Trump Sends Out Memorial Day Message

The Afghanistan withdrawal was a catastrophic failure that cost American Soldiers their lives.

Blame Joe Biden.
That is about the most ignorant post I have ever witnessed. I mean pull your head out of your. ass, FOOL. Trump is the one that negotiated that withdrawal, and he left the Afghanistan government out of it, he made a deal with the Taliban. I mean the stupid piece of shit actually trusted them. What a fawking idiot.
That is about the most ignorant post I have ever witnessed. I mean pull your head out of your. ass, FOOL. Trump is the one that negotiated that withdrawal, and he left the Afghanistan government out of it, he made a deal with the Taliban. I mean the stupid piece of shit actually trusted them. What a fawking idiot.

Withdrawal procedures fall on the CNC at the time. The airport withdrawal was a fucking Cluster Fuck
That is about the most ignorant post I have ever witnessed. I mean pull your head out of your. ass, FOOL. Trump is the one that negotiated that withdrawal, and he left the Afghanistan government out of it, he made a deal with the Taliban. I mean the stupid piece of shit actually trusted them. What a fawking idiot.
Fake News.

From CNN:




Word to the wise.

Talking points ain't facts.

Biden set the date.

It was Biden's plan.

Biden ignored opposition in Congress.

Biden ignored his own military advisors.

The buck stops 💯% with Sleepy Joe.
Fake News.

From CNN:

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Word to the wise.

Talking points ain't facts.

Biden set the date.

It was Biden's plan.

Biden ignored opposition in Congress.

Biden ignored his own military advisors.

The buck stops 💯% with Sleepy Joe.

Trump left Biden 2500 troops to defend our withdrawal.
He pandered to the Taliban while making no attempt to arrange for the Afghan Army to fil the void
Trump refused to transition his withdrawal plans with Biden
Trump left Biden 2500 troops to defend our withdrawal.
He pandered to the Taliban while making no attempt to arrange for the Afghan Army to fil the void
Trump refused to transition his withdrawal plans with Biden
Even if that is true, which I doubt, it was still 100% Joe Biden's responsibility to either formulate a plan for withdrawal, extend the timetable for withdrawal a second time... (somehow Biden had no problem extending the deadline for withdrawal from May 1st to September 11th...oh did that ever blow up in his face)...or suspend the withdrawal altogether!

Mitch the Bitch even gave him an out...

From the Washington Post:



Link is archive due to paywall...

Any other excuses to deflect blame from the one person responsible for the calamitous and fatal Afghanistan withdrawal, SLOW JOE BIDEN.
Fake News.

From CNN:

View attachment 952842

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View attachment 952843

Word to the wise.

Talking points ain't facts.

Biden set the date.

It was Biden's plan.

Biden ignored opposition in Congress.

Biden ignored his own military advisors.

The buck stops 💯% with Sleepy Joe.
You really want to run with that? It wasn't Biden's plan, it was Trump's plan. He is the one that left the provisional government of Afghanistan out of negations. He was the one that actually negotiated with terrorists. Biden's problem is that he rolled with it. But hell, let's get real here, if Biden would have doubled down, cancelled the withdrawal, and increased the number of troops there what would you morons be doing? Screaming bloody fawking murder, that is what. I mean quit being stupid.

Afghanistan is a hell hole, that is where Alexander the Great went to die. I mean you can blame who you want, Bush, Obama, Trump,' doesn't matter. Let that cesspool be a damn cesspool. The country is filled with some backward ass pieces of shit. Maybe there are some natural resources there, but they ain't worth tapping. Fawk em.
And it was exactly as you'd expect. Not a word about the people who the holiday is for, the ones who died in service to the country, but all about him and his endless narcissism.

You are wasting your time. Trump can literally do no wrong with his cult. They are way, way too far gone now. They followed their messiah into insanity and there is no coming back.

Trump is low class. Gutter scum. Not even a word about our fallen, and those who falsely claim they are patriots aren't even the slightest bit offended he just disrespected the dead.

Trump's cult have just proven they are not patriots. Not that any of us are surprised.

Trump can whine and foam at the mouth any other day of the week about his fake victimhood, but he just couldn't take a day off to honor those who died for this great country.

He's a total piece of shit.
You are wasting your time. Trump can literally do no wrong with his cult. They are way, way too far gone now. They followed their messiah into insanity and there is no coming back.

Trump is low class. Gutter scum. Not even a word about our fallen, and those who falsely claim they are patriots aren't even the slightest bit offended he just disrespected the dead.

Trump's cult have just proven they are not patriots. Not that any of us are surprised.

Trump can whine and foam at the mouth any other day of the week about his fake victimhood, but he just couldn't take a day off to honor those who died for this great country.

He's a total piece of shit.

You’re a troll.

You’re a troll.
No, you are a fawking troll, and a damn idiot. You have no idea what Memorial Day is all about. You got your head so far up your ass that your tongue is licking it. Trump is a total piece of shit. Defending Trump shows just how big of a piece of shit you are. Enjoy your miserable damn life, fawking idiot.
  • Fake News
Reactions: iku
No, you are a fawking troll, and a damn idiot. You have no idea what Memorial Day is all about. You got your head so far up your ass that your tongue is licking it. Trump is a total piece of shit. Defending Trump shows just how big of a piece of shit you are. Enjoy your miserable damn life, fawking idiot.
the word is spelled...f...u...c...k..i....n....g......
  • Fact
Reactions: iku
No, you are a fawking troll

False. Not the first time you’ve lied, you troll shit.
and a damn idiot.

Nah. You’re the idiot. As we can all see.
You have no idea what Memorial Day is all about.
Unlike you, troll bitch, I sure do.
You got your head so far up your ass that your tongue is licking it.
Your fascination with anal-lingus disgusting .
Trump is a total piece of shit.
Vapid ^ opinion from a troll shit. No value.
Defending Trump shows just how big of a piece of shit you are.
Vapid opinoon from a troll shit. No value.
Enjoy your miserable damn life, fawking idiot.
Fuck off and stop licking your asshole, troll shit.

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