Trump Popularity Increasing

Lying is your MO.
Lefties who point out Trump's numbers seem blind to Biden's numbers. People say the country does not want either Biden or Trump in 2024 but the voters who actually vote and have been responding to polls are polling very high for both Biden and Trump. No others even come close to either one. It seems more like Republicans don't want Biden to run and Democrats don't want Trump to run. If the voters in their respective parties wanted someone else then they aren't showing it by the polling where the voters in their respective parties overwhelmingly back both Biden and Tr

Since when does a Georgia state court have jurisdiction over a phone call made by the president from Washington DC or Florida?

Now cry more.
States rights. You claim to be a conservative but you don't know the basic principles of conservative philosophy. MAGA are fake conservatives.
Bank records show that Joe was getting paid, you fucking douchebag. Joe was deeply involved in the family "business." He's a crook. You douche it only because you're a douchebag and a moron.
Hunter got paid I'm sure but I can't find anything to connect Hunter's (probably legal) corruption to Joe. I await the evidence.
Hunter got paid I'm sure but I can't find anything to connect Hunter's (probably legal) corruption to Joe. I await the evidence.
There is no evidence. That's the whole point. Just keep it in the news until election time and nothing will ever come of it because there is nothing.
You cannot be so dense.
The reason Georgia can go after the President of the USA legally is because of states rights.
You made a post attacking both parties and then it devolved into an anti-Trump rant. I agreed with the first part of your post attacking both parties.
You're delusional. There is no evidence against Trump. James Comer is going to have whistleblowers testifying against Biden all this week, He's also got IRS documents and bank documents.
Is Cummer's whistleblower who's on the run going to turn himself in?

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