinese for misleading him.
You know Trump is NEVER responsible
President Trump isn't responsible for claiming he had the power to override the governors and order the states reopened.
And even when he backed down, he wasn't responsible for reversing himself.

Truman had "the buck stops here"
Trump has "I don't take responsibility at all"
The moron never read the constitution #10 especially

  • In the seven days since the Republican-led Senate acquitted Trump, the president has ramped up attacks on his perceived political enemies.

While President Trump should have been preparing the country for the upcoming coronavirus pandemic, the president instead spent all his time on political revenge.

Country be damned
Giant load of leftist bs.

Someone posted a coronavirus timeline, so I posted a Trump political payback timeline.

And it looks like in the time between Trump being warned about the coronavirus, and the weeks he spent after impeachment acquittal, the president didn't do anything about the upcoming pandemic.

He was too busy going after Mitt Romney, and Vidman, and the people who testified before congress.

Instead of preparing for the pandemic.
FDR was a murderer. He kept this nation ph uked up for 15 years! And we wanted more. More gruel!

FDR, was an American politician who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.

March 4, 1933 – April 12, 1945

FDR was only president for 12 years 1 month.
Trump ignored the health experts and intelligence agencies and put his trust in China’s leaders instead, folks!
That is a bold face lie, the liberals and WHO were trusting China and Herr doctor of WHO who lied to US and the world. Fuck you all.
We know that President Trump ignored the intelligence reports. He always ignores the intelligence reports over what foreign dictators tell him.
What a fucking lie. If he ignored the reports then China, you know where Biden's son was making billions, would of be allowed to keep coming here. is there anything you dishonorable libtards wont do?
FDR was a murderer. He kept this nation ph uked up for 15 years! And we wanted more. More gruel!

FDR, was an American politician who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.

March 4, 1933 – April 12, 1945

FDR was only president for 12 years 1 month.
And when FDR died America cheered when president could only serve 2 terms. That guy, interned US citizens without due process, took America off the gold standard, allowed 3,000 Us sailors to die, worked with a Commie bastard who killed 11,000,000 Ukrainians. You really do like despots dont you.
If We Beat Covid and He Wins Reelection, So Be It
I go outside intentionally looking for the Wuhan Virus, because what doesnt kill us makes us stronger. But there are a few here who intentionally poke the poop shoot, and not realize that is where you definately find diseases that WILL kill you....
The moron never read the constitution #10 especially

You're only half right. The Constitution is not a very long document, and most people, at least in school, have read the Constitution.

Understanding it, is a different matter. As it can take a 90 page opinion to explain the meaning of just one of it's amendments or clauses.

The President has probably not listened to any of the briefings he received on the powers and limits of the presidency. Because he's constantly claiming powers that have never received judicial support, such as the idea of "absolute immunity"
We know that President Trump ignored the intelligence reports. He always ignores the intelligence reports over what foreign dictators tell him.
What a fucking lie. If he ignored the reports then China, you know where Biden's son was making billions, would of be allowed to keep coming here. is there anything you dishonorable libtards wont do?
President Trump let 40,000 people enter the country from China after putting his travel ban in place.

Screen doors on a submarine?

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